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Meeting a mythical character in a realistic setting. You had me at shimmer LOL Great story, great read, what more can I say?

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Nina Kari

This was a captivating story. Normally when reading something I tend to just scan over it and get to the good part, but it was all wonderful. There was no scanning here. It was something I had never read before and I think the saying less is more really applies to this story. It left me wanting and imagining more. I really enjoyed this story of yours and I really hope he’ll be back. Though, in a good way.

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You maintained setting perfectly, giving me a good clean grasp on the conditions both inside and outside the coffee shop; yes, as though in my reading I was watching a movie in my head. The hiss of the steamer, the leaves whooshing by beyond the windows. You condensed the scene into 15 minutes or so with the sure hand of an author confident in her ability.
I REALLY enjoyed your having chosen the mythical Puck, though, and the... Show more

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This Puck of yours? I certainly hope so. The only gorgeous creature with that combo I ever have seen and had the pleasure of sharing his lifetime was a feline...and not a wing in sight.

I could see the disorder from the 'guests'and taste the latte, and yet feel the anticipation but yet fear of a bad ending...not today..p;]

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I almost went out and bought a white chocolate latte myself... :) Curse of having worked in a coffee shop. :P I'm so glad you liked it!

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That means a lot. :) You're one of the people I love entertaining, since I know Calypso wasn't your cup of tea. This one was SUCH a fun story. I might continue it someday...

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No words necessary although "spellbinding, "magical" and "fabuloso" do cross my mind.

You had me from the blue eyes, and I stayed with you until the very end.

Love this kind of story. You told it brilliantly.