mag1207’s Groups

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Elite Editing for Writers

Elite Editing for Writers

  • 339 Members
  • 129 Posts
  • Public Group

A final edit is often all that stands in the way of getting your work published. This group is for those who want to discuss all things editorial—from grammar, punctuation, and syntax to organization, tone, and voice. For more information, go to

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 12:17pm

Humorous Writings

Humorous Writings

  • 145 Members
  • 84 Posts
  • Public Group

Truthfulness often comes through with the humorist. That mental quality which gives to ideas a fantastic turn and tends to excite laughter or at least a smile. The author is able to facilitate a form of wit on kindly human feeling and on point with brilliancy of expression. Whims and satire, along with other simi... Read more...

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 12:57pm

Get Me Published

Get Me Published

  • 1,036 Member
  • 439 Posts
  • Public Group

Come on in and meet others like yourself who want to “get published."

In this group, feel free to ask questions and start discussions about using BookRix, promoting and marketing your work, publishing your book(s) and much more!

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 10:54pm

writing from your heart

writing from your heart

  • 217 Members
  • 97 Posts
  • Public Group


Latest Post: December 06, 2015, 1:24am

Women of Purpose

Women of Purpose

  • 42 Members
  • 23 Posts
  • Public Group

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 2:47pm

Stories come from everywhere...

Stories come from everywhere...

  • 77 Members
  • 32 Posts
  • Public Group

That's right, a story is not limited to books. Good stories can come out of movies, never ending stories, RPs, and even Video Games! If you agree, join up and let's chat and perhaps even elaborate on our favorites.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 9:55am

The Art of Writing - Comment and Discuss

The Art of Writing - Comment and Discuss

  • 424 Members
  • 250 Posts
  • Public Group

A group for all of those who write because they love it. Do you want to improve your writing? I know I do.

*Practice makes perfect (almost). *Edit, re-edit & re-re-edit, but write that 1st draft 1st. *Workshopping (Structure, Plot, Voice, Tone, POV, Dialogue, Beginnings, Middles, Ends, Conflict, Tension, Trans... Read more...

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 1:10pm

Better Writers

Better Writers

  • 1,528 Member
  • 1,024 Post
  • Public Group

BetterWriters is the group to join if you want to discuss improving your writing skills with like-minded individuals. From grammar and punctuation, to plot structures, character development, dialogue pacing, book titles, writing blurbs and many more subjects that you may use for developing your craft.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 8:07am

Writing Contests on

Writing Contests on

  • 2,574 Members
  • 1,866 Post
  • Public Group

Join this group if you are interested in knowing more about BookRix’s writing contests. We will use this group to promote our contests, winners and news, In addition, BookRix group contests will also be held here. Here you can ask or answer questions about the BookRix contests, promote your contest books and read... Read more...

Latest Post: October 07, 2019, 9:20am

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