eBooks „Theravada“
Books (9)
- Religion
- English
- 39265 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 1918
- 2
Keywords: Buddhism, Theravada, Bodhisatta, Bodhisattva, 32 Marks of a Great Man, Paramis, Perfections, Jatakas, Future Buddhas
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- Religion
- Dutch
- 40077 Words
- Ages 6 and up
- 1041
Keywords: Boeddhisme, Theravada, Bodhisatta, Bodhisattva, 32 kentekenen van een Groot Man, Jatakas, Paramis, volmaaktheden, toekomstige Boeddhas
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- Religion
- Dutch
- 31310 Words
- Ages 8 and up
- 1583
- 1
Keywords: Boeddhisme, geschiedenis, ontwikkeling, Theravada, concilies, Asoka, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tantrisme, verspreiding van de leer, toekomst van het Boeddhisme
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Pali en Nederlands
- Religion
- Dutch
- 21201 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 404
Keywords: recitaties, Boeddhisme, Theravada, pali formules voor leken, magha puja dag, visakha puja dag, asalha puja dag, kathina, regentijd, kloosterzegeningen, paritta, recitaties ter bescherming
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- Religion
- Dutch
- 106648 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 3177
- 1
Keywords: woordenboek, Boeddhisme, glossarium, boeddhistisch woordenboek
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- Religion
- English
- 13641 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 43
Keywords: Buddhism, Buddha Gotama, dhamma, sangha, lay follower, causal origin, anicca, impermanence, anatta, not self, Causal origin, Dependent origination, Anicca, Impermanence, Anatta, Non zelf, Dukkha, Dissatisfaction, Middle Path, Noble Eightfold Path, Emptiness, Personality, The fire speech, Theravada, Pali Canon, Dhamma for lay followers, Meditation methods, Metta, Saddha, Vipassana, Kamma, Volitional actions, Moral consequences, Rebirth, Worlds of existence, Stains of the mind, Levels of holiness, Nibbana, Summary of the dhamma, Various schools [more]
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Buddhistische Pilgertour in Indien und Nepal
- Travel
- German
- 18812 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 480
Keywords: Buddha, Buddhismus, Indien, Nepal, Reiseführer, Pilger, Varanasi, Sarnath, Sunauli, Lumbini, Kushinagar, Bodhgaya, Gaya, Rucksackreise, Indien, Nepal
A Study Of Zen Philosophy And Discipline In China And Japan
- Fiction
- English
- 84080 Words
- Ages 18 and up
- 2
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- Religion
- Dutch
- 4283 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 92
Keywords: leegte, leegheid, suññata, sunyata
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