
Chapter 1

"Adelin wait up," my friend Peyton said as she got off the bus.
"What do you want," I said.
"Gosh, you dont need to be cranky. I just wanted to say Good luck on your exams."
"Thank you," I said.
"You're welcome."
"So Peyton, I know we havent talked in a long time, but do you mind if you came over my house."
"No, I dont mind. I'll call my mom and tell her that I'm coming over your house."
"Ok," I said. "Tell me after 4th period if you can come over. I have to go. I have to get to math."
"Bye. Peyton."
Ring!! That was the bell and I had to go to my first period class, which was math. My worst subject of all my classes. When I walked in everybody was staring at me like I was a ghost or something.
"Your late," Mr.Holycross said.
"Im sorry."
"Please take a seat so we can begin the test," Mr.Holycross said. "Ok class," Mr.Holycross began, "Please pick up your pencil and begin on your test. You only have one hour to finish this test". So when I was in my seat I was thinking how hard this test would be and I was so nervous that I would fail. When an hour had passed, Mr.Holycross picked up our papers and put them behind his desk so he could grade them and put them in the computer for our report cards.
So, as soon as the bell rang I rushed to the door so I could get to my 2nd period class early. When I got into class I ran to get a good seat in the front when. I dropped my stuff on the floor next to my seat. I looked at the board and there was alot of homework tonight that I had to get done. I had a A+ in this class, which of course, it was reading. It was my favorite subject in school beacuse it was easy. All you needed to do was read.
So when it was 3rd period the time went fast and I waited for Peyton to come and tell me if she could come over to my house. When I turned around, Peyton was standing there.
"Hi, Peyton," I said.
"So...What did she say about you coming over?"
"She said, and I quote, yes."
"Ok. Meet me at the bus loop. The number for the bus is 53," I told her. When she left it was almost time to head for lunch and I was starving.I could also hear my stomach growl, so i headed toward the cafeteria.
When I got there, I got in line to get lunch. When I got my lunch, I tried to find a seat to sit in, but it was to crowded you can barely find a seat, but then I heard a familar voice call out my name.
"Hey Adelin you can sit over here if you want!" Peyton shouted. She was a lot more popular than me.
"Okay," I told Peyton. When I sat down, I started eating my food real quick.
"So, Adelin, how did it go with your test?"
she asked me.
"Ummm.. It wasnt that bad. It was kind of really easy."
The bell was about to ring in about 2 minutes so I picked up my tray, walked over to the trash can, and sat back down and talked more with Peyton about what we were going to do at my house.
"Ummm.. I dont know we can figure it out when we get there."
"Oh. Okay. I'll wait for you at the bus loop," I reminded her. Everyone was walking out of the lunch room, and that meant the bell rang.
"Bye, Peyton. I'll see you later."
"Bye, Adelin. Can't wait to come over. I'm actually excited." We went to our classes and waited for the day to end to get the hell out of school and go home to relax.

Chapter 2

When school ended I waited at the bus loop and waited for Peyton to come. "Peyton hurry up. The bus is going to leave if we dont get there in time." We ran and got on the bus just in time. We took a seat at the front we talked and talked until we got to my house.
"Mom were home," I yelled.
"So how was school today?" she asked us.
"Come on, Peyton. Let's go to my room."
"Okay." We both sat down and Peyton helped me on my math homework and I helped her with her reading, not that she really needed it.
As soon as we were done with all our homework my mom called us from the kitchen to come and eat. We sat down and ate our food and went back to my room.
It was almost 7:00 p.m. It was also time for Peyton to go home. She called her mom to tell her to come and pick her up.
When her mom came to pick her up, I was so sad that she was leaving already.
When she left, I sat down in my comfy chair and watched a show called, "The Secret Life of an American Teenager." When it finished, I didn't know what to do, so I went to bed.


The next day went by very slowly. That, and the fact that I got a Detention for cheating on a stupid thing. My mom was going to go crazy.
So, when I got home, I went on the computer before my mom took it away from me. I wrote to Peyton on in e-mail to tell her I wasn't trying to avoid her. It read:
Hey. I got caught cheating, so my mom is probably going to ground me. I'm not trying to avoid you. I won't see you a lot. Maybe only during school. I am so stupid. But then again, my mom thinks you are a good influence on I don't know. I gosta go. My mom is calling me. Bye. See you later.

Chapter 3

School was totally bizarre. Peyton was standing at her locker talking to herself, but it looked like she was actually talking to someone. Strange. "I told you! Leave me alone! I don't want to help you! That was then, not now. And tell your friends, I'm not helping them either. I told you that I'm-" She had seen me. "Hey. I'm trying out for the school play.
"I don't think you should. You looked way to convincing." Something on her face told me she was lying. Why would she lie? She didn't lie.
"Thanks. Well, see you later." She left hastily, not waiting for me to answer.
When lunch came around, I went to Peyton's table. But, she stopped me from sitting down. "I don't think so. I don't let cheater's sit at my table." All her other friends started laughing. I turned around embarrassed.
"You didn't seem to mind that yesterday, and the day before that." Her friends stopped laughing.
"That's because it just happened yesterday." Her friends started up laughing again, but harder this time.
"How could you."
"I'm not friends with a liar. Or someone who isn't truthful."
"Speak for yourself." Her friends looked at her questiongly.
"Excuse me?"
"I know you're hiding something." And with that, I turned around.
When I got home, I screamed into my pillow. Surprisingly my mom followed me to my room. "What do you want mom?"
"What's the matter? Tough day at school?"
"Why do you care? You've never showed any notice before."
"That's because, before, I didn't know what was wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"Peyton called me after school about your rude behavior." Curious.
"Really? Did she tell you all of it? About how she was rude to me?"
"Yes." Curiouser and Curiouser. Interesting. "She had a fight with her mom yesterday."
"Is that why she was yelling at her locker this morning!?"
"Why don't you just stop your rude behavior. You're starting to really bug me."
"And why don't you leave my room."
"I am giving you back your computer. You need to apologize. She will too."
"Remember that one book you read. What was it called? Oh, yes. "Undivided Attention." You said that her boyfriend got really mad because she kept saying whatever. It's the same thing with me. So....Don't go there."
"Fine. And, I'll apologize. Sorry to you."
"It's fine." And with that, she left the room. I turned around to hear something whisper in my ear.
"I think you know what she's hiding. She can do more than you can, but the same thing. She sees and

hears spirits. Don't act so surprised. You knew this day would come. You two are related. Remember? That's why her dad left. To make sure it stays that way," said the most annoying ghost ever,Jacob.
"Have you been spying on me again?"
"I have nothing better to do. Being a ghost is such a pain," he said.
"Not as much as having to talk to you." I would imagine he would've flinched.
"Ouch. That's cold. Even for you." Then an idea popped up in my mind.
"Was she yelling at you earlier today?"
"I was wondering when you would find out. But, yes, it was me. I'm such a pain to both of ya'll. It's fun being me." I could actually hear comfort in his voice. My God!
"Why? You actually want to move on? I had the impression that you didn't. I just thought that you of all people would want to stay here for eternity, and being the worst friend ever." Instead of him disappearing, he laughed.
"You did not-" I was cut short when I looked at my e-mail. It was from Peyton.

Chapter 4

It read:
I know what you can do. I can do it to. Sorry that I was mean to you, but I didn't know what to say. I knew you knew that I was lying. I really am bad at that, aren't I? But anyway, I was thinking that you could help me help other ghosts move on? That way they couldn't bother us anymore. Especially jacob.
Sorry. I made him crack. He's not very good with secrets, so I bet you he's already told you my secret by now. Since he like visits you daily.
And FYI, he is extremely cute, and totally into you. I could tell by the way he was acting when talking about you. It was funny. Bye.

"Oh my gosh. That is so funny." I started laughing harder than I ever had.
"I'm going to kill her for saying I dig you. But then again, it is true. Anywho..." he said, clearly uncomfortable.
I emailed Peyton and i apoligized for what i had said to her about that i knew her secret and that i would'nt tell anyone. I hit send and turned off my computer and went to the living room to watch a little of tv before i went to bed "Adelin did you apoligize to Peyton yet"
"Yes mom" i answered back.
As i walked to my room i sat on my bed thinking that why did i have to recieve this gift?.But as i was thinking i knew it was my destiny to have this gift.I knew that i would never lead a normal life. I layed down on my bed and went to sleep . but something woke me up and as i was walking i tripped over my moms sneakers. I got up and headed for the living room and thats when i heard Dimitri yelling
"Adelin help me!"and thats all he said and there was silence all nigh. I couldnt sleep at all i kept thinking about Dimirti and why he needed my help.
I woke up early in the morning and went to school. As soon as i walked in i saw Peyton
"Hey Peyton I need to talk to you"
"Okay just hold on a minute" she said. I waited and finally she came
"Last night Dimitri came to my house and yelled that he needed our help" I told her.
"He was probably just playing around" Peyton said
"Peyton he was serious he really needs our help!"
"fine come over my house and well see what dimitri wants and see if he really needs our help."she answered. School was boring as always but then this hot new kid came in our class. But in my mind I thought that this class might not be bad after all. Ring! i walked out of class and waited for the new kid to come out."Hi my name is adelin"
"hi my name is josh. nice to meet you" And he walked off without saying bye. So i just went to class and thinking how nice josh was to me but except how he was rude by not saying bye.
Chapter 5

School was finished and we were at Peytons house. We tried calling Dimitri but he nver came."Peyton what if Dimitri really is in trouble"
"Ok lets try calling other spirits", she says in a know-it-all tone. like shes done this beforeor maybe she has
"How do we do that?" she looks at me like Im stupid.
"Isnt anyone in your family a whisperer?" she asks
"I didnt know there was a name for what we are. But, yea my da."
"Go to him now" she got out a pen and paper. She wrote something down on it.She handed it to me. "Give this to him." She shoved me out the door. I walked to my dads work. Before i went into his office, i looked at the paper.
It read:
Whisperer our death. I walked in."Hello,Adelin"he said.
"Hi." I took a deep breath, and hand him the paper"Its from Peyton.And yes, I know shes my sister".He looks up. His expression is blank. "Let me guess.Dimitri."
I stare at him. "What?" He asks.
"Ineed someone to tell me how you and Peyton are."
"Oh... My... God" I curse under my breath
"Surprise!" I just stare at nothing.
"i need a book thats called Whisperer pur death" I said
"umm ok let me just look at my bookshelf."
"Here it is and do not lose this book. Return it back when your done." I walked out of his office and started walking back to Peytons house. I went inside and gave the book to Peyton. We flipped through the pages and stared ata spell named "Call to a lost spirit."
"It looks exactly like mine" She goes to her desk and retrieves one like mine. We thenrecite the spell. We take each others ghands to give us more energy.
We call to the lost
Ones we cant find
And we open our minds
Come to us
In any form
We give you our power
So you wont feel weak
Now show yourself
When we blink
"Peyton I can see him?"
"How can you see him I thought you can only hear them."
"It was probably the spell that we did and it gave you more power."She said.
When we were done talking we looked at Dimitri he looked pale and frightened.
"Dimitri" I said
"Dimitri do you need our help" he didnt answer back. He was just sitting there doing nothing we began to ask him questions but he kept quiet. He started to fade until we couldnt see him anymore.When he was gone Peyton started talking"Adelin dont you think hes cute"
"kinda but are you sure he really likes me."
"Im sure he told me face to face."She said.I told Peyton that i had to return the book back to our dad.
I started walking out the door and remembering how frightnened and pale Dimitri was but i just couldnt believe that i could see him.
Peyton and I walked into our dad's office.He looked up and gave us a smile He got up,and hugged us both.Peyton was still staring, for she had never met our dad. "Dad?" she asked.
"How have you been"? He asked
"Good" Peyton said
"ummm dad? we have a problem"
"Ok whats the problem"?
"When we tried talking to Dimitri he wouldnt answer he looked pale and frightned."
"hmmmm he was probably just playing a joke on you guys ". he responded
"No he was serious dad"?
"did you try using the spell" he said
"yes"Peyton answered
"dit it work"
"Yes but when we kept talking to him he wouldnt answer and he wouldnt talk either and then he just faded".
Wewere going to tell him about that Adelin can see Dimitri but he would never believe us he knew that Adelin can only hear them. As time passed we walked out of his office and went back to Peytons house.
chapter 6


Text: Strictly my own things. Do not copy.
Publication Date: 04-03-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my best friend, Elena Two, who has helped me major on this book.

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