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Youre story is truly amazing. It probably doesnt mean much coming from a teenager but it touched my heart. Nothing breaks my shell, not even books.But your story brought tears to my eyes. I wanna thank you :)

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Nicaushio Yamaki (君野ヨクロ)

since I have been through so many bad relationships, every time when I somehow end up in another relationship, I always have a habit of staying on my toes. It?s like traveling from one place to another. Knowing that my court date is due and the police are looking for me. Meanwhile, I am hiding in a house and every time I hear something I always jump up in everything I hear. For me this is an example of how I feel when I am in... Show more

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Interesting vocation and life!
Sounds like you have lived it to the fullest.
I still enjoy the old black and white westerns; Roy Rogers, Hopolong Cassidy, Cisco Kid, etc. etc.
Check out my first story its called "Remembering a Hero". It's about a buddy of mine I reconnected with by seeing his name for the first time on the Vietnam memorial Wall. He had been listed since 1968 as missing in action MIA over 35 years. But his... Show more

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Hi Reggie,

Just wanted to say I love what you've written here on your profile page. Your favourite quotes are good ones. You sound like a wonderful person. I hope its 'ups' for you for now on.

Bek :)

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thank you for your kind words. I have wrote another short story called from within. a sci-fi thriller.

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hi reggie!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

Have a great day and I hope you're enjoying the holidays!


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thanks for your comment, it's nice to hear(read) that people like my poems ;) And yes, you´re right, it has to be 'same' instead of 'say'.


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