Good read. Compelleling drama. Added to my favorites.
Thank you so very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it! {:o) It makes my day when someone says they like my work! Here's wishing you a wonderful day, too!
Have a great day as well:)
That was riveting. Couldn't stop reading. I loved how you kept bringing the clock into the story, showed their ways of dealing with the stress, etc. Way to go. :)
Well thank you so very much. BTW - you were off line (as in off for an extended period) I didn't get to tell you I'd finished reading your book! It was super and seeing my name in it made me sort of giddy! I showed it to my husband and said "Look, Todd - she used Lloric for your... Show more
Awww, so glad you finished TFS! Did I get all my ship stuff right? :P
And I'm not surprised that it's one of your greatest fears. If I had kids I'd probably be the same...
Yes. I don't think I ran across anything that seemed implausible so far as the 'watery' scenes went. I suppose you could say it was 'ship shape!' HEHEHEHE
lol.... I wish Bookrix had a "like" button for comments...
while reading this story it was as if i was actually in the room with the two parents , the horror of a child missing is surely brought to life .
writers that can put their reader at the seen impress me , few writers can do this ,
Avery has a sure hand with it come to telling a story with words. the ability of keeping the reader at bay Avery has that ability , very good story My Friend Avery
Thank you, my dear sweet Stanley! Here's some sunshine for you.
And a smile, too.
that was really clever
Loved the suspense and un-common sense of not knowing what to do when a loved one is missing. Being the bearer of bad greetings sucks. I know the perspective of the two Deputy's. The thing I hated the most about being in Law Enforcement was the telling of a loved one that their loved one has passed....
Loved it....You are amazing....You kept me wondering from the start.....
Very much enjoyed this story. Ending sets it up beautifully for a sequel. Let me know if you ever do one.
Thank you kindly. I was actually thinking of turning it into a one-act play. I've never actually thought of extending it - but it is something to consider. The only story I've ever thought of doing that to is the one called "We interrupt this program...'' because it was a... Show more
lol well I'll be sure to check out "We interrupt this program" as well.
Great story! I really enjoyed how you s t r e t c h e d out the whole thing. You had me holding my breath til the end! Love it!
Thanks oodles. My next step is to turn it into a one act play. That'll be a challenge - but I think it would be a pretty good one especially for the smaller theatres around the Austin area - it's a huge cultural 'hot spot'. If I can create a trendy, heart-string pulling one act... Show more
thank you so much! I know you can convert your story into a one act play....don't we just love a good challenge anyway??
Challenges yes! The annoying interruptions that come smack dab in the middle of them - dang it - no! Hahahahaha!!
hahaha! true!
This is fantastic, Avery. You had me gripping my seat, sweating and worrying, only to hit the point that I knew was there, but had ignored it until I reached the last words of the second to last chapter.
I think you're a fantastic author. I've read all of your When a Southern Woman Rambles books, and I can say I was very happy to get to this point. If I had more time, I think I'd read Fly Home, Earli Byrd.
The only thing I... Show more
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. And I'd thought about changing it up but then I thought it's sort of like Titanic - you know the ship is going to sink and yet you watch the film knowing people you've come to care about in such a short time are going to die -- it's inevitable.... Show more
That sounds like a lovely idea. I'd see it, that's for sure.
Thanks! (And please, forgive the rambling - I try to keep it to a minimum - but somehow, the words just fall out like water from a faucet!)
That's what you're supposed to wonder.
She has vanished.
But unlike a magic trick where the lovely assistant reappears - this isn't a story of sleight-of-hand ... where the unnamed child has gone may never be known.
Well if that was your accomplished it! :) I wondered!