Oakland, CA
Bear in mind, to a guy like Trump, $130,000 is like $5,000 to most people. In
NYC, $5,000 is a security deposit on a two-bedroom apartment. In Trump terms,
he paid her pocket change.
Based on what i see on cable TV, high priced escort might cost a john 10 grand
a night. If Trump slept with Daniels ten times, then he paid her off about as
much as he would have paid a high priced escort for ten visits.
To most NYT... Show more
If Saudis ever need a national anthem, they should option the theme from
It will explain the whole racket.
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com
Das Buch war echt klasse.Schön gruselig und spannend bis zur letzten Zeile :D Echt toll^^
mir gefällt dein blutiges buch =)! Tolle story und tolle schreibweise..war wirklich spannend..=)
Vielen Dank. So nette Kommentare freuen mich wirklich :D