Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes
A son's dying wish...a mother's reluctance but ultimate obeyance. The ashes are scattered where he wanted...but is it truly over? Or is there something beyond what we can see?

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ︀>>>>> WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-george-piper-ashes-to-ashes

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This was one of the most powerful stories I have ever read. The ending came abruptly - causing shock waves. I read this story at 5:00 am this morning because I could not sleep. Yesterday, I buried two of my beloved pets and was suffering from insomnia. In my own grief, I felt the pain of this mother. Her suffering and despair came through loud and clear, coupled with her determination to fulfill her son's request. Your... Show more

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ︀>>>>> WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?writersbug_1324000718.3767271042

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...and kept me reading. You developed the characters quickly so that I felt instantly sympathetic and interested in their story. I enjoyed the ending, but would have read on willingly if there was more!

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You truly are a story teller. The scene in the hospital was touching, setting up the reader. You gave just enough information. Used very visual descriptions. Described her pain poignantly. Moved it along quickly and had that quick, psychological twist of an ending. Only a little editing and tightening would make this story any better. Very well done. I like this type of 'boo'! Robynn

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