Hi, Miss Judy! :)
Good day! ^_^
Please help me for my story requirements to be submitted to a publisher because I'm afraid that maybe the publishing house I want to send my manuscript will announce that they will no longer accept any submissions until a certain period.
Please reply.
Hope you can help me please, I really want that publishing house to accept my manuscript and be published by them. I want to send my story samples plus requirements on time before they may eventually announce submissions are closed.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Take care and God bless :)
I've ben in the hospital since last Wednesday, and brought my computer with me, hoping to get some of that done for you. What I didn't anticipate was having a major operation the next day. Unfortunately, I've been dealing with a lot of pain and disorientation.
As soon as I can... Show more
I've ben in the hospital since last Wednesday, and brought my computer with me, hoping to get some of that done for you. What I didn't anticipate was having a major operation the next day. Unfortunately, I've been dealing with a lot of pain and disorientation.
As soon as I can think clearly again, I'll be able to get back into it and send you whatever I've been able to do. I would love to just get it all done at one time and send you the final edit. Sadly, just trying to type these two paragraphs has taken over twenty minutes because I've had to retype them about eight or nine nine times. I've had to retype nearly every word several times each. Pain medication is awful stuff. I'll do my best for you, though, and I thank you for all your patience!
Thank you for replying to my message. I hope and pray you'll get well soon. God bless you Miss Judy. Thank you for making time to edit my story. I appreciate it a lot. Because of you, my story improved a lot, and is now for me a shining gem. Again, God bless and take care always :)