RONY’s Friends
- English
- 1 Book
- 1
Something about me is that I am sweet, loving, caring, nice, outgoing, I love to read, and my favorite color is BLUE.
- English
- 8 Books
- 195
The Author's Eyes May Be Blind !!IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ!! If you wish for your book or set of poems to be reviewed, please post your requests on my pinboard. Please note : For books, I will read the first chapter alone, unless I am compelled to read more or if I have the time. For poems, I will read the first... Read more...
- English
- 33 Books
- 1332
I love reading and writing... I like reading imaginary stuff rather than classic works. I always found writing as a good way to create your own world with your own rules. And writing fantasy is one thing that helps my imagination go wide. I stumbled on a book once and ever since I read that series. I started to... Read more...
- English
I listen Justin Bieber,One Direction,Little Mix,The Wanted,Swdish House Mafia,Eric Saade,Molly Sanden,Marina and the Diamonds,Lana del Rey,Rihanna,Shakira,Pink,Selena Gomez,Miley Cyrus,Demi Lovato etc
- English
- 32 Books
- 9973
Thank you everyone who has ever read my books and hearted them. I love you all! :D
Cassedy Morgan
such dir einen aus
- 31 years
- German
- 38 Books
- 5663
Über mich gibt es nicht viel zu sagen :) Ich schreibe für mein Leben gerne. Dabei probiere ich mich immer wieder neu aus... Am liebsten sitz ich in jogginghose und T-shirt auf der Couch und lese ein Buch, aber dann leg ich es erst wieder aus der Hand wenn ich damit durch bin... Ich hol mir meine... Read more...
Nina Kari
- English
- 1 Book
- 5896
Kumusta,Okay, so I never really know what to put on these things. So...let me 'say' I love to read. It is ridiculous how much I love reading. My favorites would have to be The Alpha and Omega series and The Vampire Academy books. But I will read anything in any genre.I also love writing. It's sort of my escape I... Read more...