Generation V Guide
Generation I ( Early March 2019 - Late June 2019)
Generation II (Early August 2019 - Early November 2019)
Generation III (Mid-November 2019 - Early February 2019)
Generation IV (Early March 2020 - Late July 2020)
Generation V (Early August 2020 - Mid to Late February 2020)
Generation V will be a remake of Generation and will see re-releases of four out of six series; the season ones of Uncontrolled, Legend,... Show more
Generation V Guide
Generation I ( Early March 2019 - Late June 2019)
Generation II (Early August 2019 - Early November 2019)
Generation III (Mid-November 2019 - Early February 2019)
Generation IV (Early March 2020 - Late July 2020)
Generation V (Early August 2020 - Mid to Late February 2020)
Generation V will be a remake of Generation and will see re-releases of four out of six series; the season ones of Uncontrolled, Legend, Troy: Legends of Old, and Terror Hell. These re-releases will be joined by two new series, Eternity and The Knight of Azteca.
Generation V’s Aspects:
Will have 6 series going on within the same time frame
Weekly episodes with a one-week mid-season and two-week post-season break
Will not follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, Generation IV
It will begin sometime in early August and end around early November.
This remake of Generation I won’t have Survival Instincts or Creation on its roster. Instead, these series will not be remade on ‘Multiverse: Collection’.
The release dates of these series will land on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The following generations won’t have a Friday entry, instead, the series will be released on Wednesdays.
Eternity will take the Monday spot (which has been taken by Survival Instincts, The UNDEAD, Archer & Disciple, & Black Hood in the past) and will be in a shared universe as Titan, from Two Page Shorts: Volume III, known as the Tales of Azteca. Eternity follows two people who go by their code names Overseer and Cloak, who meet Violet Mills, a princess that fled from her castle and away from her corrupted family. Cloak doesn’t know it at first, but he begins to develop a crush on her while Overseer wants to stay as far away as they can from Violet, seeing her as their doom. The potential of a war raging out hangs over them between Violet’s family/country and another country, with humanity’s future on the line.
The second series on the Generation V roster is a remake/revamp of Uncontrolled: Season One and will follow the same story with slight differences. The same characters will return as well as the same storyline and ending. Don’t expect many changes to the storyline or any of the other aspects of the series. Uncontrolled follows a pair, a boy and girl, who run into other people that take them along on a mission. Soon the boy begins to leak out a secret, one that the girl tries to hide from the others. A secret about the boy that would cause him to be in constant danger. A life full of danger is something that the girl cannot allow for the boy, even if she has to give her life up.
The third series is a remake/revamp of Legend: Season One and will be the same situation as Uncontrolled; the same characters and storyline with slight differences. Legend is a story about a teenager being summoned into his game monitor and appearing in a castle, being greeted by the king. Ace soon learns that he was summoned to become a bodyguard for the king’s only family, his daughter, Princess Ariana, who he soon finds out is a brat. Legend will take the Thursday spot that it previously took during Generation I. Generation II saw Failed Summoner and Her Weak Summon, Generation III had the second season of Legend on Thursday, and Generation IV had Dust.
Taking the Friday spot, which will only occur for this generation, and will be separated into two miniseries. The first miniseries, Troy: Legends of Old, appeared on Generation I for three episodes (for three weeks). This miniseries will be expanded to four episodes and will take a month to complete, the month of August 2020. The month after Legends of Old finishes, the second miniseries will begin. A revamp of Demon Hunter: Season One, which initially released during October 2019 and remains on the site with a sequel season coming this October 2020 with another sequel season coming during October 2021. The revamp of Demon Hunter will begin and end in September 2020.
Saturday will see a revamp of Terror Hell: Season One that will follow the same storyline and will use the same characters with slight differences. Terror Hell follows a boy named Red (yes, like the color) who witnesses as his gated community is devastated by five meteors that produce five viruses that use people to act as their host, infecting their mind in the meantime. Red soon deals with numerous problems dealing with the remainder of the survivors as they try to figure a way out of the gates and into freedom… unless freedom and safety are not a choice for them.