All Search Results „curtia“
2 search results were found for the search term „curtia“.
Books (2)
My atempt of drawing manga ^-^
- Art
- English
- 2 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 490
- 2
This is my atempt of drawing anime. the blue haired one is seth, the pink haired one is tanny, the zombie girl is curtia, the brown haired couple is harry and ayaka, the grey haired girl is chaz and the red haired guy is jacob. They are all from my book Un Human... please tell me if i have forgoten any of them [more]
Keywords: manga, drawings, seth, jacob, curtia, tanny, chaz, milly, alexander
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Milly Alexander
Un Human
Defeating the Darkness
- Fantasy
- English
- 2040 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 672
- 5
Somewhere hidden on earth are the Mytivus islands, home to people not so human. Seth, a young 13 year old homeless boy, is welcomed in to his odd new school where his life starts to change and he finds out who he truly is... [more]
Keywords: fantasy, milly, alexander, un human, chaz, seth, maria, tanny, natas, curtia, UH, school
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