Capturing Beauty

User: boswell20
Capturing Beauty
Rainy days can sometimes be a beautiful scene for a photographer to shoot but not on this particular day when Thomas is almost ready to give up on photography all together. Then he see's a young lady that gives him more than his muse back.

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you have nice front cover and i think you've done a good job

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i enjoyed readin this short story...the way the author has describe the beauty of a girl its really nice.

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It is a wonderful sketch. So bright, gentle and a little bit wistful... I liked it very much.

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It is a wonderful sketch. So bright, gentle and a little bit wistful... I liked it very much.

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One of the very best 'love story' that I have had the pleasure of reading. Congratulations

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A nice story that touches the heart. How a photographer who is in search of physical beauty of the things lost himself in the depth of Inner Beauty.

A very strong and simple presentation of feelings.

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Thank you to everyone who read and liked my short story! It's my first to be put on the website. So your comments are very much appreciated and I thank you for giving me inspiration to post more!

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petra michelle

"Capturing Beauty" in its simplicity was lovely to read. And enjoyed the innocence of two young souls coming together!

So far, I've only read several entries, but I think it's going to be difficult to vote! So much talent! Petra :)

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