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Very well written, and utterly endearing.

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this is absolutely beautiful

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I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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It's weird...I hadn't read Mary's comment until after I read this magnificent little piece. The word "Beautiful" was on my lips. Your pov is amazingly real-sounding. I can hear Mary. Actually hear her!
Wonderful, Stevie!

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Beautiful. Makes me think of that "Mary did you know" carol, if you know it.

1 Comment

I love that song... It's one of my favorite Christmas carols. Thanks, it was a special project. I felt like I could empathize with her because of her scandalous situation. Of course, I didn't have the excuse of carrying God's son. But, it was a similar feeling, which I think... Show more

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I have two more, and (finally) a few that I will be able to upload. Thank you so much for your comments!

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why don't you continue the story?

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Dust of the Earth by Stevie Barnes is deeply beautiful. His words carry the weight of quietness. I've never read any books by an author who captures this special moment in its entirety. For some reason, we read about Jesus in the stable with his parents and the wise men. No one describes the baby's actions or Mother Mary's feelings about her newborn. This is fantastic writing. It's soft and realistic.

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A beautifully thought out,composed and presented piece. Really does make you think of family.

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This is just beautiful. Much like what Mary must have felt & thiught. Thank you.

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I can see by all the comments that I need to save this and read it soon! Thanks for posting on BookRix!

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