Whispered Secrets

Whispered Secrets
Samantha Lorden's a typical teenage girl; she's into music, clothes, and she's in love with her best friend, Jake Turner.

But when Jake grows distant and starts ignoring Sam's calls, she knows something's up. But the truth is more than she could ever have imagined...

Paranormal Romance
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You have written a very good book. I am half way through and will comment more when I'm done reading. Excellent job!

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Thanks for the update! Your writing gets better with each page, and now I can't wait to see if Lacy gets what she deserves! Too bad Sam didn't think to record Lacy's words with her cell phone - that would have been perfect ammunition for Jake, who might not believe Sam about what she overheard. Love is blind, you know, lol! Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this next! Great job!

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Deleted User

Loved your book. Now please finish it. :)

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plz make the second one this book was clearly awesome !

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