Gossip Interrupted

One-Sided Conversation By:
Gossip Interrupted
This was going to be my entry in the One-Sided Phone Conversation, but alas they only wanted dialogue. This mother is clearly too self-involved and her kids are little hellions.

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Thank you for the informative and helpful review. I will edit and see what I can do. Hugs!

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Haha :P This was funny, in a horribly way... But it was very well written! I loved how Natalie kept yelling at the kids and then did nothing when they didn't listen to her. A horrible parenting, yet so funny!

However, I do have some critiques:

The first sentence in the book is extremely long, but it fits and is easy to understand! However, when you say that Natalie 'turned the doorknob' at the end of the sentence, I wonder... Show more

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It’s a funny situation for a mom indulged in a juicy gossip. The one sided phone call and yelling part is quite a reality. Good idea!

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I don't write about my life, it's too boring and it's more fun to make it up.

This piece is okay... I wanted it to be a bit more funny, but I got cut short and had to take everything out for the One-Sided Conversation contest. After that, I never touched it again. :P

Style? Cool! Refreshing? Sweet! You are ever so awesome bambina!

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I like your style, reading your stories is so refreshing. And this dialogue might be reality... but is hopefully not.

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