Hi, Duron, It's interesting to make friends across the sea.
you ugly nigga bitch
Trust me, I don't give half a crap what 99% of you underage kids think/say on here. I only friend you all in the hopes that you read my story and maybe expand your mind. Then maybe just maybe, you won't feel the need to post insignificant teenage drivel like this.
As I stated, my friend posted that. I'm 14 and more mature than most 19 year olds I've ever met. Age doesn't necessarily define someone. Btw this is Reese. You should fr if you haven't already, I have a few books posted.
And please disregard the pictures xD they wont change;-;
Thx for accepting my fr
Thanks for adding "Strachan" to your favorites. It used to be called "Dahakoan," but I'm formulating my own version of the Draconic language and changing appropriate words as I go along. ')
Yeah, we've discussed this before. I read it back when it was called Dahakoan.
Thought so, but wasn't sure. A few other did as well, and I couldn't remember if you were one of the people I told about the change. ')
lol which book
Feral something
Feral Heart lol
I'm glad you liked it. I'm currently editing it, and there is a sequel im working on, Cold-Blooded