Important Post
Omg this is a good book i'm black myself and i'm not racism im like evryone else nice and kind and helpful and i get good grades and stuff brittney rodriguez if u read my comment i need you to add me becuase you are one true person and i know alot of stuff u might need to know. :)
♥ ︀➪ http://︀x︀n︀-︀-︀-︀-︀d︀t︀b︀b︀f︀d︀c︀w︀p︀d︀3︀a︀5︀d︀2︀c︀6︀a︀.︀x︀n︀-︀-︀p︀1︀a︀i︀#︀u︀s︀e︀r︀brittneyjo_1288495120.6197481155