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P. K. Gallagher

Thank you for the heart on Cerberus. I hope you enjoy(ed) it. Also, it looks like you're new to BookRix. If so, then welcome! You're gonna love it here :).


I am enjoying it so far, what a great site. Look forward to more to read from you!!

P. K. Gallagher

Thank you! That's always lovely to hear, and please, if you get a moment and feel so inclined, feel free leave a review for me when you're finished so others know it's not terrible <3 .

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Are you a Fay, a Dark-Blood or a Yellow-Flesh?
Then you might feel like 18 years old, Dalila Davallia.

As a half-caste – half human, half fay – she finds herself unwanted, between the fronts of a constantly enduring war of a chiliad years.

And then there is an extremely attractive guy called Jo. It turns out that he is her
Fay-Parent in who she falls in love with.

Fay – The legacy of the blood / 1st volume of the... Show more

Fay - Das Vermächtnis des Blutes Achtung: Korrigierte Fassung Juni 2013! Nachdem die 18-jährige Dalila Davallia aus dem Koma erwacht, ist nichts mehr so wie es einst war. Als einzig überlebende eines Auto...
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