Baby by Rape

Book One By:
User: chalen
Baby by Rape
Sophie has always been the good girl. Her parents are divorced and hate each other. Jessie takes Sophie to a party where she's raped. first she's numb to the attack, but breaks down and tells Danny, her childhood friend. Once Danny finds out who the attacker he does his best to protect Sophie and put the attacker behind bars. Sophie's parents have to get along to help Sophie. Sophie meets Kara a girl in the same situation, their attackers being brothers. the only question is if Sophie has the courage to be a sixteen year old mom.

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Deleted User

The events happen to fast slow your book down so we can understand and process everything that happened also the baby changed gender in the last bits of the books

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Deleted User

I could give you tips if you want I won a mystery contest for best story in my class

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Deleted User

Oh my gosh wow. It is short, but it still gave me goosebumps- and almost put me in tears. I was able to read through the mis-spells I hate that they don't have spell check. I mess up a lot too. This story though, You did AMAZING! Great job.


thank you!! I wrote this along time ago when I was first starting out. I keep meaning to re-edit and write more, but never get around to it. I think it should be longer.

Deleted User

Plz plz plz update my daughter loved this book it would mean the world to her


There is a second book to this. Make a move. I am thinking of writing a third book in the kiddo's point of view. I'm a much different writer now though, so it may not make sense, but I might go for it.

Deleted User

Go for it go for it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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its a very interesting story to read but the misspelled words through me off a bit

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I wasnt sure if i was going to like it but its an amazing book this sshould be on shelves keep going with the books -a faan

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thanks your comment literary made my day, still working on it :D

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thanks! i was wondering if i should wright the rest of the story and since you like it i'll continue
<3 chaleN

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