The wording is almost poetic like, it gives the whole story a romantic feel to it! Some grammar errors but honestly that's unavoidable for me too haha other than that it was perfect, I really liked it! A little more descriptive imagery would have made it prime!
Thank you Shayna. Don't know, as this is the first time I am ever writing a fiction story, and maybe I am not able to give enough time to it coz of office work. But, I am just preparing the draft and writing the idea, and it will develop later for sure. Thanks again.
I really love this book and the story is too special and i really like it!! Please update .... :-) :-) :-)
Hey there!!! Thanks a ton for the kind words. I am kind of stuck what to write next, so please give me some time before I update it. I will keep you posted. And if you have any suggestions, please share...!!