
Baby by Rape Becca Marien

6 Am.

That’s when the door bell had gone off waking me. As I stumbled to the door all I could think about is how the person on the other side of the door better be bleeding to death, or there would be hell to pay.

“Ta-da.” My best friend said, holding a white bakery bag.

“If those are not doughnuts, turn around and go home.”

“They are,“ He laughed pushing past me.

   We sat down and dug into the bag.
“How you doing with Jessie moving?”
“I’m actually glad she’s gone.”
“But she was your best friend.”
“Why is it such a big deal that I’m fine?”
“Because I know you Sophie. What happened in the past couple of days before she left?”
“Sophie.” He looked at me in his get real way.

     That was the million dollar question though wasn’t it? What had happened that night. The night that Jessie had finally talked me into going to a party. She made it look so glamorous. She did my hair and makeup, let me borrow an outfit, and promised to not leave me. But she did. And I did get raped.
“I thought she was your best friend.  You two where always together.”
“Correction.” I licked my finger, “You’re my best friend.”

“Okay.” He nodded, taking a sip from his mini milk carton. “You want to know a bad thing about having the same best friend for years?”
“There aren’t any.”
“They know when you are lying.” He took a bite, “So spill it.”

“Nothing happened dude.”
“I know something happened Sophie. I want to help you, and it’s killing me that you won’t let me.”

          I shouldn’t have gone off with him to ‘Talk somewhere more quiet.’ I shouldn’t have trusted someone that I saw every single day at school for the past few years. I shouldn’t of-“
“Sophs.” He hit my knee.
“Huh?” I looked at him.

“Tell me.”
“Do you remember when we were nine and we used to write each other notes and stick them in each other’s mailboxes?”


I raised my eyebrows.

We set our doughnuts on the table and headed outside. He jogged across the street and stood at his mailbox. I set a piece of paper on my mail box and wrote those three words I was dreading to tell him. To tell anyone actually. I folded it as small as it would go and then jogged across the street.

 I stuck the not in his mail box, closed it, put the flag up and then ran back across the street standing on the curb. I watched him open the mailbox and carefully unfold the note.

“Hey Danny?” I called.

“Huh?” He looked up.
“You can’t say goodbye okay?”

“Promise.” he was confused, but then continued to open the note.

          I watched as he smoothed the note out and read it. About three times. Then he looked up at me, and I smiled at him with a shrug. He crumped the note with a first, and dropped it to the Icey ground. He ran over to me, arms raised and the paused.
“Sophie,” He paused shaking his head, “I don’t know how to make this go away.”

“A hug for starters.” I nodded.
“Of course.”

          We hugged for a few minutes, him in the gutter, me on the curb.

“I’m so sorry.”

“For what?” I pulled back a bit.

“I wasn’t there to protect you.”
“You didn’t even know I was going to the party. It’s not your fault okay?”

“Please  tell me you at least went to the doctor.”
“No.” I dragged out the out.
“Sophie.” He sighed.
“I’m embarrassed, come with me.”

“Of course I’ll come.”

“What if I find out I have some random disease?” I asked as we walked across the street to his car.

“Then I have your back okay? Just like always.”

We went to a free clinic where they did ask if I was a minor. I peed in a little plastic cup and they did a pap smear on me. Not fun my friend let me tell you. Danny and I sat in the room for about fifteen minutes. Twenty more minutes passed and finally the doctor came in.

“The good news is you test results for all STDs are looking good.”
Danny squeezed my hand.
“What’s the bad news?” I wanted to know, “Whenever someone says the good news is, bad news follows.”

“It’s not necessarily bad news, but you did test positive on the pregnancy test.”

“Not bad news?” I yelled, and they both jumped, “what do you mean-“
“Thank you.” Danny stood up, shaking the woman’s hand.

          Danny took my hand and led me from the tiny clinic. I was pregnant. That A-hole Didn’t use a condom while he raped me? Who does that? Now I had to bring a little baby into the world.

He couldn’t get rights to see the baby could he? I’d shoot him.


“Huh?” I looked up at Danny.
“Are you ready?”

“Oh, um, yeah.”
          I got into his car and he shut the door. I had to give birth. I had to grow up. I needed a job. I needed my own car. How much was a car seat? A pack of diapers? Danny drove me home, parking at the curb.

“Hey Soph?”

“I just wanted to let you know that whatever you chose to do about the baby, I’m with you.”
“I know.”
“But we have to tell your Mom.”
“Yeah, I know that too.” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, “She’s going to be so disappointed in me.”

“It’s not your fault Sophie.”
“Yes it is Danny. I lied to her about the party and because I am so not the effing party type, I left to the den with this guy.”
“So uh, What’s the guy’s name?”

“I didn’t pay attention.” I waved it away.

“Well if you remember, let me know okay?”

“You hungry?”

“We should get a pizza.”
“You up for it?” He started his car. “I can order in.”
“I want to go out.” I nodded.

“Okay, then we go out.”

          We drove over to the little pizza shop and headed inside. I sat on the bench as Danny ordered our pizza and soda. I wonder if I could get a job here? I had to get a job somewhere. Mom was already struggling with me as it is. 

She couldn’t financially take care of a baby too. I hope she wouldn’t involve Dad. That was the last thing I needed to worry about. Why did the pizza smell so damn good? Like I could eat an entire pie to myself.

I probably could to be honest. With the order payed for we headed home and sat at the table in the kitchen. We ate our food, and stayed there. I watched Danny walk around the kitchen as He threw away the pizza box and plates. I sat up a little more and looked at him as the door began to unlock.

Okay, here we go. Danny nodded at me and sat down. I hurried to grab his hand. I listened as Mom shut the door, kicked off her shoes, and set her bag and keys down. She sighed about something, probably the abandoned doughnuts.

She walked into the kitchen and paused. She just looked at us.
“What happened?” Her tiered shoulder sagged, “What’s going on? I know you two.”

“I’m pregnant.” I blurted.

          She paused, then she sat down in the chair across from us and just started.

“Do you even know how much a baby is?”

“I can get a job.” I muttered.
“I’ll get one too.” Danny offered.
“Yes,” Mom nodded, “He will.”

“The baby isn’t his Mom.”
“Then whose is it?”

          Danny pulled me into a hug as I started crying. I thought I was done crying. Why was I always crying about this?

“She was raped.” Danny muttered.
“Oh my god.” She got up and hurried around the table and sat in a chair.

She pulled on my sleeve, and I turned to face her.
“Please don’t be mad at me Mommy. I’m so sorry.”
“No sweet heart.” She took my face, “No.”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you about the party. I should have just stayed home.”
“Hey,” She pulled me into a hug, “We have to take this one thing at a time okay? First it is not your fault Sophie, and Daniel it’s not yours either.”
          Danny slowly nodded, as if he needed an adult to tell him this.

“Okay.” Mom nodded, “Are we going to keep the baby?”

“What?” I looked at her.
“I’m just saying that there is options.”

“I’m keeping the baby.”

“Okay.” Again she nodded, “Daniel, a baby is a huge responsibility. Now is the time to back out.”

“I’m in.”

“Okay then. You need to get jobs to take care of the baby.”
“That’s fine.” Danny nodded, “I’ll go job searching first thing in the morning.”

“Do you have any STDs Sophie?”
I shook my head.
“Okay. So you two look for jobs tomorrow, and I’ll set up a doctor’s appointment. I have tomorrow off so I’ll go shopping for better food and prenatal vitamins.”

“A baby.” I shook my head. “That’s where we’re at now.”

“Hey.” Danny rubbed my back, “We got this.”

I nodded.

“All we can do now is get some rest. Danny why don’t you bring her upstairs okay?”

He nodded and took my hand.
“I am sorry Mom.”
“Get some sleep honey.”

I nodded, and let Danny take me upstairs. We lay in my bed with a sliver of space between us. I was soon getting a head ache trying to stay awake.

“Don’t leave okay?”

“Never.” He said, as I faded in and out.


          I stretched out for Danny, feeling cold sheets. I quickly sat up and looked around. He said. Danny was asleep on the floor next to the door. He still felt guilty.

I caught a glimpse of the early morning sky through my window as I got up. I grabbed my confuter and arranged it over him. I moved his arm so I could open the door and slipped out. I quietly headed down stairs. Mom was sitting at the table with a mug.

Her eyes where red and blurry and she talked on the phone.

“I’m at my wits end. I needed to talk to you.” She was saying.

          I hid behind the wall next to the kitchen arch and sat down on the floor.

“Sophie needs your help. I’ve done all that I can think of.”

“What happened?” I could hear the angry voice from here.

“She’s pregnant Mitch.”

I sighed, not hearing his next question.

“No that Daniel kid isn’t the Father.” Mom was defensive. “I don’t know, She was raped at a party that she snuck off to. No, don’t do that, she’s sleeping right now. And you know what? Danny has stepped up for our daughter in a really big way that no sixteen year old should have to. Why don’t you think about that before you point the finger of blame?”

          The phone gave off a light beep as she hung it up. She sighed. The chair scooted back, and her slippers padded across the floor. She set the phone back in its charger box, and then made her way out of the kitchen.

“Sophie.” She gasped putting a hand to her heart, “Honey, what-“
“Does he hate me?” I looked up at her.

“He’s a little upset.” She rang her hands.

I pulled my legs to my chest, “Good.”
          She sat down next to me and put an arm around my shoulders.  I allowed my head to rest on her shoulder.

“He’s not upset with you honey, but with your-“ She paused, “The baby’s father.”
“He is not the father of my child.”
“Sophie” She said slowly.

“Spit it out Mom. I know you.”
“It’s just me and you know, Danny is upstairs. Do you know the name of who did this to you?”

I nodded, crying yet again.

“Oh my love,” She pulled me onto her lap, “I never meant for this to happen to you.”

“Stop saying that as if it was your fault. Danny keeps doing that. He’s sleeping on the floor in front of my door, like he can protect me from the next offender.”

“Ah yes, Daniel,” She laughed a bit. “Hold on to that one.”

“I will. Always.”

“Your Dad is coming over tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to see him.”

“I have to involve him. He has a good lawyer for you.”
“Why would I need a lawyer?”
“When you go to court to lock up your offender-“
“I don’t want him going to jail.” I scooted off of her lap and looked at her, “It will ruin his life.”
“He ruined your life first!” She yelled, then she took a breath and held up a hand, “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

“I’m coming.”
          I got up and jogged up the stairs. Danny stood in the hall. When he saw me he pulled me into a tight hug.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, face smashed against his chest.

“Bad dream.”
“Tell me.”

“Another time. I have to take a shower and make sure my siblings are okay. I’ll be back over soon and we can go job hunting.”

He kissed my head and was gone. Nothing is wrong with his twin siblings Taylor and Tyler. I think my situation shook him.

“What am I going to do with you huh?” I put a hand on my stomach, “I tell you this much, I’ll always protect you.”


          I looked over at Mom. She smiled and held the phone out to me. Of course. I took the phone and pressed it a little too hard to my ear.


“Sophie!” He sounded surprised I would get on the phone, “Oh God, are you alright?”

“I’m fine Dad.” I bit the inside of my cheek.

“I know you are still mad at me, and that is fine. You have a right to be. But I found a couple you can take the baby.”
“The baby?” I snapped, “My Baby is staying with me.”

“Are you sure?” He wanted to know, “Because you still have our whole life ahead of you. Babies are a big responsibility, and I just don’t want the baby to derail your life. You have so much poten-“
I stabbed the end button with my thumb and held the phone out.
“He really does want the best for you honey.”

          I shook the phone and she took it. I wondered if she secretly felt this way too about the baby. That is was derailing my life plans. Sure it was a little early to take care of a baby, and No, I had no idea what I was doing, but the fact that I was going to have one, still remained. He or she was coming, and everyone better just get used to it, because I was keeping my baby.

I took a shower and got dressed. I stood in front of the mirror sideways and smoothed my hands over my shirt. Could you tell yet? There was a knock on the door and I jumped. I looked over at Danny.
“I uh, I was just-“
          He walked over and put a hand on my stomach. His thumb rubbed over my belly button, and then he smiled.

“What do you think they’ll be when they grow up?”

I smiled too, “Whatever they want to be.”

“We have to let them know that we support them in whatever they want.”
“Even if it’s odd?”
“It’s not odd if they are into it.”

I smiled, “I want them to do whatever they want to do. I want them to be so confident that it intimidates others.”

He laughed, and nodded, “But we’re not going to have any money to support them if we don’t get jobs.”
“Yeah.” I snorted.
“I was thinking that we could head over to that strip of tourist shops. I hear a few of them hire minors.”
“Okay, yeah I’m ready.”

          We headed over to the strip and put in applications. I paused at the door of an empty shop. There was a girl sitting on the floor surrounded by Boxes. I opened the door and she hurried to her feet spinning around. l She had to be in her early twenties.

“I’m not ready yet.” She informed me. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.”

“What is this place?” I looked around.
“Used to be a candy shop I guess.” She stood next to me as we took in the shop. “I’m trying to make it into a coffee joint slash library.”
“Free Wifi though.”

“With the purchase of a muffin.”
“Don’t ever give anything for free. The business will fail. I totally dig what you are trying to do here, but you should make that back area on the wall look like a coffee bar. Instead of counters with the register do a pastry window display.”
“I like it,” She nodded. “Except I don’t Bake.”
“Hi.” I held out my hand, “I’m Sophie, I’m sixteen, love to bake, and I will work for the minimum of minimum wages.”

“No.” She shook her head, I’ll hire for seventeen dollars an hour because you’ve really just saved my ass kid.”

“What is that?” I nodded at a door.

“It’s a kitchen. I guess they used to make their own homemade truffles back there.”

“Can I look?”

“Sure.” She lifted an arm and then bent down at a box.

          I poked around in the kitchen. If she got me a mixer and a few bowls it was on. I could make my famous family recipe of cherry cheese cake and just cut it into squares to sale. This is the thing I needed. I would never have to be home when Dad came over, and it would get my mind off of HIM.

I didn’t want to think of HIM, but somehow I always came back to him. I left the kitchen and came back into the main hall. I saw Danny across the street. He pulled out his phone, looked at it and then put it to his ear. I walked over to the window. My phone vibrated, and I answered it.
“Where are you?”

“Look up.”

He looked up from the ground and I waved at him. He smiled and waved back. He jogged across the street and came inside.

“I got a job here.”

“That’s great.”
The girl walked over, “Hey, I’m Milow.”

“Hey.” He shook her hand.
“You know, Danny is quiet the handy man. He’s a computer whiz and came make a mean cup of coffee.”
“Sounds good enough to me.” Milow shrugged, “My Dad thinks that this place isn’t going to amount to anything, but I’ll show him.”
“Yeah we will.”
I high fived her.
“Can you guys start tomorrow at Nine?”

“I’m free.” I looked to Danny.
“Me too.” He nodded. “I can drive you.”
I nodded, “What should we wear?”
“Just jeans and a T-shirt for now. We’ll be doing a lot of moving around.” She turned to a box.
Danny looked at me, eye brows raised.

“Um, yeah, I can’t really do a lot of heavy lifting,” I said, as she turned to face me.

“That’s okay. You two can be on shopping. Yes! You can go to Ikea and get tables and chairs. You can get bowls and stuff to bake with.  Whatever ingredients you need.

 I have a guy coming at nine thirty to hook up a new doubled door fridge and double topped stove for you tomorrow. I’ll give you guys the shops credit card. If you guys could get like eight to twelve retro book shelfs too that would be great. I have a work van coming in too you guys can take that for the load.”
“Sounds good.”
“Thanks guys. See you tomorrow.”
          We headed out of the shop and back over to where Danny parked the car.

“Well that was a lot easier than I thought.”

“And at seventeen dollars. We’ll need to get you a car.”
“I don’t need-“
“You do. When the baby gets here and I’m at work, you’ll need a car to take them to the doctors or wherever else you need to go.”

“What I need to do is start stocking up on baby stuff.”

“Don’t buy diapers and wipes until the baby is born.”
“Well because what happens if the baby ends up being allergic to the brand you pick?”
“Oh, that’s true.”

“Buy a crib or blankets.”

“A car seat.”
“There you go. When the baby gets older we’ll need a second car seat.”

          The two of us headed to my house and sat in my room with note books. I had the following written down: Crib (bedding and extra sheets) Stroller and car seat combo, swing or glider, changing station and maybe a bassinet of some sort. I bit at my thumb nail, and peeked at Danny’s list: Socks, Bath tub, onesies, Blankets (swaddle wraps, burb cloths). I watched as he wrote down wash rags. He would make a it in this raising a kid business.

 Me however? I’d be hiding in the closet with a bottle of cheap wine and a good book. I slapped my note book closed and dropped it on the bed pulling my knees to my chest. I glared at the note book.
“You okay?” He looked over at me, “What happened?”

I shrugged a shoulder.
“Come on.” He handed me the book, “Don’t give up so easily.”

“Danny, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

“That’s why you have me.”

“I’m not ready for a baby.”
“You’re sixteen.” He laughed, “Who’s ready for a baby at this age?”
“What do you think the baby will think when they grow up and find out I wasn’t ready for her.”
“That you are a normal teenager. It’s not like you don’t’ want her.”
I took the book.


“Right.” I nodded.

“Then we should probably get back to our lists.”

“Right.” I opened the book.

          I pressed my pencil to the paper three times before I sighed.
“Do I want to formula feed?”

“Breast feeding is better.” Mom said handed me a plastic bag, “For the first three weeks or so.”
I took the bag and dug through it.

“What’s this?” Mom picked up my book.

“It’s a list of things I need for the baby.”

She looked over the list, “Let me see the pencil.”

          She waved her hand at me and I handed over the pencil. She wrote for a bit and then handed me the book back.
“I’m going to start on lunch.”

I read what she wrote and she left. Danny waved for the book and I handed it over.
“ Medela and willow breast pumps,” He read out loud, “nursing pads, milk storage and freezing bags, Lanolin cream, pregnancy pillow, breast feeding pillow, medela feeding bottles, rocking chair, crib- How did I forget those last two?”

          I dug the heels of my hands into my eyes, “We are so not ready for this.”
“You’ll see Sophie, as time goes on we will be. There is books and classes youtube birth videos=”
“Mm-mm.”  I waved a hand, “I cannot think about pushing a human out of my body.”
“Well that is the last stop.”

“Unless I have the baby cut out.”
“I hear the healing process is horrific.”
“From who?”

“My Mom has a friend who had one. She said her cut got infected and she had to get it recut open and they had to clean her out and then sew her up again. They take out all of your organs and plop them on the table next to you.”
“Huh.” I nodded, “How do the organs not die?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged, “I guess the doctors are fast.”

“Vaginal birth it is. What about epidurals? Have any thoughts on that ol’ wise one?”

“My Mom says her back is screwed up. We should ask your Mom.”

“Yes, I would love to talk to my mother about my baby by rape.”
“Careful,” He wrote something down, “It almost sounded like you don’t want the baby.”

“What do you want?”

“I actually don’t mind. I just want the baby to know how much I love them.” He nodded, and then looked at me, “I mean how much you love them.”
“Your this baby’s parent just as much as I am.”

“Can I be in the delivery room?”

“Uh, if you want.”
“Sophie, you’re my best friend, of course I want to be there.”
“Well.” I smiled flipping to a new page in my book, “Names?”

He sat back against my head board, “Eli.”

“Okay,” I wrote it down.



          I rolled over and started at my alarm clock. Here’s my choices. Get up and shower or sleep for another thirty minutes and then get dressed and head out to work. I sat up and ate two gummy prenatal vitamins. No use in trying to sleep when I know I couldn’t.

No need to think about past events. I took a quick shower and pulled my hair into a quick bun. I pulled on some clothes and headed down stairs.

“Sweetie, I really wish you’d wake up earlier. You need to get breakfast.”

          I looked at the eggs she was scrambling.

“Mom, no offense or anything but I have to get out. The eggs stink.”

          I hurried from the kitchen and ran into the bathroom. I knelt in front of the toilet, and tapped my fist on the seat waiting for the vomit to come up. I heard running feet, and someone hitting the door frame as they held it. I looked over at Danny.

“You good?”
“Go.” I waved at him.

          He hurried forward and gathered the strands of hair that had fallen out of my loose knot. Then Mom was there with a cold bottle of water. She handed it to Danny, who screwed off the lid and handed it to me. I rinsed out my mouth and spit in the toilet. I nodded and they hurried to help me to my feet.

With my first morning sickness episode behind me I headed off to work. I spent the majority of the day going through boxes of donated books. Yeah I wanted to do more, but I was tired anyways. 

After work we drove home, and that’s when I saw it. A sleek silver Mini SUV parked at the curb of our house.

Danny saw it too and paused in the middle of the street. Together we looked over the car. I loved over the house for shadows in the windows.

“What is your Dad doing here?”

“I don’t know.”

“You want to come to my house for a bit?”
“I should probably go in there and ask why he’s here.”

“Want me to come?”


          Danny flipped the car around and parked behind my Dad’s car. He got out and headed up the walk. I could already hear them yelling. We headed inside, and towards the kitchen. I held up a hand to keep Danny from going into the kitchen.

“What is the big deal?” Dad was questioning, “It’s just a car.”
“The problem is, that she can get her own car. She needs responsibility.”
“Well if this little fuck head would of left her alone, she wouldn’t of had to have so much responsibility.”
Mom was Quiet, setting her hands on the table and rocking back and forth.
“What’s wrong with a little help?”

“This isn’t a little help, it’s an expensive ass car.”

“She needs something safe to drive the baby around in. Are you crazy?” He questioned, “She’s just as stubborn as you are. I bet she won’t even take the car.”

          I looked at Danny, and he pulled me away from the door as they continued to argue about the car.

“You need to accept the car.”
“What? Why?”
“Because your Dad is right. It’s a bigger car, and it looks new so it won’t be breaking down.”
“But I don’t-“

I sighed, “Fine.”

          We headed into the kitchen. They were so into their argument, that they didn’t even notice us standing there.  Finally I had to step in before Mom ripped one of Dads’ limbs off and cooked it for Christmas dinner.
“I want the car.”
“What?” They both turned on me, Mom annoyed, Dad surprised.
“How long have you been there?” Mom questioned.
          That’s when Dad stood in front of her blocking her from View.

“I think you’ll really like it Sophie. Everything is automatic. It has seat warmers, and I had them install a mini computer into the dash.”
He held the key’s out to me.
“Thanks.” I took the car.

“Well,” He clapped his hands and I jumped, “Guess that covers that then huh?”

          I moved where I could see Mom-

‘It’s okay,’ I mouthed to her.

          She smiled and nodded-

‘I know.’


   I carefully looked over my outfit turning from side to side. Good, no stomach pudge yet. I ate breakfast with Mom and then sat in my car going over the control. The new car smell was thick and overwhelming. He couldn’t have just bought me a used car like other Dad’s did?

 I glanced up as I saw something through the windshield. I watched Danny walk around the car over to the passenger side. As he got in I messed with the controls again. When I figured out the heater and seat warming settings, I pulled away from the curb. I pulled into an empty parking space. Danny and I got out and rounded the car.
“People are staring.” I muttered to him, sinking into his side.

“It’s the car.”
          But what if they were staring because they all knew what happened? 


Who happened.

He put an arm around me and we headed towards the main building of the school. 

 Whelp, I didn’t have any vomiting issues. Danny and I snuck off school grounds to go out to lunch.

 It was actually pretty easy. Maybe they didn’t think the two of us would ever do something like that. And they used to be right. After lunch we snuck back on campus, using a group of kids to blend with. As we walked we slowly fell back until were where alone.

That was actually kind of exciting. We could have gotten caught. Danny would really do anything for me, wouldn’t he? I closed my locker at the end of the day and headed out to the parking lot. There was a group of kids surrounding a girl. They called her names and threw paper wads at her.

Keep walking, you don’t need the drama.

“Go to an unwed Mother’s home you slut!”

          It’s none of your business, you don’t know the girl okay?

“Hey!” I yelled rounding my way to them, “Back off.”
    They snorted and laughed as they shoved each other as they walked off. I picked up her binder and held it out to her.

“You okay Kara?”

          She nodded taking the folder. We stood there for a few seconds.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could of helped you.”
“With what?” She looked up at me, pushing up her glasses, “It’s not like we’re friends.”
Well, okay then.

I tried again-

“Who’s the father?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Yes it does! He needs to get a job and give you a support sys-“ I paused, “He doesn’t know does he?”

“Why would I tell my rapist that I am pregnant?”

“Probably for the same reason I haven’t told mine.”

“Oh Sophia,” Her shoulders sagged, “I’m sorry.”

“Well as long as we stick together who cares what people say you know?”

“There’s this support group I go to. You should come with me tonight. It’s at six.”

“I think I get off today at five thirty.”
“Give me your phone.”

          I handed her my phone and watched as she put her number in. She handed it back with a smile.
“I’ll text you the address.”

          I gave her a hug, and she rocked us from side to side. We pulled a part laughing. I gave her a nod and turned stepping off the curb. It was 6:05 as I sat in front of the building that Kara’s directions led me. I’m not ready for this.

 I want to go home and crawl under my bed. But Dad was at the house with his lawyer discussing strategy with Mom. So, I couldn’t go back there. I grabbed my jacket off the seat next to me and pulled it on. Danny offered to come with me, but I needed to do this part on my own if I actually ended up going inside.

I turned off the car and headed inside. People sat in plastic chairs in a large circle. I paused at the snack table.

“A new face!” A woman walked over to me, “I’m Ms. Jane, you are?”
“Sophie. Sophie Mason.”

“Well, thanks for coming why don’t you have a seat?”

          I looked over the empty chairs. Kara caught my eye as she waved wildly at me. I smiled and hurried over. As I got closer she moved the jacket that was keeping my spot. I sat down and we grabbed each other’s hands at the same time.

“I’m glad you came. You had me for a second.” She smiled.
          I smiled back and turned to Ms. Jane. I looked over the girls. There were too many girls. Was I going to throw up? I wasn’t the only new girl here today. The few other girls spoke about their stories on chocking sobs.

Then it was my turn, but only if I wanted to. I paused for a second before I came out with it.

“There was this party that my friends really wanted to go to. She didn’t want to go alone, and knowing that I never go to parties she promised she’d never leave me. Then we got separated through a large crowd, or maybe she lost me on purpose. I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you ask her?” One of the girls questioned.
“She moved with her parents before I had the chance. Then this guy came over, and it was amazing because he was popular and no one had noticed me standing alone for an hour. I was having a panic attack so he suggested that we go somewhere quiet. He took my into this den area, and then locked the door. He told me it was so I can calm down in piece, but that should have been my first red flag.”
A few of the girls nodded, as if they’ve been there.

“So he helped me calm down and we talked for what seemed like hours, but it could have only been one hour, it had to be. He tried to kiss me and I pushed him off. Then he got rough and I tried to run, I did but he was too strong for me. He raped me and he had his hand on my throat. He squeezed so hard that I passed out.

When I woke up I was alone. I ran home without telling my friend I was leaving. She never called me or texted me to see what happened. And now Jason Reed just get’s to walk free.”

“Reed.” Kara sneered.

          Then she hunched her shoulders as if she didn’t mean to say that.

“James?” I asked her.
She nodded.
“If you know who your rapist, why don’t you tell the cops?” A girl demanded.

          Kara looked down.

“Yeah they can do it again to another girl.”

“My Mom and Dad are meeting with lawyers. They’re going over their options. I haven’t seen Jason since.”

“So he gets to get away with it and we have to see it happen.” I girl was annoyed.

          Ms. Jane held up a little black bottle with a key chain on the bottom of it.

“Do any of you know that this is?”

“It’s pepper spray.” One of them said.

“I want you all to have a bottle,” She pulled over two big bins. “The other box is a personal alarm. It makes a loud high pitched sound. It will startle your attacker long enough for you to use your spray and get out. Go ahead.”
          We all grabbed a bottle and an alarm. I headed home and parked at the curb. I saw shadows in Danny’s living room. I headed inside. Mom and Dad where at the table with the lawyer. There was paprers everywhere.

“Hi honey.” She walked over and kissed my cheek.
“Are you here to help catch him?” I asked the man in the suit, “My rapist?”
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“His name is Jason Reed.”

“Wait,” Dad held up a hand. “You know his name?”
“I haven’t seen him since the night of the party.”
“A party?” Dad demanded looking at Mom.
“She didn’t know I went.”
“Really Caroline?” Dad was angry, “You didn’t know.”
“I told her I was spending the night at Jessie’s.”

      The lawyer stepped in walking over to me.

“Do you know anything else about this kid? Do you know his middle name, where he lives, is he in sports?”

“He’s on the football team.”

He nodded, and went to his computer.

“Is there a way to catch another rapist? Like in this case?”
“What do you mean?” Dad asked.
“I went to this group tonight. I met a girl in school today and we went to the group.”
“Why are so many girls getting raped?” Mom muttered.
“I know it’s a different case I get that.” I assured the lawyer, “But this girl who got rapped is my friend and our kids are going to be cousins.”

“Where the hell are their parents?” The lawyer demanded.

“More important where is this girl at?” Dad turned to me, “I need her parent’s number. They need to be in this case. I’ll cover all expenses, tell them that.”

“I’ll get it after school.” I promised.



“My parents don’t even know that I am pregnant.”
“Well then let my Dad talk to them for you. He can explain everything.”

   She took a deep breath and blew it out just as fast. She let her back pack slide off her arm and dug through the little pocket. She grabbed a green high lighter, and nodded holding out her hand. I gave her my hand and watched her write down a number. She capped the high lighter and zipped up her back as I looked at my hnad. I pulled her into a hug.

“This is going to be good.”
“If you say so.”
“It is.” I pulled back, holding onto her shoulders, “These are our babies, and we need to protect them.”
“You’re right.” She squeezed my wrist and then headed into class.

    I took a deep breath and looked at my hand. This better be the damn right thing.


    That afternoon after school we both sat on the couch in the living room. We had just finished our load of homework and Kara imitated her brain exploding. I laughed and pushed her arm.

“I come baring food,” Danny announced setting a pizza down with a bottle of soda.
“Danny!” I smiled at him, “Wecome!”
“Hi Danny,” Kara wave a bit.
“Hey.” He nodded.
“Kara.” I introuduced them.
“I think I have you in my Math class.”
“Yeah.” She smiled.
“Kara and I are in the same-“ I paused snapping my fingers for the words to come.

“Rut?” She offered.
“Yes!” I laughed.
“I’m really sorry Kara.” Danny nodded at her.

          And we all fell quiet.

“But We get a baby right?” Kara looked at me, “That’s good.”
“Of course it is!” Danny clapped his hands, Pizza, dig in!”

      Danny sat down next to me, and we all reached for a slice of pizza. Danny grabbed the remote and clicked on the T.v.

“Ooh leave it!” Kara grabbed my arm as if I had the remote, “Please.”

     The screen ran over a vas land of grassy hills and large trees. When the setting finally took place, showing America the next bachelor, Danny and I both Choked on our pizza. Danny reached over and patted my back.
“What?” Kara demanded to be in on this, “What happened?”

      I pointed at the T.v unable to speak. What? How is this even possible? Kara looked at the T.v confused and then at Danny for explanation, but he was just as shocked as I.

“Welcoming this season’s Bachelor, Mitch Mason.”
“No!” She sat on the floor, scooting towards the T.v as if something good was about to happen. “No effin’ way you guys.”

“But how,” I questioned, “Is this even possible?”

“Sh!” Kara flapped her arm at me, “It’s starting!”

      She first dates began in slow motion. The conversations continued one after the other. I could actually feel his pain with some of the girls. And then? One conversation caught my attention.
“I do have a daughter,” Dad was going on, “She’s sixteen.”

“Oh I love her already!” One of the girls gushed.

“Oh gag me with a spoon!” I yelled at the T.v, as the two of them laughed, Danny rolling onto his side.

“I can’t wait to meet her!”

The three of us collectively made gagging noises.

“What in the hell was he thinking?” I wanted to know.
“Oh come on.” Kara swooned, “He wants to find true love.”

“True love doesn’t exist.” I snorted.
“Sure it does.”
“My mother is exhibit A!” I shouted.
“Sh!” She flapped her arm at me.
     I flapped both of mine at her, Danny choking on air as he laughed. The three of us looked at each other mouths open confused as our math teacher went on her date.

“Yes, I know her. Good girl.”
        The two of them laughed and clinked their wines glasses.

“What was that laugh for?” Kara asked, hugging a pillow now.

“I know!” I demanded smacking Danny in his chest as if he had been there hiding in the bushes laughing right along with them.

    He burst out in fresh tears as he laughed. We all leaned in for more information, as to how serious this would come to be, but that was about it as the doctor who tested me came on.

“Hey!” I said smacking Danny.

Being tired of being smacked he grabbed my wrist and bit my hand.
“Wait!” Kara sat up, “Who is she?”
“It’s my doctor.”

“Oh, this is good.” She reached for another slice of pizza.

    Danny and I sat on the floor next to her, bringing down the bottle of soda. We continued to watch a few dates.
“What are you guys doing?” Mom asked setting her purse and keys on the cough.
“Dad’s the new bachelor, “ I informed her.
“What,” She dove onto her knees beside Danny, “Was he thinking?”

“Pizza?” Kara offered the box, eyes glued to the T.v.

“Thanks.” Mom reached for a piece blindly until grabbing one.

“My Doctor’s on here.” I let her know.

“Remind me to switch doctors.”

“Will do.” I bit into my pizza.


I woke up in a light sweat fighting against my sheets. I turned on the light next to me and looked around my dim room. I was here, in my room. No party. Danny rolled over to face me.
“Hey.” His eye’s where still closed as he grabbed my hand. “You’re okay.”

“Yeah.” I muttered, holding onto his hand.
“What?” He looked at me.
“Bad dream.” I shook it off.

“You want to tell me about it?”

“Jason followed me home from the party and was trying to kill me.”
I froze. Shit.

“Who’s Jason Sophie?” He demanded, “He rapped you?”

“Yes but-“
“You knew!” He fought against the sheets and stood up, “What’s this bastard’s last name?”
“Danny-“ I reached for his arm and he flung it into the air.

“His last name, now!”

“Danny you promised you’d stay with me.”
“I promised you I’d stay that one night. How could you not tell me that you knew his name?”
      The light flicked on.
“What’s going on?” Mom questioned, “Are you guys okay?”

“I have to go.”
“No!” He yelled and hurried form the room.

Mom and I stayed silent as we listened to him run down the stairs and slam the door. I jerked at the sound, as if my finger had gotten caught in the door.


Mom was sitting at the table with a woman and a Man as they drank coffee. The lawyer was on his computer. Kara was sitting at the table as well her face wet from crying, but she wasn’t actually crying anymore. Danny leanded against the wal his arms folded around himself.
“What happened?” I demanded, dropping my back pack on the floor. I ran over to Kara, rubbing her back as I pulled over a chair. “It’s okay.”
She only nodded.

“Sophie,” The man spoke up, “I’m Kara’s father.”
“Okay, but before you get mad-“
“Mad?” Her Dad scoffed, “I’m not mad. I’m hurt that Kara didn’t feel like she could tell us what happened to her.”
The woman beside him began to sob, and Mom grabbed her hand in a white knuckle grip.

“I understand that you’re in the same,” He paused, “Situation.”

That was an even better word that rut, for sure. I nodded as the lawyer looked up.

“I think,” Her dad paused, “We all think, That-“ He sighed, and gave me a sad smile.

“I think with the two of you combined,” The lawyer stepped in, “This is a really good case. A strong one.”
“Okay.” I hinted for more information.
“With the information we have, and the names of the boys, we have enough to have them arrested and brought in for questioning.”
“What?” I looked at Mom.
“Honey, It’s time.”

“A mother is always right.” Kara’s Mother nodded at me.

“But-“ I looked at them all, a united front unwavering, “Kara-“
She grabbed my hand and took in a ragged breath, “You said. Remember?”  

I nodded, biting back tears and my swollen throat, “Okay.”

“Mr. Pearson will drive the two of you to school, and I’ll be right behind you. A few officers will met us there. All you two have to do is identify the two. You’ll be safe.”
Kara Nodded.

“Okay.” I stood up, as did Mr. Pearson.
“Are you ready Daniel?” He pushed in his chair.

“Yes sir.” He pushed off the wall and went to pick up mine and Kara’s back packs.

“Does Dad know that we’re moving forward with the case?” I wanted to know.
“I thought it best to wait. With the time difference and all.” Mom nodded.
“He’ll be mad.”
“I know, but we’ll deal with him later,” She placed her palms on the table and stood up, “Once we get these boys locked up everyone can take a little breath.”

 Then she looked at me for a few seconds.
“You’ll be fine. You’ll have Ben,” She gestured to Kara’s Dad then the lawyer, “And Nicholas.” Then she walked over to us, and pulled Kara and me into a hug, “Daniel will let nothing happen to you.”

 Kara gave my mom a squeeze and we all pulled back. Mom kissed Kara’s forehead and then mine before quickly turning away. But I saw the tears of many on her face before She turned all the way. We climbed into the back of Ben’s car and drove over to the school. I glanced over my shoulder, and sure enough Nicholas was close behind us.

Dany grabbed my hand and I looked at him. He was staring out the window. He had my back still. I looked over at Kara who was looking out her window too. I reached down and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and Smiled, tilting her head a bit.

 I shook our hands and smiled back. She was ready for this. We had to protect our baby. She would protect mine, just as fast as I would hers. We parked close to the three police cars. Students glanced at them but continued on their way. It was when we walked over to the cars to meet the cops, that they began to stare for a few seconds longer.

“We have cops stationed at all of the exits.” One of the officers informed Nicholas, “We’re ready when you are.”
“I’ll wait out here.” Ben told us.
“What? Why?”
“Honey, I can’t be in the same area as James.”
“But I need you.” Kara was confused as to why her Dad would even say that.

“Can you handle yourself sir?” The officer asked.
“Yes.” Ben nodded.
     Kara, Danny and I grabbed hands and walked towards the entrance of the school. Ben, Nicholas, and a few officers created a wall around us. Now everyone was staring with no shame. Waiting for the first gossip to drop. This was a bad idea.

 Kara felt my pause and took a large step forward tightening her grip on my hand pulling me with her. Right, we have to. Jason, Obviously, was the first one we found. He was standing in front of his locker laughing with his friends. Carefree. Then he looked over and saw us. And He knew, that we were there for him. He pushed past his friend and darted down the hall.

“That’s him.”

      Two of the cops ran down the hall after him. When they grabbed him, they didn’t waste any time with putting him in hand cuffs. As they came closer, a cop on each side of him, I held my breath. Then he was right in front of me.

“You stupid bitch!” He yelled at me viscously enough for me to feel a bit of spittle in my cheek, “You’re such a slut, everyone knows that.”

   Danny came out of nowhere. Before anyone could stop him, He punched him. A cop grabbed Danny and another walked over holding cuffs.
“Wait, wait,” Nicholas jumped in front of Danny, “Think of the extra paper work you’ll have to do huh?”

They grumbled and walked away.

    I blew out my breath and everything sped up. The cops bringing Jason down then hall, Danny grabbing me and Kara in a hug, holding us close. There was a shouting down the hall and a couple of cops where almost literally dragging James by his signature leather jacket. As they came closer, slow motion hit again. Danny’s arms lifter over our heads. I looked at him confused, and He grabbed me by the shoulders, and guided me towards Kara, who grabbed me and pulled me around her out of the way of Danny.

He only got in a couple of steps before Ben and Nicholas grabbed his arms. And then James was upon us.
“Kara,” He sneered, “You need to stop this. You know you liked it. You where begging for it, your whore.”

 There are multiple things that a Dad will teach his daughter throughout her life. How to change a tire, and how to realize that she is better than some boy who cheats on her. But the most important thing that he will teach his daughter, and will be the most proud of, is the right hook she will master. Everyone paused, mouths open.
“I’m sorry.” I looked at my hand middle knuckle split open a bit, “I don’t know what happened. “
“I hear muscle spasms are getting crucial these days.” Kara grabbed me by my arms and walked me down the hall away.

I looked over my shoulder so See Danny scooping up our bags. People moved out of our way as we passed.
“They’re scared of me?” I questioned.
“Well you did just knock a guy out.” Kara was trying to not laugh.

“I did?” I asked, eyes wide, and then she was laughing, “I don’t even remember!”


   Ben offered me a ride home and I took it. I stood in the arch way of the kitchen, watching Mom talk on the phone. She looked annoyed, yet understanding. She had to be talking to my Dad. I raised my fist and knocked on the wall twice. Mom spun around.
“Sophie!” She huffed, “You scared me!”

“Sorry.” I set my bag on the table, “They arrested them. I even got a trophy.”
        I showed her my hand and she gasped.
“Damn you Mitch.” Mom said handing me the phone.

I put it to my ear to hear him laughing, then, “What did I do?”
“I punched James.”
“You did?”
“Want me to send you a picture?” I could hear mom in the bathroom opening the mirror.
        I took a picture of my hand and sent it to him.

“Did you get it?”

A pause, then a ridiculous laugh that made me smile.
“That’s my girl.”
“Mom ran to the medicine cabinet.”
“Nothing a bag of peas can’t fix, put her on.”

I found Mom digging through a first aid box.
“Dad.” I held the phone out and she reached for it. I raised my hand, “I’m going to find a bag of peas.”

“Honestly,” Mom was saying as I walked away, “I had to have a daughter with an Idiot.”

     I smiled as I pulled onto the fridge and looked around for a bag of peas. When I finally found one I sat down at the table and Placed it on my hand. Ouch. I lifted it off to see the damage.

I was already bruising. I washed my hand off and dried it off with a paper towel. Then I placed the bag of peas back.  I looked up as Danny came in.
“Twinsies.” He showed me his bag of carrots.

 We laughed and fist bumped with our bags. Mom chose that time to walk in hands full of medical supplies. She looked at the both of us and sighed.
“You too?” She demanded.
     Kara came in next and Mom glared at her, “Let me see your hands.”
Confused she held them out.
Mom sighed, “Well at least one of you aren’t dumb.”

  Still confused, she looked over at us. Then at our bags and laughed. Mom glared at her, and she stopped, eyes going wide. Danny and I both had our turns of hand wrapping. The bag of peas and carrots really did help with the swelling.


  As the months passed I got really close with Kara. We continued to go to the group therapies, and Kara smiled with pride as she had first showed off my hand to the other girls. School was a mix of support and hate. Kara and I went on independent study, and a few weeks later Danny joined us. The three of us soon became so close, that you wouldn’t of eve guested that Danny and I had grown up without Kara.

    The three of us sat in chairs lined against the wall as Mom and Holly-Kara’s mom- signed us in. I think Danny was the most excited of us all.
“Well, are we excited or what?” He wanted to know.
“I have to pee.” Kara whined.
“Me too.”
“Full bladder makes it easier for them to see the baby.” He informed us.
“Huh?” Kara looked at him and then me.
“He’s reading what to expect when you are expecting.” I explained.
“And I joined a blog.” He announced proudly.
Kara snorted, and I laughed.

“Well when you two have issues, I’ll be the one with the answers.”

   The ultrasound Tech called us back and all of us crammed into the small room. The tech got the chair ready and then turned to us.
“Who want’s to go first.”
“Me.” I pushed past Kara, “Out of the way.”
      We all laughed as I sat down. The tech smeared the gel onto my stomach and typed something into the machine. Everyone got their phones out and started filming. The tech was about to put the stick on my stomach but jumped startled, as Kara let out a sob. She was crying full blown, holding my phone and hers.

“It’s hormones.” Danny felt the need to inform us all.

“This is going to be the biggest moment of our lives so far.” She hiccupped. “This is a big moment okay?”

   Everyone laughed as her mom gave her a hug. The tech then continued to find the baby. I grabbed Danny’s free hand. I watched as the baby sucked it’s thumb. No one said anything, which made it easy for the rest of the world to fall away.

 A human being was inside of me. This was real. Then the tech spoke and I wiped my face.
“Did you want to know the sex yet?”
“Yes!” Kara yelled, and then cried again.

The tech laughed with us this time, “Okay, so it’s a little girl.”

     A little girl. A girl I had to protect from a rapist. I did do the right thing. I protected my daughter. The tech heled me wipe the gel off and then Kara traded places with me handing me the phones as we did.

I handed my phone to Danny as I switched places with him. I took Kara’s hand and aimed her phone at the screen. I let out a big breath and everyone looked at me.
“I can feel it now.” And I was crying.
“Stop,” Kara sat up crying pulling me in for a hug.

“Okay, if you guys don’t mind.” Danny spoke up, “I’m really just here to see what Kara’s having, so let’s get back on track okay?”

“Oh.” I laughed, wiping my face.
“Okay,” Kara laughed sitting back on the chair.

    Kara’s baby Hand their foot in their hand. I could feel myself crying as I watched the baby. It looked as if they were looking at their foot trying to figure out what it was. I looked at Kara to see if she was getting any of this, and saw how pretty she was when she cried. True love rally did exist.

And hers was on the screen.

I might of protected my daughter by turning in Jason, but I new in my heart that her cousin, Kara’s little boy would protect her when I couldn’t.


Kara sighed and Crumpled the paper she was writing on. She tossed it randomly hitting Danny in the head.
“Hey.” He objected.

“Sorry.” She sighed, “I’ll never find a name for this baby.”

“I like Josh.” Danny offered.

“Josh.” She said as if she was testing the name, “Joshua.”

“Josh and Elsie.” I looked over at her.
“I like it.” She nodded, “They flow together really well.”

“Now all we need is middle names.” Danny said from where he sat on the floor his back against the bed.

   Kara and I both reached for a pillow grabbing the same one. Together we used it to smack him in the head.


“Anyways,” Kara rolled her eyes and him then looked to me, “Wouldn’t it be so cute if we had a joint baby shower?”

“Who’s going to come?” I snorted.
“Well our parents and the girls in the group for sure.”

“At least we don’t need a lot of food.”
“That’s the spirit,” Kara tossed a ball of paper at me. “We can keep it small. Just us you know?”
“I like the idea.” Danny said, then quickly looked over his shoulder holding up his arm ready to fight off an attack.

     I paused with my pillow raised.

“We can use your back yard,” Kara tapped my knee.
“Fine, whatever.”

“Yes.” Kara reached over to give Danny a High five.

   Just then the doorbell rang and we all trooped down stairs to answer the door. I reached for the door knob with Kara and Danny behind me on my heels like two curious toddlers.

“Chris?” I asked confused.
“Sophie!” He came inside like an old friend and gave me a hug.


“We need to talk. Your Dad is okay.” We all sat down in the living room, “Your Dad wants you to meet the last two girls.”
“No way.”

“I understand where you’re coming from. But it would really mean the world to him if you showed up. You mean a lot to him.”

“I’ll be there.”

    The next Day Mom, Danny, Kara and I were flown to Italy. They stayed in the hotel while I went down to the hotel restaurant and bar. I was pointed in Dad’s dirction and He waved. I headed over.

“You made it!” He gave me a hug, “May I?”
I nodded.

He put a hand on my stomach, “Hey there kiddo, it’s grandpa. I can’t wait to teach you a good right hook.”
“Woah hey!” I pushed his hand away and he laughed.

   The first girl I’m supposed to meet is Alice. She’s pretty enough with a short blonde bob. She walks over, and tried to give me a hug.

“Oh, no hugs. I don’t like anyone near my baby.”
“You’re pregnant.” She looks revolted by me and I smile.

    We shake hands, talk a little bit, and then it’s Kristen’s turn. Kristn had light brown curly hair. The top of her hair is pulled back in  a bun and the rest is flowing down her back. She smiled at me and kisses Dad’s cheek. When she moved onto me I delivered my line.

“Oh, okay,” She smiled, “I completely understand.”
We shook hands.
“Do you know what you’re having yet?”

“A girl. I’m naming her Elsie.”
“Oh that’s such a cute name.”

“You can feel her,” My mouth said before my brain caught up.

“Really?” She smiled, bringing her hands to her chin.

“Yeah.” I nodded.
“This is so exciting.” She reached out, “Okay.”

     As her hand made contact with my stomach Elise kicked. This was the one.

“Oh my gosh.” She gave my stomach a rub.

    Once she leave Dad and I sit outside on the pock with some sodas. We have to pause for a bit so the cameras can get a good shot of father and daughter. Then Dad starts in.
“Thanks for coming.”
“Yeah.” I nodded, mixing my drink with my straw.
“What do you think about the girls?”

  I try not to glance at the cameras, but see the red light to where everyone is watching.

“I don’t like Alice. I think she’s rude and I really don’t see myself getting along with her. I don’t want her around Elise. I like Kristen though.”

He nodded, “Alright, give me a hug.”
And I do. For the cameras.

“Cut!” Someone called, and I quickly pulled away from him.  


 For the next week I tried to text with Dad. If he was willing to try and rebuild our relationship, then I could offer him a little more than my gratitude for him showing me how to throw a punch.

“It’s on!” Danny called.

    I hurried from the kitchen with the bowl of popcorn. I sit down next to Kara and hold out the bowl. It’s a short recap first.

“So we met his daughter over the weekend, “Alice pauses for what I guess is for a dramatic effect, “And she’s Pregnant! Oh my god, and she’s like, only sixteen. Who gets pregnant at sixteen. Like you should know better.”
“I feel you sis.” I raised a piece of popcorn and everyone laughed.

“Sophie?” Kristen laughed, “I love her. She’s so sweet and funny.”

    Then we zoomed forward to watch the two get ready for their proposal. It’s kind of screwed up in a way. They’ve been dreaming for this moment for a long time, and they’re getting all dolled up, and one of them will get a slap in the face. A no. I mean, it would be messed up if Kristen got the no.

“Alice,” Dad reached out and took her hand. “I have fallen in love with you.”

“Oh gosh,” She was trying to not Cry, and then smiled at Dad.

“But Sophie is the most important person to me.”
She continued to smile.
“Well until She gives birth to my granddaughter.”

Smile falters, but not for long.

“I can’t imagine, for one second, that I would make her uncomfortable, So I’ll have to say goodbye to you.”

“What?” We all yelled

He listened to me?

     She was driving away.

“Big mistake. No one will put up with that daughter of his like I would.
          Around of snorts.

       Kristen Joined Dad, and they hugged. Here we go, Kara and I scooted a bit forward. Dad gave a long epic speech before getting down on one knee and proposing.

“Yes!” She laugh cried, “But first,” She turned to the camera, “I love you Sophie.” She blew me  kiss, and then Dad spilled the ring on her finger.
“What?” She questioned.
“Are you crying?”
“She totally is!” Kara laughed.
“What?” She laughed wiping her face. “That’s the only thing a Mom could hope for. If there is going to be another woman in their life, she wants them to love their child. It doesn’t matter that her and the Dad didn’t work out any more.”

There was a show that was vied live.

“Is there someone missing Mitch?” Chris wanted to know.

“Yeah,” Dad was still looking around.
“Shit!” I stood up.
“Let’s go, come on!” Kara stood up.

      We got into the car and drove the hour to the studio.

“Well that wraps up tonight’s show.” Chris was saying.

“Daddy I’m Here!” I called.

Everyone, cameras included, looked to me,

“I made it!”
          He grinned and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged Kristen and we kissed cheeks.

“Well, let’s whish this family a happy ending, goodnight.”


Giving birth wasn’t easy. It took its toll on me, and Kara. We had both gone into Labor hours apart. For contamination reasons, They wouldn’t let us share a room. Mom and Dad went over to the food hall.

I sat on the bed holding Elise. Danny was sitting next to me. He adjusted her little hat. Kara came into the room Pushing Josh in a glass cradle,.

“I’m here.” She announced out of breath, “I threatened them.”
“Who?” I laughed.
“All over them.” She waved a hand over her head. “Let me see.”
She leaned over and put her hand on Elise’s chest, “Hello auntie’s sweet girl.”

“Kara,” Danny got up. “Come and get in the bed with her, so I can take a picture.”

Kara picked up Josh and got in the bed with me. We stuck our cheeks together, and smiled.


I dozed off.

   Danny was standing my Elsie’s cradle. He had her in his arms and was bouncing her. They were having a full blown conversation. Elsie was holding onto his finger and every word.

“And we’re going to have a lot of fun. All the ice cream you want.” He was promising. “I can teach you lots of things. How to change a tire, how to drive, who to throw a good punch. Well, maybe we’ll leave that one up for your Mom huh?”

   And the world slowed down for a few seconds, as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.


Publication Date: 03-13-2012

All Rights Reserved

to all that where in the same situation. remain strong, you've got this! PS: Everyone that has read this book loves it! SO thank you so much. Only the spelling errors tossed them a bit, and when I went to fix them all, they even tossed me off, so it is now fixed, and hopefully read to go! Much love Chalen D.

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