
'It all started different!' Chapter 1

'I don't feel like talking to you anymore. You gave me all in this relationship, but too soon. So I am now bored of you!' He shouted at her while they were on a call as she was complaining about him being busy all the time whenever she needs him.


'What do you mean by I gave you all sooner Aarav?' She asked, stunned, eyes burning with overflown tears.

She was wearing her favourite teddy print pyjama set that Aarav had gifted her on her 18th birthday. It was weary and old, but she loved it and would wear it whenever she would be feeling low. She believed it to bring good luck in her life.


'I mean, I got all the things one seeks for in any relationship, but would you have loved me some less and given some more time, I would not have got bored of you. You don't have anything new to share with me now. And that is the reason I no more feel like talking to you!' He ruthlessly said.


Tears stopped flowing from her eyes, and she was never so determined before like she was right then. She wiped away the remaining sign of hurt and love from her face, and clenched her fist; her body shaking with anger.

'Fine, if it is my fault that I loved you more than I should have, and now you think that you are bored of me, let us better choose our own ways.' She tucked the wild strand of her dark brown hair and looked out of her window, into the endless starless sky.


A silent tear flowing from her eye was a sign; she had wasted the amount of tears that were meant for this guy, the guy who was her first love, her first crush and her life.


'I break up with you, by all means. From today, we do not have any concern what-so-ever from each others lives. Bye.....' And then she added a silent note, 'Take care and stay happy.'

And she cut the call with an unsaid 'I still love you and can love you more than you could have ever thought of.'


Furious and hurt, she restlessly started tossing in her bed. The events of their happy moments together flashed in front of her eyes.

The way they looked at each other, the way he would bring her chocolates, roses and teddy bears, the small talks, funny jokes and romantic dates.


They were the best and cutest couple for the world; with nothing but love and respect for each other. Aarav was always be by her side, in all what she did. She had enjoyed her first sip of wine with him. He was with her when she first went to the pub and was scared of the people out there, or when she bunked her college classes.

She could not remember a single moment of her life when she was without Aarav.

He was more than a boyfriend to her, he was her best friend also. He was her pillar of support and ray of hope.


And today, he broke each and every emotion and feeling of her, without any guilt. She could not understand where did she miss for him to do this to her.


She could not sleep. So she decided that she needs to calm down and got up, dressed in her skinny jeans and black halter neck top, the one that was gifted by Aarav on her 20th birthday, took the car keys from the drawer and left from her flat. She also took her iPhone; which was also a gift from Aarav on her last birthday and once again the wave of memories hit her like an arrow. She threw the phone on the wall and left her flat, not bothering to lock it.

She was driving in her Lacrosse for over an hour now, aimlessly in the streets and on the road. Each and every moment, memories flooded her and that is when, she lost her senses and forgot to look the truck coming towards her.


Before she could control, the truck crashed her car and fled. She was lying half conscious in her seat; her last word before she passed out was 'Aarav'!

Chapter 2

It was an hour later someone passed from the way, and he saw the accident. He got down and rushed towards the spot, and was shocked to see a girl in the car, half conscious, bleeding and stuck. A low groan coming from her indicated that she was still breathing but needed immediate care.


Luckily, the guy was a doctor. He immediately rushed, and removed her from the car with great difficulty. He sensed her pulse; it was weak, but running. She had lost a good amount of blood. He tried to open her eyes, tapped her face, splattered water on her face. She half opened her eyes with difficulty, hazy and disoriented and said one word 'Aarav', and passed out.


The guy wasted no time, and carried her to his car carefully, as he was not sure if she had any fractures, drove to the hospital and took her straight away into the emergency ward for treatment.


There was a sudden movement in the environment, as if something big had happened. The hospital staffs were shocked to see the scene at hand. They all stood dumb-founded, some scurried side ways as the doctor approached, the girl in his hands, frail and covered in blood.


The doctor looked at no one, stopped no where and entered the ICU, laid her on the stretcher and turned to see the team of experts who had already reached by the time this all happened. The doctors immediately teamed up for her, and started looking after her.


Meanwhile, the doctor again drove all the way to the accident spot, in hope of finding any evidence about her whereabouts or her identity. But, he found none. There was no document in the car, or no phone. She remained a mystery, who she was, what is her name, where did she come from. These questions remained unanswered till she wakes up, if she can ever now.


He returned back to the hospital, hoping she will gain consciousness and they can help her out. One of the doctors rushed towards him, with a worried look on his face.


'What is the update Dr. Batra, did the girl tell you anything?' asked he.


'No Ishaan sir, she opened her eyes once in between and just said a word, and then slipped back into unconsciousness. We were still trying, but...'


'But what Dr.'? Ishaan demanded.


'Before we could do anything, the girl slipped away in coma. She had lost a lot of blood, and due to this, her mind could not get enough oxygen and she has suffered some serious damage in her brain. I doubt, if she even recovers, there can be a major issue; like she can....'


Ishaan could not let Dr. Batra complete the sentence, he knew what would happen and somehow could not bring his mind to think that for the girl.


'I know, I know what all can happen. But, that girl is my responsibility now. Make sure she receives all the treatment, and do not worry about the expenses. Did I make myself clear?'


'Yes sir!' Replied the doctor and rushed back in the ICU wondering who this girl is for Dr. Ishaan.

Chapter 3

The team of doctors, who was treating the girl, gathered in the café late evening, when Dr. Ishaan entered. He looked worried and tired from all the hustle that just happened in his life. Still unsure of the identity of the girl lying in coma in the hospital ward, he was thinking how did she end up there and why has not anyone turned up yet for her.

More than that, he was unsure why would he feel such a pull towards an unknown girl.

Ishaan is a handsome looking guy. He is 27, 5’10” tall and fair; too dashing for a doctor, and has a physically fit structure. He has straight chestnut brown hair that he takes a good amount of time to set, being the perfect guy he is. With deep dark brown eyes, girls would love to fall in the depths of his eyes. He has girls lying all over the floor for him, when ever he may want, but being the serious one-woman type guy he is... He never felt like getting hooked up to a girl just for fun.


If a girl would make him feel like he wanted her, with him, then the girl has to be very special.


Then, why was he starting to feel something like that for this unknown girl. The case was getting more and more mysterious for him, for her identity as well for his feelings towards her.


Thinking about all this, and unaware of the environment around him, he joined his colleagues at the table. One of his colleagues, Dr. Rohan who was by-the-way-friend patted him on his shoulder. Startled, Dr. Ishaan looked at him.

Dr. Rohan was a good looking guy, heighted at 5’8” and whitish-fair complexion. He had slight wavy brown hair and had highlights done. His eyes were the key to his charm, he had light blue eyes, and his eyes shone with delight with a smile on his face always. He was quite a look-oriented guy, and always had one or other love affair going on.


'Whoa! You look like a zombie, Ishaan! What happened to your hair? I have never seen you so disoriented in my life.’ exclaimed Rohan.


'I can't stop thinking about the poor girl lying helpless there, Rohan. I don't understand why has not anyone come looking for her?'


'You know why, Ishaan. But I know you are too tired that it may not have clicked you! We haven't yet passed on this information to anyone. How do you think will the word spread?’ said Rohan with mocking a small smile on his face and raising an eyebrow.

Ishaan was acting weird, he thought. He should have been the one to say this to Rohan, not the other way round! He needs to talk to Ishaan soon, Rohan thought.


'Oh damn it! How can I turn so stupid! Rohan, do me a favour dude. Call the concerned department and ask them to post about this girl. Someone somewhere might be worried about her. I want to go and see the girl in her ward. Want to see if I can do anything.'


'Of course you can, you are the best neurosurgeon the country has, after all...'


Ishaan got up, and walked towards the ward where the girl was. He tentatively walked towards her bed, where she was lying, face covered in a mask and hands all covered in needles. His heart stung at this sight and he closed his eyes immediately.

He was used to this situation in his everyday life, looking at patients live and die everyday, weak and broken, but this seemed more difficult.


He opened his eyes back, and observed the girl this time. Beneath all the masks and needles, lay a beautiful face. She could not be more than 23 years, he thought. She had a pale colour to her face, but he knew this was because of the blood that she has lost recently. He thought she would be fair if her cheeks had more blood. Her hair was tangled, but he could see it was long and silky, warm brown colour. Her eyelashes were so long it almost seemed artificial. Her lips were full and had turned purple-blue because of this accident. Her body was very fragile, and she was quite slim, but this is what they call ‘A Perfect Figure’.

He wondered what she may look like when she was not on this hospital bed.


'Why is this getting so difficult? I am not falling for this girl definitely. I can't do that, I barely know her!' thought he furiously.


Maybe because he rescued her, he had a bond with that person, now lying still and who once breathed in his arms. He remembered the way she looked at him, but not exactly at him the night before, and he thought who might have done this to her.


He came closer, sat beside her. She had wounds almost everywhere, and he prayed she heals soon. The monitor was beeping rhythmically and constantly, a proof of her existence. And then he looked at her face. Though tired, she seemed beautiful. Ishaan tried to imagine how she would look when she will smile.


Not able to hold his eyes anymore on the girl, Ishaan took the case report from the bedside table. He studied the notes, and decided that he is getting the best doctor for her the next morning.


Dr. Ishaan got up, and turned to walk away. He saw the girl, and prayed again for her. He felt light and determined. He will have her identity and she will smile soon. She has to; he will make her do this, smiled Ishaan.

Chapter 4

The news was soon rolled out in the local newspapers about an unidentified girl who met with an accident on the National Highway. The pictures and car details of the girl were shared and Dr. Ishaan decided to give his contact number as he was personally looking into this case.


Hoping to get a lead soon, the entire medical staff of Lifeline hospital prayed for the girl. It had been a week now, and the girl already had built a place in everyone's heart, formed a part of everyone's prayers. The staffs were hoping for a miracle to happen soon, and they can't see the girl in more despair.


Ishaan visited the girl again in her room. She was provided an individual room and Ishaan made sure she was provided the best of the hospital's services. Not that she needed it, but Ishaan somehow felt he wanted to do all he can for the girl lying in coma in the bed in front of him.


He looked at her, her body very fragile, like she will break at the slightest of the touch. Her face was very pale, but shone under the ceiling lamp. She looked like an angel from the sky, which is resting. Only if he could remove all her masks and needles, she would look no less than a sleeping beauty.


'I know you can hear me, and I want you to get well soon. I want to talk to you, who are you, where did you come from. Soon you will be out of this hospital bed and will be walking and smiling like before. I don't know your name, and don't want to address you with the ward number, so I'll call you sleeping beauty.'


He chuckled softly, and then continued, with a serious tone this time, 'You know what, I don't care if you think I am mad, but I have fallen for you. Even without knowing about you, I have a strong feeling that I know you. As if I was waiting for you all these years to come to me. I won't let you go again.'


A frown appeared on his face as he thought of the time she met him, and he shuddered.

'I want to know who did that to you, I want to find him and bang his head on the walls. Why were you driving alone so late in the night? You know it isn't safe for you, sleeping beauty. I am happy I found you.'


Ishaan had called in the best team of surgeons for advice on the case, and he was happy to know that the girl, his sleeping beauty will soon be smiling, and lively. He thought how it would be like, to see her smile. Her brain was healing with more than expected rate, and as every evening he visited after his work hours, he felt she too wanted to get well soon.


He would talk to her everyday for sometime, and the entire staff knew by now that Dr. Ishaan has a soft corner for the girl. Some of the staff nurses even secretly prayed that they both soon get together. Now, all of them waited for either a call from one of her family members or she gets well to speak and tell who she was.


It was 2 days later when Ishaan's phone rang with an unknown number. He picked up the call hoping for some good news.


'Hi, is this Lifeline hospital? Hi, can I talk to Dr. Ishaan please?' the sound pleaded.


'Hi, this is Ishaan you are talking to. May I know who this is?'


'Sir, I want to talk to Shreshtha. Can I? Is she okay! I am worried a lot.'


Ishaan wondered, the girl has a really unique name. He smiled. 'Don't worry, she is recovering faster. But she can't talk to you right now, she is in coma yet.'


The other guy gasped for a second, and said, 'Dr, I am reaching the hospital right away. Please, I want to meet her.'


'Sure, calm down boy. We are here. She is safe with us. Drive safe. But, may I know your name?'


'My name... My name is Aarav! I am coming sir, please be there. I am coming right away.' And he hung the phone.


Ishaan stood there, and wondered, 'Aarav', this was the name the girl, Shreshtha; said before she fell unconscious...

Chapter 5

The news soon spread in the hospital that someone called for the girl. The staff was finally relieved that they will all know who the girl actually was, that she no longer would be a mystery.


Ishaan was impatiently pacing to and fro in his cabin. He was satisfied after the call, but was not happy. Something was bothering him, as if a trouble is approaching. He did not know what was wrong, but his inner sense said, something was going to be, soon.


After some 30 minutes, the gates of the hospital flung open, and in came a dishevelled looking young guy with black hair, all over his face. He was looking as if he just had a long run and was trying to catch for breath. He ran up to the reception and asked hoarsely, 'Shreshtha. I am looking for Shreshtha. I just called Dr. Ishaan. They said she is here.'


'Yes sir. Are you Aarav?' enquired the receptionist with a smile on her face. She found the guy good looking, and wanted to talk to her for more time, but looking at the situation, she decided otherwise.


'Yes, I am. How did you know my name?' Aarav asked, puzzled.


'Sir, everyone in the hospital staff knows that you are coming for Shreshtha. Please wait in the lobby, I will call Dr. Ishaan. He will be here in a few minutes.'


'Thank you.' He smiled, his famous crooked smile, which made girls think of him for a long time. The receptionist, too, smiled back, wondering how handsome he was.


 Meanwhile, she also called Dr. Ishaan, and informed that Aarav was here. Ishaan left his cabin, with a frown on his face. He should've been happy, but somehow his inner sense wasn't ready for this. He felt strange and uneasy. His palms were sweating, as he approached the lobby. But he put his best smile on his face, and entered the lobby, to find a handsome looking guy sitting nervously on the couch waiting for him.


 Dr. Ishaan's steps slowed a bit as he looked at the guy; he was a decent looking boy. He had a gym body, evident of his hard work. He seemed as taller as him, and the same age as the girl. ‘College friends’ he thought. Any girl would have fallen for him instantly. He thought if he was connected to Shreshtha, his sleeping beauty. A sharp pang of jealousy swept over him, and he decided to turn over and run to his sleeping beauty, so that the guy sitting in front of him won't take her away.


Deciding otherwise, he slid open the glass doors, and approached Aarav. Aarav stood up, and shook hands with Dr. Ishaan. They both smiled for a brief moment, as if gauging each other. Then Aarav broke the silence and asked, 'Dr. Ishaan. I am Aarav. I called you. Where is she? Is she fine?'


'Yeah, um... I mean hi Aarav. She is... Shreshtha is fine. Her injuries are healing quickly, and she is improving. Sadly, she is still in coma. I don't know when she will wake up; we all are waiting for that. Come, I will take you to her room, you can meet her there.'



They both walked through the long corridors, dozens of glass doors. Aarav was a bit uneasy of the environments, as he wasn't used to be at hospitals, but he wanted to see the girl. The girl who was in this state because of him. He felt guilty, but there was nothing much he could do about that.


Finally they stopped at one such glass door, and Dr. Ishaan opened the door. Aarav froze in his tracks when he saw Shreshtha lying on the hospital bed, with needles poking in her hand, wires and monitors displaying her heartbeats. He could not move, the figure lying in front of him was not the girl he loved. She looked broken. Beyond repair. He had never seen her so pale, she did fell ill many times, but never such that she looked white.

Her cheeks had lost the colour, and lips looked dry and blue. She had lost the charm she had, the bubbly, cute looking girl; now lay motionless in front of him.


Dr. Ishaan noticed that Aarav didn't come inside with him, and turned to face him. He saw Aarav, shocking expression on his face, and as if he had seen a ghost. He looked again at his sleeping beauty, to check if anything was wrong, in panic. She looked just fine, more angelic, only if she could have opened her eyes.


He turned once again and walked towards Aarav, patted lightly on his shoulder and motioned to come inside.

'Come in, she is fine. Not long before she is out of this bed. Meet her, talk to her, she can listen, if not speak. Then come to my cabin, I would want to talk to you.'


'I... I don't know Dr. what happened to her? How, who did this to her? I have never seen her so quiet in my life. I can't face her, all this, happened because of me. I can't see her like this Dr.' Aarav almost choked.


'I can understand. Come on, let's go to my cabin, we don't want to disturb her. Let's talk more about it there. I will also share the reports of her progress with you.' Ishaan said and led Aarav to his cabin.

Chapter 6

'Please have a seat.' Ishaan said, as they reached to his cabin. 'Did you eat something?'


'Thank you Dr. I will, later, once I know how Shreshtha is.' Aarav replied.


'Hmm.... But, before I tell you anything about her, you will have to tell me how you are related to her. You know, formalities, which should be completed! And, why are her parents not here yet?' Ishaan enquired, taking the reports out from his desk drawer.


'Well, I am not a relative of Shreshtha' Aarav hesitated a bit, 'I am her boyfriend.....'

Ishaan flinched a bit, after hearing the word boyfriend, so his intuitions were true.


Aarav continued, 'Well...... I was her boyfriend, she broke up with me same night the accident occurred.'

Ishaan's inner self let a sigh of relief, as he released the breath he was holding. He looked up at Aarav, a question in his eyes.


Aarav was not looking at him now; his head was hung low, as if in despair and shame. 'He should be ashamed of himself. Who breaks up with an angel like my Sleeping Beauty?' Ishaan thought angrily.


'Her parents don't know about her yet. I could not gather the courage to call them; they will be so worried after they hear about her. I wanted to come and see her first, and then tell them.'

'Shreshtha's and my parents are family friends, so we both knew each other since childhood, and we grew up together. So, I know how worried they are always of her safety, and I can't tell them that I have failed them, that I couldn't take care of their princess.' Aarav finished, and looked up at Dr. Ishaan with a sad expression.


'I see. I would recommend that you call her parents then. They have all the right to be with her at this time, it can also help her heal quickly. She was lucky enough to have survived after all the blood loss she suffered from, and the serious injuries she had.' Ishaan couldn't bring himself to think about the horrible night he met Shreshtha, or the wonderful night he met his Sleeping Beauty...!!


'She is recovering soon, but we still can't say when she will get out of coma. I am trying my best; she has the best doctors attending to her. She is not in danger now, but, getting out of this situation can take some time.'

Ishaan then continued, getting up from his chair, 'Let's go meet her. You should also call her parents by the time. And let's also have a look at Shreshtha; see how she is doing today.'


'Sure doctor. I think I too should tell her, how stupid I am and how sorry I feel. I hope she forgives me.' Aarav said meekly.


'Sure she will. Let's get going.' Ishaan smiled a bit and left with Aarav.



Ishaan started telling Aarav about the incident as they were walking towards Shreshtha's room.

'I found her inside her car; some unknown vehicle had tossed it like a toy. By the time I reached, she had lost a good amount of blood. I took her to the emergency ward, and by the time the treatments would have started, she slipped in Coma. Her brain didn't get enough oxygen due to the bleeding. I could not ask her whereabouts, nor had she left any ID or something in her car.' Ishaan narrated the event.


'This girl never listens to me. She should not have gone out this late in the night and that too without a wallet with her. She is like that always, fierce and mad when angry.' Aarav said, and Ishaan somewhat disagreed in his mind, thinking, that his Sleeping Beauty can never be so mad at anything. To him, she was the most peaceful person on Earth.

Chapter 7

(Shreshtha's POV)



'I don't know where I am going, but all I know is; I don't want to see Aarav's face again. How could he do this to me, how could he leave me just like that? I loved him, and he did too. We spent our entire lives together till now and today he tells me he is bored of me. Bored of my love and care! To hell with him, I won't ever talk to him again.' Shreshtha was thinking furiously in her head. She wasn't crying anymore, she was fuming with anger.


Shreshtha had been so angry that she could not see the huge truck looming in front of her, dashing towards her at full speed, and before she could realise, it was dark and quiet.


She felt numb for a few moments, and then the pain started. First her head, then hands and then her legs. She could not move, and could not see clearly. She felt some warm liquid running through her hands and back, and she realised, it was her own blood.


'Someone h..e..l..p', she could not even speak, let alone move. She was losing consciousness and now her only hope was God himself.



After a long time, someone passed from that way. She could hear the sound of tires screeching near her, and footsteps approaching. She wanted to call for help, but could not. She was exhausted. Then she felt someone pulling her out of the car. 'Ouch! That hurts', she said angrily, but the words never formed.



Someone was splashing water on her face, and she realised, she was thirsty. It might have been a long time she was lying there. And then she felt two strong and warm hands holding her, and all she could think was of Aarav.


If only she could see him once, she will say that she still loves him. She wants to be with him. Someone shook her, and she thought it’s her Aarav.


She hardly opened her eyes, and saw a hazy image of someone in front of her. 'Aarav is back, he is with me. I knew he can't leave me alone', she thought. Just then she called his name, and the world turned dark.




Shreshtha woke up in a completely different surrounding, so many people around her, all in white uniforms. She wondered if this is heaven. And then, the sharp pangs of pain in her head and body made her realise that she is still alive, but not able to move. She tried to speak, but found a mask on her face. She looked around and saw the people around her move so quickly she barely registered a single face.


She called for Aarav, and before she could say more, the darkness engulfed her again.




She can't open her eyes, she tried a lot to move but her body won't listen. She lay there completely motionless, wanting to cry, scream and see the light. She could hear everything around her, but could not respond. The darkness around her was frustrating.


And then, she heard the voice, the voice of an angel. He was saying something about her being in Coma. That she had lost a lot of blood and her body is weak.


He was talking to her, she felt him near her. And then she heard him asking for her name, and she tried to respond, in vain. And, she heard his angel call her 'Sleeping Beauty', and she smiled inwardly, blushed maybe.


Her angel would come and talk to her everyday, and she would feel so relaxed. She also recognized his smell, fresh cologne. Everything about him seemed heavenly to her, only if she could open her eyes and see his face.


And one day, when she was feeling all low and drained more than ever, she waited for her angel to come talk to her. And then, she heard another voice. She tried to relate and thought that Aarav was here.


She was so happy she wanted to jump and hug him right there, but she could not move. And then, she realised that the sound faded away in distance.

'What!! He left me here... Alone?' she thought in despair.


That is when she remembered, the main reason she was here. It was because Aarav broke up with her. She hated him instantly and two silent tears rolled down from her eyes.

Chapter 8

Ishaan and Aarav reached Shreshtha's room and Aarav tentatively opened the door. His heart was still beating at a faster rate than normal, as if he was going to sit in a roller coaster. The only sight of the girl lying there sent chills down his spine, and knowing the reason behind it, he felt guiltier of himself.


He shrugged, and entered the room. He saw Shreshtha and she seemed sad to him. As if she was crying. He felt the need to assure her, to hold her in his arms, like he always will do when she was feeling low or crying.


But, he didn't want to go near her; all he could remember was her fights, her being angry on every single reason. He feared that if he touched her again, he will fall weak. And he didn't want any more drama in his life; he was tired of being a boyfriend for so long now. He wanted his own space. And that's what he wanted to say that day, but the discussion turned in an argument and looking at the outcome, Aarav thought it was better if he wouldn't have said that.


Aarav stepped aside and sat on the bedside chair. He was looking everywhere except Shreshtha. He can't let a weak moment hug him again, he has to be strong.


Dr. Ishaan entered, greeted the nurse on duty and motioned her to leave. He wanted to be alone with his Sleeping Beauty and Aarav. There were some explanations required, and he somehow felt he wanted to help them both. Though he was sad that Shreshtha was already taken, but he still wanted her happiness. 'That's what love is', his cupid smiled at him. Ishaan smiled, but instantly regretted.


He looked at Shreshtha, his Sleeping Beauty lying peacefully. She was looking different today, sad, maybe, but he knew she heard Aarav was there, and he could understand how she might be feeling.


He wanted to hold her in his arms, soothe her and tell her that everything was alright. He will be there for her even if everyone leaves her. He prayed that she gets up soon; it was breaking his heart every time he saw her lying motionless like this on the hospital bed.

He accompanied Aarav and sat in front of him, facing his Sleeping Beauty.


'I would need you to call her parents Aarav, so that they can come and visit her. And there are some formalities that are pending, so it will be good if they can be here. How long will it take them to reach here?' Ishaan said.


'Oh! Uncle and aunt will be here in a day's time. I already had informed them. Aunt was quite worried, but I assured her Shreshtha is alright and in safe hands. They are leaving from New York today.' Aarav informed Ishaan.


Ishaan smiled, and got up to walk to Shreshtha's bed. He grabbed the note chart kept at the bedside table and turned to face Aarav. 'You should take some rest Aarav. We have a decent cafeteria here in the hospital, why don't you go eat something. You look starved.'


'Umm.... Yes, I think I could do with some snacks. I believe Shreshtha will be fine. She is in safe hands, and I thank you Doc for all the efforts you and your team is putting up for her. I'll see you in sometime then.' Aarav got up and shook Dr. Ishaan's hand, and left without looking back at Shreshtha. His mind was screaming and he was grateful that the doctor gave him a chance to escape.


Ishaan turned to face Shreshtha again, and smiled fondly. He sat on the bed by her side, and gently caressed her forehead.

'I know it is difficult for you to hear all this and not being able to do anything about it. Don't worry; I will not let anything happen to you. You know what, I have been searching for the perfect girl all my life, and here I land, with a girl who didn't even talk once to me, and I am in love with her', he chuckled.


'No, I am not mad, neither stupid. But, I think this is it, I like you, more than like actually. But I want to know about you first. And for that, you will have to wake up from this deep deep sleep my Sleeping Beauty. I want to talk to you, look into your eyes and feel the love.

Your parents will be here by tomorrow, and I know you will love to be with them. And, when you wake up, I promise I will do all that I can, to make you happy.'


Ishaan choked, an unknown feeling gripping his heart, 'Please wake up soon. For me, for all of us. I want to see you smile. I want us to be together.'


Just then, the nurse knocked on the door. Ishaan quickly stood up, wiped the tiny tear from the corner of his eyes and said 'Come In'.


'Ishaan sir, it's time for me to change the bedding for Miss Shreshtha and give her a warm wipe bath.' The nurse said and blushed.


'Yeah! Okay. I mean sure. I was just checking her reports. You can continue.' Ishaan got up unwillingly and left the room.

Chapter 9

(Shreshtha's POV) 



'I think there is someone in the room. Oh No! Not the needles again. I am tired of staying here doing nothing.' Shreshtha feared.


Then she heard a familiar voice, her angel. And she felt relieved. But, when she heard him mention her parents, she suddenly missed them a lot. She did not even think about them in all this. How her mother will react when she will see her here.


But she wanted her parents to be there that time, the most of all. She wanted their support and comfort of her mother's soothing words. 'Mom and Dad will be soon here with me, and I will be alright again.' she thought happily.


Then her angel was talking again, and he asked Aarav to leave to take some rest. She thought Aarav would insist on staying with her, but to her surprise, he agreed to leave and already had left seconds after that.


'Aarav is such a shameless guy,' she thought angrily. 'He is again leaving me for some stupid food and rest reason!'


She was fuming when suddenly her bed shifted, and she felt movement. She smiled inwardly that Aarav isn't that bad after all, that finally he is going to talk to her.


 She felt someone touch her forehead and she instantly wanted to cry, this was what she was waiting for so many days, she even lost the count of the days she was trapped in here.


But to her surprise, it wasn't Aarav. Her angel spoke, so it was her angel that is sitting beside her, so close. The thought only made her blush. She forgot she was hurt that Aarav wasn't here; she loved when her angel talked to her.


And she listened. He likes her. More than likes her. She was surprised, thinking she might be a mess right now, with the situation she is in. How can he like her, he doesn't even know her. Or does he know her!!


 And he chuckled; she instantly got a liking for his smile and laugh. And then he said that her parents are going to meet her soon. She was really happy. So happy, she wanted to dance!


And then he choked on his words, 'What? Is he crying...? Oh! Don't cry angel. It's alright. I am trying; I want to get well soon. Don't be sad!' She told him without words.



Someone knocked on the door, and she heard the nurse wanted to change the bedding and wipe her. She blushed, but also didn't want her angel to leave.


'Oh! So my angel has a name, and I like this name. ISHAAN....' She let the name rotate in her mind.


And she also felt the weight on her side shift, and she knew her angel, Ishaan is leaving.


'Please don't go! I want you here besides me.' She said, but he never heard and left anyway.


'Grrrr!! I so hate this nurse. She could've waited for some time; I think she is jealous of me...!! She thought sadly.

Chapter 10

 Aarav sat in silence as he ate his cheese sandwich. He recalled how Shreshtha once had tried to make a cheese sandwich for him when she came to know he loved it. She failed miserably, and ended up burning the bread and her hand while grilling it. A huge tantrum followed after, and Aarav had to take her out for an ice cream treat. Ice creams made her normal, and calm.

He smiled, and wondered how she will be handling the pain she is going through now, she was so fragile...!


Dr. Ishaan came in the café and saw Aarav sitting quietly in the corner. He ordered a cup of hot chocolate and walked towards Aarav.


'Mind if I join?’ he asked playfully.


'Oh no doc. Feel free!' Aarav suddenly said, jerking awake from his day dreams. 'I was anyway getting bored alone here.'


'Then I am happy I saved you.' He laughed. 'I wanted to talk to you about something, if you don't mind.' He said; his tone a bit serious now.


'Sure doc. What is it?' Aarav looked up and asked.


'Well, quite a personal thing to ask, but, I wanted to know why would you guys break up? I mean, she is a beautiful girl, and you too look handsome. You guys might have made a great couple. What went wrong?' Ishaan asked, hesitating a bit. But he had to know, if he had to know his Sleeping Beauty better.


'No doubt she is beautiful, and no doubt we make a great couple. But that is what all think, doc. No one knows or understands how I feel. Its not that I don't love her, or don't want to be with her. But, we have been together since we were born. Our parents are old friends, and this friendship was sort of forced upon us. I don't regret knowing Shreshtha, but having someone all the time together with you like a shadow was too much for me.' He paused, to see if Ishaan is listening. He saw Ishaan deeply involved in this conversation, so this was the time he can vent out the feelings he had for years now.


'We went to the same school, same college, and same hobby classes. Everything we did was together, and I feel I never lived a life of my own. My weekends were not mine; nor were the weekdays. I liked it in the beginning, but then I got bored. I tried to tell Shreshtha a couple of times, that we should try to broaden up our ways a bit, try to give each other some space, some time alone or with others, so we can miss each other.


One time I told her this, she got so angry that she tried to cut her wrist. She won't like if I talked to anyone else other than her, and I ended up having no friends in my life. I know she isn't a wicked girl, and I know she loves me more than anything, but I never could love her with the same intensity.'


Ishaan interrupted. 'You said she tried to cut her wrist, I hope nothing bad happened. And I can understand, we as guys get bored of the same thing everyday. But you could have simply told her, she would have understood.'


Aarav laughed at this, 'No, I did not let her do anything stupid. But after that, I feared that if I ever tell her, she would do something stupid with her, which I did not want. So I kept on going further. Its not that I wanted to leave her, all I wanted is some time away from her. To be alone, be myself, make some friends out of this, and enjoy the life. I never would have been in a romantic relationship with her, but our parents, the school and college mates, and almost everyone expected that to happen, so I had to propose her.' Aarav said sadly.


 Ishaan wondered how some love stories can be so different, yet so intimidating. He wanted to know more, understand more. But, could he help them? He did feel sorry for Aarav, knowing that he was sort of trapped in a relationship he didn't want. But, he also wanted to make sure; he really didn't want Shreshtha in his life anymore.


Sometimes life is not what we expect it to be, it plays with us. To check if we can stand against the obstacles, or we fail and quit. Life can be so mean at times, yet a great teacher for all.

Chapter 11

Ishaan was still wondering, when he heard Aarav talking further and his thought trail stopped.


‘I was still happy in the beginning that I have my best friend as my lover, but later on things started to turn sour between us. We both did a lot to make it work, she, the most; but I was just not ready for it. I wanted some time to be alone, to be myself. I started getting irritated easily, started ignoring her, but she always found a way to reach to me. I thought some day she will get tired of my behaviour and leave, but she never left my side. I adore her for that, but, my heart would pain for doing this with her.’ Aarav continued sadly, it was feeling good in a different way, to be able to talk to someone after all these years, to let out his feelings in front of a stranger. “A stranger who saved your Shreshtha”, a tiny voice in his mind said.


Ishaan felt sad for Aarav, but at the same time, he felt sad for Shreshtha as well. He was not sure how is she going to handle all this when he can understand that she loved this guy a lot.

‘Aarav, I think you should talk to Shreshtha about this. Now is the time, because she will listen to each and everything you say, and this may be, can cure her and make her get up from the sleep she is in now.’ Ishaan said hopefully.


‘Doc, is there any possibility this can happen? I know I have done something unforgivable, but I want to see her smile soon. I can’t see her like this anymore.’ Aarav almost cried in pain.


“I too want to see her smile”, Ishaan thought sadly.


‘Well, we have seen cases where a shock can make the patient in coma come back to life, so there is a possibility this may work in her case. As she is quite attached to you, this may get her nerves to react and this can help her get well.’ Ishaan said.


‘Then I will do it. I will face her and talk to her, tell her what I feel and what I have felt all these years. I will make her cry, but this will cure her. I will talk to her doc. But, let her meet uncle and aunty first. I think they deserve to be with her the most. Once they have seen her, I will talk to her.’ Aarav finally said, gathering all the courage he had, this surely will take a huge amount of it. He knew that.


‘Sure Aarav. But first let’s get you some sleep. You’ve not slept since you’ve come here neither have you taken any rest. If you want to talk to her, you do need some rest.’ Ishaan said, with a tone of slight humour in his voice to lighten up the tense situation.


‘Haha! Doc, you’re right. But, have you taken a look at yourself? You look like a zombie. I bet you haven’t slept properly since Shreshtha came in here. This is quite a long time now. So, you too need to take some rest, or her parents will kill you in their way to meet their daughter!’ Aarav said, with a low chuckle.


‘I can’t agree more, but I can’t get myself to sleep when I try. All I could see is her face in front of me and I knew almost nothing about her, which was a mystery my mind could not cope with. I think I will be able to finally sleep peacefully today!’ Ishaan agreed.


They both got up from the chairs, and walked towards the door. Shreshtha’s parents would be reaching anytime soon, and there was going to be havoc after they arrive. Both were thinking how to handle them, in their own different ways, as both were answerable to them. One, her doctor. Another, her lifelong friend and now her boyfriend in their eyes, who had her responsibility while they were away.


Aarav turned to face Ishaan, and Ishaan could see the moist in his eyes.

‘Thank you for everything doc.’ Aarav said, with a lump in his throat.


Ishaan swallowed, and just smiled. Words didn’t seem of much importance that time; a simple smile did say all what he meant.

Chapter 12

(Shreshtha’s POV)


I was lying in a mid sub-conscious state most of the time. I could not really guess what time of the day or night it usually was, only for the times when the nurse would come to wipe me clean or to check the progress I was making. And at times, my angel, Dr. Ishaan would come and talk to me and I would care less what time it was, as far as he is by my side.

Things seem better when he talks to me; I admire his voice, and can’t wait to see how he looks like. Not that I am looking for a hunk or a way too dashing personality, but I believe a person with such a good heart will be great looking as well. He will be more like an angel, to guess.

‘But, does it really matter how he looks like?’ her inner voice made its presence known.


‘Ummmm…. I don’t think it does, but I will have to see it for myself and decide.’ She winked internally.


‘Then get up, open your eyes and let the world know you are alive too!’ A sarcastic voice rose in her head.


‘I choose to ignore you right now. I want some good rest.’ She retorted mentally.


Shreshtha could feel her inner goddess roll eyes at her, at using the word ‘rest’. Isn’t this what she was doing from the last, God knows how many days or months?


And just as she was about to drift to a peaceful sleep, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching in a hurry. She wondered who would come at this time, the nurse just left before some time, and Dr. Ishaan also visited.


‘Might be my angel came to visit me one more time, the nurse did make him leave abruptly when he was saying something.’ She thought happily.


And the door burst open and the footsteps halted for a second, it seemed like an eternity to her. Not being able to see what is happening was already frustrating her.

And then she heard the low crying sound, and she instantly knew, her parents were finally here.


‘Mom, Dad, you are finally here. I missed you so much. Please help me wake up and open my eyes. I try everyday, but I can’t get up.’ She cried and tried her best to say this aloud.


Then she felt a strong thud on her bed, and soft hands caress her cheeks. She suddenly recognised the warmth of those hands, the hands that fed her, the hands she held when she learnt walking; the hands that brushed her hair and help her get ready when she was a kid.

Those hands, which make her, feel heaven on earth. The softness and warmth of those two palms held the world for her.


She also felt movement on the other side of her bed, an unsure one, and she knew it was her Dad. How sad he would be to see her like this. She was her parents princess, and a single scar would make them upset for days, and now she is lying in such a state, she could imagine how sorrowful her parents would be at this moment. For this, she didn’t need eyes to see, she knew them for a long time.


Shreshtha heard her mother cry out loud this time, and her heart cried too. She wanted to console her, tell her that she will be fine soon, but the words would not leave her mouth; no matter how hard she tried.


If she was feeling sad after knowing what had happened to her, now she was feeling more than the limits of being sad. She didn’t know what to call it, but it was unbearable for her. She can’t let her parents cry over her. She didn’t want to let her parents down in such a way, that too because she was upset on some silly fight with her boyfriend!


Her stomach made a flip-flop at the word boyfriend, and she winced slightly. She wondered if someone might have seen her. She felt fury rise in her heart, making its way down to her lungs, and then travel through her hands. If only she could get hold of Aarav, she would kill him for making her suffer like this, to make her parents suffer like this.


And then, she heard a loud sound of beeping. And felt some hurried movements beside her. She didn’t understand what was wrong, was she dying?

She felt hands go through her hands, checking her pulse.


‘No! I don’t want to die. I want to see Mom and Dad!’ she cried in agony.


And then she heard, “She is reacting to your voice aunty”, and the world fell silent after that.

Chapter 13


After a good peaceful sleep and something nutritious to eat, Dr Ishaan was finally feeling like he is alive again. He had lost the track of number of days when he had not seen himself in the mirror properly, let alone style his hair. He took a quick bath and drove his Audi A5 and zoomed past the roads and buildings.

Yes, he is the son of a rich father, and his father made sure he got all the luxuries of life. He would not mind showing it off to the world, but today he took his Audi because he wanted to be near his Sleeping Beauty and every single minute he was away from her, his heart worried for her.

He was driving when suddenly his iPhone buzzed indicating a text message. He usually does not mix texting with driving, but today was different. He had someone precious at the hospital. His heart skipped a beat, with the fear of unknown. He quickly snatched his phone, parked sideways and unlocked the screen.


Hi Doc. Aarav Here. Got a call from Aunty. They will be here in the next 30 minutes. Please come soon, I need support.



Ishaan took a deep breath of relief and locked the phone and threw it gently on the side seat. He had not yet let any girl sit on the front side seat of his car, he had reserved it for the special someone. The thought made him smile and he instantly thought about Shreshtha.


He sped up, because he wanted to see his Sleeping Beauty before her parents arrive. He also wanted to meet Aarav and talk to him. Ishaan knew Aarav had turned quite close to him in a very short time, so he felt the need to support him. He was still in a dilemma on how to tackle this situation, as he knew Aarav would talk to Shreshtha about their break up and then, once she wakes up, he can go and talk to her. But he knew, if she really loved Aarav so much; as Aarav had defined, it would be really difficult for him to get her. But he wanted her in his life, and he wanted it badly.


It was not long before Ishaan reached the hospital and parked his car. The big illuminated sign read ‘Life Care Hospital’. He loved this workplace, it was where everyday a story was made and people prayed. It was not only a work place for him; it was a place to be worshipped.


He hurried to the main gate. He saw Aarav half walking half running in his direction. He stopped in his tracks, as Aarav approached. If he was good looking before, now he looked handsome. He was wearing a black leather jacket, which complimented his fair colour. His hair looked less tousled and more presentable. The innocent look on his face made Ishaan think, why a girl won’t love him. He looked no less than a Greek God himself. A smile crossed his face, when he saw Aarav smile at him too.


‘Doc, did you get my text?’ Aarav immediately spoke, not even bothering to shake hands.


‘Haha! Yes, I did. And I am here to support you. But, why are you so worried?’ Ishaan mocked him jokingly.


‘I am not worried. I am scared to death. Aunty is coming, and you don’t know how much she loves Shreshtha. If she sees her in this state, I can bet that someone will die today.’


‘Hmmm! This sounds scary. But, we will have to talk to her first, before she meets Shreshtha. We need to tell her the impact she can create on Shreshtha. She is our only chance of her recovery now. I don’t want to take any chances.’ Ishaan said; his tone business like, all humour gone.


With this, he immediately started walking towards Shreshtha’s ward; it had been a long time that he had not seen her or talked to her. He didn’t even know if she liked him or thought of him as a stupid doctor, but he wanted to see her anyway. He prayed silently while passing through the temple, and moved on further.


Aarav followed Ishaan, not sure what to do. All he knew was; this person was his only saviour. He could not imagine what would he have to explain and how would he even explain to Shreshtha’s mother, the reason of her state. He was scared that aunty will not spare him, after she hears that he broke up with her and she did a stupid thing.


They both entered the hospital ward where she was and stood in silence. Aarav looked at the once beautiful face, which was now pale and lifeless. Ishaan looked at her Sleeping Beauty, and sadly thought about her state.


‘Dr Ishaan, Shreshtha’s parents are here.’ A nurse in white approached and announced timidly.


‘Okay. We will meet them first before they see Shreshtha. Lead them to my cabin Joy.’ Ishaan said.


The nurse nodded and left immediately. Ishaan shot a glance at Aarav, who was now pale from the news, and motioned him to join. Aarav reluctantly followed Ishaan.

Chapter 14

Dr. Ishaan and Aarav reached the cabin and waited for Shreshtha’s parents to arrive. After five minutes they could hear the hurried tones, and they knew it was time. Aarav shifted in his chair, and Ishaan could not help but shiver. It was like they have appeared for an exam without studying anything.


The door of Ishaan’s cabin flung open after a gentle tap and the nurse peeped inside.

‘Sir, they’re here.’ She said.

‘Yes, send them in Joy.’ Ishaan motioned with his hands.


She disappeared behind the door and opened the door. Shreshtha’s parents entered, and Ishaan could almost immediately tell that she had got the features of her mother. Her mother was a mess, but she still looked divine. She was a lady whom you would respect immediately. She had long, straight dark brown hair and smooth creamy skin. Her eyes wore a spark that could bring you to life. She looked like an angel, just like her Sleeping Beauty.

Shreshtha’s father was a smart looking, handsome old gentleman. He wore an expression of understanding on his face, and he looked calm even after all the thunderstorm around them. Ishaan immediately developed a liking for both of them.


They both immediately got up from their chairs and Aarav ran towards her mother and hugged her tightly and started crying. Ishaan was surprised at this. Just a moment ago, Aarav was scared to death to face Shreshtha’s parents, and right now he looked so close to them. He looked like a child who would run to their parents after a mess. Shreshtha’s father also hugged them both, and patted Aarav gently, motioning him to calm down.


As if realising where they are, Aarav immediately broke the hug and wiped his tears.

‘Sorry I got all emotional. Doc, these are Shreshtha’s parents; her mom Mrs Vibha and her dad Mr Shreyas. Aunty works for an NGO and also runs a business into Interior designing. Uncle is a property dealer. And guys, this is Dr. Ishaan. He is treating Shreshtha and he is the one who got her here.’ Aarav sounded like a kid from nursery introducing friends to parents!


Ishaan immediately walked to them and shook hands with both of them. Uncle smiled, but aunty was already in a huge despair to even talk further.

‘Aarav, Doctor, where is my daughter. The nurse said you wanted to meet us first before we see her. Please tell me, is she fine or not. Is she going to surv……?’ Shreshtha’s mom could not complete the sentence.


‘Please aunty, take a seat. Everything is fine with Shreshtha. She is stable right now and is showing improvement everyday. The reason I called you here because you are the only hope that we have to bring her back to consciousness. Aarav told me that she is very close to you, and after she hears your voice and your urge to get well, she can react and can get well soon. I didn’t want you to go in straight there without preparing for this, because this is the only chance that we have. Uncle, aunty, Shreshtha is going to be alright. She is a survivor, and nothing can stop her.’ Ishaan held Vibha’s hands and said all in a go. He felt quite relieved after this.


‘Guys, doc doesn’t want to take any chances on this. You have to be strong and let Shreshtha know that how desperately we all are waiting for her to be alright. We have a plan, and it will work. We need your help.’ Aarav joined in.


Mr Shreyas, who stood quite all this time, now spoke. ‘Definitely Aarav, we too want her to come back to life. We will do everything in our power to take her out of the hospital and back home. What do you want us to do?’


Ishaan let out a breath of relief. His face lit up and he smiled.

‘Okay, so studies have shown that if a person is in Coma, you can give them some type of hope to get up and get out of it. Anything of that sort, more like a shock can help the person recover. We are looking for you to do the same. Shreshtha loves her mother more than anything, and she is the only hope that we have to help her. Aunty, you would need to go and talk to her, urge her to try a bit harder and if this works, nothing like it.’ Ishaan explained the plan, and all the three in the room seemed to be engrossed in this conversation.


‘I will do anything for her son; I want her back to normal as soon as possible. Let’s go then.’ Vibha said with determination, and she seemed a bit relaxed as compared to the beginning.


‘That’s my wife!’ Uncle beamed with joy and patted on his wife’s shoulder. They both left the cabin and started towards the mission now they had to accomplish anyhow.


‘I like the doctor. He is such a nice guy; it seems he has known our little princess for a long time.’ Vibha said while walking.


‘Hmm… It seems so. Better ask our princess, what do you think?’ Uncle asked, smiling.

Vibha smiled and they continued towards Shreshtha’s ward.


Chapter 15


Ishaan and Aarav stood in silence for a couple of minutes. Then, suddenly Aarav snapped out of the trance and turned towards Ishaan. He turned back again and breathed heavily before going towards the door. Ishaan also accompanied him. Now all they needed was prayers and a hope that the plan will work.


They sprinted towards the direction where Shreshtha’s parents headed, and caught up with them a couple of minutes later. This looked like a team for a mission, for a cause. The cause was to get Shreshtha out of her coma and see her smiling again.


All four of them came to a halt in front of the ward where Shreshtha was, and looked at each other. There was hope, prayers and uncertainty in all the four pairs of eyes. Each one of them smiled, and entered the ward with a prayer in their heart.


No matter how strong Shreshtha’s parents thought they were, the moment they saw her lying in the hospital bed, pale and covered in needles; their hearts cried out for their little daughter. She deserved to be by their side, not in the sickly hospital bed.

Aarav could not gather the courage to meet her parents’ eyes, and he chose to look down to the floor to avoid more shame and despair. He could not see Shreshtha like this, and the sight would make him weaker than he already was feeling. No matter how strongly he wanted to be away from her, she was still his only best friend and he did love her.

Ishaan was the most hopeful of all, because he had medical science by his side. But the sight made him weak in the knees, he wanted to sit down and shout, to let Shreshtha and the world know that how desperately he is waiting for her to be all right again. He wanted to see the one smile for which he had dreamt for so long, to look into the eyes of the girl he loved.

Love”, Ishaan’s heart did a flutter and a flip flop at the mention of this word. Yes, he loves her. And she has to come to life for him. Ishaan felt determined and looked at Shreshtha’s parents and nodded for them to move forward. The plan has to work.



Shreshtha’s mother could not hold it any longer and she started sobbing. She ran to her daughter, and sat on the side of the bed.

“How did this happen to the most precious one of my life?” Vibha cried in agony. “Shreshtha, baby, please wake up. I can’t see you like this. You were so strong, what has happened to you now?”

She touched her daughter’s face and held her hands. Her body was so pale that she looked like a bloodless human. Vibha could not stop crying as she saw her daughter in so much pain and trouble.


Shreshtha’s father, Shreyas, too came forward and tentatively sat on the other side of the bed. His eyes were moist, and words would not come out of his mouth. His strong little girl looked so helpless right now. He knew his daughter was a warrior, a fighter and she would come back soon to them, smiling and dancing in joy like she always would. He touched her forehead gently and prayed for her.


Aarav and Ishaan were both speechless and were waiting for the moment of miracle. Ishaan gently put a hand on Aarav’s shoulder to let him know that all is okay. Aarav, in turn, could only smile.


Vibha was still crying and trying to talk but the emotions were so choked up in her hearth that she could not say a word but cry. Suddenly, after what seemed like an eternity, the monitor started beeping loudly. There was an indication that the patient was trying to make some movements, or their mind was. Everyone in the room gasped, and Shreshtha’s parents shot a worried glance at Dr. Ishaan. Ishaan swiftly moved towards the bed and looked at the monitor screen and nodded an approval to the other doctors in the room.


Shreshtha was responding to her mother’s voice, and sure enough she wanted to wake up. Ishaan motioned to get the stethoscope and waited patiently as it arrived. He plugged it in his ears and examined Shreshtha, he checked her pulse and that was when he saw movement in her right hand. Ishaan’s joy knew no bounds, and he said happily, “She is reacting to your voice aunty. Please talk to her. She is reacting.”


Vibha cried in happiness, and everyone’s hands joined in prayers. Aarav was spellbound, and tears flowed from his eyes. His best friend was finally going to be all right.


Before the doctors could start more tests, Shreshtha fell silent again. The beeping dropped as well. It all happened in the blur of a moment, as it never happened.


“No, no no no no… you can’t be doing this to us Shreshtha. You can’t cheat us like this. You have to try harder and have to get up. Come on!” Ishaan said in anger.


“What’s wrong son? What happened?” Mr Shreyas asked, confused.


“She was responding, now she is not. This is our last chance, if she doesn’t get up now, she won’t get up ever. This was the strongest emotion I felt since she came in here. She has to wake up.” Ishaan was not sure what he would do now.


“Dr Ishaan, would you mind if I talk to you for a moment?”


Ishaan turned and saw his friend, Rohan standing there with a serious look on his face. He silently followed him, and they came out of the ward and Rohan grabbed Ishaan’s shoulders and shook him hard.


“What do you think you are doing Ishaan? Have you forgotten that you are a doctor, not an emotional fool to behave that way? How could you not think of another alternative? Why are you acting so dumb like someone in love?” Rohan shouted angrily, because he indeed was angry at Ishaan’s behaviour. His friend was the best neurosurgeon in the country, and he was acting weird.


“I am acting dumb because I am in love, indeed. I love her. I can’t fail her. The plan is not working Rohan.” Ishaan said with a lump in his throat.


“Gosh someone help me! Ishaan, are you serious? I mean not the love, but the plan. You always have an alternative ready for cases like this, don’t you? Don’t tell me you thought none for this one.” Rohan said, surprised.


“Alternative”, Ishaan paused, “Yes, I always do, and I have one for this as well. God! I was so lost in all this, I completely forgot. Yes, there is a plan B.” Ishaan said and before explaining Rohan, he turned back in the ward. His eyes searched for Aarav and when he looked at him, he immediately motioned for him to go to Shreshtha and do what they had decided before her parents arrived.


Meanwhile, Ishaan got to Shreshtha’s parents and asked them to leave and wait out of the room. He also made all the staff leave and wanted the room to be clear with only him, Shreshtha and Aarav. He is not letting the girl play more games with him now; this has to come to an end.


Once everyone was out of the room, Ishaan motioned Aarav to speak. He will watch, and will be ready to help if required. He knew this would work; only this could work.


Aarav hesitantly stepped near Shreshtha, looked at her face and recalled all the memories he had with her. At first it all seemed so great, like this was the only thing he ever wanted. But off lately, all this love and affection seemed meaningless to him. It was true that he loved Shreshtha, and he was happy to have her in his life, but he felt as if he was losing his own identity in the process of being her boyfriend. He missed his best friend and wanted her back that way.


He had to be strong and tell her that. This will be a shock for her, because he knows how much she loved him, and how much has he hurt her. But, if this is the only way, he will do it.


Text: Divya Jain
Images: I do not own the Images.
Editing: Myself :)
Translation: Not requied.
Publication Date: 08-04-2016

All Rights Reserved

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