Summer, why?

User: HolliWood
Summer, why?
It was spring. And they all were waiting for summer. Such beautiful time of the year! Such warm... Such hot... Sizzling... Season... Summer.

It will come. Be sure to come!

summer, abortion, family
Posts and Comments
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Hello! Haven't been here for a loooooooong time. So nice to see that You still read my short story and it still shocks you. Thanks for all savings to favs and such great comments!!!

Hope to come here more often now. :* :* :*

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When reading this, my mind went from winter mode to summer mode. Driving the reader into the story like that is really good. Your themes are strong, which is what readers like.

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That is so sad...never being given a chance to witness all of life's little and big things.
Thanks for these thoughts.

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A beatuiful hymn to summer: both lyrical and shocking, with such an unexpected twist. An unusual and touching perspective.

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Thank you for sharing these thoughts from an unborn child. It is thought provoking. I think more time needs to be spent with the young adult, educating them on birth control or abstinence rather than facing the alternatives, which could be an unwanted pregnacy or abortion. Both are unacceptable, but at least with the pregnacy the child would have hope for a possible future, maybe not with the birth mother, but there are... Show more

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This was such a beautiful tale from an unborn - such a tragic tale of our humanity...I voted and kept...Paula

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Nice story. Very sensitive and deep. I vote your book. All the best!

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"I don't know whether to cry, or be happy........ that is how your story affected me." - that's what people usually write as a comment to my stories (on other sites).

I sometimes don't know what to think of them too, that's why people (like all of you here) are needed - to read, help, discuss...

Thanks again.

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Thanks a lot to all of you.

It's such an honour to read your books and share my thoughts and ideas here. Bookrix is a GREAT place.

I'll do my best to improve everything that needs to be improved.


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Way to attack a controversial subject. Love it. Very touching. I too am pro-life and that was just...touching.

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