To Live & To Love

The Story of Twin Sisters By:
To Live & To Love
Aaliyah and her twin sister Amaya think they have it all until one of them gets pregnant and from that point on everything starts to fall apart

Posts and Comments
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i tried editing the book and added some more plz let me know if its readable now or if its still skipping pages and too small thanks

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thank you for commenting the book isnt finished yet i started writing it at work but since they changed it to google chrome i cannot access it while im at work and havent had time at home but soon i will go in and fix it and the spelling used in the dialog is spelled wrong purposly but thanks for letting me know what needs to be fixed critisim is always good so i can work on what needs to be worked on hopefully once all... Show more

Important Post

This book is missing pages and some of the pages arent even in order. As far as the book itself it couldve used a lot more interesting things and really needed to be spell checked. Also had a horrible ending,its like a bad movie that froze. Really needs a lot of work

Important Post

I like the start oif the book but something is wrong with it like most of the pages i cant read

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