I'm sorry.
Dear parents, I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment. I'm sorry I can't make good enough grades. I'm sorry I can't live up to your expectations.
Dear friends, I'm sorry I can't keep a long term friendship with any of you. I'm sorry we lose connection after a while. I'm sorry I never stayed.
Dear people at my school, I'm so sorry I'm weird. I'm sorry I don't fit in. I'm sorry I don't look cool like all of you.
Dear myself,... Show more
What happened my friend?
Your very much welcome
exactlly like me :(
Everyone I've ever liked on this site leaves, leaving me with an even bigger sense of pain and loneliness
It's nice to know people will always be creepy and watch me or my posts...
Noot Noot!
I don't really know you but I'll be here
Thanks for the acceptance again. http://data.whicdn.com/images/35805733/original.jpg
I threw a kid in a well
Don't ask me I'll never tell
I will regret this in hell
But he was in my way
sorry my friend please forgive sniffing i hope you can please i am leaving this site
No, don't leave me alone
pasta is still here~
:D it sounds interesting!~
It is interesting.~