Emily's Requiem

Emily's Requiem
After years of self-alienation from her family, Olivia attempts to reconnect with her sister but is too late. Is it too late to retie the bonds with her parents, bonds that were broken?

death, family, hope, tragedy
Posts and Comments
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Well written. It makes you thing me think of Piet Hein:, who in Danish said:
"Husk at nemme når det gælder - Husk at glemme bagateller" Basicly it means:
Remember to do it when it counts, remember to forget trivialities.

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such a sad story with a strong messaqe-never leave things unsaid or until tomorrow - it just might be too late!!!


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such a sad story with a strng message to us all "never leave things unsaid or until tomorrow

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this story made my cry... I loved it. It gave a another perspective on life.

Thanks You. ~ aperez275

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That was such a good story, it was so very sad, I do not know what I would do if something like that ever happened to me. :(

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That was such a good story, it was so very sad, I do not know what I would do if something like that ever happened to me. :(

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I like the short story. It makes you think about your own family situations.

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