
Chapter 1

'Isn't he gorgeous?' Cam said for the 6th time.  

'What? Yes he may be gorgeous, but what happened to 'you shouldn't judge a book by its cover'?' I said. 

We were talking about 3 new boys who came to Cam's class. She was talking about someone called Rick. All who are hot and all who are mean.

 'Ruby, I am not talking about books, I'm talking about Rick, Matt and Conor!! Aren't they gorgeous boys or not.' She squealed. We were in my room.

We were supposed to be doing homework but Cam had other plans. I love Cam. Her name is short for Cammie. And calling her Cam isn't just obvious but it suits her. She is really beautiful. She has black short hair whereas I have light red hair. She has blue eyes whereas I have green eyes. And she tries different kind of fashion every week while I stick with a shirt and jeans. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed.  'Wanna drink something?.' I said.These boys were really rich. Cam's dad worked in the company of Mr Riches, the father of the 3 boys. And Mr Child got a really big salary.

 'Yeah, juice. Talking about boys is exhausting.' She said while rubbing her forehead. 

'Yeah, theres too much words to describe how much of an idiot they are.' I said. Cam got up and tickled me on my right shoulder. My weak spot.

'Okay Okay, Sorry!' I screamed feeling ticklish all over. After she stopped tickling me, she said she had to leave. 

'Yeah, my mum gets worried when I just go out to put the rubbish away. And if I am 3 seconds late she will call the police and cry her eyes out.' She said while mocking her mum. I laughed. It's true. Cam's mum - Mrs Child is always getting worried for no apparent reason.  When she went, I went downstairs.

 'Hey, Mum what's for lunch?' I said, hungrier than ever. Its was lasange. Let me tell you something about lasagna, It is the most amazing food, I have ever ate. No, it's not food, Its gold!

 'Thanks Mum, This is awesome!' I said while squealing.  Mum put her hands on her ear. 

'What did I say about you and screeching?'

 'That I shouldn't do it?'

 'YES! Please, I have a massive migraine'.

Thats mum-talk for SHUT THE HELL UP!

 'Ok, I'm going to eat this gold in my room.'

Before she could stop me and give me a lecture of the 'no food out of the kitchen' policy, I zoomed upstairs quicker than you could say lasagna.  I loved my mum. She was the only person who understood how I felt when dad left.

This is because she felt the same way. Angry.My dad isn't dead. My dad isn't sick. My dad is a bastard. He left my mum. How? Well my mum and dad were doing fine until my dad became famous. He was signed up into businesses and enterprises and was very rich.

We were so happy for him until one day he thought that we were holding him back. I was only 12 when this happened. He came into the living room and told me to go to bed. It was only 6pm but even from a young age, I didn't want to test his mood. I went up and I heard shouting and some furniture crashing. After 10 mins I heard the door bang shoot. I went to my mum and asked her what happened. She was crying and had some bruises. I couldn't hear a word she was saying.

After a while, she started to hold back her tears and told me about my dad wanting to move to Florida.....Alone. My mum already caught him cheating a lot of times but my dad always made it up to her and stupidly, she let it go. So Florida was the worst thing. When my mum was done, she took me to my room and told me to go to sleep. I didn't know how to after all this was happening, but I don't think it was an option. She tucked me even though she never did that. And she told me something. Never trust the rich people. I didn't ask what or why. I just smiled weakly and fell asleep. This reminded me of the new boys in school. They were called the Riches. Weird that their surname is Riches and they are rich. And they reminded me of my dad even though I haven't met them.

 Just when I thought about this, I was put off from my lasagna.

Chapter 2

'For the last time Ruby, don't take the sides off from your bread!!' Mum shouted.

I was eating toast for breakfast. I took the sides of toast because I hate it. Sides are the worst. They're in my 'What Would You Ban' Book.

When I was done, I went upstairs and got dressed. I wore a white shirt with a bright yellow cardigan. And I wore blue jeans. With it, I wore a big necklace. I like to fiddle with some object when I'm nervous and today we have a History exam.

It's a small exam but I always take my exams seriously. I go downstairs and tell Mum that I'm leaving. 'Okay, Bye and good luck on the exam.' She said. I was about to go when she stopped me. 'Yeah?' I said kind of in a hurry because I need to revise some of my notes with Cam.

'Well, I'll be coming home late tonight, too much work in the office.' She said while handing me a key for the house. My mum works as Computer Software Engineer. She takes her work serious like me. My mum has green eyes that make her very different from me even though me and my mum have the same hair, nose and anger. 'Okay. Bye.' I said before hurrying it out of the house. 

I went to Grange Tom Hill Highschool. It has a big name and it is a big school. I walk into the massive school entrance and look around for my friend. Before I know it, someone put their hands on my eyes. 'Cam?' I said smiling. And then the person took their hand off my eyes and I looked at them. It was Josh! Josh was my best friend in the world. I thought he left school because his parents were moving somewhere else but he's right here!!

'Josh, What are you doing here?' I said while giving him a massive hug. He was wearing a grey jacket and big black trousers. He was the most hottest boy but he didn't care. He had blond dirty hair and blue eyes. He was amazing but he was just a friend. And I knew he wanted me a long time ago. But he knew what it would lead to. And he liked Cam now. And even though people think I'm a fool for not falling for him, I just didn't want to risk our friendship by being together. But he was still the funniest, smartest and the most honest boy I have ever met. I'm not really keen on boys since my dad, but Josh is different. He understands me in so many ways. He's just like Cam but he doesn't hide what he wants to say.

He just says it.  'You wouldn't guess it, My dad had an option to where he wants his job and he obviously chose here!' He said.

How much I missed that voice of his. 'This is great! Have you told Cam about this?' I couldn't even talk properly. I was so happy. I thought my mouth was going to rip because I was smiling too much.  'Well, She's looking for the new boys who came to the school, you know the ones who are rich and stuck up.' He said sadly. I was glad in two ways. First because Josh was jealous of Cam so it might lead to Josh telling Cam about how he felt. He liked Cam for months but he never told her. He never said but he thinks that Cam might reject.'She deserves better' he always says to me. How can anyone be better than this guy right here.. And secondly another person in the whole school agrees with me about these 'rich and stuck up boys'.

'Well, glad you agree, I-' I got interrupted by the stupid bell. It always rings at the wrong time.  'Lets get to class, Have you done your revision for History?' I said to Josh while walking to class. 'Didn't you hear? They've cancelled it.' Josh said smiling.

'What?' I stopped in my tracks. I revised all night for nothing?

'Why Josh, did something happen to the teachers?'

'Well no, Its something got to do with the new boys who came.'

'Stupid Riches.' I muttered. I went in to class. Miss Rain was teaching us. She's really nice but when she gets mad, she gets really mad. 

'Ok class take your seat.' Miss Rain said. She was pretty and young. That's why everyone liked her. She was only 24 and always understood everyone. Like once, there was a girl wanted to go to the loo, and Miss gave a face that said 'is it your time of the month?'

And if the girl smiled, Miss would let her go. Its was a girl's secret and we loved it. We sat on the middle table.  'Right, you might have heard that History was cancelled because of some people's requests.' She said. The 'some people' must be the Riches. 'So most of you people are happy about it and some people are annoyed that they had to revise for nothing.'

Look ,she so understood us. 'Don't worry, we will have the History exam next time.' Someone groaned at the back.

'Can everyone take out the worksheet that we did before and finish it for the lesson.' She said.'

Oh and Josh can you give the paper to the receptionist.' Josh got up, took the letter from Miss and went out. I was about to take my worksheet out when Cam walked in. Miss didn't say anything. She knows we won't learn even if we do get a lecture about being late. Cam smiled at me and sat the row behind me.  'Where have you been?' I said turning around. 

'To the toilets, where else?' She said, acting innocent. If I didn't know her much, I would have believed her. But I knew her since I was 7.

'Look, Josh told me about you going to see the boys.' I said angrily.

'Wait. Josh is here.' Her face lighted up. 'Oh My Gosh, how come you didn't tell me?'

'Well, I just did, didn't I?' Cam was going to say something else, when Miss told us to get on with our work.  I gave her the 'we have to talk later' face.

She nodded. When class was over, everybody was getting up to go. 'Class? Where do you think you are going?' Miss said looking offended by our movement. was confused, just like the rest of the class. The bell rang didn't it? And if it didn't, did the class dream it?

'You might have missed an exam, but it doesn't mean you are missing this class.' We looked at like she was talking in a whole new language. 

'You have double History because of cancellation of History exam.' She said answering our confused face. We all groaned and sat down. Some boy was about to rip his hair out with annoyance. We all laughed and continued with the worksheet.

I knew most of this History worksheet. It was easy if you think about it.  I heard giggling and gasps from the back. I looked back and saw that everyone was staring at the front looking amazed. Cam was smiling and told me to look at the front. I was the only person who wasn't looking at the front.

Then I looked with excitement. It was the Riches. There was three guys looking around. I frowned.

'Told you they were gorgeous.' Cam whispered to me. And I had to agree. One of the boy was wearing a green shirt and baggy jeans. He had black hair. He looked like he didn't want to be here and this class was supposed to entertain him and we failed at it. He had a black cap on and looked so much like a player. I know I'm being judgemental, but if you were here, you would have thought the same thing.

Another guy was wearing a grey, well cleaned suit. If someone else wore a suit in this school, the whole school would laugh but this guy somehow pulled it off. He had blond hair that made him look okay. He was looking very proud of himself. show-off.

Then the last guy was... was amazing. I'm supposed to hate him but I couldn't find anything bad about him. He was amazing. He was wearing a red shirt with a black jacket. He had black hair and blue eyes that stood out. And when he smiled, you couldn't help smiling. Snap out of it Ruby! Never trust the rich, never trust the rich, never trust the rich. 

After I was done. I forced myself to stop looking at him. They all came into the class and said hi to Miss. 'Hello, you must be the new boys, well welcome to this school and welcome to this class.' She said smiling like the rest of the class. 'Take a seat where ever you want and he's a sheet of what you need to do.' She looked at them individually and then gave a sheet. The boys looked around to see where they sit. Everyone was shouting

'Sit here Rick! Sit over here Matt! We will help you with your work Conor!' Talking about desperate. The guy with the cap told a guy to get of his seat and as I expected, he did.  'You can take my seat Rick and I'll help you if you do need help.'

So he is Rick. Rick Riches. He must be embarrassed. Then the guy with the suit sat in the middle of the cheerleading group. 'Hey Matt, we heard so much about you. Do you wanna like go out on saturday if your not busy or anything.'

One of the girls said. He just ignored her and sat down. He must be Matt Rich. Then the blue eyes guy who must be Conor was coming my way. I quickly put my bag on the chair next to me so he won't sit there. Just to be on the safe side. But he stopped at my desk.

He looked back and forth at me and my bag. His eyes were so dreamy. But I had to stop looking at him or else something could happen. 

'My friend Josh is sitting here.' I said while going back to my work. Where is Josh? It's been ages, how can it take this long to take a paper to an office? I looked up. He was still there. He looked like he didn't move at all. The only thing different about him was that he had a bigger smile.

'What?' I said getting irritated. I hate it when people tell me to do things. And I know he wasn't telling me to take my bag of the chair, I just still didn't want to sit next to a rich guy. A guy who was similar to my dad.

'Ruby, let him sit there.' Miss said without looking up from her book.


'No buts Ruby, he's new and you're not giving a good impression.'  I looked at the Conor and gave him daggers that said 'dont talk to me or look at me.'  He smiled like he was enjoying this. I got the bag from the chair and he sat down.  Josh came in and saw that Conor took the chair. I looked at him apologetically.

He shrugged, got his bag from the side of the table and sat behind me with Cam. I looked back and saw that Cam was blushing and looking at Josh with amazement. I didn't want to interrupt but I did want to look at what was going on.

'Hey Josh!' Cam whispered. She was happier than when I met Josh.

'Hey Cam, wow you look great.' Cam blushed and said 'you too.' I wanted to watch it all but Cam and Josh looked at me with the 'mind your business' look. I looked back at my work grinning. 'Why are you smiling so much?' That was Conor he was looking at me.

I tried to not look at him and his eyes. 'Nothing.' I said aggressively, trying to make him get the message. 'Aren't you amazed and confused that I sat next to you and not some other person.'

'Amazed No, Confused Yes.' I said. It was confusing though. Why me? There were a lot of seats. 

'Well, It's because I think I don't need to do any work when I'm with you.' He said while passing his worksheet to me. I looked at it. I looked at him.

'Are you kidding me?' I said half laughing.

'No.' He said smiling again. I looked back down, because I was nearly getting lost in his eyes.  'I don't want to do it.' I said annoyed.

'Are you sure? I'll pay you.' He said taking his wallet out. I burst out laughing. Everyone looked at me but then went back looking at Matt and Rick. After 3 minutes I stopped laughing and looked at Conor. He was looking confused.

'I don't want you stupid money okay? Now let me do my work.' I said. He looked angry now.

'Do you know who I am?' Conor said.

'Yes, everyone does. But that doesn't change my decision. Actually nothing will.' I can't believe I called this guy amazing. He was an idiot. I finally saw something in him, that looked just like my dad. Anger.

'Look, there's a limit and you just crossed it.' He said trying not to yell but I'm sure everyone heard. What is his problem? I just told him I didn't want his money.  I looked at Cam who was giving me the 'your going to far' look. She was shaking head.

'I don't care.' I said to Conor. His face was red with anger.

'You will pay.' He said. The bell rang. I walked out of the class. I'm sure all eyes were on me. They looked like they felt sorry for me for what just happened. And for what might happen.

Chapter 3

'So how was school?' Mum said while making me pancakes.
'Don't ask.' I said. That one question just reminded me Conor. Was I being too mean to him? I mean, I could have said no nicely, I didn't mean to shout and make a scene. But he mistaked me for one of the other girls. And I hated him for that. He might have been a hot boy but I can't believe how much of an idiot he is. I thought If they're rich, they could atleast hire someone who can help them be smart. But no. All they care about it 'Does my hair look good?' or 'Oh god, I'm tired of that girl, I'm gonna break up with her and go out with her sister, shes hot.'
'It can't be that bad.' Mum said looking at me with concern. I really wanted to tell her about the Riches, but I know she will just bring my dad up again and I'm really not in the mood to talk about him. Actually to think about it, I'm never in the mood to think about him.
'Mum I'm tired, school was a headache so I'm going head to bed.' I said. I took my pancakes to bed. Mum didn't say anything. She knew I wasn't in the mood. I wasn't lying. School was a headache. After I did my big scene in History, I never saw the the Riches. But I did see some evil eyes on me. If they knew the full story, they would be on my side again. Before the Riches came, I was kind of popular. I had no enemies and this school used to be my team. Now that the Riches have came, everyone except for my friends have turned against me. Its scary. It's like your home has turned into a hotel, where anyone with the biggest room gets all the people's attention. That's not the best example but its not the worst.
I went up stairs and sat on my bed. I sighed. 'You will pay.' That made me laugh. Its actually funny when you think about it. I smiled when I remembered Conor's face when I said to him 'I don't care.' It was classic. My phone rang.
'Hey Rubes, how you doing?' Josh said.
I sighed. 'Fine.'
'So are you coming tomorrow?'
'Yeah, why?'
'No, It's just, what happened in History class was pretty big.'
'Yeah, I know but I am not scared of some poshies.'
He laughed. 'Is that what your calling them?'
'Yeah I missed you so much, you know that?'
'Yeah, you too.' He said.' Oh, I have to go, mum making lunch.'
'Oh okay, see yaa.' I said, kind of dissapointed.
'Oh, and listen, Be careful tomorrow. I've heard the Riches once made someone commit suicide.'
'Really?' That made me more mad at them. 'Wow, thats.... look, I'll be careful don't worry.' I smiled and said bye.
This was creepy. This was creepy because the Riches were so similar to my dad. It scared me. When my mum was telling me about my dad, she told me that my dad didn't hit her. She hurt herself. She wanted to kill herself because that man was a nightmare that will torture her forever. But I stopped her. If it wasn't for me, she would have been gone and I would have lived in a care home till I was 18.
I cleared my head. I brushed my teeth, ate my pancakes and went to bed. I felt really weird, I don't know why. But I had to let go of it. I wasn't scared about tomorrow and I knew I would never back down.

The alarm clock went off for the 6th time.
'Okay Okay, I'll get up.' I said sleepily to the alarm clock. I slowly got up from the comfortable bed and went to take a shower.
After I was done, I looked outside to see if it was sunny. It was. I smiled and wore my blue shirt that said 'Hater's going to hate.'
And wore black jeans with it. I combed my hair and put it in a bun.
'Hey mum.' I said sitting on the stool in the kitchen.
'Good morning, what do you want to eat?'
I looked at the watch and saw that I spent too much time sleeping. And my punishment is that I can't eat breakfast.
'Its okay mum I'm going to head to school.' I said while getting my bag.
'Okay bye.' She gave me the key to the house.
'Again mum?' I said. Shes been staying late in work all the time.
'Look darling, I've got a lot of bills to pay and getting extra shifts will help.'
I sighed and said bye to her.
I walked to school. It only took 5 minutes if you run it. There was another short cut, but I heard that a gang always hangs out there and I don't really want to get between a gang.
When I got to school, everyone was looking at me. Did I have something on my face? Then I remembered. I can't believe they still mad about what happened in History. I brought shame to their idols. How can they choose idiots from me? But they were'nt giving evil faces. They were giving apologetic smiles. Like they were sorry about something. Maybe they do forgive me about what happened. Then out of nowhere, They all threw water baloons on my face! I knew they were hiding something from me and this was it!
I was wet! With water on my face, clothes and Everywhere. My clothes was so wet that you could see my bra. I quickly hid behind a tree. The whole school against me? I never saw this day coming.
'What the hell!.' I screamed. My face was covered in water. I didn't hear laughter. I couldn't see, there was water in my eyes.
Then when I looked again. Everyone was gone except The Riches. How dare they?.
'You idiots, what the hell were you thinking!' They did this. They planned all this. They're the reason why I'm standing here wet. I never knew he would seek revenge for something that wasn't a big deal.
Rick and Matt laughed then Conor said 'We weren't going to let you go easily. And remember I said you will pay for this.'
They laughed again and were heading to the school entrance.
'You friking poshies, this isn't over!' I shouted. If I wasn't wet, I would have punched Conor on the face so hard that he would have never forget this moment. Conor looked back and put his hands up. 'We are so scared!' He said. They all laughed.
'You will be.' After I said that I ran home to get dressed again. They will pay and don't worry, I will not let them get away with this.

Chapter 4

I walked into Chemistry 15 minutes late. Everyone looked at me. It's good that the Riches were'nt in this class because I would have kicked they posh ass. They looked at my clothes to see any trace of wetness. Ha! I changed my clothes. They didn't think that I would walk into Chemistry with wet clothes did they?
'Why are you very late, Miss Williams?' That was Mr Calvin. He was a nice teacher if you were on his good side but one mistake (like this) could make him hate you for the rest of the month.
'Sorry sir, I had some problems.' I said giving the whole class daggers.
'Well next time, young lady, your problems will be added with my detention.' He said. 'Now sit down.'
I sat down next down next to Cam who was at the back.
We couldn't talk in this class because Mr Calvin was in a bad mood. You could see by the way he stomps his feet around the class.
'Right class, I have some work written on the board. Please do this in your books. I am going out of the class for 5 minutes.' He walked out but then peeped his head in and said 'No talking.'
After he was gone, everyone rushed to my table.
They all start apologising at the same time. I smiled. They were still with me. I didn't lose them, they were just doing it because they were scared that the Riches might hurt them. So they just went along with it. I knew it was too mean to be true.
'Look, we are really sorry about what happened, we had to do it.' Said one of the cheerleaders. 'He threatened us all.'
'How? I was in the same class with you guys.' I said. How can they be threatened if I was in the same class with these guys yesterday. I understood how it spreaded around the school about doing this to me. I felt mad that they all were hiding something from me.
'Look, they said we had to throw a balloon at you and if one of us didn't, they would hurt us.' The football captain said.
'Guys, this is crazy, its the whole school verses 3 boys.' I said.
'Ruby, they can know everything about us.' One of the geniues said (we don't call them nerds). 'They can grab our school files that have all our pictues and information in it. And if you got that kind of information about someone, you can't hide.'
I sighed, he was right. These 3 boys are idiots but they were smart. 'Thanks for being honest.' They nodded and went back to their seats.
'Hey you okay?' Cam said. I forgot that she was there, so much has been happening and I haven't even said how are you to her.
'Yeah Cam, I'm great and thanks.'
'For what?' She said looking confused.
'For everything.' I said while hugging her.

I knew what I had to do. I wasn't scared. Ruby Williams is never scared.
I went into the canteen with Josh and Cam. Oh, I was starving. My stomach was rumbling so much in Maths that people were offering me food and saying if I needed to go to the toilet. It was embarrasing and sweet of them.
I got a snack from the vending machine. I wanted to get a full meal but I forgot my money at home. And I don't like asking people for money. Even if I know I am going to pay them back, It just feels weird to me.
I sat on one of the tables. No one looked at me now. They all went back to their own lives. This is how I liked it. No one caring about eachother's business and sticking with their own. When I looked around, I saw the Riches. They were sitting on a table. The table was full of food. It was like a buffet of food. It had cake, fish, lasagne, noodles and other delicious food. They were eating lobster. We don't serve lobster. How can they be eating it? Oh, I remember. They're friking rich. They saw me look at them and Conor smiled and then said something to his brothers. They all laughed. Right, this ends now.
I got up from the table and was about to go to the idiots when Cam got my hand.
'Ruby, where you going?' She said looking at me with concern.
'To give the guys a peace of my mind.' I said looking back at them.
'Look, you both know that if their were someone else, I would have already seeked revenge, but these Riches are smarter than I thought.'
'Okay then.' Cam said letting go of my hand and going back eating her sandwich. I looked at Josh. He just smiled and said 'Ruby, do what you think is right.' Cam was mad at me.
I sat down and put my head on Cam's shoulder and made a puppy face. 'If you don't want me to do it-'
'Look, I do want you to do it, but I don't want you do get hurt.' She said looking at me with concern again.
'I won't.' I said. 'smile please.'
She smiled and said 'Anyways, your head is going to explode if you don't do anything.' I looked confused. She and Josh laughed. I still looked confused. 'Just go!' they both said in unison.
I went to the table. They looked at me and smiled like I was going to do an act for them. This is no act.
'So this is the weird girl you were talking about.' said Matt looking at me from head to toe.
'Yeah, isn't she the most stupidest girl ever? She thinks she can just say no to a Riches.' Said Matt. He looked at me like Matt did, but mostly on my chest. Everyone was looking at us. All their faces read one thing. Don't Ruby.
Conor looked at with amusement in his eyes. 'So are you here to apologise and beg for forgiveness?' He said.
'Actually no I wasn't planning on doing that.'
'So? What do you want? If you can see, we are kind of busy.' said Matt.
'Theres these 3 guys.' I said. 'All who are the biggest idiots in the world. They think they know everything. They think they are god.' I laughed. Everyone watching with interest. 'But your not, are you? You have millions of servant but no heart, You've got millions of brilliant tutors but no brain. You've got so much fish, but your selfish. I've met people like you before, actually everyone has, but I never met someone who is a player..' I pointed at Rick. 'A showoff.' I pointed at Matt. 'And an angry pig.' I pointed at Conor. They all looked at eachother. They laughed but I knew they were angry inside. They all got up from their seats and looked at me like a hungry fox looking at a innocent rabbit. But I'm no rabbit
'Oh wait, I'm not finished.' I said. They all didn't want to hear this but they knew they would look like a coward if they left.
What I did next is the most right thing I have ever done. I got a jug of red punch and put it all over Conor's hair. Conor couldn't believe what happened. He quickly got a napkin from the table and tried to clean the juice off. The punch is a very sticky juice and it'll take an hour to unstick again. They all looked at me angrilly.
I quickly had a quick laugh and said to Josh and Cam.
'My work is done here, lets go.' I said and walked out of the canteen smiling. All eyes on me.

Chapter 5

'Do you think blue or green suits me?' I said to mum. It's Saturday and we were in the new mall that just opened. Me and my mum never really went to different shops than the ones we usually go to. And it was an expensive mall so there was less people here. The only reason my mum would have bought me here is if she had something to ask me. 'Well?' I said to mum. She's been acting really weird lately and right now shes looking at a window across the shop.
'Mum!' I said. She snapped back to reality.
'Oh erm.... any colour suits you darling.' She said quickly. I sighed and asked her what was wrong.
'Well darling, What you did in school was really bad.' My jaw dropped. How did she know about the juice incident? I never told her. Did the Riches complain about me to her? They grassed me up? This is their revenge?. I would have laughed if mum wasn't here.
She looked at me, just like Mr Calvin looked at me when I was late.
'Mrs Child heard Cam talking on the phone with Josh.' She said, reading my mind. She was really angry by me. Her eyes was mad. Why did she care so much about them?
'I can't believe you dropped sticky juice on someone's head.' She said while closing the door. We were at home. I was about to go upstairs when she told me to listen to her. 'Look darling, I know that they threw water balloons at you, but this is wrong in so many ways.' It's like kindergarden. Someone hit me and when I do something back, mum shouts at me.
'Mum, you always told me to stand up when I'm treated wrong. Why are you not saying that now?.'
'Sorry, when I say stand up when treated wrong, I don't mean seek revenge, I just mean-'
'Mean what Mum? And why are you mad at me, I've been in fights before, why does this make a difference?'
'Because.....' Mum sighed like she was tired of this. 'Because they are in a bigger position than us and-'
'You think, just because they are rich, we can't treat them the same?'
'No! Because I don't want you to get hurt like I did!' Mum shouted. She looked away like she said something that she shouldn't have. I went quiet. How can I be so stupid? Of course she is going to be mad about me, I was trying so hard to make things better that I never knew, I was making things worser. 'Sorry, darling, I didn't mean to-'
'Its fine, I'm sorry too. I'm just in a bad mood. I shouldn't have shouted at you.' I said. I was going to cry. I needed to get to my room as fast as I can.
Mum put her arms out for a hug. I hugged her, nearly squeezing her to death.
'Okay, go to your room and do your homework okay?'
I smiled and nodded. I went upstairs. I climbed inside the duvet and cried slowly so my mum won't here. I shouldn't be causing my mum pain and here I am, doing something that could give me pain.

I was in the entrance of my school. I don't know why but I felt really lazy and tired today. I should have been alert because the Riches can attack any minute but I really didn't give a biccuit. I came early today because I didn't want to have an awkward silent with my mum about what happened last night. I just wanted to get away from home and come to school. I missed breakfast because of it. To think about it, I haven't even ate properly at all. I saw Cam. She looked tired.
She looked like she was crying all night. Her clothes were not ironed. He hair was sticking out from every place. What the hell happened to her?
I ran up to her. 'Cam whats wrong?' I said. She looked at me, her eyes were swollen and red.
'Ruby, you wouldn't guess what happened.' Her voice was shaking. It looked like she was going to cry any minute now.
'What? Cam, what happened?' I said, I really wanted to know what happened. She never gets really sad.
'Ruby, my- my d-dad lost his j-job.' Cam said. Good that no one was here, because they would have came up to her and she would have been
on the floor crying. Her dad lost his job. Why? How can he lose his job. Mr Child is the most decent man I have ever met. He can't be fired.
'Rick tol-told hi-his dad to- to fire my dad because of what happened.' She started crying. People looked but I put my hand up that meant 'I'll handle this.' I can't believe it. Cam's dad got fired because of what I did. I never knew they would sink so low. Why the hell did they do this. I'm so mad.
Josh came. He was about to say something when I interrupted.
'Josh, look after Cam, I need to do something.'
'Please Josh.' He nodded and I went looking for them. How can they do this to my friend. I thought they had a problem with me.
I looked in the classrooms, homeroom and canteen but they were'nt there. I finally saw some boys who might know where they are.
I asked a boy who was laughing with his friends.
'Hey, do you guys know where the Riches are?'
They all laughed. 'You know, you aren't the only girl who asked us that.'
I got the boys collar. 'Oi, tell me now or you will regret it.'
'Okay Okay.' He said getting freaked out. I let go of his collar. 'They have their own room at the basement. Its near the staff-'
I ran as fast as I can. I am not going to let them win. This is my fault.
I went down the stairs. There was a bodyguard there.
'I want to meet Rick.' I said impatiently.
He looked at me. 'They're busy.'
'I have to meet him, its urgent.'
'Look, they don't like being disturbed.' He was getting on my nerves.
'Please, you don't understand. Hes expecting me here.'
He went out of the door. I waited for 2 minutes. I was going to barge in but he came.
'You can-.' I quickly moved past him.
There he was. Rick was playing cards with Matt.
'Hey!' He said cheerfully.
I ran to him and I was just about to scratch him when 2 new bodyguards picked me up from my arm.
'Whoa! you really thought you could hurt me.' Rick started laughing and Matt joined in.
'Let me go!' I tried pulling off but these guard were like brick on my skin.
'Why are you here?' Rick said. For once, I saw him with a serious face. 'Are you going to throw some juice, because theres only coke.' He said pointing at a coke vending machine. He smiled.
'Why?' I said. The guard was hurting my arm but I didn't care. I came here for one thing and one thing only.
'Why what?' He said. He sat down and played cards with Matt like I wasn't even there.
'Why did you punish my friend? Why did you hurt her when you were supposed to hurt me?' I couldn't help it. A tear went down my cheek. I was my fault that Cam's dad was fired. I did this. I made this happen. And whatever happens, I need to get Mr Child's job back.
'What kind of question is that? You did something that a few people have guts to do. You shamed our dignity. And that equals revenge.' He said not looking at me. 'And we tried punishing you but all you did was hurt us back, so we thought , why not do something to her lovable friends?' He looked at me smiling. Another tear came out. What have I done?
'Please, I- I'll do anything but please don't punish my friend. Please.' I said. I would do anything for this. I didn't want to see Cam hurt and specially if its my fault.
'Anything?' He laughed. What was he thinking? Then when I was about to ask, someone walked in. I couldn't look back because the stupid guards were holding me tight.
'Whats going on?' That was Conor. For some reason, I felt better when he came eventhough I should have felt worser.
Rick smiled and said 'Con, bro glad you came.
Conor saw me and his face filled with concern. He looked at me like he was scared. Then I saw it in his eyes. He was worried about me.
Conor? The same Conor who made me mad, The same Conor who threw water balloons on me and the same Conor who laughed at me? He was here and his eyes showed that he was scared about me. He cared about me.
'Rick, what the hell are you doing?' Conor said looking back and forth at me and the bodyguards.
Rick looked offended. 'Man, she dropped juice on you, I'm just seeking revenge.'
'Get off her.' Conor said to the bodyguards. He nearly shouted it.
They let go and went out the room. I touched my arms. They were bruised. It hurt.
'Ruby Ruby Ruby, you want your stupid friend to be happy again?' He said smiling. Matt laughed and whispered something to Rick. Rick smiled.
Conor just froze and looked at my eyes. I thought he was going to kiss me but he just stood there. Staring at me. I nodded eagarly.
'Ruby, what you need to do is..' He laughed before continuing. 'You need to beg Conor for forgiveness.' I nodded slowly. Just ask for forgiveness. That'sfine.
'Ok I-'
'On your knees and your hands should be like your really begging.' This made me nearly fall on the floor.
'What?, are you crazy?' I said. He must be joking. How can I do this?
'Do I look like I'm joking?' Matt and Rick start laughing. I looked at Conor. He was still frozen. He looked like he didn't want to be here.
I felt really dizzy now. I don't know why. My eyes kept on closing. I felt tired. I really wanted to lay on the comfy floor and sleep. But I had to do this. For Cam. I looked around. The whole room was spinning around. And for some reason there was 3 Conors. What was happening? I felt sleepy and sleepy. And I took a step closer going near Conor. I couldn't see Conor's face properly. It was blurred. Then I closed my eyes. Feeling strangeness inside me. I couldn't feel my legs or anything. I went down and down and down. Until all I can see was black.


Chapter 6

Everything hurt. My legs mostly. I moved my fingers. They felt numb. Where was I? Only one way to find out. I opened my eyes slowly because they were weirdly hurt. I felt weak. I looked around. White. The whole room was white. Was I in heaven? Then I saw a clock. It was half 6. I was here for more than 4 hours? How? Then I saw my mother. She was looking at me. Trying to say something.
'Mum?' I managed to say. 'Yes darling.' I can see mum clearly now. She had no make up on and was looking paler. She had concern written on her face. 'Water.' I said. Mum quickly grabbed water from the side table and helped me put my head up so I could drink it. I could see where I was. I was in hospital. How can this happen? Then I remembered everything. I went to the Riches room and they told me to beg on my knees to Conor so that Cam's dad can get his job back. It seemed really bad. Okay, I understood all that but how did I end up in hospital. Did Rick do something to me? Did they all make me faint? No, that can't be it.
Mum saw me looking really confused and asked me what was wrong.
'How did I get here?' I said. That question was digging in my head and Mum would know the answer.
'Darling, you fainted from the lack of sleep and food.' Oh. I fainted because I didn't eat much. I didn't eat a big meal since the pancakes. How can I be so stupid. All the puzzle pieces are joined. I felt dizzy sometimes, I was stressed about little things, I was crying for no apparent reason and this all adds up to this. 'Sweetie, How can I be so stupid? I never checked if you were eating or anything. You even missed breakfast a few times. How can I be such an idiot? What kind of a mother am I?' Mum said fiddling with her hands like she was being punished.
I laughed. She was acting like a drama queen. 'Mum, calm down. Nothing serious happened, did it?' I said holding her hands. She smiled and kissed my forehead.
'Ok, darling. I'm just going to go fill some papers in. Ask a nurse if you need anything. Ok?' She said while getting her bag from the bed side. I nodded and she went.
I yawned. Peace at last. There was a knock on the door. Well, peace doesn't last for long.
'Come in.' I said. I finally sat up on my bed and saw get well soon card and baloons.
At the door, I saw 2 boys walk in. The Riches: Matt and Rick.
'Hey, How are you doing?' They all looked at me. Matt had flowers in his hand. He smiled when I noticed the flowers. For once, I saw innocence in him. Surprising. Then Rick was looking around the hospital. Then I remembered. Mr Child! Did he get his job back?
'Did you give Mr Child get his job?' I said to Rick. Rick quickly looked at me and first I thought he didn't hear what I said, but he nodded.
He came forward and put his hands on the baloons that was scattered on my bed. 'Yeah, I gave the job back. You must be wondering why I came here.' He said looking at the balloon with interest. It is a bit weird. I expected Cam, Josh, Mum and some other friends in school to come but I never expected these guys to come. Then I knew it. They cared about me.
'Er.. yeah. Why did you guys come?' I said smiling. I really wish they came for something that I wanted long before.
'We came to apologise.' Yes! They did. They're going to apologise. 'We're.....' They looked at eachother. They felt uncomfortable. Then I knew it, they never apologised to someone like me before. They've made mistakes but never apologised. This was a big thing to them. ' We're only doing this for Conor so don't think that we've changed or something.' Wow, Conor was their biggest brother. Matt and Rick were unidentical twins and were 16 but Conor was 17. Cam told me this. I didn't know how she knew but Cam knows people who know people who know.... well you know what I mean. 'Sorry,' Matt said at last. He said it like I forced it out of it. Like when in movies they're about to kill your loved ones, but you tell them the information they wanted and It just leaves you sad. Thats how it was. I smiled. Then Matt added 'We thought you were going to die, we never seen anyone faint, so dead was the only answer, but Conor picked you up and put you on the sofa and said you had a pulse.' Conor picked me? This made me dizzy inside. Conor actually touched me. Why aren't I feeling disgust because he is a Riches? Why am I feeling a great sensation inside? Why? I pushed this out of my mind. And forced a smile. 'Thanks guys, we're even then?' I said.
'Yeah.' Matt said. 'So are we friends or something?'
I was surprised. Did he just ask me to be their friend? Or is this a sick joke? From their faces, it looked like they meant each word of it.
But being friends isn't so bad. I mean, I can be far friends. You know, smile when I see them in class. But thats it. Theres no need to say no and end this 'no revenge' thing. 'Sure.' I said. They nodded and walked out. Matt came back in because he forgot to give the flowers. He put it near the other bunch and gave a little smile and left. Theres only one question. Where's Conor?

Chapter 7

I came home from the hospital and the first think I did is lay on my comfy bed. The doctors said I should eat more and he gave me a look to say 'you better eat more.' I bet he thinks I am not eating because I am trying to lose weight and trying to become more skinnier like them girls I've seen in school. I don't give a damn. I know that people have a choice of being overweight or skinny. I'm okay with it unless it interferes with their health.
I yawned. I was so tired. I heard the door bell downstairs. I really wasn't in the mood. I crawled into my duvet and put my cushion up so that I was sitting comfortable on the bed. The door opened.
'Ruby!! How are you?' It was Cam. She came in hugging me to death. Then Josh came in and sat on the end of my bed.
'Heyy guys, where were you? I was looking for you in the hospital.' I said feeling abit angry. Cam looked better now. She had make up on and she looked like nothing happened to her. But there was still sadness in her eyes.
'Ruby I'm sorry, You fainted and I wasn't even there with you.' She said looking down at her hands. I laughed 'Cammie, I can't always be with you and Its my fault.' But she still looked sad. I looked at Josh for help. He shrugged and said 'Shes been acting like this all day. She didn't even let me come to see you in hospital because she was too ashamed for some random reason.' I nodded. Cam really felt bad.
'Look, I was scared about everything in my life, but you helped me throught it.' I said to her.
She smiled and hit me on my arm. 'Ouch! what was that for?' I touched my arm. The bruise that the bodyguards held me from start hurting again.
'I can't believe you weren't eating or sleeping. Your mum told me. Are you really trying to lose weight or lose your sense of knowledge?' She said poking my brain.
'I just had so much things on my mind.' Cam wanted to say something but I cut her off. 'Anyways the past is the past.' I said while making space for Cam to sit with me on the bed. Then I looked at Josh. He was really quiet. I nudged him with my feet under the duvet. 'Whats up with you?'
He looked at me and smiled. 'Did the Riches hurt you?' I looked at him like he was an alien. 'Of course not Joshie, how can you think that? I just told them to give Mr Child's back and before they could answer, I fainted.' I explained to him. I didn't want to tell him about the guards and Conor because he'll just worry for no reason. I turned to Cam. She was plaiting my hair. 'Cam, did they give your dads job back?' She was too busy focusing on my hair that I had to repeat the question. 'Huh? Oh, yeah. He didn't just get a job, He got a higher position!!' She squealed. I smiled. Maybe these guys are not as bad as I thought.

'Mum, drop me here.' I said. Mum was taking to school eventhough I live 5 minutes away. She feels really bad about the fainting thing and this is how she trys to pay me? 'Mum, Please!!' I said trying to get her attention.
'Okay, darling. Have fun in school and today I'm coming early from work so I'll be waiting foryou.' She stopped and I went out the car.
'Thanks Mum.' I said. She smiled and waved.
I went into school. 'Hey Ruby, how you doing?' Says a guy from my french class. He has a long name but I know It started with a F.
'Im Okay.' He smiled and walked away. And he was just one of them. So many people kept on saying hi to me. They might have heard about my fainting incident. I went to my locker and took out my maths book. We had Maths first and I was doing the homework for an hour yesterday night.
The bell rang. I looked around. Where was Josh and Cam? Are they late? I understand why Cam is late but Josh? Hes never late. The corridor was crowded with people. If the crowd went right, and you wanted to go left, you wont even get near to left because they'll be pushing you along. Thats college. I waited for crowd to go. I had Maths and Mr Goldrick is always late so whats the point of going to class early. When the class went, I ran to class. While I was running, I thought I heard someone behind me. I bumped into someone while looking back. I turned around to see who it was. Conor. 'Hey! watch where your-' He didn't know it was me and when he did finally see me, he stopped talking and looked at me. We were very close. He looked incedible. His eyes were blue and literally had sparks in them. His lips stayed still. His hair was blacker than before. He looked magical. I then realised that I was staring. 'Oh, sorry Conor.' I said while looking down blushing.
'Whatever.' He said, not caring whatever is happening. I quickly walked past.
'Ruby!' He shouted. I stopped running. When Conor said my name, It looked like it belonged there. I loved how he said it.
I looked back. He was looking at me with his eyes fixed on my eyes. 'How are you feeling?' He said. Why does he care? He didn't care to visit me in hospital. Not like I wanted him to come or something. He didn't care when his brothers were telling me to beg to him. But in his eyes he cared. Before when he came into the basement and saw me, he was scared. And now hes here, worried that I might not be fine.
'I'm fine.' I said. I quickly rushed to class. I don't know why but I feel really mad when he didn't come to meet me in hospital. Maybe because he didn't say sorry or maybe because I wanted him there.

Chapter 8

I was in canteen and they were selling the famous chocolate cake. You haven't heard of the FCC? Its the most wonderful cake in the world. Just saying the name makes my mouth watery. I was with Josh and Cam.
'I don't think black suits me. But I like the colour.' Cam went on. She has been talking about dress for the party that a not so close friend has invited us to. 'Cam, you suit every colour, except brown.' We all stopped. 'No one suits brown.' Me and Cam said in a unison. We started laughing and Josh just rolled his eyes. But I knew he actually thought it was funny. We got our chocolate cake and saw the the whole canteen was full of people. FULL! When I say full, I don't mean all the best places have been gone. I mean people are actually sitting on the floor full. Just when Josh was about to say that we will have to eat outside, someone called my name from the back.
It turned around to see Matt calling us. He was smiling and pointing at a couple of seats on their enormous table.
'No Its fine!!' I shouted back because they were a long way from us.
Then Rick stood up and walked to us. We all looked at eachother like 'should we be running?' But before we could decide, Rick took my dinner and said, 'Come on, we have space there for you guys, just come and eat.' I sighed. We're just going to eat anyways.
Cam looked away. Rick fired her dad. If that was me, I would have kicked Rick's ass, but Cam doesn't like action. She's more of the words kind of person. I'm more action. Rick saw the sadness in her face.
'You must be Cammie.' He said smiling. I saw that he was really trying to be sorry with her.
'Yeah, the daughter of the guy you fired.' She said coldly. When I said she liked to talk in words, I didn't mean they were nice words.
'Look, I'm sorry okay? I was just being an idiot. Can you please forgive me?'
She looked at him for a second and said ' Are we going to eat our food standing up or are you going to take us to you table?.' I smiled.
Rick looked at me and smiled too.
We walked to our table to find Matt and Conor there. They were'nt even eating, just typing on their phone.. Whoa, these guys don't even talk to eachother much. I sat down near Matt but putting some space between us because A. He will get the wrong idea and B. because there is so much space on this table, that all the teachers in this school can fit in it. So there is no point squashing together. Cam said next to me and Josh sat awkwardly near Conor. Conor nodded lazily at Josh to say hi and Josh smiled and nodded back. Conor didn't even look at me. Why was I so angry about that? Its not like I wanted him to look at him. The table was filled with food. But All I wanted was my pudding.
'So, you guys are like nearly in all our classes.' Said Rick, dying to end this awkward silence.
'Yeah.' I said to Rick. I quickly ate my first bite in the chocolate. I couldn't help but say yum out loud. Everyone on the table looked at me.
'Sorry.' I said flashing red. 'But this chocolate is amazing.'
'I agree, Its heaven.' Said Cam. Josh nodded.
'Really? We haven't tasted it.' Said Matt smiling at Cam.
'Yeah, Matt you should taste it.' I said trying to get Matt's eyes off Cam. The last thing I want is them 2 being together.
'I don't think theres any left.' Said Matt.
'Oh, you could have mine.' I said putting a spoon of chocolate cake up to his mouth.
They all looked at eachother and started laughing. I looked offended. Conor started laughing. Wow. His laughing made me smile. I wanted to hear more.
'We won't take your food from you Ruby, you can have it.' Conor said.
I looked like an idiot holding that spoon. 'What? Look, even Josh likes it and he is really picky when it come to food.' I quickly gave a spoon of chocolate cake to Josh. He opened his mouth and ate it. He put his thumbs up. We all laughed. I looked at the time.
'I have to go and thanks for the seat.' I said to Rick. They nodded and Conor for the first time smiled at me. Wow. Keep smiling please Conor.
I quickly ripped my eyes away from him. 'You coming?' I said to Josh and Cam. They nodded.
We all went but Rick quickly got Cam's hand. Cam looked back and saw her arm.
'We're okay, aren't we?' Rick said looking for hope. Cam smiled and nodded.
So I thought everthing was going great. I was friends with the the Riches, Mr Child's got his job back, Josh has came back. But my worries started when I saw Conor smiling at me. Making me feel warm from the inside.

Chapter 9

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Thats it! The alarm clock is going in my 'What Would I Ban' book. I woke up getting drool all over my pillow. 'Thats a great way to start my day,' I mumbled to myself. I got up and had a shower. When I was done, I remembered today there was going to be a party. I really need to go shopping. I have lots of dresses but theres always something wrong about them. But I can just not go. I'll ask Cam in school.
I wore a purple plain dress and shorts underneath. I don't always wear clothes like this put it was scorching hot outside and I had no other clothes that were unstained and had no food stains on it. I left my hair opened today because I'm having a good hair day. People have bad hair days and other people have good hair days. Nothing special. I quickly put some eyeliner on and took my bag with my sports clothes in. We have Gym first eventhough no one wants to start a day with running.
'Hey mum.' I said while getting an orange that I will eat in school.
'Darling, your eating a proper english breakfast today.' She said while giving me toast and bacon.
'But mum-'
'No buts, I'm going to look after you today and thats that.' She said while cutting my toast up. Was I like 9 or something? Im 16.
I quickly ate my breakfast and hurried outside before mum could tell me to eat the sides of the toast.
'Hey.' I looked around to see Rick.
'Er... Hey.' I said looking confused. What was he doing her infront of my house? More weirder question, is how did he know where I live?
'Well, I was walking to school and saw you...' He said. Wait, hold on a minute, he walked to school?
'My ferrari broke down and I saw the weather was great so-'
'So why not walk to school together.' I said finishing his sentence. He smiled. I looked at what he was wearing. He didn't have a hat on as usual, he actually looked really nice and cool. He had a white shirt on that showed off his muscles. He had baggy trousers. Nearly the same from when I first saw him but these wear grey. He didn't have a bag with him. We started walking. Then It struck me, where is his brothers?
'Rick, where are the others?' I said to him.
'Oh, they wanted to wait for another car.' I smiled. That sounds like Conor.
'So, I wanted to talk to you about something.' He looked like he didn't want to. He kept on fiddling with his phone. Wait, was he nervous? Wow, these guys get weirder and weirder every day.
'Sure, whats up?' I said looking at him. He wasn't looking at me like he didn't want to see my reaction to his question. Please please please don't tell me, he's going to ask me out. If he does, I will faint and when I wake up, I'll pretend to lose my memory and move houses and live alone all my life with cats called Boris and Molly.
'Well, I know this wierd, but I want to know..... Can I borrow your notes for English because-' I stopped walking.
'Wait, you got all worked up just because you wanted my notes?' I said looking surprised. I thought he was going to tell me something important. I never thought he'll just ask me if I have stupid notes for some stupid test. He stopped too.
'Yeah.' He said feeling happy with himself. But I knew he was hiding something.
We kept on walking. Cam was waiting outside the school. She saw me and smiled but then she saw Rick and her smile faded. I looked at her, trying to tell that everythings fine. I understood why she was worried. If I saw her with Rick, I would freak out and maybe punch Rick on the nose for just looking at her. But Rick's different. If he wanted to try anything, he would have tried before. Theres nothing to worry about. Rick said bye while going to his group of friends. 'Why was he with you?' Cam said suspiciously.
I laughed. She looked really funny when she was trying to work something out. Thats why I can't keep a straight face when we be doing equations in Maths.
'Nothing.' She looked at me for a while. Then smiled.
'Guess what?' She said while we walked to the entrance of the school
'What?' I said.
'Theres a new guy in school.'
'Really?' I said. Theres always new people coming to school but they never caught Cam's eyes. Wonder who this guy is.
'Yeah, He is hot!.' She screeched. Some people looked at us.
I quickly tugged her to my locker.
'You like him?' I said. I wasn't happy. I wasn't happy at all. She was supposed to be with Josh. They were supposed to be together. She can't just like a guy she just saw when she had the perfect guy coming this way.
'Hey.' said Josh. He was looking happy as usual.
'Hey Josh, and no Ruby I don't like him. Hes not my type.' She said. I catched Josh's eyes. He first loked confused but then his face went angry.
'Wait. What? What guy do you like? Is he John from Physics? I bet its him. He got his hair dyed. Lots of girls dig that. But I know he is with someone. Or have they broke up? Who cares? So do you like him? ' He said eagerly, looking at Cam suspiciously. Me and Cam looked at eachother and then started laughing out loud.
'Come on lets go to Gym.' I said after I stopped laughing.
'Yeah, Callie told Rob who asked Mick if its true that Jack was in our Chemistry class.... He said yes!' I rolled my eyes.
Josh had another class so he went the other way.
'Did you see the way he got mad when he thought that you liked Jack.' I said to Cam while walking to Gym.
Cam smiled. 'Yeah.' I was shocked. Wait. She knows that Josh liked her? That he was jealous? I stopped. Mainly because we were already in Gym.
'You like him?' I said without sounding too shocked.
'Yeah, Its kind of obvious and I kind of like him back.' True. Josh does make it obvious that he likes her. He just can't control his feelings I guess.
Then I looked at her again. 'Wait. If you like him, then why are you not going out?' I said
'Because he won't ask me. I don't know if its just a crush or he really wants me.'
'Cam, hes shy and scared. Hes shy because he thinks you amazing. Everyday he looks at you with wanting in his eyes.' I said. She blushed and looked down. She knew I was telling the truth. I went on. 'And hes scared that when you do go out, everything will turn into a disaster and he'll have no one.'
She smiled. 'You're right.'
I hugged her and said, 'take your time, when you think you're ready for this, ask him.' She hugged back.
I went into the cubicle and got dressed.
'Right Class, Listen up!.' Mr Roklif shouted eventhough we were a few inches away from him. We were outside in the field. It was warm so I felt okay.
'We are going to warm up by running 4 laps across the field.' We groaned. I like running but for the first lesson of the day, its kind of hard concentrating. After Mr Roklif blowed his whistle we all ran 4 laps.
'So, you ready for the party tonight?' said Cam. She was running beside me.
'I don't know... I don't feel like going and I have nothing to wear.'
'Come on Ruby, its been ages since you've been to a party. And I've got a dress that is perfect for you.'
I sighed. Maybe I should go to this party. I've got nothing to do anyway. I said yes and Cam squealed and ran to her other friend.
I looked at the time. At this point, we're not going to play football. I like football. Its because It seems fun and it makes me happy. Don't ask why.
'Hey.' I turned and saw Conor running near me. He was wearing shorts that reached his knee and a shirt that fit him well. He looked really hot. I nearly tripped but Conor pushed me on to him. We stopped. Everything.
Everything seemed useless. Only us 2 mattered. We were looking into eachothers eyes and we were very close. His eyes sparkled. I looked at him closely now. He had the perfect face. Soft lips, dark and pulled up hair and eyes that you could gaze into forever. From the first time in my life, I wanted him near me. I wanted to hug him, kiss him and tell him everything. I wanted to be with him, I quickly blinked into reality.
'Sorry.' I said while making a space between us. He looked awkwardly to the ground like he felt the same way. Yeah right. He was about to say something but closed his mouth. I smiled awkwardly and started running. What just happened back there? Why did I think all them things. The things that 5 days ago, I would have never thought about him. Was it what I think it was. Was I falling in love? No way. Hes a Riches. We're just not so close friends. We're both really different. I put this all at the back of my mind and kept running. Running away from him. Running away from this feeling.

Chapter 10

I felt dizzy again. I was walking to Chemistry. Late. But first, I had to go to the bathroom. Its nothing serious, I thought to myself. I more like convinced myself. I was having my medicines so what was happening? Cam was already in lesson. I told her to go without me. I didn't want her to see me like this. Pain. It hurt. I coughed and looked at myself in the mirror. Pale. I looked paler than any other day. Whats happening? I quickly put some make up on and put a hat aboove my head to cover my eyes. They were red and swollen. I looked at myself. I can't do it. I can't act like theres nothing wrong. Theres only one thing I can do. I ran. I ran as fast as I can. Ignoring the pain that was digging in my chest.
I stopped. It hurt. I was near the school entrance. I sat down on the floor. Near the gate. Was I dying? Was I getting a heart attack? What was it? Whatever it was, it was bad. I closed my eyes.
'Hey, I didn't know you skived?' I looked back to see Conor. Before he could see my face, I quickly put my head down.
'Conor, I just left something home.' I said before running.
'Stop!' He shouted. I don't want him to see me like this. I look a mess. But I stopped. I knew if I kept on running, he would try to catch me.
I turned to him but put my head down.
'Ruby..' I closed my eyes. Trying to stop my tears from falling. Its hurting. I want to go. Please Please Please...
He came so closed to me. 'Look at me.' He whispered.
'No.' I said. He couldn't make me. 'Please.' He whispered.
I quickly turned away to run but he grabbed my arm. My tears were falling down now. Eventhough he wasn't grabbing my arm hard, It still hurt. Everything hurt.
I couldn't do it. I want to rest. Nothing else. I was dizzy and I just wanted the easiest way out of this.
I sat down. His hand went off me and he sat next to me. We were sitting on the side of the pavement.
He didn't look at me eventhough my face was easy to see. He just looked straight to the tree at the far end.
'You know, we haven't had the best start, have we?' He said still looking.
'Yeah.' The pain didn't hurt much. For some reason, I felt okay with him. But I still felt dizzy.
'How come?'
'Well its kind of obvious.' I said smiling when I remember the first time we met.
He looked at me. He came closer. Then he wiped my tears away that were on my cheek. His touch made me feel more dizzy, but a different kind. I know it sounds wierd, but for some reason, It made sense right now.
'Look at you.' He whispered. I must look like a freak next to him. My hair must be a mess, my makeup must be smudged by the tears and eyes swollen. But all I cared about right now, is him. His eyes were filled with concern, his sad smile, his touch and him. I quickly looked away, noticing that we have been staring at eachother for ages.
He sighed and looked at his watch.
'I'll take you home.' He said while getting up.
I felt dizzy again. And my chest was digging into me and hurting more than I thought it would.
Conor saw the stress on my face. 'Ruby you ok?' He said while touching my shoulder.
I looked at him and nodded. I got up and my chest starting hurting. I couldn't help but swear with anger.
Conor was staring at me.
'Can you stop that?' I said angrily.
'What? I'm worried. Do you need to go to the hospital or something.'
'No, I just need to get home.' I said tears welling up again.
'Ruby, its going to be okay.' He hestitated but then hugged me. His hug was strong. It hurt my chest but I didn't care. It felt like it was supposed to be there. It felt right. For the first time, I felt loved. It wasn't a friendly hug my friends give. It wasn't a confident hug that my mum gave. It was a hug that was loving.
'Carry me.' I whispered. I was too weak. I couldn't walk. The only thing that helped me on my feet was Conor's arm clinging on to me.
He quickly carried me bridal style. I rested my head on his chest. His warm chest. He walking. I didn't care where. My eyes were blurry with tears. I need my medicine. Thats the source to fix this.
He put me in the back of the car. I cuddled up. I wanted to sleep here. So I did.

'Wake up.' I opened my eyes. It was Conor. His handsome face filled with concern. I looked around. I was on my sofa.
I quickly sat up. 'Heres your medicine.' He gave me the tablet and water. He watched me while I swallowed the tablet and water.
'How did you get in?' I said while snuggling to my blanket. I looked under my blanket to see if he didn't do anything appropriate.
He saw me. He smiled. 'Don't worry, I wasn't doing anything stupid. And I found the keys in your bag. You were asleep so I couldn't ask you.'
'I was asleep?' I said. He nodded. He was sitting on the small sofa near the one that I was laying on.
'Yeah, in the car.' I quickly realised what had happened. I told him to carry me and then he carried me home.
'Im so sorry. I never meant to make you do this. I mean, I was ill and I didn't know what I thinking. I swear I-'
He laughed. 'Calm down. Its okay. You looked really ill and I think, after the incident with Cam's dad, I made this my way to say sorry.'
I smiled.
He came closer to me. So close that our noses were about to touch.
'I was worried you know.' He said while putting a stand of my hair behind my ear.
'I thought I was the reason.'
'The reason for what?' I whispered. Theres no need to talk loudly if we were so close to eachother.
'Reason for hurting you.' I stared at him. Why is he being like this? Does he like me? Do I like him back? He came closer and was about to kiss when
I said 'you should go.' He looked at me. I really wanted to kiss him. But as I have told you many times I can't. If my mum knows I like a rich guy then she will go quiet. I dont care if she shouts or if she hits me. I just care if she stops talking to me. She has always been with me. I thought she couldn't handle everything after my dad left. But she picked herself up and looked after me. Being a mum and a dad for me. And this is how I repay her? By doing something that she regrets herself? I know every rich guy isn't bad but Conor has done things to people that I wouldn't dream of. How do I know he won't do it to me? I don't care if I get hurt. But if my mum gets hurt?
He got up and looked at the window. He wasn't embarrased. He was angry. Maybe this will show that I'm not interested. Even if that is a lie.

Conor left. He didn't say bye or I'll see you in school. He just left. Should I care?
'Darling, what you doing 20 minutes early from school.' It was mum. Good that Conor left before she came or she would be mad. Or worse. Sad.
'Oh, I just felt tired so I asked the teacher if I could leave early.' I said. Its wasn't a complete lie. I did feel tired.
She looked at me and felt my head. I was feeling better. If she saw me 1 hours ago, she would have called the ambulance. It didn't look bad but mum just exaggerates everything.
'Darling, have you had a good sleep?' I nodded.
'Okay, I'll get you something to eat.' She was about to get up when I said.
'I've already ate. I'm not hungry.' I thought she was going to refuse but she just smiled and kissed me on the head.

I went to my bed room and sat on the bed. I sighed. So much is happening. My phone rang. Before I picked up, I thought about what I was about to say.
'Hey Ruby, where were you?' It was Cam. Her voice showed that she was worried. I smiled. 'You know I was worried sick. I thought something happened.' She doesn't know that something did happen.
'Ruby, you there?'
'Oh sorry, yeah. I just felt tired. So much work you see.'
'Oh okay then. So you coming to the party?'
'Nah, Im going to miss it.' I looked in the mirror. I still looked a mess. And I wasn't in the mood to go.
I thought Cam was going to beg me to come but she knows better. 'Okay, I'll go with Josh. And if you change your mind, The party is on till 11.'
'Okay, Byee.' I said. She said bye and disconnected. I didn't want to go. I thought a party is good for me but I don't know what is.
I went inside the duvet and and put my head on the pillow. I closed my eyes. And even if I had so much on my mind, I fell peacefully asleep.

Chapter 11 - Conors P.O.V

Whats wrong with me? I try everything to make her like me but she just backs away. I really like her. I was at home in my home cinema.
Eventhough my favourite movie was on, I couldn't pay attention. Too much on my mind.
'Hey bro, whats up?' Said Rick. He sat next to me.
'Nothing.' I mumbled. He saw the expression on my face and said, 'Oh come on, your thinking of Ruby, aren't you?'
'How did you know?' I said.
'Man, you always think about her since you met her. Just ask her out man.' I looked at him like he just said something impossible.
'Are you serious? She hates me.' I said. It is true. Ever since I met her, she just tried to back off. When she was ill, I wanted to help her. But
the only reason she needed my help was because she was too ill to say no. If she wasn't very sick, she would have told me to get lost.
'Conor, your crazy. She likes you. I've seen the way she looks at you.' He said pausing the screen so I'll focus on him.
He looked like he wasn't kidding. To tell you the truth, I thought I was too good for Ruby. But I'm not. Shes beautiful. Shes too good for me. I want her so bad. I've never felt like this. But then I remember the time when I carried her home. Her head resting on my chest. Her comfort as I put her to the back seat. She did like me. But that was the same time when she rejected my kiss. Her eyes said she wanted to kiss me but telling me that I should go now when I was about to kiss her? That was different. Its like she said the wrong line and the wrong time. It didn't fit.
'Forget it' I said coldly. I went out of the room before Rick could say anything.
But Rick had a point. Even I thought that she liked me. The way she smiles at me and the way her green beautiful eyes leave me staring. How can she not like me? I'm the perfect guy. Every girl wants me and every guy wants to be me. I'm rich, handsome, tall and smart. Which fool wouldn't look for that in a man? Well she didn't. I went to my room but my butler asked me if I wanted anything before I went inside.
'No, Just tell Rick I'm out if he asks where I am.' I said. I knew Rick was going to try again to convince me but its not going to work. Him and Matt are the best brothers. They understand me because they're just like me. Even when its been 3 months since I've seen my dad because hes always busy in work, my brothers help me out. I have a big sister Cassie who is 19. She lives with her husband in Scotland. They fell in love when Cassie was just 16 and my dad didn't like the marriage because the husband wasn't rich. But I've met him and he is decent man and I know he'll look after my sister. I love my sister. She comes a few times a year to make sure we are okay. My dad does know about her coming to see us but he doesn't mind.
I don't have a mother. She died when I was just 6. I miss her all the time. I have a nanny who looks after us. Who signs our report cards when we were small and who comes into school when the teacher phones in saying we were naughty. She is the best.
I sat on my Kingsize bed and phoned Alex. He was at the party and I wanted to know If Ruby was there. If she was, I wanted to try again. I can't lose her.
'Hey Conor. You coming to the party?' said Alex. He was drunk and I could hear the music out loud. I couldn't hardly hear what he was saying.
'Nah, Is Ruby there?' I said nearly shouting.
'Who's Ruby?' He said. I rolled my eyes. He knew who she was but he called her something else.
'The hot redhead.' I said feeling embarrased with myself.
'Oh her. Nah, she isn't here but her friend blondie is here kissing a dude.' He said, tumbling over words. Before he could say anything else, I disconnected the call. Why isn't she there? She might be still ill. I hope she's okay. I wanted to call her but how and what would I say? I sighed and laid down on my bed.
I never felt this way with anyone. Why do I smile when I think of her? Why do I want her with me all the time? Why do I look at the door in school to see if she walks in? What is this feeling? The feeling that makes your heart beat faster and faster.

Chapter 12 - Rubys P.O.V

I walked to school feeling better than before. You could even see from my clothes that I'm feeling better. I have jeans on with a purple jumper becuase it is kind of cold. I get to my locker to get my English book out. Mrs Rain is teaching us today so I'm kind of happy.
'Hey Ruby, feeling good?' Cam said while taking her book out of the locker.
'Yeah.' She was smiling like an idiot. I laughed.
'Why are you so happy?'
'Well you wouldn't guess what happened!.' She screamed cheerfully.
I rolled my eyes. 'What happened?' We were walking to english now.
'Me and Josh kissed!' She said smiling to herself. I stopped walking. Did I hear right? Did she just say that she and Josh... Wait, maybe I heard wrong.
'What did you say?' I said to her slowly.
'I said, Me and Josh are together. We are girlfriend and boyfriend.' She said slowly and excitingly.
I can't believe this. They are officially going out! I cannot believe this. I always thought this would happen but I never knew how I would feel.
Let me tell you, I feel great!
'I can't believe this!.' I jumped excitedly. I hugged Cam and squeezed her tight.
'I.... can't... breathe.' She said out of breath. I stopped and looked at her. I wasn't going to cry was I?
'Hey Ruby, whats up?' I looked around to see Rick with his brothers. Conor was smiling at me and was amused by my weird action. Matt was checking a girl out and was too busy on his phone.
They looked at me like I was crazy. Oh, I was still smiling like an idiot.
'I...' I coudn't speak. I was too happy.
'Shes just really happy about something, thats all.' Cam said for me. She quickly dragged me to English before I could scream with happiness.

'Right Class, today we are going to learn about Romeo and Juliet. Can you please write some themes in the book?' We groaned. I was sitting next to Cam. The class was full and 3 people had to fit into 1 table. I smiled.
'So I-' Cam was about to continue when another teacher walked to through the door. She must work in reception. She gave a paper to Miss Rain and then left. Me and Cam exchanged a look. When we were about to talk again, Mrs Rain called Cam to the desk.
I couldn't make out what they were saying.
Cam came back to the desk and started packing her stuff.
'What happened?'
'I have to go home, Mum is calling me about something.' She said with anger in her voice. 'She didn't even tell me.'
'So are you coming back?' I said.
'Nope, but I'll text you later okay?' She said while I helped her pack her stuff.
I nodded and smiled. She smiled and left. I wonder what her mother needed her for.
'Ruby.' I looked back to see who called my name.
It was Josh, he was sitting next to Conor who was too busy on his phone. He was looking great. He had a blue shirt that matched his eyes. He looked brilliant.
Josh called me again. I didn't know that I was staring at Conor. I quickly blushed.
'What happened to Cam?' Josh asked. There was concern in his voice. I smiled. Josh and Cam make a great couple and I hope it all works out.
'Well?' Josh said. He was sitting 2 seats back from my seat.
'Her mum called.' I said. He nodded. I looked behind Josh to see Rick and Josh. They were doing their work. Surprising.
Rick saw me and smiled. I smiled back. Rick has changed. When he made Mr Child lose his Job, I was going to hate him forever. But when he apologised, I knew he meant it. I looked back at the front.
Okay, what theme are there in Romeo and Juliet. Theres obviously love. And forbidden. I wrote this down and it instantly remind me of Conor. I'm kind of forbidden from him. But I wouldn't compare myself to Juliet and Conor won't certainly compare his self for Romeo. Its weird.
'Right class, Can you-' Mrs Rain was interruped my a late comer. But I've never seen him before. He was hot let me tell you that.
If Cam was here she would have said he was gorgeous. He is. I looked over at the mysterious guy, and for the first time realised how striking he was. The light streaming in from the window coloured his hair a striking brown and glanced off his high cheekbones and jutting jawbone. Long lashes framed his forest green eyes that gazed into nothingness. He was a bad boy. I could see it from a mile. But his forest eyes showed that he had some innocence in him. He was wearing a leather jacket that covered his maroon shirt. He had black jeans on that were baggy in a good sort of way. He wasn't shy at all. He walked into class like he owned it. He gave Mrs Rain a paper that must have the reason to why he was late. Miss Rain investigated the paper. Well who wouldn't? He might have wrote it his self.
'Okay, Jack. Sit next wherever you want.' He obviously sat next to me because there was only one seat. He winked and smiled like I was a close friend of his.
'Before I was interrupted..' Mrs Said while looking at Jack like the rest of the class. Jack just gave a apologetic smile.
'There is the book of Romeo and Juliet on your desk. You are allowed to talk, but quietly. Read the book and fill in the worksheet.' And with that she sat on the desk and started fliking through a magazine that had some hot Romeos in it.
'Hey.' That was Jack. He had a sexy scottish accent. I couldn't help smiling.
'Hi.' He then started reading the book so I thought the conversation was finished but he then put his book down and started staring at me.
'How come I haven't seen you about?' He said.
'I didn't come yesterday. How come I haven't seen you about?' I said trying to turn the question back to him.
He smiled and said, 'I'm new here. Just moved from scotland but I fit in like any other person.'
I put my eyebrow up and said 'Yeah, you look like an american and you talk like an american.' I said.
He laughed. A cute laugh.

Chapter 13 - Conors P.O.V

Look at him. He thinks that he can walk into this class like he is in charge. I frowned. He thinks that he can steal my crush. No way.
I was looking at Jack. I've heard about him. He is a bad boy of all bad boys. But I don't think he is as bad as us.
He was sitting there laughing with Ruby. My Ruby. Why did she let him sit there when on the first day, she didn't let me sit with her? I thought she hated bad guys and Jack is bad. Am I poisonous to her? Ruby laughed and they high fived. I was so angry that my pen snapped into 2.
'You okay man?' said Josh. He was sitting next to me. He is a cool dude.
'Yeah, does Ruby know that dude?' He looked at where I was looking at.
'Nope, why?' He said while giving me another pen. I tried to not look at his face. He must have been seen my angry face.
'Just asking.' I went back on my phone.
Josh gave me a note. I raised my eyebrow.
'Its from Matt.' He said while handing me the note.
I looked back to see Matt pointing at the paper in my hand and mouthing 'read it'.
I read the note.

Don't worry. Shes yours.
- Matt.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face. Then I remember he was talking about Ruby. How did he know that I like her?
Is it that obvious? I scrunched the paper and put it in my pocket. I hope what Matt said was right.
Ruby started laughing. The laughing that makes me feel great. But he was making her laugh. A sting of jealousy went through me.
I was angry.

Chapter 14 - Rubys P.O.V

'So you finally did it!' I said excitedly. I was in the canteen on the table. I said bye to Jack after lesson. Hes really funny but thats it really. Hes funny and sweet at the same. But I don't feel anything for him. But I know some girls who are perfect for him. Like Stacey who is half Scotland and is really funny and pretty. But I'm not a matchmaker. I should be.
'Yeah, it all happened so fast.' Said Josh. He was blushing. Blushing!
'What happened? Tell me from the first part!'
'Gosh, Ruby change the subject or I'll have to tell you in details.' We both laughed and started eating.
Josh looked at me. But when I looked back at him, he looked away.
'Ok, whats up?' I said.
'Well..... Nevermind.' I knew he really wanted to tell me.
'Just tell me.' I said gettng really unpatient.
'Well, I was sitting next to Conor.' He said slowly and quietly. 'Conor kept on staring at you and Jack.'
'What? What kind of stare?'
'Well, I'm not really sure but-'
'Just tell me Josh.' I nearly shouted.
'He was jealous.' He said.
I stared at him. Waiting for him to take the words back but he just ate his pasta quietly. Did he just say Conor was jealous? Of me?
'Wait, what did you say?'
'He was jealous.' He said trying to say it tenderly.
I laughed sadly. 'He hates me. He thinks I am an idiot.' I said trying to convince Josh and myself.
'Look, you know what my mum said about rich dudes?' I said to him. I told Josh and Cam a while ago. It was my dads anniversary and I ended up crying and I blurted it all out.
'Yeah Ruby. But he likes you.' If I was someone else, I would have blushed. But I'm Ruby Williams. A girl whos dad left her because he was blind from money. I couldn't be with someone so similar to my dad. Maybe Josh got this wrong. Its not just the money, its the way Conor acts. His brothers are great but Conor has the anger and attitude like my dad. Its scary.
Josh came onto my side of the table and gave quick hug. 'Its going to be okay. He can't force you to be with him.'
I was still staring at the place where Josh was. I had to stop this. If Josh finds out that I like Conor back, he would tell me to go ahead but I know he won't trust Conor. No one does. I remember the night my mum told to never trust the rich. I never knew I would meet someone rich and I thought it would be easy to keep this promise. I was wrong.
'Ruby, you there?'
I clicked back on. 'Sorry.' I breathed in and then out. 'Okay, lets just forget about this.'
'Look, Rubes I shouldn't have told you this. I never knew you would respond like this.'
'Its fine. Lets just forget this ever happened. If he likes me then it would just be a crush. Nothing else.'
Josh nodded.
'Lets go.' I said while getting up.
'Where?' Josh asked.
'Outside, its a cool day.'
'Rubes, I got to go meet up with Tom.' He said with an apologetic smile. Tom was Josh's other friend. He is really cool and has a crush on me. But I don't like him. He is cute. But in a baby way. You feel like pinching his cheek.
'Okay, I'll see after lunch.' I said. He nodded and said bye.
I walked outside. People were jumping about. We might be 16 but we have the mind of an 10 year old sometimes.
I walked to the grass area and sat down. I took my drawing book out and started to draw. I'm not the best at drawing. But the more you practise, the better you are. I started drawing the sun when something like darkness blocked it. I looked up to see what was going on when I saw the Riches.
'Hey, wassup Ruby.' I put my hand over my head to cover the sun because I couldn't see a thing. I saw Rick smirking and Matt texting. And then I looked around to see where Conor was but he wasn't here. I felt disapointment.
'Nothing, just sitting in the sun.' I said.
They just stood there. 'Sit down.' I said trying to make space for them.
'Are you crazy Ruby? This grass could have spiders.' Rick said.
I laughed. 'Scared of spiders are you?'
'No but the one on your head looks pretty big.'
I screamed and stood up. I put my head down so the spider would go.
Rick and Matt started laughing. I couldn't help but smile.
'Ha ha, very funny guys.' I quickly got a stone from the floor and hid it in my hand. I put it up to them. 'I could easily put this spider in your mouth.' I said while trying not to laugh. They believed me.
'What the hell, Ruby? You wouldn't dare!' They shouted moving backwards.
I came closer and said 'I would.' They went back. They quickly ran and I quickly chased behind them laughing.
We ran past the whole school and was near the field where we do sports.
We both stopped out of breath.
'This.... is.... the..... best time I have ever had.' Matt said with a smile on his face.
Rick looked at me and my hand. 'Please Ruby, Put the spider down.'
I laughed and opened my hand. They were shocked to see that there was only a small rock there.
We both fell to the ground laughing. We all sat down in a triangle.
'I've never had this much fun you know.' Said Rick. Matt nodded.
'I thought you guys were rich.'
They all looked at me like I said something wrong. 'Are you kidding me? Yes, Money is great but Its not that much fun is it?' Matt said.
'Sorry. Wheres Conor?' I said trying to make it sound casual when inside I was dying to see him.
They looked at eachother like they had a private joke.
'He had something to sort out.' Rick said. I looked confused.
'Who with?'
'Just someone.' Matt said.
'Please tell me who.'
Rick sighed and made a face to Matt that obviously read 'shall I tell her?' Matt nodded.
'Ruby, Is there anything going on with you and that Jack?' Rick said like it was just a normal everyday question.
My jaw dropped. They thought I liked Jack. No way. Yes, Jack is hot and cool but he is just hot and cool. Nothing else. Well I look into his eyes, its just blank. Hes the guy that you meet for 5 minutes and then forget about them when your gone.
'I can't believe this. I don't like him.' I said kind of annoyed.
'You sure?' Matt said.
'Yes I am absolutely sure. I just met him and-'
'Okay Okay, we're sorry okay?' Rick said kind of offended by my behaviour.
I didnt know I was shouting. I said sorry.
'We should be going-'
'Wait a minute.' I said. I got this now. Conors not here because he thinks that I like Jack. This means that Conor must be with Jack. And Conor won't be happy because he likes me. Josh said that Conor won't force me to be with him. But he will force others to stay away from me. And I'm not talking about having a nice anti-fighting conversation. I'm talking about Conor. I know what Conor is like. If I put two and two together, I know that Conor isn't here because he will be hurting Jack. I can't believe this.
They looked at me, waiting for something to say.
'Take me to Conor.'
'You guys have tricked me. You guys thought that if you send me away from school, Conor could hurt Jack and-'
'Look, we tried to stop him-'
'I don't care. Just take me to Conor.' I shouted.
They quickly ran it to school. I jogged past them. I hope Conor is okay. Jack is a bad boy and if someone tries to play with him, he wouldn't just stand there.
In the distance, I could hear 'fight fight.'
There was tears in my eyes. How can he do this? Jack is just a friend. We were just talking. I never knew Conor was going to be jealous. No one is this much jealous. Its insane.
I got into school and saw that there was a huddle of people in a circle. I quickly moved past them. It was hard. There was so many people.
And then I saw it.
Conor was punching Jack on the face. Jack was angry but I saw some fear in his eyes. Conor had some blood on his face but Jack had more.
Conor was on top of Jack punching really hard.
I quickly tried to stop. 'Conor don't!' I shouted 6 times trying to pull Conor off Jack.
Conor saw me put didn't stop. 'Please, I beg you to stop.'
Everyone stopped saying 'fight' and stopped. Where were the teacher? They should be here. They all looked at me.
There was tears in my eyes. Hurting. I felt dizzy again. Lots of tears fell down while I bended my knees. I didn't know if my begging could help this but Its all I could think of.
Conor stopped and stared at me while I went to my knees and sat down on the hard cold floor. Jack stopped and was looking at me. Blood everywhere. I quickly put my fingers together so it looked like I was praying. And then I begged.
'Please Conor. Stop hurting him. I'll do anything.' Conor looked at me surprised by my action. He let go of Jack.
And moved to me. I saw Josh on the other side. He looked scared.
Conor was about to put his hand onto mine but I stood up and ran. I was mad. I know I seem like a girl who stands up to anyone. But I was scared. I was just a 16 year old scared of the world. Of the school. Of my dad. Of Conor. He scared me. The way he gets angry, the way he makes me seem small. I thought I was good at everything. But I'm only good at running away. I've ran 3 times. But sometimes I feel like running forever. I love Conor. I love him. But he could hurt me. I can't trust him. He is scary. No one just punches someone just because he was sitting next to their crush. Even married couples don't get so jealous. I ran and sat down near a tree. I didn't want anyone. I hated Conor. I hate him. I hate him so much that I love him. I cried and cried and cried. Until I couldn't cry any more.

Chapter 15 Conors P.O.V

What have I done?
'Man you okay?' said Rick who was by my side.
I nodded. My brothers told everyone to go and they did. The only people who were outside was my brothers and Josh.
They all looked at me. I was frozen. I was sitting on the ground. Jack ran away when I was trying to get to Ruby.
I made everything worse. I was trying to help her and all I did was make it worse. Before Ruby came, I was trying to talk to Jack. I had to show him that we were the bad guys in school. I wasn't planning on fighting but then he started hitting me. No one hits Conor. I hit him back and just when I thought It couldn't get worset, Ruby saw me on top of him. She thinks that I did this. That I planned all of this. And worst of all, she thinks its her fault. I can't believe it. Just because I wanted to make her laugh, I made her cry. She hates me. I made her cry.
'Man you okay?' Matt said looking at my punched face. My face hurt but I didn't care.
'This is bad, this is really bad.' Josh was keep on saying the words. Going back and forth in the playground.
'You know what this means, don't you?' Josh said staring at me with anger. Well, why wouldn't he be? I just made his bestfriend cry. If I was him, I would have punched myself.
'Chill out Josh, We won't get into trouble.' Rick said. Rick was right. Even if we nearly killed someone in this school, we won't be kicked out. Unless my dad finds out of course.
'I'm not on about that, for goodness sake!' He shouted. We all looked at him. His face was red with anger. In his eyes, I saw that he was scared. Scared of what?
'Ruby.... Oh my God, Ruby.' He looks so pale. What have I done? I didn't know what I was getting into. I don't care what happens to me. I care what happens to Ruby. Well you did a good job, I muttered to myself sarcastically. Just then, it started rain. Josh and brothers stood there waiting for me. Waiting for what we are going to do. I was their leader. They know lots of safe things we can do right now, but without my brothers, they would'nt do anything. But why was Josh getting so worked up like something bad was going to happen?
'Josh, whats up?' I said nudging him. He was frozen looking at the ground but he finally spoke.
'Look guys, Ruby would hate me for what I'm going to say but shes....'
I stood up. 'Shes what?' I said.
Matt gave a napkin. I took it and started cleaning my face. Every touch was like a sting of a bee.
Josh just froze looking at the floor. He looked like he didn't want to tell us.
'What Josh?' I said getting impatient. He was hiding something. Something important.
'She might... She might have ran away.' Josh said still looking at the ground.
'What? Are you crazy?'
'When she was little...' he said like he didn't her me. 'She got scared of anything that hurt the people she loves.'
'What?' I said confused.
'I can't tell you-'
'Look, do you want me to find her or not?' I said trying to ignore the pain that was in my stomach.
He nodded. He took a deep breath like he was going to say something big.
'She loves you Conor.' He said looking at me with hope. Wait, she likes me. She doesn't just like me, she loves me. I can't believe this. But there was so many question.
'What... wait, you said-'
'I see the way she looks at you. The same way I look at Cam. It was really obvious she likes you and when I told her about you, she tried to hide her feelings and just said she didn't like you back. From the first day, she wanted to be with you. But she couldn't even explain the feeling to herself and when she saw you with blood on your face, she panicked. The first thing that came in her mind was running.' I looked at the ground. Thats why she was trying to run away when she was feeling ill. Thats why she ran away today. She hated seeing her loved ones in pain. But I was in pain since the day I met her. She wouldn't talk to me, she kept on seeing me as a target and an enemy. When all I wanted to do, was help her. I don't understand. I can't understand why she hates me but loves me.
The bell rang. 'I'm going to go find her.'
'But-' Matt was about to say. I forgot that they were even there.
'Cover for me yeah?' I said before running out of school. I had to find her. She can be anywhere. I quickly got my moterbike and zoomed it to the places where she can be. I had to find her. I love her.

Chapter 16 Rubys P.O.V

It was raining cats and dogs. I quickly sat under a tree that didn't really prevent the rain from going on top of me but I didn't care. I wanted something that is so hard to get. Something that everyone has. I want safety. I love my mum and I love my friends but I can't expect them to keep me safe. They all just going to move on. Josh and Cam are going to only care about eachother. My mum will get remarried and I will just live my life alone. I know I am going over the top but right now, its the only thing that makes sense. I heard a moterbike in the distant. Everyone is getting on with their life and look at me, I'm just sitting here crying my eyes out. Why am I even crying? Because I saw Conor with blood on his face? Its so simple. I keep on hiding the fact that I love him. More than a normal person does. Whats so special about him? Why can't you choose who you like? Why can't you just find a simple decent person and just love them? Why? Why do I love Conor? Its hurting me just seeing him hurt, its going to hurt more when I know that I can't have him. I stopped crying. I know that crying will not take you anywhere. I wiped my tears away and took deep breaths in. 'Ok, lets go home and have a new start.' I said to myself. I quickly got up and walked down the street.
'Ruby!' Someone shouted. I looked back to see Callums scared face. He put his hands on his knees like he was exhausted. He started coughing.
I ran to him and told him to sit down. There was a park just near us.
When we got to the park, he sat one swing while I got him water. He drank half of it and gave it back. I sat down on the other swing.
'I was finding you everywhere. Do you know how long it took for me to find you? 2 hours!' He shouted looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
I looked at the bird that was with its chicks at the far end of the park.
'You didn't have to find me.' I said still staring at the bird who was now giving food to the babies. I could sense that he was staring at me.
'Why do you hate me so much?' He said.
'I don't hate you. I just hate the way you treat people.' I said.
'No, listen to me. Theres something wrong and your not telling me. I could see it in your eyes. You alway try to run away from me. Always.' He said still staring at me. If only he knew about why I hate him. About who he reminded me of. If he did know, he would just walk away. But he doesn't.
I looked at him. 'Okay your right.' I had to do this. He looked at me waiting.
'I hate you. I hate the way you talk to me. I hate the way you use money like its nothing. Theres people out there that are not so lucky and instead of showing some sympathy, you try to show off with your money. I hate the way you never care about anyone else. And I hate the way you are always going to be the same. The same spoilt brat.' I screamed at him without stopping. I put as much hatred on my face. And it hurt. He looked at me like I shot him. He was hurt. So hurt that he was gripping the swing from falling. If only I could tell him I love him. If only life was fair.
I was about to cry. I quickly ran out of the park leaving him. I hated seeing him like this. It was torture. I couldn't take it anymore. It was raining so much, my tears were mixed with the rain. If only the rain could wash away the hurt inside me like it washes my tears. I sat inside the bustop. No one was here. Good. If they saw me like, they would ask me what is wrong and that is worser.
Someone touched my shoulder. I looked back to see Conor. How did he get here so fast?
'Look before you say anything.' He said bending his knees infront of me so he was the same level as my eyes. I couldn't help but stare into them. The eyes that I always saw happiness in them were now filled with hurt and sadness.
'Okay.' He sighed like he was going to say something important. He was nervous. He kept on looking down and then up, anywhere but not my face. I could have smiled if this wasn't so mad.
'Look, Ruby. What you said in the park is not true. You don't hate me. You might hate who I am but you don't hate the real me.' I looked away. He was telling the truth and I hated it.
He wiped the tears away from my cheeks and looked into my eyes. I looked into his eyes.
'I don't know how to say this but I love you Ruby.' He said with passion.
'I love you so much.' He whispered. I couldn't do anything. I froze. I could have pushed him away and told him to get lost. I could have hurt him more by saying hurtful words. But I couldn't. I just sat there staring into his eyes.
'I love you. I've never felt this way. I never knew I would feel this way. I just thought that love is just in movies.' He said smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back.
'But now I know.' He said while putting a strand of hair behind my ear. Then I had a flashback.

'Mummy, what happened?' I said to my mum. We were in the kitchen. Everything was destroyed.
'Darling.' She said crying. I couldn't help but cry too.
'Mummy, don't cry!' I said.
'Get away from me!' My mum shouted at me. She moved away from me. My hands that were hugging her were empty. 'You remind me of your dad!'
She cried. My dad? I look like my dad. My dad was very handsome so this must be a good thing. But why is mummy crying? Does she not like me?
'Mummy, please don't cry. I won't look like dad. I promise!' I said to her trying my hardest to make her not cry. She just looked at me with disgust.
Like she was left with me. She couldn't go anywhere. She hated me. And it was my dad's fault.

'You okay Ruby?'
I opened my eyes to see Conor in the same position. He was touching my cheeks looking into my eyes. What am I doing?
I quickly got up and was about to go when Conor took my hand.
'What happened Ruby?'
I couldn't look at him. I turned my back to him. 'Look Conor, I don't love you. And nothing will change that.'
'Thats not true Ruby.' He said like I told him aliens exist.
I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage because I was so angry. He kept on saying all these things like he knew what he was talking about. I looked at him tearing his hand away from my arm.
'How do you know if I love you or not? How do you even know that I want you when maybe I can be like the other girls? I can love you because your rich. I can love you because I want your money. And maybe I wouldn't love you if you were poor.' I shouted. It went quiet for a while. He then pushed me to the window so we were up close.
'You know what!' He shouted back. 'I'll answer all your questions.'
'And how are-' I was interrupted by his kiss. He kissed me. Fireworks exploded inside me. He put his hands around me to pull me closer. His lips softly onto mine like my lips were too fragile. His lips were so hot against me. I kissed him back because it was too good to resist. I put my hands through his hair and felt his lips do all the work. I couldn't believe this was happening. He stopped kissing me to see the impression on my face and smiled. I was shocked. I don't know if it was good shock or bad shock. I just felt alive and loved. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to love him and talk to him and hug him. I finally fell in love.
'So what do you think?' He said smiling. I touched my lips.
I looked down. Cheeks filled with red. 'That was....' I couldn't find a word. Before I could say a good word to describe the kiss, my mobile rang.
He was still looking at me. His fingers playing with my hair. I quickly got the mobile from my bag to see who it was. Josh.
'Ruby are you okay?' Josh shouted with worry in his voice. He saw me at the fight. He must think i'm devestated. But right now, I felt different.
'Josh, I'm fine.' I said trying not to look at Conor. I didn't want him to see that I was scared. I wanted Josh and Cam with me. I wanted a hug.
'We've been friends since ages and I know when your lying. Where are you? I'm going to pick you up and we'll go get an ice cream. That cheers you up.' Josh said. I smiled. I love him so much. Who can have a better friend than that?
'Okay.' I said. I told him where I am and he said he'll be there in 5 minutes.
I looked at Conor. He was watching me with worry. And then I remembered what happened.
'OH MY GOD!' I screamed.
'Whats wrong Ruby?' Conor said.
'I Can't believe this! How can you kiss me? This is not supposed to happen!' I shouted.
Conor started laughing. His beautiful laugh. 'Why are you laughing?' I shouted.
'Anyone will laugh if they saw you like this.' He said laughing. I couldn't help but get mad. I didn't know what was happening.
'Ruby, I'm sorry.' He said while hugging me. 'So am I like your boyfriend?'
'What?' I screamed. He smiled.
'I'm sure when you kiss someone, they are officially your girlfriend.' Conor said like he knew all about love.
'Can I call you sweetie? What about cherry because of your red hair? This is so cool. I can't wait to tell the boys.' He said excitedly like he won a prize. Maybe I am a prize to him. A prize that he will get rid of when hes had his fun.
'Wait, your brothers know?' I said.
'Yeah, they helped me.' He said taking my phone and writing his number into it.
'They helped you with what?' I said. What is this guy talking about?
'To get you.' He said while giving me a peck on the cheek. I looked around to see if Josh had came. He was there looking for me. His face going everywhere.
'Well I got to go.' I said not leaving my eyes off Josh. He looked lost and worried.
Conor looked at me like he didn't want me to leave. He kissed me on the lips.
'I love you, bye.' he said before going to the other direction. When he was out of sight, I ran up to Josh.
'Ruby I-'
I hugged him. I couldn't help but cry. How much does a girl cry in a day?
'Ruby, whats wrong?' Josh said when I pulled off.
'Everything.' I said to him still crying.

We were driving to the icecream parlour. I really didn't want to go. Specially with all my hair and makeup everywhere. The Icecream parlour was on the left but Josh went to the right.
'Josh, your going the wrong way. The icecream parlour is at the left.' I said. He looked at me and smiled.
'We're not going there.' He said. I looked confused. I thought Josh said we were going to get some icecream.
He saw the expression on my face and said, 'We're going to Cam. I know your not telling me anything but i'm sure you will tell Cam.'
It was true. Eventhough I was crying and it really looked like something is really wrong, I couldn't tell Josh. Mainly because I don't know how that will make this situation better and I didn't tell because he might get angry at Conor when it is clearly my fault. But theres a question I wanted to ask him.
'Josh.' I said while he parked the car near Cams house.
'Yeah.' He said looking at me.
'What do you think about Conor?' I said looking at him for any sign of emotions. Josh looked at me and smiled his warm smile.
'Well, Conor is not a guy you should trust. I mean, I've heard millions of rumors about him but you don't know if they're true or not. But the way Conor looks at you, its weird.'
'Wierd?' I said.
'Yeah, he looks at you like he never has loved anyone. He looks at you like he is missing out in something. I don't know how to explain but he looks at you like he loves you. He wants you Ruby.'
I looked away. When my mind said all these things, I didn't believe it. But now when Josh says it, its sounds so real. It makes you wonder is it really is true? We got out of the car and made it to the door. Josh rang the doorbell. He gave me a 'you'll be okay' smile. It helps.
Cam opened up wearing blue jeans with a white plain top. On top of that she wore a cardigan that looks so warm. She was smiling when she saw us.
'Hey guys.' She hugged me tight and kissed Josh on the cheek. For a minute, I forgot about that they were together.
We went into her living room.
'Wheres your parents?' I said sitting down on the sofa.
'Oh, they've gone to my aunts house.' She said while sitting in the middle of me and Josh.
'Wait!' She shouted while running out of the room. Me and Josh shared a look. Cam came back with a blanket and 3 cups of hot chocolate.
She gave a cup to me and and Josh and wrapped us with a blanket.
'Are you done?' Josh said. Cam sat down between us. We were all snuggled up in a blanket. It was so cosy that I couldn't help but smile.
'Okay, lets start from the front.' Cam looked at me.
'Cam, forget it.' I said. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it.
'Look Josh told me what happened, you have to tell me the rest of it.' She said looking at me and Josh.
I sighed. 'Okay fine.' I told Josh and Cam everything. From what I felt to why I did't want Conor. They listened carefully and nodded at the times when I told them to agree with me. After I was done, they looked at eachother for a long time like they were planning on what they are going to do.
'Ruby, you love him don't you?' Cam said.
A tear fell from my eye. 'Yes, I love him to bits.' I said shakily.
'Ruby, I think you should go for it. I mean he loves you and you loves him.' Josh said.
'Guys, you don't understand. My mum will get angry.' I said kind of angrily.
'Rubes, you can't pretend to hate him for the rest of your life. And I'm sure your mother will understand.' Cam said.
I knew they were right. My mum would understand but she would never be able to trust Conor. I sighed.
'Thanks guys your the best.'
'We are.' Cam said. We all laughed. 'Group hug!' Cam said. Before me and Josh could refuse, Cam pulled us together that we were hugging.
'I love you guys.' I said. Whatever happens, I know that my friends will be with me the whole way.

Chapter 17

After I told Cam and Josh about everything they told me to tell my mum and tell her how I feel about Conor. Josh took me home.
I went into the house and was welcomed by the rich smell of rice. I smiled to myself. I took a deep breath. I hope my mum won't freak out from all these things. I came into the kitchen to see my mum putting the radio on. She had flour on her face and her apron was full of different foods.
'Hey Mum, whats happening here?' I said sitting down on the stool.
'Hey darling.' Mum smiled at me. 'Do you know Auntie Pam?' I nodded. I have met Auntie Pam and I think she is great. She isn't mum's sister but they act like sisters. When I was born, Mum's bestie was Pam and they used to do everything together. And she loves me like a real aunt.
'Well, her son is coming to stay with us for a month because he is doing a course in your school.' I screamed with happiness. I can't believe it! Sam is coming to stay. Okay, Sam is the coolest guy ever. I actually had a crush on him when were were small because he was so handsome. But he was gay. But he doesn't act like it. Sam is like a brother to me and helped me through when my dad went. I haven't seen him in years.
My mum put her hands to her ears. 'For goodness sake Ruby, don't break the windows with your screams!'
'Sorry mum, I'm just so excited! When is he coming?' I said happily.
'Tomorrow.' She said trying to light the oven.
'Do you need help Mum?' I said looking at her struggling.
'No darling, I'm nearly finished and when have I ever left you near a oven. You'll burn yourself in a second.' I laughed and said to her that I'm going upstairs. I went upstairs and closed the door. When i was about to sit on the bed, I froze.
AAAHHH! I forgot to tell her about me and Conor. She looked to happy. I couldn't just make her worried again. I sighed and went onto the computer to do some online shopping. After an hour, I felt sleepy so I went into my sleeping position. Ping! The was my phone. I picked it up to see a message from Conor. It said: Hey Ruby what are you up to? I smiled at his words. I kind of felt sorry for him because he wasn't doing all the slang words like BRB and LOL, it just made me think that without his richness, he wouldn't be able to survive in school. I texted back: Nothin, just sleepin peacefully until someone texted me. I sended and after 1 minute, Conor texted back saying: Sorry, I'm just really bored.
I can't believe this! He even put apostrophe in his text! I nearly fell off the bed with laughter.
When I was about to text back, Conor phoned. Its better if he phones. Better for everyone I thought.
'Heyy Ruby, What you doing?' Conor said sounding really happy.
'And why do you care?' I said playfully.
'Because I'm your boyfriend and I should care?' He said.
'How can you be my boyfriend if we haven't even been on a date?'
'Ruby? Are you asking me out?' He said. I laughed.
'I'm sure if you can call me your girlfriend, I can ask for a date.' I said twirling my hair. I can't believe I am actually flirting. I have never flirted. Never.
'Ruby, I love it when you laugh.' He whispered. I smiled and bit my lip. I was actually blushing. Its good that he couldn't see me or he would have made fun of me and thats the last thing I want.
'Thats-' I was about to talk on the phone when my mum knocked on the door.
'Conor, I got to go, we will talk later okay?'
'But-' Conor was about to say.
'Byee.' I whispered before cutting off.
I quickly opened the door. Mum was standing there. 'How long does it take to open the door eh?' She said while sitting on my bed.
I raised my eyebrow. 'Sorry, I was just busy watching television, so whats up?' I said sitting next to Mum.
'Well, tomorrow I have to go to a business course abroad. So-'
'But Mum, your only an engineer, this all is just optional.'
'I know darling, buts its better if I learn more so I can be in a higher position. You know what I mean?'
'Yeah, so when you coming back?' I said.
'After a week but Sam will babysit you and I don't want you getting into trouble in school, got it?'
I nodded. 'Thats great sweetie, I won't be here in the morning but Sam will come okay?'
I nodded again. 'Oh and sweetie, I've told Sam about all your-'
'Mum, please I'm 16. I'll be fine.' I said.
'Oh look at my baby growing up so fast.' She said like she was talking to a baby. She hugged me tight and then kissed me on the forehead.
'Bye honey.' She said.
'Bye Mum.' I said while she went out of my bedroom. I sighed. I really should have told my mum about me and Conor but for some reason I didn't want her to stop being happy. I went into my sleeping position and slept like a baby.

I hoped you liked my books. The next chapters will be coming out soon.
Please comment or favourite. Thank you!
I'm sorry If I had some spelling mistakes.

Chapter 18

I woke up with the worst feeling left. My head felt heavy and I had a massive flue.
'Great day to be ill Ruby' I mumbled to myself while getting out of bed. I looked on my mobile that I left on my dressing table.
12 missed calls? I checked who it was all from and it was of course Conor. Why did he phone me so much times? I started coughing and went
downstairs to get a glass of water. I can't believe this! My mum left all the dishes here from her cooking last night for me to clean up. I groaned and sat down to drink some water. I quickly went upstairs to do my normal bathroom routine and then got dressed. I wasn't going to go anywhere today because I'm ill so all I wore was a black thick top and jeans. I wore a massive sweater that my mm knitted me and put that on. I started coughing again. I felt so ill. And its worse when theres no one here that you can moan about it. I went downstaires and ate a banana. After I was done, I put the radio on. Yes! My favourite song was on. I started joining in with the song. I started washing the dishes, singing and dancing all at the same time. I put the music on louder.
I turned around to get the dishes from the table when I saw Conor there with an amused expression on his face. Beside him were 2 bodyguards.
'AAAHHH! What you doing here?' I said embarrased that they saw me dancing and singing. I quickly put the radio low and looked at them.
Conor was laughing so much and guards had a smirk on their face.
'Conor, I can't believe this! Who the hell are these guys? And how did you get here? I mean I was just-'
'Calm down Rubes. Look I'll tell these guys to go.' He nodded his head and the guards went out the door. I started coughing and my head hurt.
'You okay? I didn't mean to scare you.' He said putting his hand on my back.
'No, I'm just ill.' I said coughing again. My throat was hurting a lot now.
'Ruby, you can't do all this work. Come on. I'll take you to bed.'
'No I'm fine.' I said. But there was no point, he was already taking me upstairs.
He put me to bed and and put the duvet on top of me. I would have laughed if I wasn't so ill. Conor was helping me to bed? Is this real?
'I don't get it.' He said while sitting next to my bed and looking at me.
'Get what?' I said confused.
'You can't even talk properly so how can you dance, sing AND do the washing all at the same time?' He said laughing.
'Conor, I wasn't dancing, I was exercising!' I shouted but it only turned out to be sqeaky because of my throat.
'Okay, so I guess you were singing to excercise your voice too?' He said clearly amused by my excuse.
'Yeah, who says you can't exercise your lips?' I said and not even thinking about what I'm saying.
'You know there is other ways, you can exercise your lips.' He said coming closer. I couldn't help but smile.
'And how is that?' I said. I bit my lip.He was coming closer when I started coughing again.
'Look, its better if you don't kiss me because you'll catch it.' I said getting a tissue to clean my nose.
He looked disappointed. 'But you can do a quick kiss on my cheek.' I said trying to cheer him.
He smiled and kissed me on my cheek but not quickly. He took his time.
'So how you feeling?' He said getting up to take his coat off.
'I've got a better question, what are you doing here?'
'Well, I came to take you on a date.' He said sitting down near me again.
'Well, your date is ill. Maybe next time?' He nodded.
'Well bye.' I said getting my sleeping position.
'What? I'm not leaving.' He said.
'But, I'm ill.' I said coughing again.
'Thats right. And your alone. Wheres your mother?' he said.
'Shes got a course abroad.' I said. Then I thought of my mother. Its like I'm decieving her because I just invited my boyfriend who I haven't even told her about. What if she comes back? It will take ages explaining her. I suddenly felt guilty.
'You do look really ill, I'm going to make you soup. It always helps me.' He got up.
'Wait, you know how to make soup?' I said kind of impressed.
'My nan showed me when I was small. She said it could help a sick person in seconds.' He was about to go when I told him he didn't have to do this.
'Yeah I do. Theres no one at home and its my duty as your boyfriend to help you out.' He kissed my hand and went downstairs.
I sighed. I can't believe he is my boyfriend. I just met him a few weeks ago and its like he was mine for a long time. It was like yesterday we were enemies and now we are holding eachother's hands. Its weird when you think about it. I smiled. I put the television on and watched Mr Beans Holiday.

Chapter 19

After 10 mins he came in with my a pot of delicious soup.
'You feeling okay?' He said. I didn't have to say anything, my coughing gave the answer.
He gave me the soup trying hard not to burn himself or me. I took the spoon but he took it off me.
'I'm going to feed you today.'
'Conor you dont-'
'Look I want to. Okay?' He said. He filled the spoon with soup and blowed onto it. He then gave me the soup. I drank it and it was great. I haven't tasted a soup that is this good in my life. 'mhmmm, that is WOW.' I said.
'I know.' He said impressed with himself. He gave me three more spoons while I watched TV. I knew he was staring at me but
I didn't say anything. I just quietly watched TV. After he was done, we watched TV and laughed at the funny parts. I looked at him. He looked amazing. His eyes shined with amusement. His smile was welcoming. I really wanted to kiss those lips. His hair was same as always but looking better. He was dressed up with a shirt and trouser. He must have got ready for the date and look at us, sitting here watching TV.
'So where were you taking me on this date?' I said.
He looked at me and smiled. 'Well, I thought I'll take you to reserved beach because it was so hot.'
'Wait, you reserved a beach for this date?' I said surprised.
'Yeah, I had a table for us two and Cam told me you loved lasagne so I thought I'll get the best chef to make it. And we were going to have entertainment by all of your favourite singers and then I thought we would finish off with us swimming in the beautiful blue sea.' He said looking at me like it was a dream of his.
'I'm sorry.' I said nearly in tears. 'I didn't mean to-'
'You didn't mean to be sick? Oh come on Ruby, no one can help it and anyway its not like I'm going anywhere. I could book it again.' He said taking my hand and coming closer to me. He kissed my head. 'I love you Ruby.' He whispered. I never knew he loved me so much. He loves me more than I have loved anyone. He treats me so well. Why did I say that I can't trust him when hes amazing? I quickly remembered my mum. If I went really close to Conor and then Mum said that I can't be with him, he would hate it. So on the safe side, I will keep a distance between me and Conor.
'I think you should go. A family friend is going to come to look after me and I'm sure he will get suspicious if your here.' I said. First Conor looked offended that I didn't say 'I love you' back but he just smiled. It hurt so much seeing him push his pain away. He put his coat on.
'Anyway, who is this babysitter?' He said. I laughed. 'Hes not a babysitter.' I said. When I said 'he', Conor froze.
'Wait, a guy is going to be with you?' He said kind of angrily.
'Well yeah. Sam is awesome. I haven't seen him for ages. And don't worry, he will look after me.' I said smiling. But Conor looked far from impressed.
'Ruby, aren't babysitters supposed to be girls?' He said coldly. That wasn't called for.
'Theres no need to be sexist, hes just a friend. He nothing like what your thinking.' I said kind of mad now. Whats his problem?
'And how do you know he won't try anything on you? How long is he staying here?' He said like he was investigating me.
'Hes staying for a month and he won't try anything because-'
'A month! Your crazy right?'
'What? you dont understand-'
'I do understand. Your trying to tell me that a guy that you call 'friend' is going to stay in the same house as you? Don't you even once think I will mind? Don't you worry about what I would say?' He shouted. Tears fell down my cheek. He looked like my dad. I'm not lying, everything about him. The anger in his eyes, the red face, the shouting and the way he looks at me. I was scared. I didn't know what to do, so all I did was go quiet. If we were outside, I would have ran but he was at home. He was near the door. I felt the same way as my mother. Helpless. Now I knew how my Mum felt.
When Conor saw the tears fall down, he stopped. He came next to me and wiped the tears away. I couldn't move.
'Ruby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to shout. Babe, listen I was just jealous. I didn't mean to make you cry. Look at me Ruby.' I looked at him. His eyes were blurry with tears. His face was soft. He looked scared by my reaction.
'Ruby, I swear I won't shout at you again. I'm so sorry. I love you. You know that right? Please forgive me.' He put crossed his hands and sat on his knees looking up at me from the bed. I couldn't help it. I knew he was sorry. His face said it all. I put my hands over his and kissed his hands.
'Its okay. I understand.' I kissed his tears away. He looked so relieved by my forgiveness. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.
After a while, he kissed back but his lips were rough.
'Ruby, I got scared. I thought you might leave me.' He whispered.
'You can't get away from me that easily.' I said. He smiled. This is bad. If he gets this worked up when he thinks I'm about about to leave him, then when my mum tells me to break up with him, Its going to be hard. The doorbell rang. I quickly stopped kissing Conor and quickly looked in the mirror.
'This is bad.' I mumbled. I didn't look that ill any more. I looked normal. If Sam finds out that I was ill, he wouldn't let me out the house for a week. A week! Conor's soup literally helped me in seconds.
'Don't worry.' Conor said looking at my expression.
'Come on.' I said. I don't know how Sam will say about me dating a rich guy. He knows the promise and he will start asking me things that I actually don't have answers too. I took Conor's hand and we both went downstairs. Before I opened the door, I said to Conor, 'Conor, Sam is gay so don't make fun of his clothes, hair or accent. And he will get mad because hes seen your reputation so don't fret if he asks you questions.' I said. Conor nodded. The door bell rang. I was about to go open it when Conor took my arm.
'You know, your very sexy when you give me orders.' He whispered to my ears. He kissed me passionately and gave me fireworks. I quickly let go of the kiss eventhough it was so hard to. I went to the door and opened it. There he was, my childhood friend. He was wearing a pink short sleeved shirt eventhough its about to rain and he was wearing grey shorts. His face was filled with happiness. If he wasn't gay, he would have so many girls lining up because of his light brown twinkling eyes and blond hair that was covered by his hat.. He saw me and a big smile spread on his face.
'Hey redhead! He screamed hugging me tight and pulling me off the floor. He gave me swirl. 'You are looking gorgeous.'
'And so are you Sammy! Love your hat!' I said. It was a green feret that were for boys and girls. Mostly girls.
'Its yours.' He put it on my head. After he was done his smile went upside down. He was looking at Conor. There was a small awkward silence until I spoke. 'So Sam this is my boyfriend Conor and Conor this is my childhood friend Sam.' I said. Conor put his hand out. But Sam just stared at him.
'Sam?' I said. Conor looked at me for help but I didn't know what to do. Sam then went around Conor trying to look at him from head to toe. Conor just stood there helplessly. 'Hmm, so your Rubys boyfriend eh?' He said looking at him for any sign of weakness.
'Thats what Ruby said.' Conor said happily.
'You think your funny, don't you Conur?' Sam said, saying Conors names wrong.
'Its actually Conor.' Conor corrected.
'Sam-' I was about to say lets forget about it but Sam interrupted.
'Look pretty boy, No one messes with this girl.' He pointed at me and then poked Conor's chest. 'You understand?' He said coldly.
Conor nodded like a child getting punished.
'Okay then, lets eat!' Sam said happily. He quickly went into the kitchen and started taking things out from his suitcase. I missed Sams moodswings.
Me and Conor exchanged looks. When Sam went upstairs to freshen up, I said sorry to Conor.
'Its fine Ruby. He really cares about you.' He touched his chest. The poke must have hurt. I quickly walked up to him and kissed his chest from his shirt.
'It'll be fine Conor.' I said. He looked at me and came closer. He kissed me on the cheek lightly. We heard someone clear their throat.
We looked to see Sam there looking mad. That was quick.
'Sorry.' Me and Conor said in unison. We were about to sit down to eat when Conor had some work to do.
'Well see ya Conor.' I said hugging him.
'Yeah, theres a formal party at my house tomorrow, the invite will come to through the post. And I would love it if you came.' He said.
'Erm... I don't know...' I said. I am feeling better but I haven't even got a dress and I'm going to meet him family so its a lot of pressure. And its a formal party and I've never been to one of them.
'Go on Ruby, it'll be fun.' Sam said not even looking at me. He was just eating and not really looking bothered. I smiled. Atleast he was fine with Conor. 'Okay but-'
'Thats great! And It'll be greater if Sam came.' Conor said looking at Sam with hope. I knew it. Conor wanted to show Sam that he can look after me and whats a better way then a party?
'I'll think about.' Sam said glumly. I tried to read his face but It was just blank.
'Okay. Bye guys.' Conor said giving me a quick hug. Conor smiled at me and then went out the door.

Chapter 20

t was great. Me and Sam talked a lot. It was great Sam was here or I would have been dying of boredom. He told me about his new car thats going to be transported here from his hometown. I told him about school and what has been going on.
'And thats how I met Conor.' I said helping him wash the dishes. He washed while I dryed.
'This Conor guy, hes rich right?' Sam said.
'Yeah, but it never looks like it.' I said drying the spoons.
'Except with his rich clothes, rich mind and rich talk.' Sam said.
I raised my eyebrow. 'Whats up with you?' I said.
'Ruby, I'll tell you whats up. Conor is rich.' He said softly.
'Conor is everything that you hate. Hes rich. And what was the promise your mother told you?'
I sighed. 'I know but-'
'What was the promise Ruby?'
'That I shouldn't trust the rich.'
'And why?' He said slowly like he might need to take the words out.
'Because of my dad. My dad. My dad was rich and Conor is rich. My dad gets angry and Conor gets angry. My dad gets his way and Conor gets his way.' I whispered. I smiled sadly. 'Hes everything like my dad, isn't he?' I said. But Sam didn't need to say anything. Because I knew it. Even it if it hurt.
'You really love him don't you?' He said looking at me.
'How did you-'
'Its a friend instinct. And he really loves you back.'
'Yeah, hes perfect. Did you know that before you came he made me soup. And not just any soup, the best soup in the world!' I said. He smiled like he understood. 'He loves me more than anyone but when I tell my mum-'
'I know Rubes, but you got to what you got to do.' He said. He washed the last dish and put it away. 'I'm really proud of you. You know why?'
'Why?' I said looking at him with a confused face.
'Because you can risk your soulmate just for your Mum's happiness.' He said tilting his head.
I laughed. 'Of course I will. I love my mum and I'll do anything for her. She loved me so much even after all these things that happened to her.'
'Come here.' He gave me tight hug. I really needed it.
'Thanks Sam.' I mumbled on his chest.
He kissed me on the forehead and said 'Don't mention it. Come on, lets go to bed.'
'Wait, you can't boss me around, your nearly the same age as me.' I protested.
'Well I'm still your babysitter as your mother says so I can tell you what to do.' He said smiling smugly.
I groaned. 'Well okay.'
I went to my room and got ready for bed. I put my mobile on charge and picked the soup bowl from the bed and put it on the dressing. I smiled when I remembered him feeding me.
I was going to go asleep when Sam knocked the door.
'Come in Sammy Bammy.' I said impressed by my new nickname for him.
He came in and sat near my bed. It used to be weird a few years ago if he did this because I used to have a crush on him but now its like I don't see him as any difference than Cam. He crossed his legs on the bed. 'Is that my new nickname?' Sam said.
'Yeah, its suits you.' I said smiling like an idiot.
'Okay, I'll call you Rububu.' He said smiling more like an idiot.
'Fine, lets stick with Sammy and Ruby.' I said. We both laughed. 'So you going to the party?'
'Yeah, lets see how big this boyfriend of yours is.' He said.
'Yeah, but I haven't got anything to wear.' I said sadly.
'Wait here.' After he said that he zoomed of the bed to his room. After 10 mins he came back with a box.
'I've seen the party on the newspaper. Its the biggest of the year. Its formal so you got to wear something different. Something unique.'
I raised my eyebrow. He opened the box and there was sitting the most amazing dress ever. It was black dress. It has a blue neckline that was detailed like it took hours of work. The black was shiny and looked beautiful. My jaw dropped. 'This- you-how?' I said utterly gobsmacked.
'Does that mean you like it?' He said smiling at my expression. I nodded. My jaw was still on the floor. 'I made it for a fashion show but I thought you deserved it more. It took a long time so don't tear it.' He said smiling.
'I can't take this. I - well - This is gorgeous!' I screamed. He put his hands to his ears.
'Err, thank you and you have to take it. I can't wear it.' He said. 'It doesn't suit me.'
I smiled. 'Thank you so much.'
'Don't mention it. Well, I have to call your Mum for the 'daily notice.' He said smiling.
'Goodnight Redhead.' He said while going out of my bedroom and closing the door.
I moved the box near me and put my hand through it. It was gorgeous. The black look so nice. I never knew I could ever get a dress like this. But I have, and not just that, I got a better one. I yawned. I closed the box and put it nicely on my sofa that I have on the end of the room. And then I slept.

Chapter 21

'Come on, we're going to be late!' Sam screamed for the 6th time. I quickly looked at myself at the mirror. The dress fit me perfectly. The dress was till my knees and looked great. The only jewellery I wore was round earings, 3 silver bracelets and a charm watch. I never wear lots of jewellery and I will not start now. I put my hair in a bun because I thought it was formal.
'Come on Ruby!' Sam shouted.
'Okay Okay, I'm coming.' I shouted. I got the purse from my bed that had my phone and makeup in. I was kind of nervous because its the first time Conor's family is going to see me. Will they like me? Or will they think I'm after his money? Should I even go? But Conor wouldn't like it if I stood him up. I sighed. 'Why is life so unfair?' I said to myself. I went downstairs to see Sam with his black neatly pressed suit on. He looked great with a nice black tie on. This party wasn't our normal kind of parties. This party was for the rich. Now I knew why Conor didn't say anything until the end about the party. Because he thought that maybe we don't go to these kind of party. And we certainly don't.
'I'm here so you don't-' I paused because Sam was staring at me like I was an angel. I smiled. Was this dress that good that it made anyone look amazing?
'Ruby, you look amazing.' Sam said not taking his eyes off the dress. I went down the stairs and gave Sam the tightest hug I can give.
'And thats because of you. Thank you thank you thank you for the dress.' I said with a big smile on my face.
He smiled and said, 'We could talk all day but we got a party to go to.' I nodded.
We both went outside and in the drive way, I saw a red car. The same colour as my hair. It was great. I didn't know what kind of car it was but it was the type of car that you expect someone rich to be in. I looked back to see Sam locking the door of the house. When he was done, he saw the expression on my face and said that it was the car he was telling me about.
'Amazing.' I said.
'Come on, we don't want to compliment the car all day do we?' He said while unlocking the car. I went into the car. And he pulled it out of the driveway and started driving.
'You know where it is?' I said.
'Yeah, you can't miss it. The house is massive.' He said.
'Ruby.' Sam said looking at me.
'Yeah.' I said smiling. I don't know why but I was really excited to go there. Not because I was going to see Conor. Because I could finally prove to Sam that Conor is a trustworthy guy. And prove it to myself.
'Be careful Ruby.' he said.
I frowned. 'Why should I be careful?' I said. But before he could answer, I said, 'Oh you mean the dress? Don't worry, I'll keep it clean and safe.'
'No, not that. I meant with Conor. Hes a good guy, I just don't want you to-'
'Yeah, I get it. I won't don't worry.' I said reassuring him. He was worried I would take it to the next level with Conor without telling my Mum about our relationship. I'm not looking forward to that at all. I really need to take my time with Conor. Everything has been going so fast lately. And its better if we slow down. Not just for everyone but for me.
After 20 minutes of Sam driving and me talking about celebrities I hate, we arrived at this massive mansion. It was really big. Biggest house I've even seen. I knew that the Riches Mansion was going to be really big but this was 10 times than I expected. I tried my best to not let my jaw drop to my lap. I looked at Sam to see whathis expression was going to be like. Sam looked at it like it was just an ice cream parlour we just went passed. I rolled my eyes. Sam doesn't really care about people's wealth. Thats why, he loves things that are useful as a birthday present than a thing that you can just look at like a frame.
I saw lots of body guards around and a lot of posh guests. I was surely not going to fit in but this dress was. There was one guest that looked really familiar. I screamed. It was The Legend! Not only were their the best looking guys ever, they were the best singers you could name. Sam looked at me and asked if there was anything wrong. I pointed at where they were. There was two guys and one girl in the band. Lynsey, Kent and my favourite Nico was there chatting to some people. They weren't fans because their faces would have been filled with OMG! and Am I dreaming? Instead their faces were filled with no interest and boredom. Sam parked the car in a massive car park and we both got out. I looked at the time. It was half 6. We were supposed to come at 6. I was just used to coming fashionably late because thats what I did in all my parties. Sam walked to my side and put his hand on his hips.
'Shall we?' He said with a big smile on his face. I smiled.
'We shall.' I said putting my arm around his arm. We walked into the mansion. And I was amazed. It was the biggest hall I have ever seen. There was a red carpet from the entrance. The whole room filled with classical music and ladies laughing to their own jokes. In the middle was a big chandelier and red flowers were everywhere. There was tables at the far side for eating and next to it was a little dance area where I saw many couples swinging and gliding onto the marble floor. There were lots of celebrities there. Some that Cam would scream with excitement about. There was a man there looking at people's pass to come in. I looked in my bag for my pass. And to my surprise, it wasn't there.
'Sam!' I half whispered trying not to attract attention with my worry.
'Whats up?' Sam said still not amused by the whole room of the hall.
'I forgot the frigging tickets!' I hissed trying to not hit myself.
'What? I thought you had them!' Sam said with anger in his voice.
'This is a sign. I shouldn't be here. This is a big sign.' I mumbled to myself. We were near the guards who take the passes.
'Well I guess-' Sam was interrupted by Rick. Rick looked different with his suit on. It somehow suits him. You know, some people suit gangster look like Rick and some people suit tie and blazer look like Matt. But these guys can pull off anything. He was wearing a black suit with a gold tie.
'Hey Ruby!' Rick said dragging us away from the guards and into the centre of the hall. I smiled. Rick is always here to save the day.
'Hey Rick.' I said.
'You look amazing. And this must be...' Rick trailed off looking at Sam.
'Well, this my bestie Sam and this is Conors brother Rick.' I said introducing them both. I thought Sam was going to switch on his suspicious mode but he just smiled.
'Awesome.' Rick said.
'Where's Conor?' I said looking around. He wasn't there at all. But I did see Matt with 5 girls crowded around him. He really is a cheeky player.
'Oh he must be here somewhere..' Rick said looking around too.
'Psst, Ruby I'm just going to get something to eat.' Sam whispered to me before he headed to the buffet with posh food on.
I was about to tell Rick that he looked great when The Legend Nico came and shook Ricks hand. My jaw fell. He looked so handsome in close. I couldn't control how I felt. The Legend is actually 30 centimetres away from me! I thought.
Rick saw the expression on my face and smiled. 'Hey Nico, this is Ruby. Friend of mine.' Rick said introducing me. He looked at me and smiled.
I thought I was going to faint. 'Hey Ruby. Its really nice to meet you.' He said beautifully. I thought I was about to scream.
'Hey Nico, your the best. I love your songs and the song Your Heart is the best song ever! I love you so much! When is you next concert? I'll definately see you there.' I said excitedly. Rick laughed and Nico joined in. I didn't care because Nico was actually here!

Conor's P.O.V - Chapter 22

'Conor, you are late for you own party!' My sister Cassie said trying to drag me off my phone. I reallydidnt like these random parties but I was just happy thar Ruby was going to be here.
'Okay Okay, Im coming.' I mumbled sitting in my bed while Cassie was looking in the mirror. Cassie was on the phone again with her husband. I rolled my eyes. Shes always on the phone. I asked Cassie why her husband Ed couldn't come here but she said that he was busy with some work. If a month ago, I looked at Ed and Cassie I wouldn't believe how much they love eachother. That they worry about little things and they never get in fights. But now that I meant Ruby, I know how it feels to be in love. To actually have someone that you live for. I smiled. She was the most amazng girl I have ever met. Sometimes, I think taht I don't deserve her but maybe this is fate. My brothers would have laughed if I said 'fate' or 'love' to them because they think its ludicrous but they won't know till they've felt it.
'What are you all giddy about?' Cassie said smiling. She sat next to me.
I looked away trying to hide my smile. 'Nothing, just thought of a prank for Matt.' I said.
'No No No. Don't even dare lie to me. Really, tell me why your smiling.' She said hitting me on the arm.
'Ouch! Theres nothing wrong.' I mumbled moving away from her. She moved closer.
'I know something is up and I'm going to find out.' She shouted in my ear. Before I could shout back at her, she ran out the room with her blond hair bouncing behing. I smiled. She will never change. I got up from the bed and looked in the mirror before going to the party. I was waring a italien million doller suit. I looked smart and cool at the same time. It was shiny black and I wore a red tie with it. We always have a theme for our random parties and today it was red, I chose this colour because wherever I will go it will remind me of Ruby. Her red hair is the just one of the thing I love.
I walked downstairs and looked at the decorations. There were a lot of people here and I could see Sam at the far corner talking to One Direction. This party was very classical and I was really shy that maybe Ruby wouldn't like to go here. I mean, I hate these parties but I still need to organise it. I looked around and there I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. It was Ruby. She was talking to some people but I couldn't stop staring at her. She was wearing a black dress and had her hair up. Beautiful. Her face was filled with happiness. Her eyes twinkled with every word she said. Her smile grew bigger everytime. She was talking to Rick and a guy from The Legend. She must be a big fan of this guy because her face looks like she wants to scream with happiness. I was happy that she was enjoying herself. I was worried all night that she might hate the party and just leave. But she didn't look anywhere close from leaving.
I was too busy staring that I didn't know that a waiter was telling me something. 'Would you like a drink, sir?' He said.
I said no and he went. I looked back at Ruby. She was talking to Rick laughing. I love her laughing and smiling. I couldn't help but smile myself.
'So shes the girl.' I looked back to see Cassie smirking at me.
'What?' I said confused.
'You think I wouldn't know that you that you like someone. I'm your sister. How come you didn't tell me?' She said while looking at Ruby.
'Ermm.. I didn't tell you because-'
'Shes not your type.' Cassie said like it was a fact.
'What? When did I have a type?' I said.
'Don't tell me you don't know.' She said. I looked at her confused as ever. 'Remember last month you were dating that girl called Natalie.'
I forgot all about her but when Cassie said her name I was brought back to her. She was a really pretty girl. Her dad owned a big business in Paris and when she saw me, she asked me out. I couldn't say no then. But then I found out that she only dated me for my money. I was kind of annoyed but I expected it. Every girl loves me because I'm rich. Its just a fact. But Ruby is different. She hated me first but then I saw her eyes change into some other emotion. Love.
'Yeah, what about Natalie?' I said.
'She was just one of the people you have had bad times with. She was rich like every other girl you have dated. She was a model like any other girl you dated. But this girl right there.' She pointed at Ruby. 'That girl is the only girl that doesn't care how she looks or how she acts. She just cares about people.'
'Wait, how do you know all this?' I said. She knew so much things about Ruby but shes never met her.
'She reminds me of my husband. Ed only cares about other people and the only reason why he couldn't express his love for me was because he felt like he was too less for me. But then again, he wanted me to be happy. He thinks we are nothing alike. Hes a low class man while I am a high class women. He tries his best for everything while I could have anything with a click of a finger.' She sighed and said, 'But we're so much alike.'
I smiled. She really loved him. I gave her a hug and was about to say something when she interrupted me.
'Lets meet her. I can't wait.' She said happily while dragging me to her.

Chapter 23 - Ruby's P.O.V

'So who is this Sam then?' Rick said. Nico had gone and I was waiting for Conor. I was kind of mad that he wasn't here but I'm sure the something might have came up.
'Sam was my first friend since I was little.' I said.
'Really? Thats so cool.'
'Yeah it is.' I nodded.
'Did you know when Conor was small, he was so annoying! He used to keep on poking people and calling them weird names.' He said laughing. I laughed too. 'Really?' I said. 'I didn't expect that.'
'Yeah, we went to our grandma's house when we were 6 and Conor kept on poking grandma. He kept on doing this that one day Grandma got Conors finger and said ''People like you are the reason people like me take pills!'' and Conor stopped poking and went quiet for ages.'
I laughed. 'Oh My goodness, really? I wish I was there.' I said while laughing my head off. People looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care. I also noticed that a lot of people have been staring at my red hair. Not a lot of rich people like girls who have dyed their hair. But I don't give a damn.
'Helloo!' Someone screamed. I looked back to see a blonde girl about 19 years old. She had a massive smile on her face. I didn't know who she was. I looked next to her and I saw Conor. He was wearing a black suit that looked great on him. He smiled at me and said hi. I looked back at the the blonde girl. She had a gold dress on that was really nice and designed. She was really pretty. I was garbage towards her. She had blue eyes like Conors.
'Oh My goodness, your Conor's sister!' I blurted out stupidly.
'Yeah! Wow, how did you know?' She hugged me so tight that I couldn't breath.
'Its really nice to meet you Ruby!' She said happily.
'Yeah, you too.' I said. She was really nice. I know its mean, but I thought that Conor's sister would be a show off and a snoop. But this girl is so not what I expected. I saw her name on the newspaper. She did a charity for a hospital that opened. Her name was Cassie Robert. Wait, I didn't know that she was young. I thought she was quite old because she was married. But she nearly looked the same age as me. She must have got married at a young age. Wow, a name could tell you so much things about a person.
'So how did you guys meet?' Cassie said. First I didn't get what she meant..We all fell silent. I suddenly felt embarrased. If she knew how I talked to Conor when I first met him, she would not like that at all. I looked at Conor. His face was in panic. I looked at Rick. He looked like he was trying not to laugh. I glared at him.
'Well, errmm.. She was in my class and we sat next to eachother. We started talking and well, thats how we met.' Conor said. It was the truth at least. We both looked at Cassie, hoping she doesn't give us more questions like how did you feel? or was it love at first sight? Because when I first met Conor I thought he was a rich pig. And it wasn't love at first sight. It was hate at first sight.
Cassie looked kind of dissapointed. 'I thought It would be more romantic like you both bumped into eachother in the corridor and looked into eachother's eyes and fell in love.' Cassie said dreamly. I blushed. I looked down to my shoes.
'Sorry darling, didnt mean to make you blush.' Cassie said noticing my nervous movement.
'Oh no, its fine.' I said smiling. She was really nice.
'So, what does your dad work as?' Cassie said. I looked up from my shoes. I froze. Did she just say what my dad work as?That was random. Conor looked at me with the 'im sorry' eyes. I didn't know what to say. Normally when people ask me about my dad, I just say that hes not with us. People think it means he is dead. I don't care really. But saying 'hes not with us' can mean that he isn't actually 'with us' so it is still the truth even if people think it means that he is dead.
'Well.. ermm..' I couldn't say it. I don't know why. I could see Ricks eyes on me. 'Well-'
'Cassie, why don't you and Rick dance for a while?' Conor interrupted. 'I know this is your favourite song.' He saved me. I smiled at him while Cassie dragged Rick to the dance floor. I could hear Rick giving daggers to Conor for making him dance.
'Thanks.' I said while hugging him.
'No problem.' He said. We both went to the food area and sat down.
'I'm sorry about my sister.' Conor said while holding my hands.
'Its fine. Shes really nice and sweet.' I said.
'You should see her in the morning. She could kill us if we try to wake her up.' Conor said. I laughed.
'So how long is this party?' I said getting something to eat. There was nothing there that I knew. It all looked so posh and ugly. But I just got a fancy looking bread and put it on my plate. Conor put a green cabbage-like thing into his plate. I tried to stop myself from laughing. It just looked so funny. And different.
'Oh, your already getting tired of the party?' Conor said.
'No, I just like to know when it ends.' I said trying to defend myself.
'Well, it ends in half an hour but people will start to go after 15 mins.' Conor said getting a fork and putting it throught the cabbage-like thing to half it. It had jelly inside it. I stared at it.
'You want some?' Conor said giving me the fork with cabbage stuck at the end of it.
'Er, no thank you.' I said trying to be nice when I just wanted to move it away from my face.
'Oh come on. I dare you to eat it.' he said teasing me.
'What? No way. It looks weird.' I said looking at the cabbage more closely.
'Come on, are you chicken? Are you?' He said smiling. I bit my lip.
'Okay...' I got the fork from the table and picked the cabbage-like thing up. I looked at it. It looked disgusting. There was jelly inside it and a bit of avacado at the side. Okay, I could do this. I looked at Conor. He was smiling and looking at the cabbage-like thing like It was disgusting. I looked around. Everyone was busy talking and eating. I could see Sam at the far end talking to some guy. And I could see Rick and Cassie dancing. Cassie with her big smile dancing very elegantly while Rick making a 'I hate my life' face. I guess hes not the classical dancing kind of person. I closed my eyes and ate the cabbage-like thing. It tasted... okay. It actually tasted fine. The jelly mixed with the outside layer and the avacado made an good finish to the taste. I smiled while chewing. Conor looked at me with amazement in his eyes. I laughed. He joined in.
'Hey guys, what's happening here?' That was Rick. He was amused by our laughing.
'Nothing just a dare.' I said.
'Cool. Guys, this party sucks.' Rick said getting a chair and sitting with us.
I laughed. 'You think your own party sucks?'
'Yeah, we've had millions of parties but our dad is always here to see if we came or not. And now that I heard that hes not coming, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a proper party in a proper club?' Rick said smiling at me and Conor.
'I don't know.. This party is cool.' I said. I looked around to find a thing that is actually cool in this party and all I found was people sitting on the chairs near the dance area looking really bored. 'Actually, I think its better if we go.' Conor nodded.
'Okay, wheres Sam?' I said looking around. They all looked around too but couldn't see him. Then I saw him talking to Cassie. They were laughing.
'There he is.' I was about to go to him when Rick said me and Conor should go to the party and he will call him.
We walked out the party and Conor took me to his private parking area that was filled with his cars. There was lots of cars and amazing ones too.
'Which one?' Conor said to me.
'Ermmm, the red sports car.' I said while pointing at the car at the cornor. It looked great and I always wanted to buy them kind of cars. But sitting in one is closest I can get to it.
We got in the car and drived off.

The party was amazing. There was milions of people and all that knew Conor. I actually fit in easily because everyone had different colour hair. Only 35% of the whole club had black hair. We went to the bar and I ordered a coke. But Conor ordered a alcOholic drink that had a wierd name. I really didn't like alcohol. My dad used have a lot of it and I used to be the one picking glasses of beer and vodka from the floor every morning. People were dancing all around us. I was going to dance when my phone rang. I took it out of my purse and checked who it was. It was Cam. Why was she calling me?
'Conor, I'm just going going to the bathroom.' I said. I really needed it because when I ate the cabbage-like thing, it made me feel funny. And I had to see why Cam called.
'Okay, don't be long.' he said while getting another drink. He was drinking a lot, don't know why.
I was going to tell him to not drink much when Rick came.
'Rick, tell Conor not to drink much, Okay?' I said. He nodded and I went towards the sign where it said 'toilet this way.'
The toilet was empty except for one girl who was wearing a very short skirt. She went out of the toilet looking ill as ever.
'You okay?' I said. She looked like she was going to hurl any minute.
'Fine.' She mumbled while moving her black hair away from her face. She was pretty with blue eyes and red cheeks.
I was going to say something back but she stumbled to the door. I quickly raced to open the door for her because she looked like she couldn't do anything. She gave a little smile while walking slowly away.
I sighed. This party is seriously weird.
I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still inside the bun and my dress still looked great on me. I quickly looked at my phone. 3 missed calls from Cam? What happened? I phoned her while I put my purse near the sink.

Chapter 24 - Rick's P.O.V

'Conor, you got to stop drinking.' I said to Conor for the 3rd time. He already drank 4 glasses of vodka and 1 glass of another alcohol.
'Shut up Rick. I know what is right and wrong for me. You can't tell me what to do.' He mumbled . Whats gotten into him? He was great in the party. Now hes acting like some drunk idiot. He used to always drink when hes happy. I know its weird. People sometimes drink when they are sad but Conor drinks when he is happy.
'Conor man, Ruby won't be impressed when she sees you like this.' I said putting my hand on his shoulder.
'Shes not even here.' He mumbled again.
'What do you mean? Shes just gone to the washroom.' I said trying to push the drink away from his hand. But he hung onto the drink like that was the only thing keeping him from falling.
'Yeah, Shes awesome isn't she?' He looked at me for the first time since we came to this club. His eyes where all red from the drinking. He seriously needs to stop. Funny thing about this drink, after 2 minutes, you stop being drunk. I know its weird but it still causes problems to you even if you are not drunk.
'Yeah shes great but she is going to get mad when she sees like this.' I said while pointing at his drunk face.
'I don't care!' He shouted. No one looked at us. The music was too loud.
'Look, I'm taking you home.' I said. He looked like he was going to puke any minute,
'No, I want to stay here.' Conor said like an annoying 6 year old. I sighed. Hes not going to budge. I'll have to tell Ruby about him before he does anything worser. He loves Ruby. You could see it from his face whenever he meets her. Hes always staring into space thinking about her.
I looked around the club to find Ruby. I finally saw her and pushed myself away from the crowd to get to her.
'Hey Rubes, you've got to help me.' He said. Ruby looked great with her dress. I actually liked her when she stood up to Conor on your first day but when I heard that Conor likes her, I just stopped my feelings. It was hard but I got there. She looked at me curiously.
'Sure, whats up?' she said while putting her phone in her purse. She looked a bit concerned about something. Conor could wait.
'Whats wrong?' She hesitated but then told me.
'Its just Cam had a fight with Josh. And Cam makes things a big deal. You know what I mean?'
'Oh. Yeah I know what you mean. But they are like besties, they'll be fine.' I said.
'Yeah I know.' She said smiling. 'Your a great friend Rick. And I know we had a bad start but I'm happy.'
'Yeah, it was a embarrasing start but lets put that behind us.' I said while giving her a quick hug.
'So whats the thing you want to tell me?' she said while putting her phone into her purse.
'Oh yeah, Conor is seriously drunk. I thought that you might be able to help.' I said.
Her eyes were distracted by something behind me.
'Ruby?' I said. Then she put her hand to her mouth with shock. She looked so shocked like someone was killed right in front of her face.
I looked at where she was looking. And thats where I saw a girl kissing a guy. It took me 3 seconds to notice that the guy was Conor. Conor was actually kissing another girl. I couldn't believe this. Dont get me wrong, Conor has looked at other girls while he was going out with other girls, but he never kissed anyone. He wasn't even doing anything. Just standing there with his eyes closed while the girl kissed him. I looked back at Ruby. Her eyes were full of tears and disgust. For some reason, I felt guilty. I could have stopped it but I didn't. I was about to say something to stop Ruby from crying but what? What can I say? I've never been in this situation. I knew Conor was mad but he would never do anything crazy but here I am. Watching them two break apart. Pity, I liked Ruby.

Chapter 25 - Conor's P.O.V

Someone pushed me away from the something. Whats happening? I felt dizzy and weird. I opened my eyes to see a girl with brown hair smirking at me. She walked away stumbling in every walk. Someone shaked me very hard.
'Whats wrong with you man?' It was Rick. What happened? My head hurt.
'Nothing wrong.' I mumbled while wiping my mouth,
'You are crazy, do you know that?' Rick said with anger on his face. Why was he so angry? I've been drunk before.
'Conor, do you remember a certain person? A person you are in love with? You idiot, you stupid idiot.' I ignored him. What was he talking about? I looked around the room. It was busy as ever with millions of people dancing together. Rick kept on swearing and saying stupid things like I've lost it.
Then one word stood out from all the other words Rick said. Ruby.
'Oh Man!' I said while punching my hand on the wall really hard. It hurt but not as much as I felt. It all came back. Me and Ruby left the part at home and came here. We started talking and then Ruby said she had to go to the washroom. I started drinking too much and next minute I'm kissing a random girl. I cheated on her.
'Wheres Ruby?' I said turning my attention to Rick.
'Wheres Ruby!?' I shouted holding him by the collor. But Rick didn't look like he cared. He kept on looking at the floor like he was hiding something.
'What happened Rick? Tell me.' I whispered. I was too tired to shout.
Rick sighed sadly. 'She saw you man. She saw you kissing her. And- And she left.'
My eyes filled with shock. What have I done? I've ruined everything. She saw me kissing her. But I didn't kiss her. She kissed me and I was too drunk to care. I ran out of the club before Rick could stop me. I had to find her. She must have called Sam to pick her up. I had to find her before she goes. It was about to rain and the cloud filled with grey. I ran up the street to see if she was there. She wasn't. Where would Ruby go? She runs.
Whenever she feels sad, she runs. Like I drink. I'm too young for it but I don't care. I ran around the block, trying to find her. She might have taken a taxi. I sat on the pavement. Too tired. And then I saw a click of a high heel behind me. I looked behind to see Ruby sitting on the bench near the park. She didn't see me. I couldn't see her face. I came near and near. There she was. Ruby. My life. She was sitting on the bench with tissue in her hand while sniffing.
'Ruby...' I said sitting beside her. She looked at me. Her eyes were swollen with tears. She was crying. Because of me.
'Conor.' She whispered while looking at me. I wanted to take her tears away but I felt too guilty.
'How could you Conor?' She said. Her voice was shaking.
'Ruby, listen to me. I never kissed her, she was there and I was too drunk. I love you Ruby. I never meant to hurt you. Look-'
'Your just like this person.' She said wiping her tears away. 'This person I know. He was the most amazing person ever. He used to look after me when I was small.' I looked at her. Who was this person?
'He was amazing. But then one day, he became rich. He used to be on chat shows and radios. He was my role model. His work made him rich. And then everything changed. He used to come late from work. My mum used to ask him where he was and he used to ignore her. You know what he did?' She looked at me. I looked blankly back.
'He used to cheat on my mum and drink.' She said breathlessly. 'Cheat with girls and came home drunk. I loved him so much but after he hurt my mum, I will never forgive him. If you haven't guessed, that person was my dad.' She said tears filling her eyes.
She got from her seat and walked away. I ran after her.
'Your just like my dad!' She shouted at me. 'You hurt me just like my mother was hurt by my dad! My mum made me promise not to date rich guys. And guess what I do! I date the most arrogant, idiotic and most selfish jerk ever!
'Listen to me Ruby, If you let me explain-'
'No! No No No. I dont want to see you ever again. Its over.' Ruby said looking at my face. Her eyes was filled with anger and betrayal. My heart was broken. I have never been dumped but here I am. Before I could say anything, Ruby looked at me and said 'I loved you but what you did had broken my trust.' She wiped away her tears before running away in the rain. I felt to my knees. Tear fell down my cheek. Shes gone. Forever and Its all my fault.

Hey, Thanks for reading. Well, I just wanted to say that the next serie of this book is called 'Trust - The Plan.' Its still updating. And I will update every fridays. If I don't update it on a friday, I will update the next friday. So thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy whats coming next! And if theres any comments or questions, feel free!


Publication Date: 05-26-2012

All Rights Reserved

To my best friend, Faithraven! You are amazing, and if i didn't have you, I don't think this book would have existed :)

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