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Jayhawk Publishing

Hello All!

Some bad news here. Several projects have been canceled or delayed since the last time I checked in with you guys.

Humanity Versus Demonkind S1 - delayed a month, now taking the spots that originally belonged to Humanity Versus Demonkind S2. The second season will now arrive sometime next year instead.

In the following Multiverse episodes, the second Original series was slated to release (Kira: The Powerful Tamer -... Show more

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Jayhawk Publishing

Hello All!

As many of you may have already guessed, releases haven't been coming out on time. I do apologize for that as my studies have sucked away my free time and have put my release schedule in shambles. I am trying to catch up and release everything in a timely manner, but there will be days where releases will be delayed for a few days until I have time to edit and release them.

Thank you all for your patience.


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Jayhawk Publishing

Hello All!

If you enjoy any of my books, then make sure to download or send comments. I see downloads/comments as people enjoying and supporting my series.

I rate the success of stories based on the number of downloads it has. Stories with few downloads are considered failures while stories with a large number of downloads are considered successes.

Thank you for your time.

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Jayhawk Publishing

Make sure to spread some love to the current generation (Generation VII).

Troy: The Demon Knight S1: Blueway [Monday]
Silos S1 [Wednesday]
Element S1: Becoming A Hero [Thursday]
Atlas Online S1 [Saturday]
Aiden & The Holy Sword S1 [Sunday]

Important Post
Jayhawk Publishing

Generation VI:

Troy: The Demon Knight S1: Blueway [Monday]
Silos S1 [Wednesday]
Element S1: Becoming A Hero [Thursday]
Atlas Online S1 Remaster [Saturday]
Aiden & The Holy Sword S1 [Sunday]

Important Post
Jayhawk Publishing

Troy: Legends of Old S1 Remake has been canceled due to lack of motivation. Its second season (expected to arrive in 2023) will continue, as of now.

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Jayhawk Publishing

The sixth and final entry will be The Knight of Azteca, who happens to be in the same universe as Titan, Eternity, Blade: Dungeons, and Grey: The New Exorcist (which both comes from the Tales of Supernatural Events). The series follows a wandering man in shining knight armor who refuses to take the armor off due to his body’s condition. The man is in search of the Fountain of Youth to revert his conditions and take off his... Show more

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Jayhawk Publishing

Generation V Guide

Generation I ( Early March 2019 - Late June 2019)
Generation II (Early August 2019 - Early November 2019)
Generation III (Mid-November 2019 - Early February 2019)
Generation IV (Early March 2020 - Late July 2020)
Generation V (Early August 2020 - Mid to Late February 2020)

Generation V will be a remake of Generation and will see re-releases of four out of six series; the season ones of Uncontrolled, Legend,... Show more

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Jayhawk Publishing

Two Page Shorts: Volume I & II will receive a rework in the upcoming months. The Halloween Riser has been reworked for Volume I and The Halloween Riser II: Apprentice has been reworked for Volume II. New and reworked short stories will appear on these collections before Two Page Shorts: Volume III wraps up and the Deluxe Edition begins.

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Jayhawk Publishing

Generation IV:

Black Hood - Season One
Dust - Season One
Hunters & Dragons - Season One

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