
Was mit deinem weltlichen Ich geschehen wird, habe ich mir schon ganz genau überlegt.
Doch trauere nicht, dein Schicksal dient einem höheren Zweck: Ich werde leben.

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Deleted User

Norman, Oklahoma

The problem with the gun control is that it is against the constitution that
the president, politicians and all military took an oath to protect. Look up
the word infringed in the dictionary.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

Daxiv Video https://moxox.com Daxiv Video -- Movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
Important Post
Deleted User

Knoxville, TN

What courage and brilliance it took for a teenager to pull himself into a new
world of reality where he could match his musical talent with that of his
statistical acumen. If only this beautiful story could be replicated for those
less creative .Mr. Chandler, may you continue to sail in peace.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

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