
It was a cold and dreary day as Beth stepped out of her car and into Brooklyn Cemetery. As she reached her mother’s grave, a single tear slid down her face. Feeling as though she could never be happy again, she sat down beside the grave, her mind filled with what had happened the past year. The New Year was a happy one for the Tidwells, symbolizing a bright future for the couple and their daughter. Then, Beth’s mother was diagnosed with a rare lung disease. Shortly after, she died. Beth, having just turned sixteen, missed her mother terribly. She had planned a huge Sweet 16 bash, but canceled it; she didn't want to celebrate anything since she wasn't in the mood. How could she get through the rest of High School and College? She loved her father, but he just didn’t understand her the way her mother did. He had his job to worry about and they didn’t see each other much. A freezing wind whipped past her and she snuggled closer into her coat. It wasn’t snowing and hadn’t for some time, which was odd since it was January. Thinking for the coming months brought more tears. March was her mother’s birthday. What was she going to do? She suddenly burst out in sobs. Everything was moving too fast. Her mother couldn’t be dead! She just couldn’t! Because crying, she didn’t notice a boy about her age come up and stand close in front of her. He stood, watching her as the sobs racked her body. Taking deep breaths, she finally calmed herself enough to look up and see him standing there. The first thing she noticed was that he was incredibly handsome. He had dark eyes that seemed to look through her soul and he had black curly hair. He was rather pale but looked very strong, muscles popping out of his black shirt. “I’m sorry to disturb you.” He said. She wasn't sure how to respond “No it’s alright I was just leaving.” Then she looked at the grave stone one last time then stood up. “I know how you feel…” He said, eying the grave. Beth looked at him curiously “What do you mean?” He cleared his throat, “The grave stone, the person you grieve over was your mother, right?”
“Yes, that right. I really miss her a lot. Is there somebody here who you used to know?” She asked him. “Uh…my father, he died a long time ago.”
“Oh I’m so sorry.” Beth whispered, “My name is Elizabeth, but you can just call me Beth.” She said.
“I’m…Phillip.” He said turning towards her. Beth glanced down at her watch. “Oh I need to go. I’m sorry to hear about your father.” She said as she walked out of the cemetery. As she hopped in her car, and drove off she could feel his eyes on her neck. Phillip, not the strangest man I’ve met, but he’s still very strange.
As she arrived home, her dad called out to her to come inside. Walking the steps to the door, she thought of Phillip once again. I wonder if I can see him again. “What took you so long to get home, sugar?” her dad called to her.
“I was just…doing stuff. Why do you have to know, dad?” she called back. Throwing her backpack and purse on the ground, she walked into the dining room, her stomach growling. Her father was there, scooping half-burned macaroni onto some plates. “Can we please go out tonight? I can’t eat another one of your ‘home meals’!” she wined. “Hon, daddy doesn’t want to go out tonight because he is very tired from work.” He replied. Beth scowled under her breath. He always treated her like a child! She didn’t say anything throughout the meal. “So sweetie, how’s school going?” her father asked, looking for something to break the silence. “It was good." She said, scooping up her bowl then carried it to the kitchen.
“Do your homework! You want to get a scholarship and get a good job, don’t you?!” he called. “Whatever.” She mumbled. Her dad really annoyed her the way he talked nonstop about jobs and school. It seemed as if he didn’t care about her or mom or really anything. Beth slowly walked up the stairs to her bedroom. She grabbed the books she needed out of her backpack and spread them out on her bed. As she started her homework, she couldn’t stop thinking of Phillip. He was handsome but strange. Something was odd about him. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Suddenly this guy pops up and knew something about her mother. Putting away her books, she yawned, suddenly tired. Still in her clothes, Beth snuggled under her polka-dot covers and turned out the light. That night she dreamt that her mother was still alive.

The next morning, Beth awoke to her alarm beeping, signaling that she was once again late for school. Ever since her mom died, she just didn’t care. She was too busy dreaming about what would have happened if her mother had lived. Slowly, she slid out of her covers, not wanting to leave the warmth. Hopping on the cold floor, she reached for something out of her closet, anything. What she pulled out was a black shirt. It suits me. She thought to herself. Once dressed and ready, she snuck down the stairs to her car. “Wait one minute!” Her father called, “Remember to do your best at school today! Collage is right around the corner!” Beth rolled her eyes. She picked up her stuff then went outside, it was snowing. She started her car and sped off. Looking out the window, she saw that the weather forecast of the previous evening was correct. Sometime during the night, a blanket of snow had covered everything and it hasn’t stopped yet. When she reached the school, the bell rang, sounding that she was late for first period. The halls were empty as she walked down to her locker. Suddenly, behind her, a noise like a locker being slammed shut came to her ears. She turned around to see Phillip. He looked calm, and then he spotted her staring at him. “Hello Phillip! I didn’t know you went to school here.” Beth said.
“I just transferred. My family moved a week ago so now I’m uh…enrolled for Virginia High.” He said with a hint of uncertainty. “Ok well do you want me to show you around?” She asked, “Here let me see your schedule.” She said taking a piece of paper out of his hands. Studying it for a second, she nodded then looked up. “It seems you and I share first period so right this way.” She said, leading him to the right room. “Let me just stop by my locker and put these books away.” Slamming her books into her locker, she led him up the hall to room 22A. Opening the door, Beth walked in and everyone turned to look, including the teacher. “Miss Tidwell, you are late for class is this becoming a habit?” The teacher said.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Zambony.” Beth muttered. Phillip butted in, “She was just showing me around. It’s my fault we’re late. I’m new here.” He said with a hall pass in his hand. “Well Mr. uh…Sedah.” The teacher said, eying Phillip’s name tag, “You are fine but I’m afraid Miss Tidwell will have to go to the office.” Suddenly, another hall pass flew out of his hand. “Oh I’m sorry Mr. Zambony. I forgot that I was holding Beth’s hall pass for her while she was tying her shoes.” Phillip said, winking. “Take a seat, you two.” The teacher said. As class began, Beth eyed Phillip. She never had a hall pass. She whispered to him behind the teacher’s back. “Thanks back there.” “No problem.” Phillip replied. She slipped a note into his hands. Meet me by the door after class. I’ll show you around the school during study hall.

As Beth turned to face the lesson, she felt something touch her foot. Looking down, she saw a slip of paper. Who’s the new guy? He’s hot. ~<3~

Tiffany She looked over at Tiffany. She was staring into a compact mirror, applying lip gloss. Beth rolled her eyes. It was just like Tiffany to say that about Phillip. Beth turned towards him. He was staring at her; he looked like he was trying to figure out something but she wasn’t sure why. It made her blush and turn away. Finally, when what seemed like a lifetime the class was finally was over and the bell rang. She grabbed her bags and stood by the door. Phillip was already there. When Tiffany passed, she smiled at Phillip, who turned away. Beth tried not to laugh as Tiffany walked into the wall on her way out of the classroom. Both Phillip and Beth walked out of the room together. Beth gave him the names of the classes as they passed strangers down the hall. Together they talked and laughed until it was almost time for the Second Period. “You know, you’re the first person to make me happy since...” Beth trailed off, looking at Phillip. He just looked straight ahead. “I’ve seen a lot of deaths in my life, none I would want to repeat. But now it seems that I’ve become used to it.” Suddenly, the bell rang. Beth pointed to the door he should go to for his next class. “See yeah.” She said. He smiled and walked into class.

It was lunchtime when Beth spotted Phillip in the lunch line. She wanted to go up to him and talk, but she was to shy. So instead she turned around and was about to walk the other way when she heard his voice, “Hey Beth, Come on up here and you can stand in line with me,” she breathed in then turned around and walked up to stand by him in the lunch line. “So… uh how is your first day going?” She said, hoping it didn’t sound too lame. “It’s been alright. What about you… I mean how is your school day going so far?”
“Fine, but its school… so I guess I can’t wait until the day is over.”
“Yeah, same here… So what are you doing after school today?”
“Oh… Uh, I’m… I mean… I am doing nothing," Beth looked down and blushed; his question had caught her off guard. When she looked up, she met his eyes. They looked dark red. But that’s impossible, right? He can’t have red eyes, could he?
“Great! Because I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and we could do homework together. What do you say?”
“Alright, sounds like fun. We could head back to my place,” The words slipped her lips before she could think it over. But it was all said and done. "Alright how about you meet me out back after school and I'll drive you home." Phillip was looking right at her. Beth nodded and grabbed some food off the table without thinking. As she walked up to the cash register to pay for her lunch she suddenly felt cold. Turning around, she was sure she saw something hanging around Phillip like a black vapor. He looked almost possessed. Then it passed. Suddenly, a clap of thunder shook the room and the lights flickered. Squeals filled the room where the girls were sitting. The lunch lady stamped her foot in impatience and people in the line looked annoyed. Quickly, she paid for her lunch and sat down. "It seems like it's going to rain." Beth said when Phillip sat down. He had a far off look in his eyes. "Oh…yeah"
"You ok?" she said looking at him. "Yeah, I'm fine."
But something told her it wasn't he wasn't alright. After lunch, Beth walked out of the cafeteria, smiling. Not looking where she was going, she bumped into Tiffany. "Watch it.....hey! Beth! What a coincidence! I was meaning to talk to you! So how is your friend?" She smiled, "You should introduce me or something." Beth kept walking. "What's up with the attitude? I'm surprised he's even friends with a freakshow like you?" Tiffany sneered.
"Oh I'm sorry. I thought you were talking to yourself!" Beth said,
"Just back off, Tiffany, he's not yours and he will never be yours. Why don’t you go and hang with your boyfriend!" Tiffany stomped down the hall as Beth walked away, a smug look on her face.

The rest of the day went by with a blur; Science class, History, and Drama class. Finally, the day ended and she walked over to her locker. When she arrived she saw Phillip leaning against her locker looking devious. He was looking at her as she came towards him, a sweet and malicious smile on his lips. “Hey, Beth, ready to go?”
“Y-yeah,” she stuttered.
“Great, your chariot awaits you, my lady.” He said leading her through the back door where a lot of seniors park their cars. They didn’t walk far when they came upon Phillips ride. It was a black and silver motorcycle, and he passed her a helmet with skeletons on it. Then he zipped up his black leather jacket and hopped on then patting the seat behind him. She put the helmet on her head then jumped on the back scooting as close to him as possible, then wrapping her arms around his waist as he started the motorcycle up. They zoomed through the town, past markets, houses, and her mother’s gravesite. “Turn right up here!” she shouted over the roar of the wind in her hair. She felt as if she was flying! When they arrived at her Victorian style home, she hopped off and handed Phillip the helmet. Lightning flashed in the distance, making her house looked eery. “So I’m guessing it's going to rain. Thanks for the ride!”
Beth said as she tried to comb her fingers through her messy golden brown hair. She shook her head up and down and then motioned towards the front door. Beth knew her father wouldn’t be home until much later so she unlocked her front door and stepped inside. Phillip followed close behind.

~Chapter 2~

Slowly, Beth gave a mini tour of her home and led him to her room. She flipped on the light and flopped on her bed. Slowly, she pulled out her Algebra book, turning to the right page. As she began to work, she felt eyes on her back. Looking up, she saw Phillip staring at her. "What?!" she said. "I was just thinking." he replied. "Well, I don't feel like doing Algebra!" Beth exclaimed putting her book down. For a while, both sat in silence. "You're thinking of your mother." Phillip said, starling her. "How did you know?" She questioned. "I can see it in your eyes." True enough, he was staring into her eyes as if searching for something. "Your mother would want you to be happy. I know her passing on is hard but life is full of hard times. It helps to build strength within us." Phillip looked away. Beth fought to control her emotions. Try as she might, a single tear slid down her cheek. Phillip wiped it away with his thumb. "It's hard. I try but I can't let her go. Why would she leave me with Dad? He doesn't care."
She whispered. "He will learn to love. He is grieving in his own way. Show him love and he will change in time." he looked at her. Slowly, he put his arms around her in a hug. It felt so right and calmed her soul. Soon she dozed off after all her tears.
When she woke up, it was dark outside. The lights in her room were off and Phillip had left. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks thinking of her conking out in front of him. Strange, he had let her sleep. As she stretched her sore back, she twisted around to see a note. Peace will come to those who let go. See you tomorrow at school. ~ Phillip

Slowly, she slid off the bed and crept down the stairs. Looking up, the clock struck nine. Sitting at the dining room table was her father, who was looking at bills. He looked tired. She'd never noticed that. "You missed dinner, hon." he said without looking up. "It's ok. I'm not hungry." she lied. Looking longingly at the kitchen, she eyed the leftover burger she picked up at lunch, she inched her way towards the door. Just as she got into the kitchen, "Have you finished your homework?" Her dad called. She moaned. "Uh...yeah." Quickly she grabbed her burger, slapped it in the microwave and slid out of the kitchen with her feast. Slowly, retreating to the porch, she gazed up at the stars. She seemed closer to her mother when she looked up at the night sky. The breeze ruffled her hair and she pulled her coat closer to herself. Looking up, she seemed to feel her mother's presence. Let me go....

She seemed to say. I try mother! But I don't know how!

Beth thought to herself. You will....

After a good night’s rest, Beth felt a little better, almost happy, but not quite. She even woke up on time! Putting on something other than black, she decided to spend some time with her dad this afternoon, maybe let him help her with homework. After dressing and brushing her teeth, she raced downstairs for something to eat then hopped in the car, eager to talk to Phillip. Being around him made her forget about her mom, even if for a little while. Pulling out her keys, she tried to start the car. She pushed and pushed on the key but the car wouldn’t start! “Crap!” she exclaimed. Slamming the door, she walked back into the house. “Hey dad!” She yelled, “My car won’t start! Can you give me a ride to school?” “Sure hon! Wait till I get my keys and we’ll go before you are late for first period.” He said, rummaging for his wallet and keys. She walked outside and sat inside his quiet car. "Ok, when he comes in, talk to him. Try to bond, like Phillip said." She said to herself. Just then the door opened and her father started the car. For a while they drove in silence. Finally, Beth got the courage to speak. “So dad…Uh…How are you these days?” she whispered. He looked over at her in shock. “I’m fine honey. Just tired. Running a house by yourself is harder than I thought.” He chuckled. “Well how’s work? You’ve been pretty busy for a while.” Beth asked. “Work’s going good. I’m sorry but yes I have been busy. It’s…complicated to explain.” He stared at the road. UGH! It’s so hard to talk to him!

Beth kept quiet the rest of the ride. Once at the school, she jumped out and thanked her dad for the ride then ran up the steps two at a time. Quickly, she brushed through the mobs of kids and opened her locker, where Phillip was close by. He had a weird expression on his face. It passed when he saw her. “Hey! You all rested?” He asked. “Yeah. Hehe. Sorry about that. Those were one of my really down days. I’m feeling a lot better than I have in a while, actually.” Beth blushed. “It’s ok. I go through that about ten thousand times a day.” He said then he covered up, “I mean it feels that way! Ten thousand! Phsaw!” It was his turn to blush. “Ok? Anyways, I’m still on time right? I didn’t miss first period or anything, right?” Beth said while cramming stuff into her crowded locker. “Yeah you’re good though we do have that test after study hall. We could sneak out and head somewhere to study for it. I doubt you did much last night.” He said looking at her. “Oh shoot! I totally forgot about that! Yeah that would rock. Especially since my car froze and isn’t starting.” Beth turned around. “Oh then on that case I’ll take you home after school. Maybe we can make a few stops along the way.” He said winking. Beth blushed, “That would be amazing! Thanks so much!” she said hugging him. She felt so safe in his arms. They just stood there till the bell rang. “Oops! The one day I’m here one time and I’m still late!” She quickly grabbed her bag, letting go of Phillip. He looked really dazed. And then he smiled. “Wow. I haven’t done that in over a hundred years!” he said smiling and looking really far off. “Um ok? See you later!” Beth said waving. She ran for her first class, and then remembered Phillip was in it as well. Quickly, she ran back and grabbed Phillip by the hand, pulling him with her to class.

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the school day. Phillip, no longer dazed, quickly covered Beth’s eyes and led her out to the parking lot. When he took his hands away, she saw a sleek black sports car! “Whoa! Where did your motorcycle go?” she looked at him. “Oh I have a couple more where that came from.” He said, an impish grin spread on his face. The light highlighted his jet black hair and it donned on her that he was looking amazing in his leather jacket. Stunning in fact! “Ready to go?” he said to her. “Yeah totally! So where are we going?” Beth asked. “Oh well I've seen your house, but you haven't seen mine yet, have you?” he turned around to look at her. “Yeah I am SO a stalker!” she said and they both laughed as they hopped into the car. This was one of the first times she was truly happy...

~Chapter 3~

They passed many brightly lit streets into the heart of the city. After a while, they turned down a road lined with penthouses. They stopped at the one at the end of the road and Beth got out gaping. The house was HUGE! “Welcome to my place.” Philip replied nonchalantly. She just stared. The house was two stories and mainly deep brown with white trim. At the end of the house was a completely glass room and she could see a spiral staircase leading up to the next story. “C'mon! Let's go in!” Phillip said taking her hand and pulling her up the long, polished driveway. The interior of the house was even more breathtaking than the outside. Crimson walls with mahogany wood paneling graced the chandelier in the center of the room. In the corner was a vase filled with roses. Beth spun around to take it all in. “Wow! It's all so beautiful! I mean...” she trailed off when she saw that he was staring at her. She walked over to him. “So where do you want to study?” Phillip asked, breaking the intimate silence. Beth shook her head. “There are so many rooms! You choose!” “Deal. Follow me this way.” Phillip replied as he walked up the spiral staircase down a long hall filled with paintings. They came to a dimly lit room. “Did the lights stay on all day?” Beth asked. “No, they turn on when someone enters.” Phillip replied. Beth looked around. There was a four poster bed in the center of the room with black lace flowing down. The sheets were a silky crimson red. Quickly, Beth reached for her backpack to pull out her work. She stepped forward, not seeing the shoe on the ground. The next second she was rumpled on the bed.

Phillip first looked shocked. "Are you ok?! Is your ankle alright?" But then he really looked at her lying on the bed. He walked toward Beth. Slowly, he laid down beside her. His gaze went from her ankle and traveled upward, eventually stopping on her lips. She gazed up into his eyes. He started to slowly lean towards her. At first, Beth stopped him. “What are we doing?” she asked pleadingly. “I don't know yet...” he replied quietly. Then he whispered in her ear. “You want to find out?” Her heart was racing. Why did she feel this way suddenly? She wasn't even having a trace of a thought for her mother. He leaned in once again and their foreheads touched. Slowly, tentatively, he kissed her forehead. Then, he moved down to her cheek and finally her lips. She sighed and leaned into it, twining her arms around his neck. She sat up and fell back down on him as he pulled her back into him. He wrapped his fingers around her hair, playing with it. She had one last thought before her mind entered total bliss. What am I doing?

Phillip pulled her closer and looped his arms around her waist. She started taking off his jacket. She tentatively reached for the buttons on his shirt but stopped. She sat up and looked at him, but he was no longer looking at her. His eyes had a far-away look about them. He shook his head, coming back to the present. “I'm really sorry, but I have to go. I'll give you the keys to the Volvo and you can return them to me tomorrow. I'm really sorry but something important came up.” He said slowly getting up. “No, it's ok. I understand.” Beth said, lying. Where was he going all the time? What was so important? Maybe I should see where he's going.

She thought as she walked down the stairs to the car. She hopped into the car alone and watched him walk down the street. Waiting until he was out of sight, she got back out of the car and started after him. Shivering, she followed him down many alleyways till she came to an empty warehouse. She could hear Philip yelling and ducked down under the window.

Once it quieted down a bit, she slowly peeked and was shocked at what she saw! Phillip wasn't alone! Standing about ten feet away from him was a very buff, tan guy with dirty blonde hair and stormy blue eyes. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” Boomed the man. “GETTING SO CLOSE TO THAT MORTAL! I FORBID IT!” “Look, Beth is....different form the other girls. She wouldn't use me for my powers.” Phillip replied. What powers?

Beth thought. “WELL HADES IF SHE EVER FOUND OUT, WOULD SHE STILL FEEL THE SAME WAY FOR YOU, A GOD OF THE DEAD? HOW DO YOU KNOW SHE WON'T USE YOU TO TALK TO HER MOTHER?” The man yelled. Beth gasped! What?! Hades? God of the dead? But that was Greek MYTHOLOGY. Hint: MYTH! Not REAL! Then something struck out. Her mother. She could talk to her mother! If only for a second, it would be worth anything! “Lord Zeus, please just give me some more time with her! That's all I'm asking for!” Phillip or Hades begged. “FINE! SHE DOESN'T KNOW YET, SO FOR NOW, YOU MAY STAY HERE!” Zeus boomed and was gone, leaving nothing but the sound of the thunderclap. Phillip turned around. “I know you heard, Beth.” Blushing, Beth stood up. “Well, it seems that you’re not really Phillip, are you? HADES! My gosh! I must be hallucinating! This is ridiculous! God of the....dead?! That's crazy!” Beth said, her voice slowly rising. “Beth, I'm sorry, but you must understand why I couldn't tell you.” Hades replied. “Well YEAH! I'd think you were crazy if you said you were Hades. If fact, this is probably all a huge dream!” Beth yelled. “Actually, that's not the worst part.” Hades calmly replied. Trying to settle down, Beth breathed in and asked, “What then?” “Well if Zeus knew that you had found out, you'd have to die.”

~Chapter 4~

"I'd die?" Beth breathed. WHAT?! WHY? What did I do

She thought, almost out loud. "You did nothing wrong, but simply knowing our identity can cause big problems and Zeus feels he has to eliminate people like that. He doesn't want the world to know of our existence." Hades whispered, almost as if in response to what she had been thinking. Beth said, “You sure seem to be taking this calmly, taking in the fact that I could be KILLED for knowing about all this." "Because Zeus doesn't know this, then you are safe for now. He cannot read minds like I can so he will have no way of finding out you know." Hades said. So that's how he always seemed to know what I was thinking.

Beth thought. "Yes, that is how I knew." Hades replied to her thought. "Geez! That's going to take some getting used to!" Beth looked down at her watch, "Ohmygosh! It's really late! My dad is going to freak out!" Hades sighed. "Well, I don't want you to get in trouble so I guess we'll have to use this."

At the flick of his wrist, a dark hole started to form on the deserted street. Slowly melting out of the hole, a giant carriage started to take shape. Then, at another flick of the wrist, the carriage morphed into a Jeep. "Wow! That's amazing!" Beth squealed. "Hop in and tonight, please introduce me to your father. I'd like to meet him." Hades said smoothly. "Ok sure. I hope this means we'll be seeing each other more often now that I know your little secret." Beth winked. "Yes. If Zeus were ever to find out, I'd have to protect you. He is very, very dangerous." As Hades said that, Beth blushed but said no more as they sped down the empty streets. After some time, they reached Beth's house. "Thanks Hades." she said, turning to him. He turned off the car, "Please don't call me that. I really liked how you said Phillip. It was nice and you could never call me Hades in public anyways." "Alright, Phillip then." Beth said. "Beth." Phillip said. "Yes?" she tentatively replied. "If I asked you to kiss me, would you still do it? I mean, if you now feel awkward because of who I am, it's really ok. I'd underst-" he couldn't finish because Beth had kissed him. When it was over, she looked into his eyes. "Is that enough of an answer for you?" she said almost in a daze. He smiled as they got out of the Jeep. Beth's father was standing at the door, waiting for them and looking worried. "Uh dad. This is Phillip. He was helping me study for a test. I'm really sorry we're late." Beth awkwardly said. "I'm very sorry for keeping her so long, Mr. Tidwell." Phillip said, extending his hand, ready to shake his. Mr. Tidwell looked at his hand, then finally shook it. "I guess that's alright. I mean, one can get lost in the world of knowledge, as long as you all are alright." He chuckled. The others laughed nervously. " yeah. Well dad, can Phillip stay for dinner?" Beth asked. "Sure honey! Phillip, you’re in luck, because I had time to stop by the grocery today and I made something other than mac 'n cheese." her father said cheerfully. "I'm going to put my stuff upstairs and I'll be right back." Beth said, walking past her father and up the stairs to her room.

Phillip stood just in inside the door frame, awkwardly. "C'mon in, Phillip." Beth's father said a bit too cheerfully, and then escorted Phillip to the living room. "So Mr. Tidwell, your daughter tells me you are a lawyer. What's it like?" he said trying to make small talk, which was NOT one of his powers. "It’s really very exciting; I chase down criminals and eat all the donuts I want. But of course I am mostly just saying that. I wasn't into my job that much while my wife was alive; in fact I put most of my energy to her and my darling daughter Beth." He suddenly sighed, and you could see the years of strain that Mark Tidwell had endured. Hades felt sorry for him; he knew what it was like to have someone die. He WAS the lord of the dead, after all. Hades wasn't sure if he wanted to press further, but he knew that if Mark opened up now, in front of him, then he would be able to accept his daughter again and spend quality time with her once more. "What was it like, loosing someone so close to you like your wife?"
Mr. Tidwell sighed again, "It was hard,"
"I can imagine. I won't push you anymore if this is still a touchy topic." Phillip looked into Beth's father's eyes. "Uh...well let me check on dinner!" Mr. Tidwell said nervously, at once standing up and rushing to the kitchen. "Yup, it's as I thought. He's hurting too, but he hides behind mounds of paperwork." Phillip muttered under his breath. “BACK!” Beth yelled as she waltzed down the stairs, “Hope you didn’t miss me too much!” she said chuckling at her own joke. “Perfect timing honey because dinner is ready!” Beth’s father said from the kitchen. Phillip walked over to Beth and asked, “You ok? You seem rather chipper.” “Yeah I’m totally fine considering the fact that I just found out that Gods are real and if they know that I know then heck, they’d kill me.” She muttered to Phillip as walked over to the small, green dining room. Beth’s eyes nearly fell out! No macaroni could be found, but the table was filled with mashed potatoes, green beans, chicken, and corn on the cob. “Whoa! Dad you really outdid yourself this time! This looks like Thanksgiving and last time I checked, it was February!” Beth gaped and started to pull up a chair for her and Phillip. Her father just stood there and as Beth took a closer look, she could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He seemed in his own little world, his eyes glassed over, as if remembering some distant memory. It seemed Beth’s legs had a mind of their own and before she fully knew what she was doing, she found herself behind her father, hugging him. Phillip was watching all this with a tiny smile on his lips. His eyes turned almost a blood red. He was gorgeous. Beth and her father just stood there for a while. Then, finally breaking the silence, Mr. Tidwell said, “Ok this is the first real meal I’ve made in a while and it’s getting cold.” With that, they all sat back down and ate it all.

After dinner, Beth led Phillip out back. She sat down in the middle of her backyard, pulling him down with her. “So Phillip, can you show me some other stuff that you can do? Since you are a god of course.” She looked into his eyes. “I don’t know,” he replied, “I don’t want your father to catch us and he cannot see my powers. I can’t take two people knowing.” Beth turned around and looked up into her father’s room. The light was off. “He’s asleep.” She said, turning back around. “Ok, close your eyes.” She did. “What are you going to d-“ She was cut off by Phillip, for he had placed his finger over her mouth. “One more second. I’m almost done.” He said. After several more seconds, Phillip turned to her and said, “Ok, open your eyes.” What she saw took her breath away. Fireflies were dancing before her eyes, making intricate, synchronized movements. Then, they all stopped moving and spelled out her name with light. She gasped! “Ohmygosh! This is amazing! How did you do that? How did you get them to do what you wanted?” “Well, I’m kind of like the ‘Lord of the Night’ so I can control a lot of night creatures. Plus, they said they liked you so they were happy to oblige.” He said, smiling at her. “You can understand them!?” She gaped once again. “Yep, I can. You like?” he said, staring at his creation. “Like?! I LOVE IT!” She squealed, hugging him. He hugged her back fiercely, looking up; making sure Zeus hadn’t seen that. For Hades could see into Olympus. Zeus sat on his throne, looking bored. Hera was standing in front of him, screaming in his ear. Artemis and Cupid were shooting arrows at one another. Hades smiled. No one noticed Beth or recognized that she knew. He turned back to Beth, who was now asleep in his lap. She looked so calm and peaceful. He smiled and slowly picked her up, taking her inside. As he walked up the stairs, he started to think about the future. What should he do with her? He couldn't keep her a secret forever. Sooner or later, probably Athena, would find out. Then, it would all be over. He’d have to leave her or try to protect her until she died and he would go back to living alone, except for Persephone, who didn’t really love him in return and hated the underworld. All alone… Up until now, he had enjoyed his solitude, but now it didn’t seem so great a prospect. .

Beth started to squirm in his arms and he pretended to almost dropped her. “Dang girl! Don’t move around so much!” he yelled in a loud whisper. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled. “Sorry about that.” She whispered back up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Phillip had reached the top of the stairs and started to walk into Beth’s room, Beth still clinging to him. He plopped her on the bed and she made a pouty face. “Are you actually sweating? What are you trying to say, that I’m heavy?!” She punched him in the arm and he didn’t even flinch. Instead, he laughed and grabbed her fist. He began to kiss each finger, looking at how small her hand was in his own. Beth began to blush but didn’t pull her hand away. Phillip finally stopped and started to tuck her in her bed. “You know, I’m not five anymore. I can put myself to bed, Phillip.” She pouted once again. “Yes, yes I know you can but I’m not going to let you tonight.”

He bent down to turn off the light but suddenly froze, his whole body rigid. His pupils had dilated and his irises had turned blood red. Beth gasped and sat up. “Phillip? Hades? Ohmygosh, are you alright?” she said, panic was evident in her voice. He began to shake violently, knocking things off Beth’s dresser and smashing into books. Beth ran up and clung to him in what appeared to be a desperate hug. A sigh escaped his mouth and he was limp suddenly. He was once again her Phillip. His eyes were once again a soul searching black. Beth could lose herself staring up into his eyes that seemed to go on forever. She dragged him to her bed and placed him in the space she once lay at. Beth lay down beside him, making sure he had enough room and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. She lay like that all night, holding his hand, willing for him to wake up. Beth was exhausted! She turned to the clock. It was 2:30 in the morning! All of a sudden, she felt the bed move. She turned around to see Phillip slowly waking up! He shifted and she heard a moan escape his lips. “Wha…What? Where am I?” he said. “Phillip, are you ok? Your eyes went all funky and then you started smashing things like you were possessed! It was really creepy! Then you just blacked out. You’ve been out for a couple of hours.” Beth replied. “Ugh. I feel like crap. That dang Zeus! That hurt!” Phillip said, moaning again. “What happened?” Beth said with concern. “Zeus was playing with his ‘toys’ and he got me with one of them!” Phillip said, annoyed, “I’m ok now. Gosh! It’s two in the morning! I really need to go! I’ll just go home via the underworld. See you at school in a couple of hours Beth! And thank you.” He said, smiling and he kissed her on her forehead. Then, like that, he was gone without a trace.

~Chapter 5~

The next day, Beth woke up to the sound of the alarm going off. Groggily, she pressed the snooze button and turned over to try to catch a few more Z’s. She finally dragged her feet out of bed when her father started screaming for her to come down. She dragged on the closest shirt to her and pulled on some pants, praying that they looked decent together. As she groped down the stairs, she began to think of Phillip. Was he alright? Was he hurt? It had been so strange last night and she could hardly believe all that had happened. Phillip was a god, literally. She had almost found her peace with her dad. Geez, if Mars had fallen down, she would just smile. Beth grabbed an apple and jumped into her car because she was going to be late for school…again. Pushing the speed limit, she made a sharp turn into the school parking lot. She burst through the doors, threw her things in her locker and shot through the halls and into her first period class. She looked madly around for Phillip, but he was not in his seat.

Chapter 6 -Phillip-
I smiled as I walked through the underworld. Home. I thought. I was almost directly under my earthly house. Soon, with the flick of my wrists, I would shoot through the layers of space and time and pop right into my house. I had reached my destination so I twisted my wrist slightly to the right and BAM I was shooting up, up , up through the layers of space and back onto Earth. In a heartbeat, I was standing in my living room, a little disoriented. I had always hated travelling that way. The space between the living and the dead was very liquid and uncomfortable. I looked down at my clothes. At least they were dry this time. That was an improvement from the norm. I started up the stairs to my room but was stopped by a huge trucker. He had huge muscles and an even bigger attitude! He was ruggedly handsome and seemed like the type who could easily win over female attraction. “Ares what are you doing here?” I asked, bored and annoyed. I didn’t want to have to deal with company right now. I was tired and pissed at Zeus for zapping me with one of his tester bolts. Ares let out a low chuckle. “You look like you want to bite my head off. I’d like to see you try that.” Ares let out an all-out laugh that shook the room. I snarled and pushed past him, for although he had lots of showcase muscles, I was one of the Big Three so I was infinitely stronger than him and he knew it. “Hey now, where ya going? I came here to talk to you and I don’t do that often!” he said yelling. “I don’t feel like talking right now, ok? I’m kind of in a bad mood in case you didn’t notice.” I said, turning to face him. “Ok, ok I’ll make it quick!” Ares said, “Athena and some others noticed the girl and are wondering what’s up with her? You sure have become attached to her, haven’t you? Now give us some answers or we will most certainly tell Zeus. As it is, he has his head in the clouds because he’s planning another party in a month and he brought home another goddess. Hera isn’t please at all.” I rolled my eyes, “I met Beth while I was checking a graveyard and she interested me. Her mother had just died so I decided to move my earth home to here so that I could find out more about her.” I explained, very annoyed by now, “Now get out of my house or I’ll send you to the underworld and leave you to find your way out!” “Geez man, I’m gone. By the way, that Beth chick is quite the hottie! Better hold on to her tight or I may walk by and she’ll be all mine!” Ares said booming and laughing at the same time as he left my house. By this time, I was exhausted! I walked, wearily to my bed and collapsed. Another reason why I hated traveling through time dimensions; it was a real energy drainer!

~Chapter 7~
Beth tried calling the number Phillip had given her but it just rang and rang and no one ever picked up. She was really starting to worry! What if something had happened last night after he left? What if he was lying somewhere on the streets or worse; in the Underworld where he seemed to have gone! She didn’t know a thing about the Underworld; how could she have, but she was certain something bad had happened! After what seemed like eternity, the last bell rang and Beth zipped out of homeroom and dashed down the steps to her car. She fumbled with the keys to unlock the door to her car, but her hands shook so much she couldn’t get them in! As soon as she was steady enough and had the key in, she flung open the door, stuck the key in the ignition and was off! She raced down streets as fast as the speed limit would allow until she had reached Phillip’s neighborhood. Beth looked around for his house and as soon as she spotted it, she parked the car in the driveway, leapt out of the car, and ran up to the front door. Strangely, it was unlocked. She slowly pushed it open and crept in, praying that Phillip was at his house and no one else. She searched the downstairs but could not find him so she walked up the spiral stairs and crept to his bedroom. Afraid of what she would see, Beth slowly turned the knob and opened the door. It was silent. She peered in. Nothing! Beth turned around to look into the hall to find another room to look in and found she was staring straight into Phillip’s eyes!

Beth screamed and jumped backwards, her hand flew up to her mouth! “Gosh Phillip don’t do that!” she yelled. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “Why the heck would you ask that?” Beth said, rather loudly for she was still jumpy from her scare and was peeved that he would act so nonchalantly when she had been worrying about him all day! “You weren’t at school and after what had happened last night, I was sure something had happened to you! I was worrying all day long and you are just standing there, acting like it’s nothing! How could you?! Why didn’t you pick up your phone? Why did you skip school? Are you alright? Did something hap—“ She was cut off because Phillip had pulled her to himself and embraced her. At first, she stood; rigid in his arms, but soon she caved in and was hugging him back furiously! He gently pulled her face up to look at his own and kissed her passionately. She had longed for this secretly and happily kissed him back, twining her arms around his neck. He stopped put his fingers to her lips. “I’m sorry to make you worry but when I travel via the Underworld, I get pretty tired because I must go between dimensions and in this human form, it puts a lot of pressure to this body.” He said. “I understand. Just please tell me if something happens to you! I don’t want to have to worry like that again!” She replied and kissed him again. “Well, what do you say about going out somewhere tonight? I’m all rested and you seem a little too fidgety to sit still for long.” Phillip said smiling down at Beth. She tried to scowl, to show him she was still mad about not calling her, but his laugh in reply to her face was contagious and she found herself grinning. “Where do you want to go?” He asked. Beth looked up with a gleam in her eyes. “Surprise me.” She said simply. Phillip looked lost in thought for a moment before replying. “Hm. Is there any homework for school today?” “Nope, the teachers are going light for some reason.” Beth said, “Now are you sure you’re ok? You looked really bad last night and I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” Phillip just laughed! “I’m a god remember?” he said still chuckling, “Although that hurt a bit, I recover quickly enough. It was just traveling through dimensions that wore me out. I’m the only god that can access the Underworld from anywhere but it’s never easy. It’s not natural.” “I don’t really understand.” Beth said, rather confused. “That’s alright. You don’t need to understand. Just know that I’m fine.” Phillip said. Beth bit her lower lip to keep back from chastising him further. Phillip thought it to be rather endearing and he pulled her close and kissed her.

~Chapter 8~

Winter had run it's course and the snow was starting to thaw. Beth hopped out of bed before the alarm even went off. She was unusually cheerful. She quickly dashed across the cold floor to her closet to pick out something to wear when she happened to glance at the calender nearby. It had been about five months since she had first met Phillip in the graveyard. Although that day had started out sour, Beth now only remembered happy things. Phillip was like that. When she was around him, everything made sense and he was a pretty cheerful guy for being the Lord of the Dead. She was slowly getting over the loss of her mother and she wasn't on such horrendous terms with her father. Mr. Tidwell really liked Phillip, too. Once dressed, Beth raced downstairs and quickly grabbed a poptart. Backpack in hand, she leaped out the door and to her car. As she drove into the school parking lot, she found the reason for her happiness standing in front of her, smiling. Beth hopped out of the car, not even bothering to turn it off and ran into Phillip's arms. He quickly embraced her but then told her that it would probably be a good idea to turn off her car. Rolling her eyes, Beth did as she was told and they walked into school together, Phillip carrying her bag for her. Over the past few months, they had become inseparable. Sometimes odd, unexplainable things would happen to Phillip but Beth was used to it. Her Phillip was different. Her Phillip... Beth felt eyes on the back of her head and realized it was him. He sometimes did that. Phillip would stare at her for minutes at a time. It was a tad unnerving but also made her swell with love. How could she, Bethany Tidwell, have gotten a god for a boyfriend. Literally. Tiffany walked by and rolled her eyes. At first, she had flirted with Phillip 24/7 but it was obvious that he was a dead end. Not that he was ever impolite, he just never showed any interest. After that, Tiffany had started annoying Beth. It was easy to forget her though, because Phillip rarely left Beth's side. Beth looked over at him and saw that he was looking out the window. His pitch black hair was slightly tousled and his pale skin glowed. The muscles in his arms rippled and his shirt was stretched rather attractively over his broad chest. He looked amazing, as usual. Then, he turned to look at her and his whole face lit up. A light seemed to shine out of his dark eyes and his lips curved in a smile. Beth couldn't help returning the look. They just stood there in the hallway, smiling at each other when the bell suddenly rang, sounding the beginning of first period. Giggling, Beth ran to her locker, tossed her first period books in and grabbed Phillip by the hand, dragging him to the library. "What are you doing Beth? Class is the other way." Phillip said, rather amused. "I don't want to go to class." Beth said smiling. Phillip rolled his eyes, but didn't try to stop her. Once at the library, Beth pulled him down some aisle filled with dusty old books no one read. He looked at her and, like magnets, they moved closer to each other at the same time.

Beth ran her fingers through Phillip's hair and forgot to breathe. It was perfect. It didn't matter where, just being with him made everything right for Beth. She bent her head up to kiss him when something caught her eye. On a bulletin there was a flyer. It read: Mother's Day! Show your mom some love!

Beth broke off from Phillip, a great sadness had washed over her. Her mother. Beth would never see her again. At that moment, Tiffany walked into the library, looking bored when she happened to see Beth's face. Looking in the direction of her vision, Tiffany saw what had caused the sadness and sneered. "Still missing you mommy?" She said, coldly, "Honestly, she died like, forever ago!" Beth began to shake with silent fury. "Aw, look. Now I've made her mad. Oopsy!" Tiffany said, laughing falsely. Beth, at a loss for words, sank to the floor in despair. That had hit a nerve. In the blink of an eye, Phillip had crossed the room to where Tiffany stood and towered over her. "I think you should leave. Now." He said, dark power radiating off him in waves. Tiffany whimpered and scurried out of the library. Phillip turned back to see that Beth was still on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Mom, she kept mumbling. Phillip raced over and picking her up. "Oh Beth! Tiffany was being a jerk." He said with sympathy. Mom, mom, mom, she kept saying. "Beth?" Phillip said uncertainly. She snapped out of her faze. "I miss her so much. I thought I was getting over her. Tiffany was right. I need to get over her." She whispered. Phillip nearly shouted, "No! Beth, you must understand that death takes time to recover from! These things cannot be rushed. What Tiffany did was horrible. She shouldn't have said that. You were doing fine." Beth just stared forward into space. "I want to see her." she said she she turned to look at Phillip, "Can you please take me to see my mother?"

I grabbed the most precious thing on the mortal earth to me and held her close, reminding her to keep her eyes shut and not to breathe in anything. I outstretched my hand and the ground parted to envelop me and take me home. Home. A place where I actually belonged. For the millionth time, I thought of giving Beth ambrosia and nectar and changing her into an immortal. The thing that stopped me every time was Persephone’s face. I knew I would never force anyone to change for me ever again. We sucked through the particles of space and time and suddenly we were there. Wispy spirits floated all around, some in a line to get on a ferry to cross the river into Hell. The only sounds to be heard were the clanking of coins as they rattled in Charon’s hand as he led ghosts onto his boat. They were presently in a dark cave. Despair dripped off the stalactites on the ceiling. A pitch black river flowed but there were no waves, for there was no wind. The river was called the Acheron or river of woe. I passed the swarms of dead and flicked my wrist. The river parted and I walked across with Beth still in my arms. Traveling had made her unconscious and I was determined to make the first sight of Hades to be somewhat pleasant. This was hard to do for although I thought the place to be beautiful in a dark sort of way, most saw the place as a place of horror and death. I was known to be cruel and unmovable. Well, there was one who could move me and she didn’t even know it. I had vowed to myself that I would never bring Beth here but her agony over her mother was too much to bear and I was swayed. I thought of the most beautiful place and was instantly transported there; skipping over Cerberus and all the other ways a spirit must go to enter my domain. Elysian Fields was where we had landed. It was the place the fortunate ones went to in the afterlife. It was a place of rest and peace and I thought it to be beautiful. Beth started to squirm in my arms. She slowly opened her eyes and gasped.

Beth slowly opened her eyes and gasped. Before her stood miles and miles of flowing, tranquil fields. Whispery spirits floated just above the swaying grass, moving through the sparse trees. The whole place seeped out peace. Beth found herself falling under its sway. She began to feel tired and yet content when she realized that someone was holding her. She looked up, saw Phillip, and was instantly awake. He was beautiful! If she had thought of him as handsome on Earth, it was nothing compared to how he looked now. His every pore seemed to ooze of power. His face was glowing and he looked so happy, so content as he stared off into the distant field. She held her breath, not wanting to disturb him. He looked so perfect, standing there, watching his kingdom. This was his home. This was where he belonged... She heard barking in the distance and snapped out of her reverie. Beth turned slowly, still in Phillip's arms, and assessed her surroundings. It was very dark. Behind them was a narrow path cut straight in the middle of a giant wall of black granite. Flickering torches lit the way. There seemed to be no ceiling. It was utter darkness as she looked up. Everything seemed to be cast in a shade of grey. There was no sun or moon, yet the room stayed light enough to see. Beth snuggled into Phillip's arms. He finally seemed to notice her to looked down smiling. "This," he said, "is Hades. The Elysian Fields to be exact. It's where all the good boys and girls get to go when they die." Beth just stared, frozen. Her body had turned rigid; her hands were like ice. Phillip looked down at her, alarmed and quickly set her down on the ground. She almost fell. "Beth? Beth, babe, what's wrong?" Phillip asked, worry seeping into his voice. But Beth could not speak. There, in front of them, was a pale but beautiful ghost. Beth's mother.

Phillip saw where Beth was looking and sighed. He flicked his wrist and allowed Beth's mom to float towards them. Finally, Beth screamed, "Mom!" and ran to embrace her but instead ran right through her. Beth looked back, confused. She then seemed to remember that her mother was dead and frowned. She walked over to her mother's spirit and looked at her for a long time. Phillip heard her say one thing before she turned around and walked past him and down the path. She whispered, "I miss you." and then briskly walked off.

Phillip gracefully loped behind Beth out of the Fields. She never looked back until the path opened up and they entered a great hall at the foot of Phillip's palace. A short, plump creature waddled out. He was red with little horns and a forked tail. "My lord Hades! You have returned!" It said. Phillip hissed. "No! I have not!" He stage-whispered, "Act as if I am not here! No one will know, right?" Phillip looked the demon in the eye. "Y-yes my lord, sir." The demon replied, gulping and quickly backed away. Beth's eyes threatened to bulge out of their sockets. "Do I want to know what that was?" She asked incredulously. Phillip was trying to look mysterious and dark but he just ended up looking like a dope, "One of my minions!" Beth tried not to laugh. Phillip took her hand and led her up the black


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Publication Date: 05-21-2011

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to Anna (animefreak16) for helping me write alot of this book and being my favorite editor! :)

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