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Books (1)
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Hello everyone in the Bookrix community. I have added a little more to my children's book. And I am currently working on another book. I want to add more to it, before I get it put up. I am also thinking about writing another book, in the near future. Thank you to all those who have already read my books and continue to keep reading. I truly appreciate it.

*S* Cynthia

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Just wanted to drop by and show you my love!
ps: have you seen my latest videos yet?
I can be reached at
Take care!

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Check out my Novel "Midnight Heart Series- Torn": It's not as good as most of the stories on this website and it's not done yet, but please vote for it. (If you like it, ofcoarse.)
=) Thanks

P.s- Chapter 6 will be posted soon.


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Hi, Thank yoiu for your friend request.
You are my first friend on here, how is life in Dallas at the moment?

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Thank you for the invitation. You look very involved in the Bookrix community. Nice to meet you.

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Hi, I just submitted a book called "The sky is the limit". I would be curious to hear some feedback.

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Dela Bobobee

Hi Mag, you are highly welcome.
I hope you have a pleasant online experience here.
Please do feel free to ask me anything that could
make your onboarding and stay here enjoyable.
I wish you good luck in the family book contest.


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