The Sixth Sense

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The Sixth Sense
It's about a girl, Peyton, who has been able to see ghosts since she was four. She keeps it a secret to keep a normal life, but her friend starts to get suspicious. It was fine at first, but then it got worse because more and more ghosts showed up during her school day. Now, she has to get them crossed over before they can bug her anymore.

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this book could be longer or at least had parts to it i mean come on people :(

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The books are really good and interesting i bustedou laughing out yur book. I love it and im A MAIN CHRACTAR!

Lmao Im such a retard. But anyways keep on wiritng :D ttyl

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dude. just don't rite it. give me the ideas, and ill rite it for u. and, adelin cannot see them. only hear them. i told u that 2day at skool. FIX IT! And ur grammar suks! lOl

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wat do u mean wich 1 urs and wich 1 mine? and hu's bieberlover. 2 many justin fans out there.

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