AMP1972’s Friends
Blood Rose
- English
- 2
The voice of a ballerina breathes life into a vampire. Opposite worlds collide and connect more than they should. Here’s a tale of a love triangle, family drama, death, revenge, and a new found home.
- English
- 11 Books
- 15
Novel writter, Author. I also like to call myself fiction freak. I'm addicted to fiction; sci-fi, fantasy, fairytales and all those imaginable things out there. If you are a big fan of fiction like me, you're most definitely my friend. I like to share new ideas with people, to know what they think, i don't... Read more...
Marie-Luise Lomberg
- German
- 14 Books
- 5924
• Leide an Klugscheißerallergie ! • Kommentarlose Freundschaftsanfragen ignoriere ich ! • Bin normalerweise ein umgänglicher Mensch, es sei denn jemand vergisst seine gute Kinderstube ;)
Oteng Montshiti
- 45 years
- English
Born and raised in Kanye, Southern District, Botswana, lives with his wife in kanye, his home village, 97 kilometers outside Gaborone. He writers motivational, christian fiction and non-fiction. He is a motivational speaker. His books include the following: Provoking the supernatural through faith, Prayers that... Read more...
J.C. Laird
John C. Laird
- English
- 25 Books
- 522
I was born and raised in Michigan, attended college in California. The plan was to be a history teacher, but after a brief "testing of the waters." I realized that my temperament was not suited to dealing with juvenile delinquents. If I had continued in that line of work, I'm sure I would have incurred a lawsuit... Read more...