
Chapter 1

I guess I’ll start by telling you a little about me. My name is Aaliyah and I have a twin sister named Amaya, we are 20 years old. Me and Amaya look exactly alike the only real way to tell us apart is how we talk and a couple of birth marks that no one can really see unless we had swimming suits on, I have one right underneath my right butt cheek and she had one right above her butt in the middle. Amaya and I both have long black straight hair that comes down to about the middle of our back, we are light skinned with beautiful hazel-green eyes, we are about 5’2, 5’3 and we both have a body that the guys luv with curves in all the right spots. We are completely different from each other I’m the type that is laid back, likes to party, and is always with my friends. Amaya on the other hand is a home body she doesn’t like to get out much she would rather stay home and clean or do homework, you know things like that. Amaya takes classes at our community college in St. Louis as for me i really didn’t want to go back to school I said I was gonna wait a year after I graduated but then I just kept pushing it off school really isn’t for me anyways . My sister and I moved out of our parent’s house last month and got a duplex of our own and our parents agreed to pay our rent as long as we were in school or working, plus we were really spoiled so it was pretty cool we really didn’t have to pay for nothing but the food and sometimes utilities but we both had jobs. I worked at Jcpenny as a cashier and my sister just got a temporary job at the local diner until she graduates college for nursing, she only has about a year left.
I have a boyfriend well he’s sorta like my boyfriend and is defiantly my best friend we’ve know each other since we were about 14 his name is Darrel he is SO FINE, he’s black with medium dark skin, cornrows, he’s about 6’0ft and he’s got a six pack with muscles that turn me on especially when he doesn’t have a shirt on and is all sweaty he just glistens mmm mmm mmm , he also has a tattoo on his lower stomach that says thug life and one on his neck that has his moms name and the date she passed away on. When he was 16 she died in a tragic car accident because of a drunk driver. I don’t know what it is but tattoos turn me on. My sister doesn’t have a boyfriend I don’t think she even has time for one right now.
It was Saturday morning and I woke up to a thunderstorm which is kinda surprising because usually storms make me sleep better but I got outta bed and walked into the bathroom so I could start getting ready for the day. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I wrapped a towel around me and walked back to my room and got dressed in some jeans and a red v-neck shirt with a white tank underneath and threw on some red and white Nike shox. After I was all dressed I straightened my hair and threw it up in a high ponytail. I went downstairs to the kitchen where my sister was already up making the both of us some breakfast and boy did it smell good!!! “Good morning sis u sleep good last night or did the storms wake u up?” Amaya asked. “Mornin yea I slept pretty good but it did wake me up this morning, how bout you, you sleep good?” I asked “Okay I guess I kept tossin n turnin so I decided to get up and make breakfast, here’s your omelet I hope u like it” Mya said. “Thanks sis don’t know what I’d do without ya” I replied. I’m not much of a cook and my sister could cook her ass off I defiantly loved that about her especially since mom and dad weren’t there to cook for me anymore. After we finished our breakfast we went in the living room and watched some tv. Ring, ring, ring, my cell phone started going off so I picked it up and looked at the caller id it was my dad, so I answered it:
“Hey daddy how r you?”
“I’m fine how bout you n Amaya how r u guys doing?”
“ Were doin gud kinda tired but what’s up everything ok?”
“Yea were fine jus checking up on my princesses u know daddy’s gotta make sure they are doin gud and well takin care of but me and your mother was wondering if we could stop by for a lil bit cause we need to talk to you is that ok?
“Yea that’s fine daddy when was you coming over?”
“Prolly here within the next hour or so your mom is still getting herself ready for da day”
“Ok well see you then luv you”
“Luv you too bye”
I hung up the phone and told Amaya mom and dad were coming by in about an hour to talk to us about something. So Amaya went and got herself ready and by the time she was coming downstairs the doorbell rang. I answered it and it was mom and dad “hey guys come in.” We all sat down on the couch. “So what’s up daddy?”
“Well we have something to tell you guys I’m not sure how yall gonna feel about it though”
“Ok” me and Amaya looked at each other with confused looks on our face
“Well” mom butted in “Your gonna have a new lil sister or brother I just found out I’m about 2 months pregnant”
“REALLY” we said at the same time we jumped up off the couch and gave mom and dad a big ol’ hug.
“But that’s not all” dad said.
“We are thinking about moving to Centralia Illinois it’s about an hour away.” Me and Mya sat back down with disbelief. See we only live like 5min away from them now and for them to move so far was crazy. What would we do if we needed them plus they just told us they are having a baby. What if mom needs something, we won’t be able to see them as much. All these things started running through my mind at once.
“But why? Aren’t u guys happy here and moms pregnant what if she needs something while you’re at work?”
“I knew you guys wouldn’t really like the idea but our house is kinda cramped and since she is pregnant we figured a lil town like that would be good for us and the baby instead of this hectic city you know, baby I’m sorry but it’s just time for us to move.”
Amaya said “but we don’t want you to we like you being right down the street it makes us feel more secure.”
“I know baby I know I’m really sorry and maybe after you graduate college we can find u two a place out there and by then the baby will be here and you can help your mom out”
“Whatever I guess do what u do” I said with an attitude and rolling my eyes.
“Don’t be like that sweetie we still love you and we will still be here for u guys no matter what were only a phone call away but we are moving next month”
“Well I’ll come over and help you guys pack” Mya said. And of course she would be all calm and nice about it because that’s just how she is. So as the month went by mya talked me into helping them pack and we did. Now they are off to their new place. When we got there the house was beautiful it was a two story beige house with dark brown shutters and a beautiful yard with plenty enough room for the new baby to play. The house had 4 bedrooms and 2 and a half bathrooms. Now there was defiantly plenty of space for everybody even us if we moved back in but I like the feeling of being on my own so I really didn’t want to. Mom reassured us though that if we ever need a place to go we would both have our own rooms here no questions asked. That made me feel a little better about everything because for a minute there I was kinda feeling like since they were having a new baby AND moving an hour away they were trying to get away from us or not want anything to do with us that’s kinda why I gotta attitude when they told us. I was just feeling unwanted but I’ll always have my twin by my side no matter what even though we are both very different we are a lot alike and we are inseparable and can read each other’s mind most of the time.

Chapter 2

It’s been about 2 months since my parents moved to Centralia and I miss them like crazy but we talk to them almost every day just to check in and make sure everything with mom and her new baby are going good. Last time I talked to mom she said next month she would be able to find out what she’s having and she wants us to go with her to her ultrasound and I can’t wait I’m super excited!
“Hey sis wuts up” Mya said as she walked in the door after being at school all day. “Hey how was school learn anything new?” I say. “Duh of course I learn something every day” she said playing around. “Guess wut Liyah!” She said excitedly “wut” I reply “ I met this really cute guy today oh my gosh he was so nice and so sweet I guess today was his first day he moved from somewhere I wasn’t payin attention cuz I couldn’t focus on nuttin but his sexy ass” she said laughing. “Dang sis he had you like that? Wuts his name? Did u talk to him?” I asked being my nosey self and messing with her. “Tyrek and yea my counselor asked me to show him around the campus so I did and we talked a lil I gave him my number and told him he could call me if he needed help with anything.” “Oh yea did u flirt wit him” I said teasing her. “No I just showed him around” before she could say her last word her phone started going off “campus” she finished before she answered the phone:
“Hey this is Tyrek you gave me the tour of campus today”
“Yea I member you I gave you my number silly”
“Yea I know you said call you if I needed anything but I was jus wondering if maybe we could go out and grab a bite to eat and maybe you could show me around St. Louis a little bit?”
“Uh yea I can do that I guess I don’t have anything better to do tonight except study” she said with a laugh
“Ok coo well u want me to pick u up or u wanna meet up somewhere?”
“Well since u don’t really know your way around I could come pick u up from your place where did you say u lived again?”
“On 27th and Newton”
“Ok well I’m going to get ready and I’ll call you when I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone and looked right at me “Do you wanna go with us?” she asked me. “No I’m ok sounds like a date to me and I don’t wanna be a third wheel plus Darrel is coming over in a lil bit ta kick it” I told her “Fine be that way have fun wit ur lil boyfriend” she said playing around. “Trust I will we always do but call me when u get where you goin in keep me up to date on what’s going on.” “Ok I will” she said as she was going down the hall to her room to get ready.
I went to my room to freshen up a little bit before Darrel came over. We always had a good time together even if we just watched a movie and smoked. Yea I smoke weed and I drink to but hey what can I say I’m a party girl and you only live once. Just as Amaya was walking out the door Darrel was pulling in the driveway. He drove a 2011 Chevy Camaro it was all black and sat on some 22in rims that were black and silver his car was just as sexy as he was and it was always clean I mean I’ve never seen that car dirty. Even though Darrel didn’t have a real job he always had money no matter wut I guess that’s what happens when you have an illegal job, plus he gets money from his mom passing away. He stepped outta the car wearing a balck fitted cap with red letters saying “STL”, black jean pants, a plain all red shirt with some red and black jays, and he was dripped in jewelry “DAMN” I say to myself this boy is always looking sexy. “Hey baby” I say waiting at the door for him as he walks up “Hey boo you lookin gud today” he says to me. When he finally reached the door he kissed me and gave me a hug. We went inside and sat down in the living room. He started looking on Netflix for a movie we could watch together while I sat on the couch and rolled a couple blunts up. We ended up watching Madea’s Family Reunion well we attempted to anyway. I lit the blunt up and he scooted over right next to me and pulled my legs up onto his lap then placed his hand on my thigh. After we finished smoking he started to kiss me starting at the mouth then slowly moving down caressing my body slowly. Then we start to take each others clothes off as we make our way to the bedroom. By the time we reached my room we were both butt naked he lays me down on the bed and we start to make love. When we got done I grabbed the other blunt from the living room and walked back into the bedroom and laid down next to him. We smoked while we cooled off and caught our breath then eventually we fell asleep.

***Amaya POV***
As I was walking out the door I seen Darrel pulling in so I waved to him and then hopped in the car and took off towards 27th and Newton. I called Tyrek on the way and let him know I was on my way. Once I got closer I started getting nervous. When I finally reached his house I seen him waiting on the porch in sum blue jeans and a blue South Pole shirt and some all-white Jays and man was he looking fly. Tyrek was black with fairly dark skin he had an ear pierced and he didn’t really have much hair, he was a very clean cut person who also had a muscular body. He got in the car and I asked him where he wanted to go eat and of course he didn’t care. So we ended up going to Applebee’s and got the 2 for $20 deal. As we ate we talked and talked and found out we had a lot in common, he was a really sweet guy he opened doors for me and made sure I was ok and didn’t need anything. After being with him for like 3 or 4 hours, I finally took him home then went home myself. I didn’t even end up showing him around the city because we lost track of time while we were talking and it got too late.

***Aaliyah POV***
Around like 2 am I hear Mya come in the door so I very quietly snuck outta my room so I didn’t wake Darrel he was cranky when he got woke up early or didn’t get enough sleep. I sneak up behind Mya “BOO” I quietly yelled she jumped so high it was hilarious she softly punched me in the arm and said “don’t you ever do that again you scared the shit outta me gurl” “I’m sorry I just thought it would be funny and it was” “ohh ima hurt you one of these days” she said. “So how was your date?” “It wasn’t a date we just went to hang out and grab a bite to eat” “Well u think you guys are gonna hook up?” “I don’t know I kinda want to but I don’t even know if he likes me” “well I’m sure if he didn’t like you he wouldn’t have asked you to go out and eat or whatever you guys did” “well I’m really the only person he knows right now I guess we will jus have to wait and see wont we” “I guess so.” After I got through talking ta mya I went and laid back down with my boo.
The next day we woke up and Mya was still sleep I mean she did have a pretty late night so I went to wake her up so she wouldn’t be late for school. I threw some eggs and bacon on for me and Darrel. After he took his shower he came into the kitchen “Mmm something smells good” he said “I made you breakfast baby hope you enjoy it.” After we ate he gave me a kiss and left to go handle some business. Once Mya got home from school she did her homework while I watched tv and talked on the phone. Her phone just kept going off text after text after text. “Dang sis who blowin your phone up like that?” “Oh it’s just Tyrek” “I must say seems to me like he likes you a lot to be blowin you up like that.” Her and Tyrek talked everyday almost all day for about a week straight.
It was now Saturday night and since Mya didn’t have school today and she won’t tomorrow so I talked her into coming out to the club with me tonight. I told her she should invite Tyrek and it would be like a double date. So we all went to the club and had a blast it was soo much fun especially since my sister came. Me and her were acting a fool dancing all over each other and stuff. Even though my sister isn’t really much of a party person she still knew how to get down on the dance floor, we had all the guys in the club looking and drooling over us but of course Darrel and Tyrek kept a close eye on us and made sure nobody was trying to move in on us. After we left the club it was real late like 4 in the morning so Tyrek and Darrel just stayed the night at our house. I think Mya and Tyrek ended up having sex last night cause I kept hearing noises and they were kinda drunk last night. In a way i hope they did cause I know my sis ain’t got none in a while and she can be a kinda bitchy when she don’t get laid and ain’t got a man so I was extremely happy for her and I really hoped everything would work out between the two of them.

***Amaya’s POV***
Since I didn’t have school tomorrow I agreed to go out with Liyah tonight and have some fun since I’ve been stressing so much over school lately. Me and her tore it up on that dance floor tonight and I seen Tyrek constantly looking at me and smiling all night. We ended up getting a little tipsy which I don’t drink very often it really not my thing I hate the hang overs you get in the morning but I needed to let loose a little. Since we drank we all ended up coming back to my house. Aaliyah and Darrel went into her room and me and Tyrek went into mine. We laid there for a little bit goofing around and talking. Then Tyrek looked over at me in my eyes and said “You are such a beautiful women and I really do like you.” He caught me way off guard. I said “really you like me?” “yea I do, ever since the day I came into the office and seen you in there I knew I wanted you to be my gurl you looked so sexy in your lil outfit” laughing I say ”whatever your just sayin that my sister must of told you I liked you?” “No I’m not I’m serious I really do like you a lot and no your sis didn’t say anything to me” he then leaned over and kissed me he licked my bottom lip so I let his tongue in we kissed for a long time then his hands started to run over my body I slightly pulled back “so does this mean were going to be together now? Am I your gurl?” “That’s what I was hoping for as long as you down wit it” “I’m down so now were boyfriend /girlfriend?”I ask just make sure I understood right “yes baby” he then continued to kiss me a little more slowly moving from my mouth down my body and it felt so good I didn’t want him to stop next thing I know my clothes were coming off and his were too we laid naked in the bed kissing on each other and caressing each other then he got on top of me and entered me. After all was said and done I felt so good I was on a natural high and I didn’t want him to ever leave me. I rolled over on my side with my back facing him and he cuddled up right behind me with his arms wrapped around my body and we soon fell asleep.

***Aaliyah’s POV***
A couple Mondays after that was the day of my mother’s ultrasound so we drove up to Centralia to see our parents and it’s actually not that bad of a drive it’s not as far as it seemed the first time we drove out there. Once we got there my mom came out of the house you could defiantly see her baby bump now especially since she was a thin little thing. “Aww momma look at you how are you and the baby doin?” “Were doin good I can’t wait to find out what I’m having and I’m really glad you guys came up here for the ultrasound, your dad should be pulling up shortly.” “You know it’s no big deal I can’t wait either I wanna know if ima have another sister or a little brother what do you want mom?” “well I really don’t care I just want them to be healthy and strong and hurry up and come out” she said laughing “yea I hear you on that but hang in there it’ll be that time before you know it” my dad then pulled up me and mya ran to the car after he parked it and we both squeezed the crap outta him “hi daddy i missed you” we said at the same time. “Hey gurls I’ve missed you too you three about ready to head out?” “Yea here we come” momma said. We all piled into the car and headed down to the doctor’s office. I was so impatient waiting in the lobby I was ready to find out what they were having. “Trina Johnson” the nurse said when she came out of the door. I jumped up and said “yay its time” we all went into the dark room with the ultrasound monitor and waited while the nurse put that gel stuff all over mommas tummy. After a couple minutes the nurse pointed out the head, hand, feet, spine, and then announced “Your having a” she paused the suspense was killing me “Wut is it Wut is it” I sounded like a 5 yr old “it’s a BOY” me and Amaya looked at each other then started jumping up and down hugging each other “Yay were gonna have a brother” we shouted. We then turned to mom who was looking at dad smiling and said “Congratulations! now we can throw you a baby shower in a couple months I’m so excited.” After we left the hospital dad took all of us out to eat at Cinzetis a really good Italian restaurant to celebrate. We all had a good time but it was around 8pm and was time for us to head home even though we weren’t ready Amaya had school in the morning. Once we got home around 9 I went in my room and put on a tight fitting black dress and my what some people would call my hooker heels, then threw on some accessories then headed out to a party one of my friends was throwing while Amaya took a shower set her clothes out for the next day and went to bed, but of course she called and talked to her boo thang first.

Chapter 3

About a month went by and everything between me, Darrel, Amaya and Tyrek were going good we both had good healthy relationships. Darrel finally made it official so we are actually boyfriend/girlfriend now. He didn’t want to get into a committed relationship with me at first because he didn’t want to hurt me he still had a lil hoe in him before but I guess he was ready to give up all the extra pussy he had been getting and start a relationship with me. The fact that he waited to be in a relationship with me actually was a good thing because it made me realize how much he truly cared for me. The boys have been staying the night here and helping out around the house.
Darrel and I were straightening things up before my parents came up for a visit to meet Tyrek and hang out when he stopped me and looked me in my eyes and said “Baby we been messin around for like 6 or 7 years now and now that we are officially a couple I think it’s time for me and you to get a place of our own then maybe Tyrek can move in here with your sis what do you think?” I was kinda speechless I was not expecting that at all and I replied “Really baby you mean it I would love living with you but I don’t know how my sisters gonna feel about that I mean my parents moved away from us a couple months ago and I don’t want her to think every ones leaving her.” “I know baby I kinda had a feeling you would be worried about her that’s why I said Tyrek could come stay here, and honestly you are 20 yrs old and sooner or later you’re gonna end up moving out you have your own life to live and so does she, she may not like it at first but shell come around plus we can move right down the street like maybe a block down I seen a house there that was for sale the other day” “ yea I know it would happen sooner or later I was just expecting later ya know but I will talk to her when our parents leave so she’s not upset when they come hopefully shell be ok with it.”
I heard a car pulling up so I looked out the window and it was my parents I seen my dad help my mom outta the car and watched her waddle up to the door it was kinda funny. “Are you sure I shoulda stayed while your parents came to visit you know they don’t really like me?” “Yes I’m sure I mean sooner or later they are gonna have to get used to you especially since we r gonna move in together, just be on your best behavior” I said acting like his parent and laughing at the same time. “You silly gurl n you already know I will even though they don’t like me I love you so I’ll do whatever to make you happy baby” then he kissed me “Aww your such a sweet heart I love you too.” See my parents didn’t really care for Darrel because he worked out in the streets dealing drugs and he’s been in and out of jail and they don’t think he’s good enough for me. Even though they don’t like him they are always nice to him and I think they see how much he makes me happy.
Knock, knock, knock, “ok here goes I wonder where Mya and Tyrek are they need at hurry up” I said to Darrel “I’m sure they will-” he didn’t even get to finish his sentence when they came pulling into the driveway. I opened the door for my parents and they came in and each of them gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. “How’s everything going you doin ok mom?” “We are doing good the baby keeps kickin the crap outta me though how bout you guys how r u?” “Were doin good me and Darrel are together now” I say as I pull him close to me. “Hello Mr and Mrs Johnson how are you and the baby doin?” “Good” my mom said “Were fine but I overheard you guys are together now you better make sure you take good care of my daughter she means the world to me and if anything happens to her well I’m sure u know the rest” my dad said serious but playful at the same time “oh you don’t have to worry about anything sir your daughter is in good hands with me.” “Well I hope so cause I don’t wanna have ta hurt you” he said playfully but serious agian. Amaya and Tyrek walked in I thought to myself finally he can get off Darrel’s case. “Hey baby how u been” they both asked her “hey mom hey dad how r you?” “Were good how’s school going for you?” “Good can’t wait to graduate though so when you want us to throw your baby shower momma?” “ Whenever you want to baby it’s up to you guys” “Ok well me and liyah will have to talk about it we only got like 2 or 3 more months left.” “Mom dad this is Tyrek we met at school a few months back” while they said their hellos and interrogated Tyrek me and Darrel were in the kitchen making dinner for everyone. The mashed potatoes and Salisbury steak were almost done when I saw Amaya run through the hallway and into the bathroom “You got this for a sec babe I need to go check on mya?” “Yea boo I got it” I went down the hall and knocked on the door “You ok” mya opened it a little and I slipped through “You ok sis?” “Yea I’m ok I just got really nauseas all of a sudden I feel a lil better now but my stomach still kinda hurts” “Well do you feel like eating or do you just wanna lay down?” “I think ima just gonna lay down after I say bye to mom and dad” “ ok” I walked back out into the living room and let mom and dad know mya won’t be eating dinner with us cause she’s not feeling good and they went back and said bye to her. We all gathered in the kitchen and ate dinner. As we ate mom and dad got to know Tyrek a lil more they really liked him which is always a good thing. Once everyone was done we said goodbye and me Tyrek and Darrel all cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes. “Well Ima go check on mya” tyrek said “ok” me and Darrel said in unison. Tyrek went back to her room but she was asleep so he juts stripped down to his boxers and laid down with her.
The next day I wake up to Mya puking again. “Mya are you ok?” I asked “Yea im fine?” I went into the bathroom “Are you sure cause I’ve never seen you like this” “I know my stomach has been feeling weird the past couple of days” “Have you missed your period?” “I haven’t gotten it yet I should have started like 2 days ago” “Mya I think-“she cut me off “please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say” “pregnant” I said finishing my statement. “Oh my god what am I gonna do?” she said with a scared look in her face “Well first off sis we need ta take a pregnancy test to make sure then go see a doctor” “oh my god, oh my god, I have to finish school I’m not ready “ “ Calm down sis like I said we have to make sure first so try to get yourself ready and ima go get ready then we will head to Walmart ok” “ok” she said still scared outta her mind.
Both the boys were still asleep so I wrote them a not on the dry erase board on the fridge saying “we had to go to Walmart and get a couple things we will be back in a little bit, luv ya” Me and Amaya got to Walmart and walked around tell we found the pregnancy tests we got like 5 of them just to be on the safe side all different brands we also picked up a few odds and ends things so the boys didn’t ask questions. Ring, ring, ring, my phone starts going off and its Darrel “hey baby wuts up?” “hey boo I gotta make a couple runs and Tyrek went to school so ima lock up and I’ll see you later and don’t forget to talk to your sister about what we talked about yesterday” “ok babe see ya later luv ya” “luv ya too” we hung up. “OK the boys left no one is at the house lets go home and take these” Once we got home Mya went straight to the bathroom and peed on all 5 of the sticks. We waited for like 5 minutes then went back into the bathroom. “You look first I’m too scared” Mya said shaking. So I walked over to the sink where they were all laid out oh my god I thought to myself before I said anything to her all five had a + on it not one had a -. “Amaya” i said she knew something wasn’t right I never called her Amaya to her face I always call her Mya “your pregnant all five have a + on it” “OH MY GOD NO she yelled as she fell down onto the floor crying. “it’s gonna be ok sis I’m here for you and I’m sure Tyrek will be there for you too, you have to tell him soon you know that right?” I questioned “Yea I I know I’m so scared I don’t know w w wut ima do how am I gonna tell mom and d dad she said stuttering through her sentence. “I know they will be right by your side your not alone honey” I said trying to comfort her. I walked Mya to her room and let her let everything sink in and I did the same I couldn’t believe it the straight A student who goes to college and never does anything bad is pregnant I figured I would have a baby before she did I was extremely surprised by the whole thing and needed someone to talk to normally I would go to mya and talk to her but not in this situation so I called Darrel “Hey baby wuts up he answered “Mya’s pregnant” “WHAT” he kinda shouted are you serious how in the hell did she get pregnant?” he asked sounding stunned “well I’m assuming that night we all went out and got drunk I know you heard em in the room but I defiantly didn’t expect this from her” “Damn boo dats crazy but hey I gotta jump off here I’ll be by in a lil bit, oh by the way did you ever tell her about that?” “no not yet I’ve been too caught up with the whole pregnancy thing but I’ll talk to her in a couple of days once she calms down but I’ll see you in a lil bit luv ya” “luv ya too” I hung up and laid on my bed just thinking about everything and I could hear mya in hear room crying I think she cried all night long.
The next day Mya had Tyrek come over so she could tell him once he got there they went into her room which I completely understood they needed their privacy and she told him he was super excited I could hear him all the way in the living room. That made me feel better to know he would be by her side.
***Amaya’s POV***
When my sister suggested that I was pregnant I thought no way I can’t be there’s just no way then I started thinking back to that night the four of us went out and got drunk DAMNIT I said to myself we didn’t use a condom FUCK I started cussing myself out in my head what in the hell was I thinking I still have to finish school luckily I was almost through but then I’d have to wait to actually got into my field ima have to stay home with the baby for a while after its born and I don’t know how Tyrek is gonna react I’m so scared I don’t know wut to do. I wondered how mom and dad would react and wut would they say, would they think I’m a hoe? I had so many questions and thoughts running through my mind at once I thought I was gonna pass out “Mya” liyah snapped me back “it’s been 5 min you ready to go check?” Honestly I was thinking hell no I ain’t ready to go check but we went to the bathroom “you look first I’m too scared” I said to liyah so she walks over to the sink where all the tests were laying and she says “Amaya” as soon as she said that I already knew only because she never ever calls me Amaya unless she mad at me then out came the words “your pregnant” not real sure what she said after that it was all a blur I screamed “OH MY GOD NO” and fell to the floor crying. I have never cried so much in my life I cried all night long. The next day came and I had to tell Tyrek I was so nervous I wasn’t sure if he was gonna deny it being his or be mad I wasn’t sure of his reaction. He finally got there and we went into my room I said “Baby we need ta talk” he looked at me confused “about wut baby” “Well I’m, I’m, I’m, pregnant” I finally blurted out. His eyes got wide and a smile stretched from one ear to the other “Are you serious don’t play wit me like that” “No I’m dead serious I toke 5 test and they all were positive” I showed him the tests. He got up then snatched me up and hugged me so tight and long “Baby I’m so excited I can’t believe you’re having my baby I will right by your side the whole time no matter wut I love you” he stopped hugging me looked me in the face and gave me a big ass kiss one like I’ve never had before. So after his reaction I felt a little better knowing he was okay with it and was gonna be by my side now the hard part was gonna be telling my parents.

***Aaliyah POV***
After a couple of days went by I noticed Mya had come to terms with the pregnancy and I was so happy for her and I figured this was the time to tell her. “Hey sis can you come her for a second?” She came and sat down next to me on the couch “wuts up sis” she said as she shoved her mouth full of ice cream “dang you starting early huh” I teased her “no but seriously Darrel asked me a couple days ago if I wanted to move in with him” her mouth dropped and a little bit of ice cream fell out “before you get upset it’s just going to be right down the street like a block away walking distance and since your pregnant now I knida figure Tyrek could move in here with you that way he’s always with you and the baby could have its own room” “ But liyah I don’t want you to leave your my sister we haven’t been a part at all” She paused for a couple of seconds “but you know wut if it’s just right down the street I think it’ll be ok just keep in mind when Tyrek ain’t here I’ll prolly be over there” “That’s fine sis I think it would be kinda nice for us to both start our own little families in and get out on our own” “your right so when is all this happening?” “ well I was kinda thinking in a couple of weeks or so we still have to do moms baby shower so maybe after that and that way we can tell her I’m moving in with him and that your pregnant” “ok so when do you wanna do that?” “How about this weekend?” “sounds good to me” So me and Mya went to party city to get the decorations then went to walmart to order the cake and after that we went to Gordmans and bought all kinds of boy clothes and things mom will need. We called mom and set up the date and time.
Once we got out to moms house for the shower we set everything up and waited for people to show up. “Hey mom you think of a name yet?” She said yea I think we are gonna name him Terrance Anthony Johnson” “that’s a cute name” I said. After everyone showed up we had the party and everyone had fun. After the party was over we sat down with mom and dad and told them we needed to tell them something. “Mom, dad I just wanted to let you know I’m going to move in with Darrel I think it would be good for us and it’s just right down the street form Mya so we will be able to keep an eye on her” “Why would you need to keep an eye on her? I hope things work out you know how we feel about him and his dangerous lifestyle but if you wanna do that you are old enough to make that decision for yourself” Mya butted in “the reason she needs to keep an eye on me is because” she paused for a second “I’m pregnant” both mom and dad gasped before their jaws dropped to the ground “Mya are you serious?” dad said “but how, I don’t understand” dad was so confused about how his “good” girl got pregnant after knowing her boyfriend for only a few months. He was slightly disappointed in her but he knew she would be okay she had a good head on her shoulders and from what he could see Tyrek was a good man and loved his daughter deeply. “aww baby I’m so happy for you” mom said coming back to reality “you know I’ll be right there if you ever need anything and if you have a boy you will defiantly be set I can give you all the stuff your brother won’t be using any more, I can’t wait to see my new grand baby” mom said excitedly. After they left me, mya, and Darrel started to pack up all my things while Tyrek was at home packing up all his things. After a day or two we finally had everything all packed up and we started moving into our new house down the street. I loved the new house it was a 2 bedroom house with a big backyard. The same day I moved out Tyrek moved in which made me feel at ease knowing he would b right there with mya whenever she needed him. Life defiantly seemed to be coming together.
It was now May and it was the month that my sister would graduate college after all the hard work she put in and my mom would give birth to our little brother Terrance. It was the morning of my sister’s graduation and my parents had stayed the night so they would be here and not have to worry about running late or anything so everybody was up getting ready, it didn’t start until 4pm so we all decided to go out to eat to celebrate her accomplishment. We ended up going to Olive Garden, while we were there we all talked and laughed and just had a really good time with all the family around including Tyrek and Darrel. We were all at the gradation now waiting to see Amaya walk across the stage. After about an hour her was about to be announced “Amaya Johnson” the dean said as she walked up to the stage and the dean handed her the diploma the whole family began to cry, my mom was the worst she had all kinds of emotions coming out bawling “that’s my baby” she kept saying. We were all so very proud of her even though she was now 31/2 months pregnant she still managed to get all her school work done and graduate on time. My sister was a really tuff girl I don’t know if I could have handled all the morning sickness and not feeling well and still manage to finish school. You could see a little baby bump but it wasn’t very big it just looked like she gained a little weight. After the graduation we all met up with her outside to take pictures. As we were taking pictures I saw my mom hunch over holding her belly so I ran up to her “are you ok mom?” I asked very concerned “um I don’t think so hun I think my water just broke” she said unsure followed by a contraction “ohh ohh” she moaned in pain. I ran over to where everyone else was and yelled “MOMS WATER BROKE WE HAVE TO GO NOW” every one’s eyes opened up real wide then they started scrambling around getting all their stuff together. “ok” dad started “everyone get in the car we gotta go” “oww oww it hurts hurry up” my mom whaled in pain.
After a 10min car ride which seemed like forever we finally reached the hospital. My mom was in labor for about 8hrs before we heard the cries of our new baby brother. I was so excited to meet and hold him for the first time. Me and Mya walked into the delivery room and held our baby brother. He was born on May 15th 2012 he weighed 7lbs and 1oz he was healthy as could be I was so excited for my parents. They ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days and when they left they came by our house so we could visit with them before they headed back home. I thought it was kinda cool that my sister graduated the same day our brother was born. I could tell this was the beginning of something wonderful!

Chapter 4

It’s been 3 months since my mom had her baby and Mya graduated, we both were settling into our new lives with our boyfriends. Mya is now 61/2 months pregnant and u can really see her belly even though from the back you can’t even tell she’s pregnant she doesn’t waddle like my momma did either.
“Baby can you please tell your friends to leave I’m really tired and I can’t sleep with them here bumpin music and yelling” I told Darrel with a stern look on my face. It was already 3am and I was starting to get real pissy. “Yea babe I got u” he said then walked out of the bedroom. I heard him yell as he was going down the stairs “OK GUYS PARTY TIME IS OVER MY GURL NEED TA GO TO BED” after he said that you could hear the music stop and people scrambling around and goin out the door shouting “iight den blood see ya.” By the way Darrel has been a blood since he was 12 after his dad left his mom he just kinda went down a destructive path but hopefully us being together will straighten his ass up. Darrel was talking to one of his homeboys Derrick which was kinda like his best friend about what they were gonna do tomorrow and little did he know a guy another one of his friends brought over grabbed about a ounce of weed right before he walked out with nobody seeing him well at least he thought. Since Darrel was a big time drug dealer in our area he set cameras up throughout the whole house even in the bathroom. After Derrick had left Darrel came upstairs and laid down with me and we fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and threw on some pj’s and went downstairs to fix us some breakfast. I heard Darrel come down the stairs he went right into the living room to clean up after last night he brought all the empty beer cans in the kitchen and threw them away before he went back into the living room to finish he kissed me on the cheek and said “good morning love” “good morning baby” I responded he then went back into the living room “hey baby did you mess with anything in here when you got up?” I walked into the living room making eye contact with him and said “no why” “well there’s about a ounce missing from my stash” “no shit I told u bout bringing anybody up in here u can’t trust anybody nowadays” “I guess not I’ll just go check the cameras and see wuts up” “ok baby but you wanna eat breakfast first?” I could tell he was pissed off I mean it wasn’t just some regular weed it was kush and that shit is expensive. “if you don’t mind ima bring it down there and eat while I check out the camera” “ok hun” I said as I walked back into the kitchen to get his plate and hand it to him. He went down into the basement for about 20 mins before coming back up with a pissed of look like I’ve never seen before. “baby are you ok?” “hell no dat fuckin bastard Liam took my shit last night when I was talkin ta derrick” “wut u gonna do b” “ima do wut I gotta do boo” he went up to the bedroom and pulled out his gun u could hear him loading it up so I ran upstairs “baby what r u doin your gonna get yourself in trouble” “I told you I gotta do what I gotta do don’t worry about me I’ll be fine why don’t u have your sister come over and keep you company while I go take care of business” I already knew things weren’t gonna be good I was scared but I did call my sister over to keep me company plus I wanted to feel my niece or nephew kick. Mya and Tyrek wanted the sex of the baby to be a surprise which I hated I was an impatient person so I constantly bugged her to find out wut it was but she wasn’t giving in.
Darrel was gone all day long and didn’t end up getting back home until around midnight. My sister ended up sleeping in our guest room since she stayed over my house all day watching movies and gossiping. I was happy to see him come home in one piece I can tell you that. “BABY I’m so happy to see you and to see you in one piece” “you shoulda already known I told you, you ain’t gotta worry bout me baby.” We went up into the bedroom and had a long night of passionate sex when we got through we started to smoke when he turned and looked at me “I love you baby” he said as he scooted off the bed “I love you too” he then grabbed my hand and asked me “will you marry me boo” as he pulled out a ring box and opened it, I jump up outta the bed and scream ”YES OF COURSE I WILL” after I said that I was like “oh shit I hope I didn’t wake up Mya” I doubt it baby he slid the ring on my finger it was so beautiful and was full of diamonds. I was elated I had a hard time falling asleep that night.

***Darrel’s POV***
After waking up and realizing someone stole my shit I was extremely pissed off I knew what I had to do. I went into the bedroom and pulled out my lil .45 caliber and loaded the chamber full of bullets, I explained to Aaliyah I had to take care of business and not to worry. After I finally left the house I went over to Derrick’s and told him how Liam stole my shit when we were talking last night “no shit who does that dumb mutha fucka think he is he must not know who he fuckin wit blood” derrick said to me “right we gon have ta handle dat shit real quick homie” i said as we walked out to my car “we gon get his ass tonight mark my words, but hey you wanna ride wit me ta get a ring for ma gurl right quick?” “u gon ask her ta marry u or sum shit blood?” “hell yea dats been my gurl for awhile now I jus feel like it’s time to make it a 100% real ya feel me homie?” “yea I ifeel ya she a gud gurl too shed make a gud house wife and baby momma” he replied to me. So we smoked a blunt and drank on sum 40’s as we rode up to the jewelry store. I tell you what it’s hard trying ta find the right ring for Aaliyah I knew she didn’t like big rings but I defiantly wanted one that had hella diamonds and when the light hit it, it could blind someone. “think I found it” I said “damn nigga it bout time shit we been here for almost 3hrs and its startin ta get dark my nig” “fa real my bad nigga I lost track of time” after purchasing the ring we went back and got into the car “iight bro u ready ta get this lick off real quick?” “hell yea nigga been waiting all day” we rode up and down the block that Liam and his boys hung out around until we spotted him “Hey nigga wuts up” I said to him as we got out the car there wasn’t very many people around so I walked up to him and put my arm around him and walked him into the alley behind where he stayed “So u think you bouta cum up in ma crib and rob a nigga blood?” I questioned him and of course his response was “naw nigga I don’t know wut u talkin bout” “don’t lie ta me nigga I caught yo ass on tape where my shit at?” “I aint got it bro u need ta chill the fuck out” “I need ta what? You got me fucked up nigga” from behind me Derrick took the first shot BANG and hit him in the leg “now nigga u ready ta talk” “I’m, I’m sorry I just needed some money for my fam bro please don’t kill me I’ll get yo shit back” “it’s too late now nigga” I said as I pulled the trigger on my .45 BANG I hit him right in the chest he immediately fell to the ground and was dead. We took off running and we peeled out of the neighborhood before we headed back to my house we stopped by the park got out and went up to the lake and threw the guns in there after that we went into the bathroom changed our clothes and set them on fire in a fire pit they had at the park. There was nothing that could be traced back to us not to mention cops around here sucked if they saw a black man dead especially in that neighborhood they just kinda left it at that they never really looked into any gang related shootings out here. After we left the park I dropped Derrick back off at home then headed home myself. The whole way back I felt so nervous not because I jus killed someone that wasn’t shit to me it was because I was going to propose to my girl I hoped she would say yes I’m not much of a romantic so I figured I would jus ask her in the privacy of our home instead of doing the whole romantic dinner and stuff. After I got home me and liyah had sex for a while I must say it was the best sex we ever had. After we finished I looked at her and told her I loved her then scooted off the bed grabbed her hand and asked her to my surprise she was really excited about which made me feel good inside.

***Aaliyah’s POV***
The next morning came and I popped up outta bed and ran to the spare room to see if mya was still sleeping but she wasn’t even in there so next I ran downstairs and there she was eating a big bowl of cereal. “Guess wut sis guess wut” I said feeling like I had 5 energy drinks “wut sis wuts goin on” “I stuck my hand out so she could see the ring “he proposed to me last night” she sat down her cereal and grabbed my hand to look at the ring closer “congratulations sis he finally did it and this ring is gorgeous” “I know I can’t wait to tell mom and dad.” Ever since I told them we were moving in together they seemed to come around and now they actually like Darrel. “I bet they will be so happy for you.” While Mya finshed her cereal I called my parents and told them and they were actually very happy for me which kinda took me by surprise.
A couple days later we decided to throw a party to celebrate our engagement. All kinds of people ended up showing up there were at least 50+ people in our house. We danced, drank, and smoked having a blast. “Liyah I gotta make a run to drop some stuff off then I gotta go get some more beer I won’t be gone to long though” “ok b be careful and hurry back.” Of course derrick went with him he’s usually always around him he’s like his little side kick. I didn’t really feel all that comfortable with them leaving me there cause most of the people there where his boys from the block I had a couple of friends there but most of them were too busy trying to get at the dudes there so while he was gone I went up into my room to freshen up a little bit cuz it was hot as hell downstairs from all the body heat and I also just wanted to clear my head a little bit all of a sudden I hear knock, knock, knock so I go over and open the door. A guy wearing a blue bandana around his face came busting through the door almost knocking me off my feet “um excuse you who do you think you are bustin up in here like that?” I said very rudely “I’m your worst nightmare bitch” his deep voice spat out as he shut the door and locked it behind him “ what the fuck do u want from me” he punched me in the face then slammed me down on the bed I was trying to kick him off of me and hit him so I could at least get to my cell phone but the more I tried to get free the tighter his grip got he then started ripping off my clothes starting with my shirt I began to scream “HELP, HELP ME, HELP” he then smashed his hand down over my mouth and then he wrapped my shirt around my face so I couldn’t see anything he noticed the handcuffs sitting next to my bed that me and Darrel use when we have sex and slapped them on me cuffing me to the bed once he did that he grabbed one of Darrel’s red rags and wrapped it as tight as he could around my mouth. After ripping my bra, skirt, and panties off he roughly entered me and raped me with long hard strokes it hurt so bad he was going way too deep inside me to where I could feel it in my stomach and I knew he wasn’t wearing a condom because I could feel the bare skin inside me. The whole time he was raping me all I could do was cry and wish it was over. About 15 mins went by but seemed like hours he finally pulled himself out of me and said “tell yo nigga he dun fucked wit da wrong set” and took off out of the room. I tried so hard to wiggle and squirm my way out of the cuffs but it just wasn’t working I hoped that someone would find me soon as I laid there butt naked bleeding out of my vagina.
Darrel returned home after getting the beers and making his run he asked one of his boys Mike “ay bro u seen Liyah” “naw bro last time I seen her was before u left” Darrel put the beer in the fridge and proceeded upstairs to our bedroom. As soon as he hit the corner to enter the bedroom his heart just stopped “OH MY GOD LIYAH” he screamed as he rushed to my side “wut happened baby who did this to you oh my god” he started as he took the handcuffs, shirt, and bandana off of me. When he pulled the shirt off my face he seen a big ass bruise on my face from where the guy had punched me “BABY YOUR FACE” he stated as he brushed his fingers very gently across the bruise and I kinda flinched because it hurt really bad. “I’m so glad to see you don’t ever leave me again” I said sobbing “who did this to you and how come nobody did anything?” “I don’t know baby nobody knew and it was sum guy with a blue rag on his face he said ta tell you, you fucked with the wrong set” I explained to him as I cried even more. He grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me and held me repeating “every things ok now I’ve got u” for a couple of minutes then he asked me if I needed to go to the hospital and I declined I didn’t want anybody to know what had happened to me that night I really didn’t even want my sister to know. Darrel helped me into the bathroom so I could clean myself off and then rest but knowing I just got raped without protection it was really hard for me to rest. After he made sure I was ok he proceeded downstairs god only knows what was running through his head and what was about to happen next. “WHO THE FUCK WAS IN MY ROOM I WANNA KNOW NOW” he screamed very hostile. Derrick came up to him and asked him what happened “sum nigga raped my gurl and I’ll be damned if they get away wit it she said it was sum nigga wearing a blue rag on his face sayin I fucked wit the wrong set, dat dumbass nigga must not know what set he fucked wit it’s on now fuck that” “damn nigga she ok? We gon get dem niggas tonight” he said having his boys back. “EVERYONE GET OUT NOW RIGHT FUCKING NOW” he howled at the crowd. After everyone left him and Derrick went in the basement to check the cameras, he seen a tall skinny light skinned dude sneak into the back door and sneak upstairs he watched up until the point he started taking my clothes off. He had a tear fall down his face before he jumped out his seat “I know that nigga and he just fucked up big time” he went to a safe he had down there and pulled out a couple guns for him and Derrick “you ready bro?” “always” Derrick responded the two of them locked and loaded headed out to seek revenge after taking Aaliyah to the CVS so she could get one of them day after pills just in case then over to Amaya’s house where he knew she would be safe.

***Darrel’s POV***
When I got home from making a deal and going to the liquor store I went in and put the beer away and made rounds around the party to say wuts up and find Aaliyah to let her know I was back but I couldn’t see here anywhere downstairs so I asked Mike if he knew where she was “Naw last I seen her was before u lef” so I went upstairs to see if I could find her up there I walked down the hallway completely unprepared for what I was about to see. Once I hit the corner of the door my heart suddenly dropped I ran into the room to see Aaliyah cuffed to the bed butt naked and bleeding i started to uncuff her take the bandana and shirt off her face and noticed a big bruise on her face “liyah your face” I said as I gently brushed my fingers across it, she slightly jumped from the pain. I wrapped her robe around her body and held her telling her everything was gonna be okay because I was there now. After a couple minutes she told me somebody with a blue bandana over his face told her to tell me I fucked with the wrong set. After she told me that I helped her into the bathtub so she could wash herself off and rest. I ran down the stairs screaming “WHO THE FUCK WAS IN MY ROOM I WANNA KNOW NOW,” Derrick came up to me asking wut was going on so I let him know what happened after telling him he was ready to go get revenge just as I was. After seeing my girl laying there so helpless I felt so bad and knew it was all my fault from that point on I knew I couldn’t leave her by herself any more it was too dangerous right now. Derrick and I went down into the basement after we cleared the house out to see what was on the cameras. I watched a tall skinny light skinned dude dripped in blue with a blue bandana on his face walk, well bust his way into my room once he started pulling all her clothes off I couldn’t watch it any more I had a tear fall from my eyes and I’m not the type that cries. “I know who that nigga is” I slightly screamed as I jumped outta my seat. I went over to the safe I have down there and pulled out some guns for me and Derrick war was about to begin and I knew it. We both loaded our guns and went and got liyah to take her by CVS real quick for a day after pill and then dropped her off at her sister’s house where I knew she would be safe.
Derrick and I drove around the town all night and couldn’t seem to find David around anywhere no one had seen him I’m sure he knew we were gonna be on the lookout but he could only hide for so long. Once 6am rolled around we went back to the house to get some rest for the next evening because I wasn’t about to give up until I found that motha fucka.

***Aaliyah’s POV***
The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast it smelled so good I went to get off the bed but when I stood up I was still in a little bit of pain. I went into the kitchen and said good morning. After we ate breakfast and me and my sister both got ready for the day we decided to go to the mall and do a little bit of shopping for the baby since she had just a couple of months left. While we were at the mall it felt like somebody was following us and I started to get really scared so I called Darrel and asked him to come up there and shop with us. Darrel was there in half the time it usually takes to get there he’s been on his toes since the whole incident happened. “What’s Darrel doing up here” my sister asked “I asked him to come because he called and said he was bored at the house” “oh well I thought it was gonna be sister time today?” “ I know sis it’ll just be this one time maybe next time we can go to a movie or something” “ok but u owe me” “I know I know” I said jokingly. After being at the mall for a couple hours we made a quick stop at party city to pick up decorations for Amaya’s baby shower since it was the next day. When we got to Amaya’s house Darrel left he said he had unfinished business to tend to which I already knew what he was doing so I asked no questions. Amaya and I hung up all the decorations and made all the food that we could for the baby shower. After we finished up I called mom and dad to make sure they were coming and to just catch up. We talked for about an hour then I went and took another shower I still felt dirty from what happened the night before then I laid down and tried to relax I could her Amaya and Tyrek talking and laughing they were such a cute couple and they got along so good I was extremely happy for Amaya and the fact that she found true happiness and love.
Mya woke me up the next morning she was excited for the baby shower and mom, dad, and Terrance were already there it was like 11am already I didn’t realize I had slept that late. I got outta bed and got ready then I went and help with the final touches for the party. As the party went on we played lots of baby games, ate a bunch of good food and had a good time hanging out with the family. After it was over mom and I cleaned up while dad and Amaya talked and started to work out a plan for her to move to Centralia so she could be close to them so they could help with the baby, dad had found a place right across the street from them that was a duplex each side had 3 bedrooms and big yard. When we finished cleaning dad explained to me that he bought out both duplex’s so if I wanted to move up there I could as well. I really wanted to move out there but we just got settled into our house not to mention Darrel and his type of job, but I was defiantly gonna bring it up to him when I got the chance. Lately Darrel hasn’t really been around but he made sure one of his boys was at our house constantly keeping an eye on thing’s and me when I was there; he was out patrolling the streets for that asshole that raped me. Later that evening I went home to sleep because I was tired of sleeping on the pull out couch over at Mya’s I would have a bed but my old room was turned into a nursery. I laid in bed for about 30mins when surprisingly Darrel walked in he took a shower and then laid down with me. “Hey baby I haven’t seen u lately how u been?” “I been ok trying to get that asshole but he seem like he disappeared off the earth or something” he said trying to make the situation a lil funny “well your mine tonight u aint goin nowhere I’ve missed you too much” “ok b I’ll stay here tonight that way I know you will be safe” “ hey my dad was telling me tonight that he bought a duplex right across the street from him and my mom and they want us to move up there what do you think?” “I dunno hun I would like to but there is unfinished business I have to take care of down here but I wouldn’t mind moving up there just for a peace of mind in knowing that you will be safe,” “really well what if I moved out there when Mya does and then you come up when you finish whatever you gotta finish?” “That sounds like a good idea when was she planning on moving out there?” “I think she was wanting to a couple weeks before she has the baby” “so in about 2 months?” he asked “yea” “ok sounds good but hopefully I’ll be done by then” he laughed and kissed me on the cheek we then snuggled up next to each other and fell asleep.

Chapter 5

A month and a half went by and me and Mya have been spending a lot of our time packing and hanging out while Tyrek and Darrel get all the big things situated and find jobs out in Centralia so we both have a steady flow in income. Mya and I went to the park so we could walk around and kill some time it was about 7 pm so it wasn’t dark yet but it was getting pretty close as we were walking we stopped and seen some teens playing basketball so we went over to the bleachers and sat down so we could watch them as we talked. It was about 7:30 and I noticed a couple of old school Chevy’s pull up one was all blue and the other one was white with blue trim. “Hey sis we should prolly get goin I bet the boys are wonderin where we are” I wasn’t really worried about the boys as much as I was seeing them cars pull up because we were in blood territory and seeing crip cars pulling up only meant bad news. “Ok let’s go” she said. As we were walking away from the bleachers we began hearing shots being fired. There were about 3-4 shots that went off as we hurried to the bathrooms that were close by about 6 more shots went off as I turned over to my sister to grab her arm so she could move a little faster I noticed she was bleeding “I think I got shot” I heard her say as loud as she could but was only a whisper. “Shit Amya I got you hold on sis we r almost there” we were right in front of the bathroom by this time so I pulled her the rest of the way in. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911 then I called Darrel. “Hang on Amaya the ambulance will be here shortly” I tried reassuring her but by the time I got off the phone and looked down she wasn’t breathing anymore. I busted out in tears and just held her hand and put my head on her stomach saying “please don’t leave me please Amaya” until the ambulance arrived. Darrell arrived a little bit after the ambulance and he ran over to me “Are you ok what happened?” “I’m fine but they got Amaya” I cried out “I can’t believe they got my sister she never did anything why, why, her?” one of the EMT’s walked over to me and said “I’m very sorry but she didn’t make it” When he said that my whole world just came crashing down “what about the baby?” I hesitated to get out “Were gonna try to save it but we are unsure at this time” I rode in the ambulance still holding my sisters hand even though she was dead to the hospital and Darrel followed. After being at the hospital for hours the doctor came out and said “I’m really sorry Amaya didn’t make it but luckily with the help of the EMT and the fact that the park wasn’t that far we were able to save the baby she’s doing ok but she will have to stay in the hospital for a day or two so she can make a full recovery and we can keep an eye on her” “thank you doctor can I go see her?” “yes you may but only for a couple of minutes” Even though I had lost my best friend and my only sister our family was blessed with a baby girl Amaya would have loved knowing she was gonna have a girl but I feel like now she is going to be my little girl I felt responsible for taking care of her because it was my fault her mother was murdered in the first place. While I was in the room the doctor asked me if I was going to name the baby and if I could write it down. I wrote down the name Amaya Ann Johnson, I figured my sisters name should live on with her daughter. The cops said that they had a guy in custody that told them that David the leader of the 57th Crips had a hit out for me and Darrell and when they saw me in the park he called some of his gang members up there and started shooting at us, the cop also said the only reason why he told them what was going on was because he was soo young and was really scared. He told me that since he was in a gang and all that they had to place him in protective care after he finishes his jail time. A total of 4 people ended up getting shot 2 of them survived but r in critical condition. I was just so overwhelmed by everything that happened I didn’t know what to do or how to tell my family and Tyrek. I went outside to tell Darrell about what the cop had told me in the hospital because he wouldn’t come in due to warrants he has. He said “ok here’s the deal when your niece gets out of the hospital I’m going to take you up to Centralia since all of our stuff is pretty much out there and then I’m going to come back and take care of this once and for all” “baby please just let it go its caused my sister to die and who knows what else it’ll cause just come up there with me and put this behind us please baby” I said numb to the whole situation “I wish I could but he killed my family and raped my girl there’s no way in hell ima let him slide this time mark my words that nigga is a dead man walking.” “I don’t wanna lose you too baby your all I have I just can’t lose you” “I know but I’m a big boy I can handle my own” he kissed me on the forehead said I love you and walked back to his car. I regrouped and prepared myself for the phone calls that I had to make. I called Tyrek first and told him what happened and that his daughter was still alive. He was distraught I never heard a man cry like that but of course I haven’t told dad yet. Once I got back in the hospital I finally called my parents. That was the worst phone call I ever made and I hoped I never have to do it again. They were so hurt and so sad they just cried and cried all they could ask was “why, why did someone have to murder her she never did anything to anyone.” As I was in the waiting room Tyrek showed up and then 45mins later my parents came I felt so horrible and like everything was my fault I really just wanted to curl up and kill myself but I knew I had to take care of Lil Amaya.
After Lil Amaya was released from the hospital we all headed up to Centralia except for Darrell my dad already knew why he wasn’t coming today and was actually ok with it when he was outside the hospital smoking he seen Darrell and told him “Listen I know why you aren’t stayin and why your not coming back with us I want you to know I really appreciate you sticking up for my family and making sure whoever did this gets what they have coming to em I want you to be safe though because I don’t know what my daughter would do if she lost you too so please be careful and take out that son of a bitch, I know we’ve had our problems but please, please, get revenge for my daughters sake I would go out and help you but I have to take care of my wife and daughter cause they are taking this really hard please just do that for me.” “You got it them niggas is goin down I’ll be in Centralia hopefully in two days if not sooner.” Darrell replied

***Darrel’s POV***
As I pulled up to the park I seen cop cars everywhere and an ambulance then I saw the Crime scene tape at that point I realized this wasn’t good and my heart stopped. As I approached I seen Aaliyah laid across a body, when the EMT pulled her away I could tell it was Amaya because of the big bump on her belly from being pregnant I was stunned why did such an innocent person like her have to get shot why I thought to myself. After comforting Aaliyah i followed the ambulance to the hospital and waited outside for Aaliyah to give me the update on what was going on. When she walked outside I could see some relief in her eyes she told me about how Lil Amaya would be ok and could go home in a couple of days and then explained to me what the cop said the person in custody told him as soon as she told me and walked back inside I started making phone calls to my homies getting everything set up for what was gonna happen the next night since it was already pretty late. I went home for quick second to get some things for Aaliyah because she was going to stay in the hospital until her parents got there. When I got back I saw her parents where already there her dad was outside pacing back and forth smoking a cigarette, which he never smoked before so you could tell how this was getting to him. I walked up to him and asked if he could take the bag up to Aaliyah because I couldn’t stay “Listen I know why you aren’t stayin and why your not coming back with us I want you to know I really appreciate sticking up for my family and making sure whoever did this gets what they have coming I want you to be safe because I don’t know what my daughter would do if she lost you so please be careful and take out that son of a bitch” he then walked back into the hospital as I walked back to the car. I went and stayed with Derrick that night since all of our stuff was already in Centralia.
After preparing all day long we went out that night in search for that nigga after about 4 hours of looking we finally saw his blue old school Chevy parked outside a house so we sat in our car waiting for him to come out. When we saw the front door of the house open we stepped out of the car and started shooting and he shot back. Bullets were flying in both directions of the street there were at least 20+ shots fired that night. He had 8 people with him and I had 4 with me. “Oh shit nigga I think I got hit” Derrick screamed at me “get in the car” I yelled back Derrick only got hit in the leg it scrapped him it didn’t go all the way through so he ended up being ok but after the gun battle ended you could see 5 bodies lying in front of the house including the gang leader David. “now who fucked wit the wrong set motha fucka you don’t fuck wit my fam blood” I said as I got into the car I looked back to check on Derrick to make sure he was ok and didn’t need to go to the hospital but he was straight, Derrick was defiantly a strong dude and was loyal as hell. After all that time we finally got him we were excited so we went back to Derrick’s house where we smoked and drank till we passed out. The next day I was on my way to Centralia to be with my girl and my new family.


Text: Danielle Jones
Publication Date: 05-20-2012

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