The Cracked Mirror

A stranger in the mirror of faith By:
The Cracked Mirror
What do friendships mean in this corrupt world? Do they really exist? Or do they exist in a make-believe world?True friends are like diamonds but are rarely found in today's world. Friendship nowadays has become unfaithful and insincere.What are friends here for in this ultramodern world? Have we become self-centred to gratify our own desires? A poignant tale revolving the characters , presenting an austere reality that belittles friendship and gives less value to real and true relationships.

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Posts and Comments
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I just read the beginning and it was good, and made me wonder if there was a pearl in it!

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Its the marvelous story,it could not stop me to read at once without taking a breath.The words used for the beauty are marvelous.Its simply the best story I ever read.

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As the earth journeyed around the sun for the fortieth time since I had originally become conscious of its annual voyage and loomed more rapidly toward the anniversary of the precise second that I first valued the cherished reward of time, my expectations took a spin in a scandalous route, a route that this virtuous traveler had never before explored.

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I read the book. I like your style of writing. Keep it up.
Why don't you partcipate in the compition
Binod Sinha

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lovingempath I could relate to the characters easily enough.
I think if you follow some of the wonderful direction provided below...that would help greatly. I feel that this is meant to be more of a novel-length book. Too much going on, and not enough time to really develop the characters into the solid people they feel like they need to be for this type of conflict. marrionattoway mentioned this as well I believe. The psychological... Show more

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This is an interesting story with romance, friendship and cheating all included. The major problem I see, are your English translations. They sometimes aren't smooth, even rough in places. I also have a problem with the dialogue part, in places, for instance:

pg. 5, line 4: Start a new paragraph after 'them.'

"Cathy, look over there. It's an oyster." Sandy said. Don't start the sentence with 'Sandy said to Cathy.'

line 10:... Show more

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Deleted User

I read through your story and you have definitely improved in your style and use of words and the dialogue did help to move the story on and give it life and reality. You are still missing the space that should be between the end of a sentence and the start of a new sentence. It didn't happen all the time just occasionally. When you re-read it you will spot where they are. As to dialogue, it was good what your wrote only you... Show more

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Much easier to read! your use of vocabulary stood out with a smooth run. You have removed the stumbling that made this a good story./joeparente

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The first scene was very good and you introduced the theme well. IMO the time scan was too long for a short story, perhaps you could develop this into a novel?
Best wishes and thanks for inviting me to read it.

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This story could have been longer so that the plot could be developed. the character descriptions were great at the beginning but the story changed too rapidly at the end. Some spacing problems were at the start.
With a little more work, you should have a winner. Love the front cover!./joeparente (Please always expect honest comments from me. Comments that are designed to help as suggestions only.)

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