tamara’s Friends
Stephanie Jane
- English
- 3 Books
- 599
| S t e l l a E v a n s | Just a girl who loves to live, laugh, & love. ♡ An avid reader | Aspiring writer | Dedicated performer | & Hopelesss romantic at heart. ♡ Feel free to message me! I love meeting new people. ♡ And thank you for stopping by, dears! It means a lot to me. ♡ XOXO, -S. J. Evans♡
Nina Kari
- English
- 1 Book
- 5896
Kumusta,Okay, so I never really know what to put on these things. So...let me 'say' I love to read. It is ridiculous how much I love reading. My favorites would have to be The Alpha and Omega series and The Vampire Academy books. But I will read anything in any genre.I also love writing. It's sort of my escape I... Read more...
- English
- 7 Books
- 1024
Vintage, hopeless romantic who wastes most of her time daydreaming scenes for her books. Give me a Lana Del Rey CD, cold pizza, comfy sweats, and a good book and I am the happiest midget in the world :D