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"Hearts & Flowers"
I bet my life you've heard this all before
And I also bet my life that you forgot
You've got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst
And always keep your best foot forward
I know that sometimes life gets rough
But that's never a reason to give up
Keep your heart up in the clouds
Never let the people drag you down
I have learned to chase my dreams
I know that if I don't they will get away on me
So I do what I... Show more

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The synopsis looked good,
the cover looked nice,
you opened the book,
and began a new life.
You found a new home,
you met some new friends,
you kept on reading,
hoping it would never end.
You danced through the pages,
you sang out the words,
you felt all their joy,
and all their pain and hurt.
The pages cut your fingers,
and the words cut your heart,
it was tearing your soul apart.
You laughed with the characters,
and with them you cried,
you... Show more

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welcome to bookrix

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