eBooks „kitsune“
- Fantasy
- German
- 3642 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 523
- 6
Keywords: Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, Uzumaki, Uchiha, Shippuden, SasunARU, kITSUNE, Demonen, König, unterwelt, magie
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- Romance
- German
- 2878 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 718
- 36
Keywords: Yaoi, Boyslove, Boys love, Schwul, Liebe, Boy x Boy, BoyxBoy, BL, Bl, Gay, Shonen Ai, Fuchs, Kitsune, Schule, Lehrer, Dämonen
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My desire II
- Fantasy
- German
- 20268 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 1891
- 47
Keywords: Naruto, SasuNaru, Kitsune, Konoha, Sasuke, Fuchsdämonen, Wölfsdämonen, Okami, Konoha, Tsunade, Kakashi, Shino, Kiba, Sakura, SaiNaru, Sai, Yume, Takashi, Fabelwesen, Begierde, Dämonen, Monster, Romantik, Fantasy, Yaoi, Shonen ai, Shonen-ai, Verrat, Drama [more]
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- Fantasy
- German
- 271 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 176
Keywords: Violetta, Kitsune, Prinzessin
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- Erotic
- English
- 989 Words
- Ages 18 and up
- 169
- 12
Keywords: Myth, Japan, Kitsune, Fox, God, Erotica, Romance
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- Fiction
- English
- 15477 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 1042
- 40
Keywords: vampire, turning, fight, blood, kitsune, secrets
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- Fantasy
- German
- 6637 Words
- Ages 18 and up
- 15
- 3
Keywords: Verwandlung, Feuer, Magie, Illusionen, Füchse, Kitsune, Liebe, Sex
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- Fantasy
- German
- 15658 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 368
- 1
Keywords: Vampir, Japanisch, Yokai, Kitsune, Samurai, Asiatisch, Mythen, Legenden, Kodama, Rache, Liebe, Zauberwald, Tanabata, Fuchs, Kami, Fantasy
- Fiction
- English
- 3106 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 95
Keywords: Foxes, Forest, Hills, Sword Fight, Monsters, Japanese Culture, Japanese Sword Fight, Mythical Creatures, Kitsune
- Fantasy
- German
- 46299 Words
- Ages 6 and up
- 611
- 3
Keywords: Jastany, The, Fox, Girl, Fantasy, Ab 6 Jahren, Oni, Kitsune, Japan, japanische Mythologie, EINsamer, wANDERER, Fortsetzungsgeschichte, Tengu, Marderhund, Fuchs, Füchse, Eisenkeule, Sake, Krug [more]
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