Loved reading the book, when it ended, it was with a great disapppointment that I closed the book; despite the smile on my face and a warm heart. Wish you could expand the book more - perhaps Joe and Frankie becoming adults.......
Thank you and all the best!
a book to make you smile. i remember when i was a kid and i always loved my italian friends who were just like frankie.
a book to make you smile. i remember when i was a kid and i always loved my italian friends who were just like frankie.
there is only one word for this story,being from Italian decent
"Beautiful".For one minute it took
me back to eating with my father and brothers God Bless,my father's soul.
I miss him so very much
Thank You,for
taking me back
for a moment
John Ginnetti
I feel all warm and cosy after reading that, is it a true story.
Thank you for your response. Yes, part of the beginning of this story is true.
This is the first chapter of a novel that I am working on. I will let you know of the outcome./joeparente
What a delightful story! I could feel the drama of the chase in the rail-yards, and the tenderness of the family scenes. I winced at the destruction of Guido's instep. Although I did not grow up in an area like Little Italy, I am a child of the '50's, and grew up in a large city. This is definitely a favorite of mine.
I appreciate your kind comments and the time you took to read my story./joeparente
I appreciate your kind comments and the time you took to read my story./joeparente