Lost city, WV
“Quiet and polite”? “Loner?” Well, then he couldn’t possibly have been an
antisocial, deranged monster.
Oh wait: the Las Vegas shooter was quiet and polite, too. Kind of a loner,
too. In fact he amassed guns in his hotel suite for a week while being quiet
and polite.
See also: Ted Bundy. John Wayne Gacy. Dylann Roof. Ted Kaczynski.
Why do we have to rehash this tired storyline over and over, where neighbors
insist... Show more
Lost city, WV
“Quiet and polite”? “Loner?” Well, then he couldn’t possibly have been an
antisocial, deranged monster.
Oh wait: the Las Vegas shooter was quiet and polite, too. Kind of a loner,
too. In fact he amassed guns in his hotel suite for a week while being quiet
and polite.
See also: Ted Bundy. John Wayne Gacy. Dylann Roof. Ted Kaczynski.
Why do we have to rehash this tired storyline over and over, where neighbors
insist the person was a fine citizen, and can’t believe what happened, and
insist the person must have been “broken” by some tragedy? Do most people
respond to a parent’s death or a lost job by methodically plotting a mass
murder? Would you? These men are SOCIOPATHS and TERRORISTS. Stop pussyfooting
around it.
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com