eBooks „sciencefiction“
Ein Kidspods-eBuch für Kinder ab 8 jahre
- Juvenile Fiction
- German
- 11544 Words
- Ages 8 and up
- 320
Keywords: Kidspods, Cyborg, Sciencefiction, Klaus Adam, Kinder, Kinderbuch
Geflügelte Katastrophe zwischen Liebe, Mord und Sternenstaub
- Fantasy
- German
- 45862 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 73
Keywords: pegasus, Fantasy, action, Scifi, sciencefiction, romance, magie, anthologie, kurzgeschichten, krimi, comedy, mythologie, griechisch
- Science Fiction
- German
- 1293 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 884
- 2
Keywords: Fantasy, Sciencefiction
For Free
eine phantastische science-fiction
- Fantasy
- German
- 36190 Words
- Ages 18 and up
Keywords: Erotik, ScienceFiction
Einer Reise ohne Koffer
- Science Fiction
- German
- 2 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 346
- 1
Keywords: Reise, Drama, Sciencefiction
For Free
Amazing SF Band 1
- Science Fiction
- German
- 36950 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 406
Keywords: Sciencefiction, Kurzgeschichte, Wettbewerb
Amazing SF Band 2
- Science Fiction
- German
- 44619 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 408
Keywords: Sciencefiction, Kurzgeschichte, Wettbewerb
Amazing SF Band 3
- Science Fiction
- German
- 22833 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 481
Keywords: Sciencefiction, Alien, Weltraum
Amazing SF Band 4
- Science Fiction
- German
- 80995 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 336
Keywords: Sciencefiction, Kurzgeschichte, Wettbewerb
Amazing SF Band 6
- Science Fiction
- German
- 32650 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 287
Keywords: Sciencefiction, Alien, Weltraum