1. Trust - The Promise

'Trust is like a mirror..once its BROKEN you can never look at it the same again...' By:
User: BlueBird
1. Trust - The Promise
Ruby's life is going fine until The Riches arrive at her school. Making it more hard to keep with the promise her mother told her. Can Ruby and Conor be together without trouble?

This Book is Part of a Series "TRUST SERIES"
All Books in this Series:
1. Trust - The Promise
'Trust is like a mirror..once its BROKEN you can never look at it the same again...'
2.Trust - The Plan
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
love, hard, promise, friends, rich, funny
Posts and Comments
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This book is amazing..I just loved it.the way the story is told it's excellent. Plzzz continue to write more book.

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OMFG i just finished this book and it is fucking amazing and i going to read the second one tomorrow :)


Wow Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


i just read the second one and it was amazing!!, i even cried on certain parts. Oh and i was wondering if your going to make another book. Just so u know u r an amazing writer and i love your books!!


omg seriously! I'm so glad you liked it! And no, I need to start updating GIrls In A Boys School. I have a lot of people who want me to update that so i'll be focussing on that.


Oh that's sad but thanks 4 telling me anyway :(

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I really enjoyed it and can not wait for your next one

1 Comment

Thank you!

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good story but felt like something is missing. well, maybe it is on the next book :)

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I cant wait for some more. U cant stop right there. I want to know what will happen

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