Important Post
Chicago, Il
I liked Get Out as an excellent genre movie that was trying to be something
really special and didn't quite get there for me.
I thought the metaphor ""for a sunken place"" for the dehumanization was
effective and visually well done - that scene was the best in the movie.
However, the ""body snatcher/stepford wives"" victims were far less effective,
and the ""satire"" of the whites was quite broad - I mean, golfing,... Show more
Important Post
Dein Stil ist flüssig, klar und auf erfrischende Weise kühl, was bei einer Geschichte dieser Art auch gut ist.
Du schaffst es, eine Stimmung des Grauens aufzubauen, die zum Ende hin sogar noch eine überraschende Wendung hat.
Ich freue mich darauf, noch mehr von Dir zu lesen, ciao
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