altonnett110’s Friends
Glynis Rankin
- English
- 5 Books
- 238
Glynis Rankin is a Pushcart nominated writer and a self proclaimed daydreamer.
J.C. Laird
John C. Laird
- English
- 25 Books
- 522
I was born and raised in Michigan, attended college in California. The plan was to be a history teacher, but after a brief "testing of the waters." I realized that my temperament was not suited to dealing with juvenile delinquents. If I had continued in that line of work, I'm sure I would have incurred a lawsuit... Read more...
- English
- 3 Books
- 22
Well, i love to chill with my friends and i'm awesome to hang with. Know me before you decide to judge me. My besties are my life and without them, i wouldn't be here right now. :)
- English
- 7 Books
- 60
Sometimes i don't know wether to wake up in the morning or sleep for the whole day. My friends are A-MA-ZING! if anyone tries to mess with you guys (and you know who you are), you tell me and i will hunt them down and go crazy white chick on there tail! And im pretty bumbed about school starting. My friends are... Read more...
selenafitzgerald (ShyRabbit)
- English
- 10 Books
- 596
I love to read and write. I'm a huge fan of Demi Lovato. I am also a huge Twilight Fan. I'm a very nice person. Even though I'm shy and weird sometimes, I am easy to get along with... I think. If I'm not then sorry. lol I'm very honest person. If you don't think so, then its your opinion. You can like me or not... Read more...
- English
- 1 Book
- 18
I love music, talking, and my friends. Lol. Can't get tired of any of them.
- English
- 2 Books
- 215
I love to read! I am what some call a book worm, but thats okay! my favorite color is chrome, i love orange soda and peanut butter cookies!
Take a wild guess!! If u got my 1st name ur bound 2 hve got the second ;)
- 28 years
- English
- 179
So.You have finally found me, hmm? You wish to know all about the amazing thing that is I? Hmm?I shall tell you... in your dreams... o_oI go on bookrix nearly daily and my book A Twist In Tails is really the only one I am focused on completing and getting published. So yeah... I talk to all my wonderful friends... Read more...
- English
- 25 Books
- 698
I am a dreamer. This page holds all of the dreams and desires and hopes and wishes of the first of my two dreams: to share my imagination with the world. For those of you who have read a book or written a book, these stories are not merely words on a page. They are living, breathing creatures, worlds so... Read more...