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Stefania Blackthorne

BLOOD WARS ~Bloodmoon Rising~ English Version
13 chapters are completed by now!

BLOOD WARS - BLOOD MOON RISING von Stefania B., Raylan_ Givens - Buch online lesen kostenlos - eBook Download ~ Two Races, Two Perspectives, Two Destinies - One story ~   Chicago, 2035:   The world had come to its end, for the war between humans, vampires and werewolves had taken its toll: the human race had almost been eradicated - and thus our main food source. But the vampires had suffered significant losses. Our clan - the Drake clan - was the only one to survive this war. However, the number of our members had also been significantly reduced. Dead over dead ... Among them also Marius Drake, our chief. And my father.... My name is Kayra Drake. My eyes are pale green, almost minty and I have silvery, almost white hair that reaches down to my waist. My unusual appearance is due to the blood that flows through my veins: I am a vampire. However, only half, because I am a so-called "mixed blood" and ... the only one of my kind. And that should remain this way, according to the new leader of our clan...   +++++     I can barely remember the time before the devastating...
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Stefania Blackthorne

Blood Wars - The Beginning - Bonuskapitel komplett abgeschlossen

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Stefania Blackthorne

Blood Wars - Blood Moon Rising - English Version
8 Chapters are completed now :)

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Stefania Blackthorne
Out soon on BookRix Digital art by... - Cathleen Tarawhiti | Facebook
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Stefania Blackthorne

Good news!
Blood Wars - Blood Moon Rising will be available in an english version soon! :-)
So our english speaking friends can also enter our Blood Wars Universe :)

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Stefania Blackthorne

Die 100 Downloads von Blood Wars- Blood Moon Rising sind erreicht :-) Meikel und ich werden uns in den nächsten Tagen dem versprochenen Bonus Kapitel widmen :-)

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Stefania Blackthorne

Vielen lieben Dank für die zahlreichen Downloads von "Blood Wars - Blood Moon Rising"! Inzwischen können wir 63 Downloads vermelden....und haben uns etwas Besonderes überlegt, wenn die 100-Download-Marke geknackt wird:

Es wird ein Bonus-Kapitel geben :-)

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So! Mein neues Profil ist fertig. ;)

Raylan_Givens – BookRix Community Profil BookRix Profil von Raylan_Givens - Erfahre mehr über Raylan_Givens: Lieblingsbücher, Freunde usw. Werde Teil unserer Buch Community und trete in Kontakt mit Raylan_Givens.
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