rmdelta’s Friends
Carol Wills
- English
Oh...um...I suppose it’s about time I put something real in here. Well, my name is Carol. I love to read (anything from Dickens to the cornflakes packet) in fact, if I don’t have something to read I go into anaphylactic shock. I am married with a grownup family. I live with my husband in Chesham amid the... Read more...
- English
My name is Kelli I recently stumbled upon this site accidently searching for a book for my mom,I say accidently but I believe in fate. Writing is my passion I have written songs,poems,essays,and currently have ideas overflowing in my head,So on that note maybe just maybe fate guided me here!
- English
Writing for me is like having a fire in my belly. Sometimes the flame dies but mostly it rages and I am startingly bright.
- English
- 2 Books
- 205
Musics my life<3 ive grown up alot this summer. I fell in love, ive been backstabbed,been happy, been hurt. and im back now :) so hi. & i promise ill try to finish my books. I still love photography<3
- 67 years
- English
- 3 Books
- 16
Linda Dyanne Bolden is a single mom, with two adult children, living on the South Side of Chicago. I previously studied at Columbia College majoring in Journalism. I am a gradulate of University of Phoenix my BSM Degree, in Management. I work for Rush University Medical Center as a Patient Services Supervisor.
- English
- 10 Books
- 611
Thoroughly enjoy reading and writing and cats. A social worker for the past ten years, I have been off work due to chronic illness, which has given me the time I need to devote to writing. Married with three kids, four cats.