I woke up, and it's a Tuesday. But, damn it, it feels like Monday all over again. Who else has had this happen to them.
a family member is fading fast and i don't know what i'll do if i lose her. she may be 60, but she is like another mother to me. and we are losing her. my world is falling apart, i'm battling the darkness trying to consume me, and this time, i don't think i'm winning.
I've only had this account for about 2 weeks and I already have 40 friends and I am in 503 groups. Wow. If only I had this many friends at school. lol
Well yeah its also my real last name = )
I see, :)
If you're brave enough, share this and see what people rate you!
1) crazy
2) I'd marry you
3) I'd date you
4) sarcastic
5) I miss you
6) I'd kiss you
7) beautiful
8) smart
9) unique
10) jerk
11) cute
12) I love you
13) confusing
14) wish you were mine
15) bae
16) we should hangout
17) never want to lose you
18) weird
19) sexy
20) amazing
hey gurl
im too tired for this class! *falls asleep* huh? oh yeah too tired
If your brave put this on your profile and see what do the people rate you, i would really like evryone to commment on this!!!
Blue : you're so kind
Red : I love you
Yellow : I have a crush on you
Pink : I wanna hug you
Purple : you're awesome
Green : ............Sex ?:D
Orange : ........Friends?;)
White : Let's chat in privately.....
Grey : Let's have a relationship......
Black : go to sleep
Everyone please be honest I would love... Show more
Hey! Thank you sooooo much for the favorite! It really means a lot! :) <3
No problem. It's the least I could do. You have been so kind to me. Besides, I love poems and short stories. So, even though I haven't read it yet, I know I'll love it.
Well thank you again. :)
Me too
where i am at, it is snowing really badly. elsa needs to take her fucking period pills. or someone just needs to knock her ass out
Lmao me fucking too XD