braelynnxmarie’s Friends
- English
- 1 Book
- 43
Just a book nerd searching for other book nerds' creations.
- German
- 3 Books
- 374
Hey, Ich bin Linda, hatte führer mal ein Paar mehr Bücher drin, darunter auch eingene Gesichten, aber seid mir nicht böse, zurzeit (Ihr kennt alle das Leben :D) läuft es nunmal nicht so wie es sollte, deshalb bleiben euch leider nur noch meine unscheinbaren Fanficton.Wünsche euch trotzdem Freude beim Lesen und... Read more...
- English
- 7 Books
- 1321
I'm energetic... and kinda weird.... but i dont bite!!!!... much.... Hi :)
- English
- 3 Books
- 24
I like to read fiction, most of it involving the supernatural. The first time I ever really got into reading was when I read the Lightning Thief as well as Fairest, and some by james patterson. I like to eat tacos, pizza, and develed eggs among other things.
- English
- 11 Books
- 425
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. --William Jennings Bryan
- English
I love to read and write about the supernatural. So far I have written two books that are not yet complete: The Angel In Me which is about a girl who finds herself caught in the middle of a war that has been waging for thousands of years and another book called Letting Go about a girl who after losing everything... Read more...
- English
- 4 Books
- 190
Since the earliest I can remember my father has taught me to dream big. It started with his dream to come to the United States of America from what used to be communist Romania... he pursued that dream and made it reality. Then through his hard work and love for his family he made both my dreams, my mother's... Read more...
- English
- 17 Books
- 256
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