eBooks „lost place“
- Thriller
- German
- 8424 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 320
- 1
Keywords: Angst, Dunkelheit, Geister, lost place, verirrt
Gruselige Kurzgeschichten
- Horror
- German
- 38040 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 256
- 2
Keywords: Horror, Kurzgeschichten, Geister, Fantasy, Neuerscheinungen 2020, Horror-Geschichten, Grusel, Spukhaus, lost place, urban explorer, Poltergeist, Tod, Angst
- Fantasy
- German
- 1984 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 306
Keywords: Horror, Fantasie, Fantasy, Dark, Mysterie, Gruselig, Magie, Sucher, Helfer, Wesen, Fluch, Verlassen, Lost Place, Dämon, Traum, Träume, Alptraum, Alpträume
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Der Tod ist keine Erlösung
- Thriller
- German
- 95093 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 882
- 3
Keywords: Thriller, Horror-Thriller, Psycho-Thriller, Neuerscheinungen, Regional-Krimi, Thriller Neuerscheinungen, Horrothriller-Bestseller, Spannung, spannende-Krimis, Detektiv-Romane, Krimi, Medizin-Thriller, Fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, Reihe, Serie, nord-deutsch, Nord-Deutschland, Detektivin, Psychatrie, Geister, Spuk, Psychiatrie, lost place, Soziopath [more]
To take back what is rightfully ours, we fight
- Science Fiction
- English
- 1952 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 382
- 1
Keywords: Science, Fiction, Technology, Adventure, Battle, Fantasy, AI, Dystopian, Romance, Comedy, Drama
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Will she find her way ?
- Thriller
- English
- 418 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 471
- 7
Keywords: Comma
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- Short Story
- English
- 4810 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 212
Keywords: United States in the 19th century
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- Thriller
- German
- 9989 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 422
Keywords: Dunkelheit, Finsternis, Unendlichkeit, Tod, grausam, Unwissenheit, Gedächtnisverlust, Liebe
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