f+A=friends is Offline.
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Hello My Dear,

How are you today? Let me briefly introduce myself to you, My name is
Sheikha Ghunaim , to the glory of God Am working with Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Dubai UAE
sorry for bordering you, i have a confidenial issue i want to discus with you, please contact me here; (sheikhaghunaim1@hotmail.com)

Important Post

Hello My Dear,

How are you today? Let me briefly introduce myself to you, My name is
Sheikha Ghunaim , to the glory of God Am working with Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Dubai UAE
sorry for bordering you, i have a confidenial issue i want to discus with you, please contact me here; (sheikhaghunaim1@hotmail.com)

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Thank you for the friend request. Hope you are a writer, working on something!


I don't think she is she is my cousin btw she doesn't like to write


yes i do and i am working on some thing so hope you like it

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Deleted User

alright...so if you want to make friends and gain popularity, you need to quit it with the way you talk. and stop trying to friend everyone -_- get a few good friends, get close and they will introduce you to others if they feel like youre legit.

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Deleted User

youre 19? really?


can you answer the q

Deleted User

an old friend of mine.

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